I noticed that sliding the window by 10 msec on a recording, the tPAC results changed drastically. Do you have any ideas as to what could be causing these changes?
(Other randomly selected recordings did not show these changes).
We used the same notch filter as in any other case, also checked the tPAC in 10 s long time windows, and got relatively big differences between the two.
We didn't see any actual event while we look through the two 10 ms long recordings.
I attached a screenshot of the two time windows we checked the tPAC in.
There seems to be a lot of non stationarity going on in the recording, with successions of prolonged spindles, one starting about at the end of the time window. I tried to download the data to have a closer look but this seems to require a WeTransfer account. Can you make it more openly available, please?