The relation between Scouts and brain grid

Dear Morteza,

No problem, could you show what is different from the BrainStorm results. I would program it more or less like following to make it flexible, note that this is just a general structure and many variables are just named a bit arbitrarily :

time = linspace(0,6,6000); %define timebase
sizegain = size(gain); %get sizes of leadfield matrix
Sources = zeros(sizegain(2),length(time)); % make a source matrix
y = sin(2*pi *time); %arbitrary source
vertexlist = [4900,4963,5001,5005,5072,5079,5111] %vertices of interest
for I = 1:length(vertexlist) %signal on every vertex, note that the x,y,z part was omitted for easier code
Sources(vertexlist(I),: ) = y;
SimEEG = Gain * sources; %multiplication

I hope that helps, sorry if my answer is on the long side.

Kind regards,

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