Time Frequency (complex) and projection on default anatomy

The scouts are defined on the default anatomy and comes from FreeSurfer/HCP. The default anatomy I'm using is a fsaverage on which I imported the HCP-MM atlas from Glasser et al., 2016 (A multi-modal parcellation of human cerebral cortex | Nature). Thus everything (registered spheres etc..) are available. However, I don't have the atlas in the individual surfaces.

Everything should work then!
Project your scouts of interest from the template to the individual subjects, and do a ROI-based analysis. Then you don't need to any additional interpolation for the group analysis.

I computed it using the same approach as in the Matti's MNE manual (morphing) and used it to switch from individual to group space by matrix multiplication. Is it computed differently in Brainstorm?

This is described in this tutorial:

If you need additional details, refer to the code of tess_interp_tess2tess.m: