Yokogawa headpoints / head surface / helmet coregistration

it seems that the naming comes from the function you refer to (in_fopen_kit):

        % Compute transformation: Digitizer => MEG device
        [R,T] = rot3dfit(xyzDig(:,4:end)', xyzMeg');
        R = R'; 
        T = T';
        % Report in 4x4 format
        header.digitize.info.digitizer2meg = [R, T; 0 0 0 1];
        header.digitize.info.meg2digitizer = inv(header.digitize.info.digitizer2meg);
        header.digitize.info.done = 1;
        % Add the position of the digitized points to the header
        nPoints = size(xyzDig,2) + size(xyzHs,2);
        cellPos = num2cell([xyzDig, xyzHs]);
        cellLab = cat(2, {'fidnz', 'fidt9', 'fidt10', 'LPA', 'RPA', 'CPF', 'LPF', 'RPF'}, repmat({'hs'}, 1, size(xyzHs,2)));
        header.digitize.point = repmat(struct('name', '', 'x', [0 0 0], 'y', [0 0 0], 'z', [0 0 0]), [1,nPoints]);
        [header.digitize.point.x] = deal(cellPos{1,:});
        [header.digitize.point.y] = deal(cellPos{2,:});
        [header.digitize.point.z] = deal(cellPos{3,:});
        [header.digitize.point.name] = deal(cellLab{:});

But it makes me wondering what makes them different from LPA and RPA? why are these ones used to correspond to the MRI defined (blue) fiducials rather than the LPA/RPA ones?