ROI on connectivity measures

Hi everyone!
Any chances to having a way to configure electrodes for NxN connectivity analysis?

I mean, sometimes I need just the interhemispheric measure (eg F3-F4) or to seat an specific pair of electrodes,
That would be very useful, especially on statistical testing

Thanks in advances!!

You can indicate the channels to be used to compute the NxN connectivity metric:


Is this what you meant?


You can do connectivity on combinations of channels by using Montages.

The idea is to create a new recording with the process Standardize > Apply montage
Then, you can just run NxN connectivity on those files

Hi Thanks for your prompt response!
well, the idea is computing specific electrode pairs like: F3-F4, C3-C4, P3-P4, and then be able tu run a permutation test on these data using BST

You can do that:

  1. First create and save a Montage that computes the requested bipolar channels:

  2. Use the process Standardize > Apply montage to create a set of files with that montage

  3. Then you can compute connectivity (e.g correlation) for those signals:

Well, I just tried to run the permutation test (t-paired) on specific electrodes, I set: F7,F8 but then an error warning appeared:

Am I doing anything wrong? When I left that box empty the test runs with no problems, but I wanted to perform the test on specific electrodes

Note: the tested files are connectivity data (Lagged Coherence NxN with 32 electrodes)

Thanks in advances!

Hi @tourette95, check this post:

I see!
thanks for the advice :smiley: