sLORETA scouts mirror image of another

Hi there Brainstorm team,
I have the following user scout selected attempting to approximate the location of the right primary auditory cortex (source localisation done with sLORETA). What are the ways to create the exact mirror image of this scout but on the left hemisphere? That is, I would like to be able to make the SAME user scout but just on the opposite left hemisphere.

I've tried copying the selected user scout and just changing "set region" to left but did not work (second photo). Is this possible in any way or would I have to make a separate scout manually?

It is possible with the Project to: Contralateral hemisphere in the Scout menu, this options is available only if: the Subject MRI (or the Default anatomy) were segmented with FreeSurfer and contralateral registration was computed, or

Thank you Raymundo, this works!
However, I've opted to just manually make another scout as the results of Project to: Contralateral hemisphere is shown below and it didn't work well (the left is the projected scout). Not sure why it didn't work so well as the presence of Project to: Contralateral hemisphere option in the Scout menu indicates that FreeSurfer and contralateral registration were completed.