I have previously calculated the phase-locking value (PLV) with full time resolution in BST via the UI as follows and found some interesting results. However, i wonder if it is possibe to calculate the statistical significance of the PLV (in a single condition) in BST, by comparing to the surrogate PLV distribution of shuffling the time points in the data file? Would it be possible to achieve this by manually shuffling the data and directly calling the bst_connectivity function?
And also, how should I get the statistical significance of the PLV difference between 2 conditions, since the single PLV file with full time resolution is calculated across trials and would not allow to do the permutation test?
Looking forward to your instructions. Thanks a lot !
Unfortunately, this is not an out-of-the-box option in Brainstorm
The shuffling approach sounds right. Regarding using the bst_connectivity function, this function expects files in the Brainstorm database. If you are familiar with Brainstorm scripting, if would make more sense a script that does the following:
Get original files: FilesA
Compute PLV with FilesA across trials
Create a copy of FilesA: FilesCopyA
FOR nShuffles
FOR nFilesCopyA
Shuffle data in iFilesCopyA
Save iFilesCopyA
Compute PLV with FilesCopyA across trials