Statistical test for connectivity evaluate

Hello everyone,
I am working on functional connectivity changes in brain developing from ages 1 to 17yo using EEG signals.
My goal in this study is to extract significant changes in the activity of brain networks using the Schaefer 7 networks atlas.
I have questions:
I imported all Subjects in a protocol and I want to extract the trend of changes as shown below. What statistical test can I use?

Considering that the purpose of my research is not to compare two groups and several groups have been studied, can the statistical method of a single and independent group be useful?

I would be grateful if you could help me
With respect,


Maybe I misunderstood the question but if your goal is just to detect whether there is a statistically significant change in connectivity as a function of age, why not just compute the correlation coefficient between the two variables (connectivity and age)? This would reveal whether there is a significant positive or negative trend over time, whereas a non-significant (or, more appropriately, a small) correlation coefficient would suggest no changes depending on age.

Hope that helps!

All the best,

Thanks for your reply.
I will explain my goal with an example.
I want to check how the DMN activity trend line changes in ages 1 to 17 years.

In the same way, I want to show the rest of 7 functional networks with growing age,
How can I do this in Brainstorm? Can you guide me?

@saeedimanparast, I'm not sure what is the question.

You can perform the approach suggested by @mbrotger with Brainstorm. Compute a proxy metric for the DMN activity (whichever metric you decide) for each of you subjects. Then you can export the files that contain one value per subject, and compute correlation with the age of each Subject.