Sensor cap image

We have a channel file for every subject, with same number and order.

You can find good and bad subject here: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life

Follow below: error message and screen capture


Error using
Error setting property 'CLim' of class 'Axes':
Value must be a 1x2 vector of numeric type in which the second element is larger than the first and may be Inf
Error in figure_topo>UpdateTopoPlot (line 160)
    set(hAxes, 'CLim', CLim);
Error in figure_topo>PlotFigure (line 651)
    UpdateTopoPlot(iDS, iFig);
Error in figure_topo (line 27)
Error in view_topography (line 385)
    isOk = figure_topo('PlotFigure', iDS, iFig, 1);
Error in tree_callbacks>@(h,ev)view_topography(FileName,Modality,'3DSensorCap') (line 2817)
    gui_component('MenuItem', jMenu, [], '3D Sensor cap', IconLoader.ICON_TOPOGRAPHY, [], @(h,ev)view_topography(FileName, Modality, '3DSensorCap'));