Sources volume and T1 scan overlay missmatch


I've been attempting to overlay the exported source volume from Brainstorm onto the MRI T1 scan using MRICron. Please refer to the attached screenshot for details.

Could you provide guidance on saving and exporting the source volume and the T1 scan from Brainstorm in MNI space ? I observed similar results for the SPM glass and T1 scan overlay.

Thank you.


Was this T1 processed with FreeSurfer?
Are your volume sources in Brainstorm estimated from the FreeSurfer anatomy?
And the volume you used in MRIcron is the original .nii you passed to FreeSurfer for segmentation?

If you export the MRI from Brainstorm as .nii (on Subject’s anatomy, right-click on the MRI > File > Export to file), and overlay the PSD results on it, they should align correctly.