Volume Model Beginner Questions


I am trying to analyse the activity in some deepbrain structures using a mixed surface/volume model and I came up with a couple of beginner questions:

  1. When computing the sources, the Compute Sources [2016] gives me error, whilst the wMNE in the old Compute Sources works fine, although the constraining properties are not available. They are not available because they have already been defined on the source model right? Is there any problem in using the old menu instead of the 2016 one?

  2. After I have computed the sources, I would like to define some Volume Scouts. When I go to Scouts: New Coordinates and I enter the MRI coordinates of the Inferior Colliculus of my subject, it creates the seed of the scout in a wrong place of my brain. The same happens either if I enter the SCS or the MNI coordinates… I thought it could be a problem with the version of Brainstorm, so I have just updated it with the 19-Jan version and it is still pointing to some wrong areas. Is it a bug or I am just doing something wrong?

Many Thanks,



  1. There is a warning about this issue in the tutorial page about sources: http://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/Tutorials/SourceEstimation
    This is a pending question. Maybe @John_Mosher can share more information?

  2. I fixed a similar bug last week: Possible bug with defining volume scouts using MNI coordinates
    But the version from January 19th should have this update, so it must be something else…
    Is this with a volume or mixed forward model?
    Can you create a scout using the regular interface (button Create scout, on a “MRI 3D” view of the sources)?

If you keep getting the same error, could you please send me an example?

  • Duplicate the subject (right-click on the subject folder > File > Duplicate subject)
  • In the copy, delete all the files that are not needed to reproduce the wrong behavior
  • Right-click on the subject > File > Export subject
  • Upload the the .zip file somewhere (eg. dropbox, google drive…) and send me the link on this forum (in this thread or as a private message)


Hi Francois,

Thanks for the link to the tutorial. I read the warning at the moment I was doing the tutorials, but apparently I had forgotten about it.

Regarding the defining the volume scouts with the MRI coordinates, it is a mixed forward model. I can create the scout without any problem with the regular interface in the MRI 3D view. I will try now with another subject, and if it still not working I will send the subject to you.

Thank you!