WaveClus: problem with cutoff frequency

** Error: [process_spikesorting_waveclus 2] Electrophysiology > Unsupervised Spike Sorting > WaveClus
** Line 64: 错误使用 ellip (第 64 行)
** 截止频率必须在 (0,1) 区间内。
** Call stack:
** >ellip.m at 64
** >spike_detection_filter.m at 13
** >readInData.m>readInData.get_segment at 259
** >Get_spikes.m>get_spikes_single at 182
** >Get_spikes.m at 134
** >process_spikesorting_waveclus 2.m>Run at 169
** >process_spikesorting_waveclus 2.m at 33
** >bst_process.m>Run at 230
** >bst_process.m at 37
** >panel_process1.m>RunProcess at 124
** >panel_process1.m at 26
** >gui_brainstorm.m>CreateWindow/ProcessRun_Callback at 773
** >bst_call.m at 28
** >gui_brainstorm.m>@(h,ev)bst_call(@ProcessRun_Callback) at 297
** File: NewSubject/@raw2021.12.17-O3-2-2-File1/data_0raw_2021.12.17-O3-2-2-File1.mat

@mpompolas Can you please handle this bug report?

@qhm Please add some context to your bug report:

  • Screen capture of your database explorer showing the files you are processing
  • Screen capture of the options window for the process you are running
  • Description of the type of files you are trying to process

Thank you very much for your reply.
The bug report shows:
Incorrect use of ellip (line 64), the cutoff frequency must be in the (0, 1) interval.

When I use waveclus for spike sorting, brainstorm has this error message.The raw data is a pl2 file.

Incorrect use of ellip (line 64), the cutoff frequency must be in the (0, 1) interval.

Just to make sure there is no conflict in your Matlab path for this function ellip, please copy-paste here the output of the command:

which ellip


Have you found the error?
What is the output of which ellip?

I think there is a misunderstanding here.

@qhm please type: which ellip IN MATLAB and copy paste the message you get.

Moreover, can you please tell us:
1. Have you changed any of the default parameters within WaveClus?


2. What is the sampling rate of the raw file you are using?

out put :

It may be related to the sampling frequency during recording.

I haven't changed the default parameters.
The sampling frequency is 1000Hz.

Unfortunately the sampling frequency you have is not adequate to do spike sorting.
Spikes are really fast (around 3 msecs) and with the sampling rate you have the spiking information is no longer present.
Typical raw signals (wideband) are sampled above 20kHz to pick up spikes

This is the sample rate at which the raw data is displayed.
But it is normal when using Offline Sorter for sorting, and there is no error prompt.
So I don't know if it's a recording issue or a program setup issue.

Brainstorm allows you to do spike-sorting only if you have allowed your acquisition system to record in the wideband. The wideband (highly sampled signal) is read and sequentially spike sorted.

You are using a Plexon system that has (probably) done spike-sorting on the fly (kept the spike waveforms), but only saved the LFP signals (these are the 1000 Hz signals you have).

If you do spike-sorting on Plexon's offline sorter you should be able to access your spikes as events in brainstorm when you import your file.

When you display your signals, do you have any events labeled: "Spikes Channel XXX"?

If not, please update brainstorm and try again since we updated the Plexon importer recently.

If you have the spiking events, you can skip the spike-sorting step (provided you are happy with the results from Plexon's offline sorter)

The original data file contains the SPKC channel, which should be a problem with my operation method, and I need to continue to study the tutorial.
Thanks! :微笑: