Dear brainstorm expert, I had a problem about reading the file. I could read the files before but recently it won't works in the same data and it shows some errors. Does anyone knows why the files could not read? Is there any bugs in recent update?
Thanks for your helping!
The issue seems related with the montage that is currently selected (Scalp current density), in a context where the electrode positions are probably not defined.
Change the montage back to "All channels", and fix the positions of the electrodes.
Thanks for your reply. The data can read after changing the montage but the data still can not be read by the topographic data no matter in 2D or 3D map. Is that possible the EEGLAB data (.set) can not be read?
Again. Thanks for your helping!
Maybe you didn't set the positions for the electrodes.
If you did, please copy-paste here the full error messages you get in the Matlab Command Window, and include screen captures showing the file(s) in the database, and any other window that may help us understand the problem (e.g. the position of the electrodes on the head, the window you get with the menu "Edit channel file"...)
If you are a new user of Brainstorm, I recommend you start by following the introduction tutorials (section "Get started"), at least until #19 included, and using the example dataset provided, not your own data.
If you are interested in processing EEG, read this tutorial before processing your own recordings: