Some problem when use SSP: eyeblink

I convert the mff file into a mat file and import it into the brandform. Later, an error was reported when using SPP: eyeblink to remove the eye electricity. I want to ask what the reason is

Brainstorm supports the EGI .mff format natively, do not convert it to .mat first, just process the .mff file in Brainstorm.

Later, an error was reported when using SPP: eyeblink to remove the eye electricity.

Because no "blink" events where detected previously.

Thanks for your answer, but now I only have mat files.
But from the filtered signal, it is obvious that there is indeed a blink signal, but it is not detected.. It is unclear why

Did you run the Artifacts > Detect eye blinks to generate the blink events?
Note: Check that blink detection is executed on the relevant channels.

Then do Artifacts > SSP: Eye blinks

Thank you very much for your answer. I really forgot to go to the first step. Because my data is an EEG of 128 channels, and does not include VEOG channels, in Artifacts > Detect eye blinks step,I calculated the channels around eyes,

and then the following problems occurred when running SSP.

Your screen capture shows that you have only 3 "blink" events identified in your data, this is not enough for the SSP computation.

Before you try processing your own data, I recommend you start by following the introduction tutorials (at least until #19 for sensor-level analysis, or #23 for source-level). Then follow the tutorial EEG/Epilepsy using the example dataset provided. This last one would explain why you should prefer ICA over SSP for cleaning EEG recordings.