Time Frequency (complex) and projection on default anatomy

Thanks Francois for the fast and precise answer.

My mistake, I include the original scouts now:

3D_Group_analysis_L_A5.tif (183.6 KB)
3D_Group_analysis_L_PBelt.tif (182.3 KB)
3D_Group_analysis_L_STSda.tif (182.2 KB)

I understood that the goal is to distort the scouts to adapt to a new brain shape, I just didn't expect that some vertices would be projected also "outside" of the main scout boundary.
Thanks for suggesting the high resolutions surfaces to get a better idea of the capability of the projection, I didn't think about that.

Yes the goal is also to perform functional analysis using these ROIs, so I appreciate you gave your opinion on the quality of these.
