Variable conductivity of white matter for epilepsy source localization

Dear all,

I am currently going through brainstorm documentation as a tool to localize the epileptogenic zone on sEEG/EcoG. Pr Karas was wondering if one can vary the white matter conductivity in the fibers close to the epileptogenic zone in brainstorm. Indeed, repeated seizures render some tracts more conductive. If it is not yet available in brainstorm and/or DUNeuro, I would like to develop it for our studies. I have experience in developing finite element codes in matlab and C++.

Thank you


Anne-Cecile Lesage, PhD

Research scientist

University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas

Answered by @tmedani over email:

The current implementation does not allow the change of the conductivity from the brainstorm interface/scripts.
However, this can be possible by changing portions of the code and the input files to DUNEuro.

You can do that by using the conductivity tensors defined at each FEM element.
If you can localize the area where you want to change the conductivity,
you can then find the associated FEM element and then change the local conductivity, and then call again the FEM solver.

If you want to try this, I'll have a look on the code and guide you to where you need to change it.

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