Weird source dimension

Dear expert,

I want to export the the sources estimated as a nifti file. So I right-clicked on the source file > File > Export as a 4D matrix. Now I have a couple of questions for you:

  1. I set the Volume downsample to 1, and I expected to have a 256x256x256 volume (since the MRI volume I imported in the Brainstorm has this dimension). However I ended up to have a volume with the following dimension 138x177x118. Any idea of why?

  2. How can i export a 4d instead of a 3d volume. I click on the button "keep time dimension (4d volume) but I got the following error

Screen Shot 2020-05-23 at 15.15.09

Thanks in advance

However I ended up to have a volume with the following dimension 138x177x118. Any idea of why?

All the empty voxels are removed by default.
Uncheck the option "Cut empty slices" if you want a volume that has the same dimensions as the T1 MRI.

How can i export a 4d instead of a 3d volume. I click on the button "keep time dimension (4d volume) but I got the following error

This is because there are incompatible options selected.
I made the error message more clear, it now says:
Incompatible options: "Save all the trials in one file" and "Keep time dimension".

I also added a test so that the option "Save all the trials in one file" does not bother you if there is only one file in input.
Update Brainstorm to get these two fixes.

Keep in mind that converting from surface to volume, you jump from 15000 values to over 16 millions. The source values are interpolated over all the volume, introducing a massive amount of linear mixing and useless values. Hence the default parameter for volume downsampling > 1.