Surrogate R-peak in Brainstorm

Hello! Is it possible to create surrogate R-peaks in Brainstorm. I came across using this technique as a control analysis for cardiac artifact.

Surrogate R-peaks were created to investigate
whether the differential HEP modulation is time locked to the original
R-peaks. To create surrogate R-peaks that preserve the same interbeat
interval and variability with the original R-peaks, the onset of all the
original R-peaks were randomly shifted by the same amount (a500
500 ms) separately for each stroking period (e.g., 15 stroking periods
for each synchronous and asynchronous condition) and for each subject.
A total of 200 sets of surrogate R-peaks were created. - Park et al. (2016)

No, there is no such method available in Brainstorm.
If you're interested in contributing to software, I'd be glad to help you implement it and distribute it as part of Brainstorm once it's nicely packaged as process/plugin.

To get started with writing a plugin:

The basic information you'd need about data structures and database calls:

Thank you for this. Is the cluster based permutation script (fieldtrip) in Brainstorm available? this will greatly help me in the process. Thanks again!

