Hello all,
We are trying to remove the physiological artifacts (eye blinks and Heart beat) from our MEG data set (we have recorded EOG and ECG). However, when clicking on Artifacts -> SSP Heart beat and selecting compute using exsting projectors. We have an error with "event type cardiac not found". Do we know what we are missing here?
PS Sorry if this is basic but it is our first time running MEG analysis.
Hi @Lysianne,
It seems that either:
- Detect heartbeats was not run before running SSP: Heartbeats, or
- Heartbeat events were detected but a name different from cardiac was used
If it was (2), you can rename the events and run SSP: Heartbeat again
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Oh ! ok that make sense I guess we are in case 1 . I might have missed on the tutorial the section about detecting them ! thank you so much I will check that