I finally converted my .poly5 file to .set and when trying to import my .set file to Brainstorm, an error message appears.
I also already created a new protocol and a new subject, but cannot seem to import a raw EEG file to my subject when I click on my file "Sujet1.set"
Here is what the error message says :
Error in in_fopen_eeglab.m
Line 279: in_fopen_eeglab EEGLAB binary file does not exist: C:\my path\Sujet1.fdt
Call stack:
in fopen_eeglab.m at 279
in_fopen.m at 111
import_raw.m at 132
bst_call.m at 28
tree_callbacks.m>@(h,ev)bst_call@import_raw,,,iSubject) at 663