Simnibs FEM mesh error

Dear community:

I have been trying to run sample raw dataset from dataset with FEM mesh segmentation.

I am using SIMNIBS version 4.0.1 in Windows 10 because in mac os it is only tested in Catalina not sonoma and I tried in Sonoma and it doesn't work. So my issue is this:

C:\Users\andra\SimNIBS-4.0\simnibs_env\lib\site-packages\simnibs\segmentation\samseg\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide




numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: Matrix is not positive definite

status =





SimNIBS call: charm --forceqform —forcerun Subject 01 path/to/subject_T1.nii

SimNIBS error #1: See command window

I contacted SImNIBS support team. They tried in SimNIBS and everything is ok from their side. They suggested something might be off with MGZ to nii.gz conversion. They also suggested this

I hope there is any quick fix.

Thank you for all the help in advance.

Rene Andrade.

I would really appreciate any answer, please. I have seen this Brainstorm not recognising path or command to SimNIBS 4.0.0 - #7 by Francois.

I assume no quick fix for the moment. Just use charm in windows command prompt and then import the folder to brainstorm.

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@tmedani, could you give a look to this issue?

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