SPM vs Brainstorm: Replicating and exporting

Thanks for your explanation, we understand why the volume approach is getting us only a ribbon of data. We will try to avoid it, else we will have to play with co-registrations and we don't have much expertise concerning that either.

You would have the same problems of coregistration whether you use a surface or volume source estimation... Ribbon or no ribbon should change your processing pipeline, it's just a way of representing the source activity.

Other than the first one, we aren't too sure what these mean as we can't open or read them to investigate more. We'd be very grateful if you could teach us or point us a to recourse with more details.

These are textures in .gii files, one value per vertex in the corresponding cortex mesh. You can open the .gii file with any text editor.
The full specification: NITRC: GIFTI: Tool/Resource Info