SSPs discarded during import of (clean) raw files


I did some cleaning on a raw file, including computing SSPs for eye blinks and heartbeats. Then I filter and resample it, which writes a new (clean) raw file, with SSPs already applied. (Usually I do it the other way around, but this way I can try out different filtering options, while keeping the basic cleaning steps the same.)

The problem is: when I import epochs to BST, the SSP information is not copied over (the ChannelMat.Projector is empty). This information is needed though for computing the sources correctly, because the forward model is changed by those projectors.

Thanks, Peter

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Good catch!

Now fixed:

Hi all,
First I did some cleaning on a raw file using ICA for eye blinks and heartbeats, then I imported cleaned raw files using script ( sFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_data_time', sFiles, [], ...
'subjectname', SubjectNames{1}, ...). In this porcess, I chencked "usessp" option. In this case, Does only SSPs information copy? How about ICA_informax?

The problem is when I import epochs to BST, the ICA information is not copied over. I need this information for computing the sources correctly.


The option "usessp" corresponds in the interface to the checkbox "Use SSP/ICA projectors".
It applies to the data all the linear operators that are selected in the window "Select active projectors" (SSP, ICA, re-referencing...) and keeps them in the newly created channel file, so that they are used during the source estimation.