Retrieve metadata of Nihon eeg files (.PNT, .LOG, .21E, .EEG)

Hi everyone, new user of Brainstorm here!

I've looked around and seen posts on how to open Nihon Kohden files (.EEG) on Brainstorm, and have thus far been successful. However, my folder of Nihon Kohden files also contains .PNT, .LOG, .21E, and many others (but I think these are the important ones?). I wish to eventually write a script to help export all my .EEG files into .EDF files, but I don't know how to do that while retaining the metadata of each file (subject name, date recorded, time, annotations, etc.). Is there a way to incorporate such data in Brainstorm?


You should be able to find software that directly converts from NK file format (EEG+PNT+LOG+21E) to EDF+:

  • The NK software
  • Commercial programs like BESA, Persyst, Curry...
  • EDFBrowser has a menu Tools > Convert Nihon Kohden to EDF+ (but it does not work with the latest NK devices): EDFbrowser

If you want to script this by yourself: