Visualizing sensors on top of cortical activity


I am trying to create a figure showing the sensors on the scalp and the cortical activity underneath in one single figure.

With the following code, I am able to create two separate figures showing what I want:

SurfaceFile = 'ICBM152/tess_cortex_mid_low.mat';
OverlayFile = 'ICBM152/sub-PA03_ses-EEGFNIRS_desc-headmodel_TFR-selection/results_Summed_sensitivities_-_WL1_240228_1526_PA03.mat';

channelFile = 'ICBM152/PA03_sub-PA03_ses-EEGFNIRS_desc-headmodel_TFR-selection/channel_nirsbrs.mat';

[hFig,iFigs,iDSs,iSurfs] = bst_figures('GetFigureWithSurface', SurfaceFile);
view_surface_data(SurfaceFile, OverlayFile,[], hFig,1)

[hFig, iDS, iFig] = view_channels_3d({channelFile}, 'NIRS-BRS', 'scalp', 0, 1);

However, I am not able to combine them into one single figure.

I tried to do this:

[hFig, iDS, iFig] = view_channels_3d({channelFile}, 'NIRS-BRS', 'scalp', 0, 1);
view_surface_data(SurfaceFile, OverlayFile,[], hFig,1) 

But I get the following error:

Error using view_surface_data
Could not display file
on surface "ICBM152/tess_cortex_mid_low.mat"

Also tried:

[hFig, iDS, iFig] = view_channels_3d({channelFile}, 'NIRS-BRS', 'scalp', 0, 1);
[hFig, iDS, iFig] = view_surface(SurfaceFile, 0, [], hFig, 1);
view_surface_data(SurfaceFile, {OverlayFile},'NIRS', hFig,1)

with the same error.

Do you have any idea on how to combine the two figures into a single one?

Thanks a lot,

Edit: i modified view_channels_3d to accept an hFig as input. It worked. Will open a PR, unless you have a better option :slight_smile:

[hFig,iFigs,iDSs,iSurfs] = bst_figures('GetFigureWithSurface', SurfaceFile);

[hFig, iDS, iFig] = view_surface_data(SurfaceFile, OverlayFile, [], hFig, 1);

[hFig, iDS, iFig] = view_surface(ScalpFile, 0, [], hFig, 1);

view_channels_3d({channelFile}, 'NIRS-BRS', 'scalp', 0, 1,hFig);


This functionality is now part of Brainstorm, commit: becab8e

The figure can be plotted with:

hFig  = view_surface_data(SurfaceFile, OverlayFile, [], 'NewFigure', 1);
hFig  = view_channels_3d(channelFile, 'NIRS-BRS', 'scalp', 0, 1, hFig);
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