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== Statistics == | == Software statistics: Januray 2022 == Number of user accounts registered on the website: '''34,179''' {{attachment:users.png||width="700"}} Number of software downloads per month: (average 2020 = '''1500/month''') {{attachment:download.png||width="700"}} Number of messages posted on the forum: '''41,448''' {{attachment:posts.png||width="700"}} Number of peer-reviewed articles and book chapters published using Brainstorm: '''2034''' {{attachment:publications.png||width="700"}} == Brainstorm global community == {{attachment:world_users_2020.gif|world_sessions.png}} Source: Google Analytics / Number of unique users visiting the website (Jan 1st, 2020 - Jan 1st, 2021) |
Brainstorm user community
Connect with other users
Ask questions and report bugs: http://neuroimage.usc.edu/forums
Contact the developers: brainstorm@sipi.usc.edu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/brainstorm2day
Software statistics: Januray 2022
Number of user accounts registered on the website: 34,179
Number of software downloads per month: (average 2020 = 1500/month)
Number of messages posted on the forum: 41,448
Number of peer-reviewed articles and book chapters published using Brainstorm: 2034
Brainstorm global community
Source: Google Analytics / Number of unique users visiting the website (Jan 1st, 2020 - Jan 1st, 2021)