Scout function in PLV calculation

Hi Francois,

I’m sorry for late reply.
I exported the PLV matrix file, then I used following matlab command to read the file on EXCEL.
I would be very happy if you could run this command on your end and check an exported PLV file on EXCEL.


%% File output program
R = bst_memory(‘GetConnectMatrix’, file_name);

Abs = abs®;
low = squeeze(Abs);
delta = low(:,:,1);
theta = low(:,:,2);
alpha = low(:,:,3);
beta = low(:,:,4);
gam = low(:,:,5);
gamh = low(:,:,6); %% this means ‘gamma 2’

Filename = ‘freq_test.xlsx’;
sheet = 1; %% I do not use the delta data, so I used ‘xlswrite’ to from theta to gamh data.
xlswrite(Filename, theta, sheet);
sheet = 2;
xlswrite(Filename, alpha, sheet);
sheet = 3;
xlswrite(Filename, beta, sheet);
sheet = 4;
xlswrite(Filename, gam, sheet);
sheet = 5;
xlswrite(Filename, gamh, sheet);