Select recordings by trial group

File selection can be a slow process. For a subject with 2300 trials (rather typical number) the File->select files->recordings process took 23 seconds to identify all files, and then another 1.3 seconds for Martin's function to select files with ' 1 ' in their name.

This is insanely long, we can improve this I guess...
Do you have removed any tag search from the selection process?
Could you run the Matlab profiler on this search? Write your file selection as a script, add "profile viewer" at the beginning of the script and "profile viewer" at the end. Then please post a screen capture showing what is taking all this time.

Another solution would be to improve Martin's search process so that it also does the initial file selection (it may require an additional option to select the file type?)
@MartinC do you want to work on this?

It would be useful to be able to 'generate a process call' from Martin's search tools without actually running the search. In a complete database of say 20 subjects with thousands of trials each it often takes too long to search just in order to generate the process call.

It could be something like this (clicking on "Process call" would open directly the figure with the script ):

But the current function to generate the script uses an active search (which was already performed).
@MartinC Do you see any easy way to do this?