World coordinates
Coordinates system used in the original MRI file, that was loaded as the reference MRI for a subject.
So if I used the Freesurfer result, I saw it automatically imported T1.mgz, we know that this file is in Surface RAS coordinates, which means the center is (almost) in the center of the (256 x 256 x 256 1mm) MRI. In this case, the world coordinate equals the Surface RAS(also called tkras)?
The vox2ras transformation is loaded from the .mgz files here:
When reading FreeSurfer .mgz files from the menu Import anatomy folder, a transformation is applied to the MRI (and the vox2ras matrix) to save the volume in a standard Brainstorm orientation:
I'm not sure how this translates into the FreeSurfer vocabulary. Since the surfaces are saved in a coordinate system that is very easy to relate to the MRI volume (without requiring the use of this vox2ras transformation), we never get back to the original FreeSurfer scanner-based coordinates.
If you doubt about the correspondence of coordinate systems, display the volume with the FreeSurfer tools and with the Brainstorm MRI viewer, and verify that you get the same coordinates for a few easy-to-identify voxels.