Various CAT12 Errors with Different Versions of Matlab + Operating Systems

Ok, I will update the brainstorm version and let you know.

The problem with that, the operation completes without a problem but the small window showing CAT12 operation gets stuck, hence Branstorm gets stuck as if the operation still continues. If you exit the small window, brainstorm still pretends like it is working, which you can tell since the cursor keeps running, however no segmentation files appear under the subject MRI data or anatomy folder in the brainstorm. And most importantly, those files that are created in temporary folder are not carried into the subject-specific folder at the end of the operation, hence if you mistakenly shutdown brainstorm, all those files are gone. This means even though the operation is completed without a problem, since the GUI doesn't pretend as if it finished, it fools you as if it gets stuck and then if you kill brainstorm without copying the files in the temporary folder manually to another location then you loose all the produced files in the temporary folder. So all the work gone for nothing just because of gui sort of misleads you.
This is at least how I am getting with Windows 8 in Matlab 2017, 2018 and 2019 versions when I get int32 error.

So it might worth to report this bit to SPM team as well, so at least they might know the consequence of having that warning message.

I will repeat the problem again, and get a screenshot and report back to this thread if that would help.

thank you

Isil Bilgin