Tsss algorithm and bad channels

Hey all!
I am running tsss from brainstorm. I have already configured python to work with brainstorm, and it seems to run. Thank you.
I just want to make sure the tsss does not include bad channels when running. Meaning, that channels that I defined as bad channels are not passed to the tsss, and that the tsss doesnt include their data when running. Is this the case?
Thank you!

Brainstorm sets the field bads of the Info object with the list of bad channels and then calls the MNE-Python function mne.preprocessing.maxwell_filter:

Whether this is sufficient to exclude completely the bad channels from the tsss computation, I'm not sure...
@Alexandre @Eric89GXL @Luc ?

Indeed adding bad channels to info['bads'] should exclude them from tSSS (and standard SSS) computation. The bad (MEG) channels should then be interpolated by SSS and automatically be removed from info['bads']

I see. OK great, thank you guys !!

Thanks for the confirmation!
Would you recommend we always use the re-interpolated channels, for source estimation for example?
Is it what happens when using MaxFilter (all the bad channels are marked as good)?

Yeah you can, and might as well (we do in MNE-Python) -- it makes things like group studies easier, and shouldn't have much effect on things like inversion (effective data rank stays the same, e.g., < 80 somewhere).