Tutorial 28: Scripting

Authors: Francois Tadel, Elizabeth Bock, Matthias Sure, Sylvain Baillet

The previous tutorials explained how to use Brainstorm in an interactive way to process one subject with two acquisition runs. In the context of a typical neuroimaging study, you may have tens or hundreds of subjects to process in the same way, it is unrealistic to do everything manually. Some parts of the analysis can be processed in batches with no direct supervision, others require more attention. This tutorial introduces tools and tricks that will help you assemble an efficient analysis pipeline.

Warning: Never call clear, clear functions, clear classes or clear all while Brainstorm is running. It will clear variables, functions and classes that are needed by Brainstorm..

Starting a new script

The easiest way to get started with a new Brainstorm script is to use the script generator, already introduced in the tutorial Select files and run processes. Select some files in the Process1 or Process2 tabs, select a list of processes, and use the menu Generate .m script. The example below should work with the protocol "TutorialIntroduction" created during the introduction tutorials.

Line by line: Header

% Script generated by Brainstorm (19-Jul-2016)

All the lines starting with a "%" are comments, they are never executed.

% Input files
sFiles = [];
SubjectNames = {...

These lines define the script inputs:

% Start a new report
bst_report('Start', sFiles);

Starts a new report of activity: Clears all the previous logs and gets ready to record new messages. The report will collect all the messages that are generated during the execution of the script by the various processes. You can explicitly add screen captures and additional messages to the current report with the function bst_report. This report will remain open until the function bst_report('Start') is called again. To display the current report, use the menu File > Report viewer.

The syntax function_name('SubFunction', arguments) is used a lot in Brainstorm: it calls a subfunction available inside a .m file. This line above calls the function Start() in the file brainstorm3/toolbox/process/bst_report.m. This is made possible with the use of the short script "macro_method". Many of the Brainstorm .m files are actually libraries of functions, rather than simple "scripts" or "functions".

Line by line: Body

% Process: Select data files in: Subject01/*/Avg: deviant
sFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', sFiles, [], ...
    'subjectname',   SubjectNames{1}, ...
    'condition',     '', ...
    'tag',           'Avg: deviant', ...
    'includebad',    0, ...
    'includeintra',  0, ...
    'includecommon', 0);

% Process: Low-pass:30Hz
sFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_bandpass', sFiles, [], ...
    'sensortypes', 'MEG', ...
    'highpass',    0, ...
    'lowpass',     30, ...
    'attenuation', 'strict', ...  % 60dB
    'mirror',      0, ...
    'useold',      0, ...
    'overwrite',   0);

% Process: Snapshot: Recordings time series
sFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFiles, [], ...
    'target',         5, ...  % Recordings time series
    'modality',       1, ...  % MEG (All)
    'orient',         4, ...  % bottom
    'time',           0.11, ...
    'contact_time',   [0, 0.1], ...
    'contact_nimage', 12, ...
    'threshold',      20, ...
    'Comment',        'Run');

You will find one block per process you selected in the pipeline editor. They all have the same syntax:
output_files = bst_process('CallProcess', process_name, input_files_A, input_files_B, options_list);

% Save and display report
ReportFile = bst_report('Save', sFiles);

Closes the current report and saves it in the user report folder ($HOME/.brainstorm/reports). These reports are in .mat format and contain all the information necessary to re-run the execution exactly in the same way, but they are not easy to read.

The parameter "sFiles" is optional, it indicates what are the files that are considered as the final results of the script. You can remove it without breaking your script: ReportFile = bst_report('Save');

bst_report('Open', ReportFile);

Opens the report viewer to display what happened during the execution. This is equivalent to using the menu File > Report viewer. You can comment this line (ie. add a "%" at the beginning of the line) if you don't want to show the report at the end of the execution.

% bst_report('Export', ReportFile, ExportDir);

This function exports the report in readable format, as an HTML file that includes all the screen captures embedded in it. It is disabled by default. If you want to use this feature: remove the "%" at the beginning of the line, and define the variable ExportDir.

ExportDir must be a string that defines where to save the HTML report. It can be either the absolute path to a HTML file (eg. 'C:\Users\myuser\Documents\report_example.html') or just a folder (eg. 'C:\Users\myuser\Documents'). If you enter only a path to a folder, a default file name including the protocol name and a date tag is generated (report_ProtocolName_YYMMDD_HHMMSS.html).

% bst_report('Email', ReportFile, username, to, subject, isFullReport);

Sends the report by email, as explained in this later section: Send report by email.

% gui_brainstorm('EmptyTempFolder');

Delete all the files in the Brainstorm temporary folder.

Simplify the calls

The script you generated is like any Matlab script: you can edit it, rename the variables, add tests and loops, etc. The first important thing to understand is how to edit the options and change the inputs/outputs. The script generator uses only one variable for all the file lists (sFiles) and the output process is always the input of the following process. This is usually too restrictive to write a full analysis script: we commonly need to have multiple lists of files or to run two different operations on the same file.

Let's consider the first process call, which selects the averages for the Deviant condition in both runs.

sFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', sFiles, [], ...
    'subjectname',   SubjectNames{1}, ...
    'condition',     '', ...
    'tag',           'Avg: deviant', ...
    'includebad',    0, ...
    'includeintra',  0, ...
    'includecommon', 0);

There is no need to set the parameter sFiles, because there is no input, you can replace it with an empty matrix []. You can therefore remove the line "sFiles = [];". We can also rename the output variable "sAvgData", to be more specific.

sAvgData = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', [], [], ...

You can omit all the options that are not defined, not used, or kept to their default values:

sAvgData = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', [], [], ...
    'subjectname',   SubjectNames{1}, ...
    'tag',           'Avg: deviant');

Edit the call to the low-pass filter: Change the input to sAvgData and the output to sAvgDataLow, this way you will be able to keep track of the two files if you need to use them independently later.

sAvgDataLow = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_bandpass', sAvgData, [], ...
    'sensortypes', 'MEG', ...
    'highpass',    0, ...
    'lowpass',     30, ...
    'attenuation', 'strict');   % 60dB

Edit the call to the snapshot process: Change the input to sAvgDataLow, and remove the output parameter (we are not expecting any output file from it).

bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sAvgDataLow, [], ...
    'target',   5, ...  % Recordings time series
    'modality', 1);     % MEG (All)

Replace the last lines with the following code, in order to export the report instead of opening in the report viewer (edit the file path to point at your own user folder instead).

ReportFile = bst_report('Save');
bst_report('Export', ReportFile, 'C:\Users\myuser\Documents\report_test.html');

Evaluate in Matlab

Select the code for the first process in the Matlab editor, right-click > Evaluate selection (or press F9).


If you haven't executed your script yet, you will get the following error in the Matlab command window:

Undefined variable "SubjectNames" or class "SubjectNames".

The variable SubjectNames is not defined yet: Execute the first lines "SubjectNames = {'Subject01'}", then try again. You should now have a new variable in your Matlab workspace, which points at the two average files. Type "sAvgData(1)" in your command window to display the first element:

>> sAvgData(1)
ans =
          iStudy: 6
           iItem: 1
        FileName: '..._01_600Hz_notch/data_deviant_average_160513_1329.mat'
        FileType: 'data'
         Comment: 'Avg: deviant (39 files)'
       Condition: 'S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz_notch'
     SubjectFile: 'Subject01/brainstormsubject.mat'
     SubjectName: 'Subject01'
        DataFile: ''
     ChannelFile: 'Subject01/S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz_notch/channel_ctf_acc1.mat'
    ChannelTypes: {'ADC A'  'ADC V'  'DAC'  'ECG'  'EOG'  'MEG'  'MEG REF' ...}

The field "sAvgData(1).FileName" contains the relative path to the to the Deviant average in the first run. This structure sAvgData contains also a lot of information that can be helpful in your script:

Naming conventions

To help you navigate in the Brainstorm code, here are some naming conventions:

Running the script

The simplified script looks like this:

% Input files
SubjectNames = {'Subject01'};
% Start a new report

% Process: Select data files in: Subject01/*/Avg: deviant
sAvgData = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', [], [], ...
    'subjectname',   SubjectNames{1}, ...
    'tag',           'Avg: deviant');
% Process: Low-pass:30Hz
sAvgDataLow = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_bandpass', sAvgData, [], ...
    'sensortypes', 'MEG', ...
    'highpass',    0, ...
    'lowpass',     30, ...
    'attenuation', 'strict');  % 60dB
% Process: Snapshot: Recordings time series
bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sAvgDataLow, [], ...
    'target',   5, ...  % Recordings time series
    'modality', 1);     % MEG (All)

% Save and display report
ReportFile = bst_report('Save');
bst_report('Export', ReportFile, 'C:\Users\franc\Documents\report_test.html');

You have three ways to execute it:

At the end of the execution, nothing happens, because we indicated we wanted to export the report instead of opening it. To check out the report of execution: use the menu File > Report viewer from the Brainstorm window, or open the file report_test.html that was saved somewhere on your computer.

In this page, you can review everything that happened in the script: when it was executed, how long it took, what are the processes that were executed, some additional messages (two files were selected with the first process) and the screen captures taken by process_snapshot.

Running the script again

If you execute the script again, it will not behave as expected anymore. The selection process we used assumes that there is only one file per folder with a name that includes "Avg: deviant". This is not the case anymore after the execution, because the low-pass filtered files also contain the same string. The execution of the first process of the script now returns 4 files.

>> sAvgData = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', [], [], ...
    'subjectname',   SubjectNames{1}, ...
    'tag',           'Avg: deviant')

sAvgData =
1x4 struct array with fields:

In order to exclude the low-pass filtered files from this selection, you can add another process that will refine the selection. Use the script generator again to create a template call for another process, then copy-paste it in your script.

Now the file selection part of your script should look like this, and should return only two files:

% Process: Select data files in: Subject01/*/Avg: Deviant
sAvgData = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', [], [], ...
    'subjectname',   SubjectNames{1}, ...
    'tag',           'Avg: deviant');
% Process: Ignore file names with tag: low
sAvgData = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_tag', sAvgData, [], ...
    'tag',    'low', ...
    'search', 2, ...  % Search the file names
    'select', 2);  % Ignore the files with the tag

With this last modification, your script is more robust. It can be executed multiple times without completely changing its behavior. When you are fetching files from the database using tags or file names, always pay attention to this aspect: the database grows and the further you go, the more specific your requests have to be.

A good practice can be to tag explicitly the output files your script generates if you need to fetch them later. You can use the process File > Add tag and File > Set name.

Starting Brainstorm

Brainstorm must be running in the background for these scripts to run properly. The interface doesn't have to be visible on the screen, but the database engine must be running for processing requests. At the beginning of your script, you can explicitly start or restart Brainstorm.

If you want to start Brainstorm only if it is not already running, you can use the following code:

if ~brainstorm('status')
    brainstorm nogui

To select a specific protocol at the beginning of your script:

ProtocolName = 'TutorialIntroduction';
% Get the protocol index
iProtocol = bst_get('Protocol', ProtocolName);
if isempty(iProtocol)
    error(['Unknown protocol: ' ProtocolName]);
% Select the current procotol
gui_brainstorm('SetCurrentProtocol', iProtocol);

To delete the protocol and start over:

% Delete existing protocol
gui_brainstorm('DeleteProtocol', ProtocolName);
% Create new protocol
gui_brainstorm('CreateProtocol', ProtocolName, 0, 0);

Additional command line options:

brainstorm stop      % Quit Brainstorm
brainstorm update    % Download and install latest Brainstorm update (see bst_update)
brainstorm reset     % Re-initialize Brainstorm database and preferences
brainstorm digitize  % Digitize electrodes positions and head shape using a Polhemus
brainstorm setpath   % Add Brainstorm subdirectories to current path
brainstorm info      % Open Brainstorm website
brainstorm forum     % Open Brainstorm forum
brainstorm license   % Display license

Database requests

The functions bst_get and bst_set allow you to query the database, access the configuration of the software and modify some display parameters. The complete reference documentation of these functions is included directly in their code (brainstorm3/toolbox/core/bst_get.m and bst_set.m).

Let's start with a few simple examples:

>> ProtocolInfo = bst_get('ProtocolInfo')  % Configuration of the current protocol
ProtocolInfo =
              Comment: 'TutorialIntroduction'
              STUDIES: 'C:\Work\Protocols\TutorialIntroduction\data'
             SUBJECTS: 'C:\Work\Protocols\TutorialIntroduction\anat'
               iStudy: 6
       UseDefaultAnat: 0
    UseDefaultChannel: 0

>> isGUI = bst_get('isGUI')   % Is the Brainstorm interface displayed (0=no, 1=yes)

>> bst_set('FlipYAxis', 1)                 % New figures will have the Y axis flipped
>> bst_set('TSDisplayMode', 'butterfly')   % New figures will use a "butterfly" view

To reference the files in the database, each protocol is subdivided in Subjects (the "anat" folder, containing the MRI, surfaces and atlases) and Studies (the "data" folder, including the recordings, channel files and all the analyses). Each Study corresponds to a sub-folder (eg. protocol/data/subject01/run01/), and is attached to only one subject.

Subjects and Studies are referenced in the protocol with a unique index, most of the time kept in variables named iSubject and iStudy. The files available in them are also referenced with indices, with variables such as iAnatomy, iSurface, iData, iHeadModel, iResults or iTimefreq. You can see the indices in the database explorer by hovering your mouse over the nodes files and folders:


Example: Getting the study structure from the variable sAvgData, defined in the script:

>> sAvgData(1)
ans =
          iStudy: 6
           iItem: 1

>> sStudy = bst_get('Study', sAvgData(1).iStudy)   % Get study struct with its index
sStudy =
                 Name: 'S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz_notch'
             FileName: 'Subject01/S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz_notch/brainstormstudy.mat'
          DateOfStudy: '13-May-2016'
    BrainStormSubject: 'Subject01/brainstormsubject.mat'   % Subject filename
            Condition: {'S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz_notch'} % Name of the folder
              Channel: [1x1 struct]       % Channel file
             iChannel: []                 % Not used anymore
                 Data: [1x242 struct]     % List of "data" files in the folder
            HeadModel: [1x1 struct]       % List of head models in the folder
           iHeadModel: 1                  % Default head model (file in green)
               Result: [1x244 struct]     % List of source files and links
                 Stat: [1x0 struct]       % List of statistical results
                Image: [0x0 struct]       % List of images
             NoiseCov: [1x2 struct]       % Noise(1) and data(2) covariance files
              Dipoles: [0x0 struct]       % List of dipole files in the folder
             Timefreq: [1x247 struct]     % List of time-frequency files
               Matrix: [0x0 struct]       % List of "matrix" files in the folder

Example: Getting the data structure.

% Get the structure representing the file from sStudy
>> sData = sStudy.Data(sAvgData(1).iItem)
sData =
    FileName: '..._01_600Hz_notch/data_deviant_average_160513_1329.mat'
     Comment: 'Avg: deviant (39 files)'    % File name
    DataType: 'recordings'                 % Type of data in the file
    BadTrial: 0                            % If 1, the trial is marked as bad

Example: Getting the subject structure.

% Get subject structure from filename (lists the files in the subject folder)
>> sSubject = bst_get('Subject', sStudy.BrainStormSubject)
sSubject =
                 Name: 'Subject01'    % Subject name, same as folder name
             Comments: ''             % Not used much
             FileName: 'Subject01/brainstormsubject.mat'
    DateOfAcquisition: ''             % Not used anymore
              Anatomy: [1x1 struct]   % List of MRI volumes
              Surface: [1x9 struct]   % List of surfaces
             iAnatomy: 1              % Index of default MRI
               iScalp: 9              % Index of default head surface
              iCortex: 4              % Index of default cortex surface
          iInnerSkull: []             % Index of default inner skull surface
          iOuterSkull: []             % Index of default outer skull surface
               iOther: []             % Not used anymore
       UseDefaultAnat: 0        % If 1: Use the default anatomy
    UseDefaultChannel: 0        % 0=one/folder, 1=one/subject, 2=one global

Example: Getting the study structure and data index from a file name.

>> DataFile = sAvgData(1).FileName
DataFile =

>> [sStudy, iStudy, iData] = bst_get('DataFile', DataFile)
sStudy =
                 Name: 'S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz_notch'
             FileName: '..._01_600Hz_notch/brainstormstudy.mat'
          DateOfStudy: '13-May-2016'
    BrainStormSubject: 'Subject01/brainstormsubject.mat'
            Condition: {'S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz_notch'}
              Channel: [1x1 struct]
             iChannel: []
                 Data: [1x242 struct]
            HeadModel: [1x1 struct]
           iHeadModel: 1
               Result: [1x244 struct]
                 Stat: [1x0 struct]
                Image: [0x0 struct]
             NoiseCov: [1x2 struct]
              Dipoles: [0x0 struct]
             Timefreq: [1x247 struct]
               Matrix: [0x0 struct]
iStudy =
iData =

Many other options are available for searching files in the database with bst_get. We cannot list them all in this page, but you can refer to the code of bst_get.m for more information.

1 function [argout1, argout2, argout3, argout4, argout5] = bst_get( varargin ) 2 % BST_GET: Get a Brainstorm structure. 3 % This function is used to abstract the way that these structures are stored. 4 % 5 % USAGE : 6 % ====== DIRECTORIES ================================================================== 7 % - bst_get('UserDir') : User home directory 8 % - bst_get('BrainstormHomeDir') : Application directory of brainstorm 9 % - bst_get('BrainstormUserDir') : User home directory for brainstorm (<home>/.brainstorm/) 10 % - bst_get('BrainstormTmpDir') : User brainstorm temporary directory (Default: <home>/.brainstorm/tmp/) 11 % - bst_get('BrainstormTmpDir', isForcedDefault=0, SubDir=[]) : User DEFAULT brainstorm temporary directory (<home>/.brainstorm/tmp/SubDir) 12 % - bst_get('BrainstormDocDir') : Doc folder folder of the Brainstorm distribution (may vary in compiled versions) 13 % - bst_get('BrainstormDefaultsDir') : Defaults folder of the Brainstorm distribution (may vary in compiled versions) 14 % - bst_get('UserReportsDir') : User reports directory (<home>/.brainstorm/reports/) 15 % - bst_get('UserMexDir') : User temporary directory (<home>/.brainstorm/mex/) 16 % - bst_get('UserProcessDir') : User custom processes directory (<home>/.brainstorm/process/) 17 % - bst_get('UserDefaultsDir') : User defaults directory (<home>/.brainstorm/defaults/) 18 % - bst_get('UserPluginsDir') : User plugins directory (brainstorm3/plugins/ if it exists, otherwise <home>/.brainstorm/plugins/) 19 % - bst_get('BrainstormDbFile') : User brainstorm.mat file (<home>/.brainstorm/brainstorm.mat) 20 % - bst_get('BrainstormDbDir') : User database directory (contains all the brainstorm protocols) 21 % - bst_get('DirDefaultSubject') : Directory name of the default subject 22 % - bst_get('DirDefaultStudy') : Directory name of the default study for each subject 23 % - bst_get('DirAnalysisInter') : Directory name of the inter-subject analysis study 24 % - bst_get('DirAnalysisIntra') : Directory name of the intra-subject analysis study (for each subject) 25 % - bst_get('AnatomyDefaults') : Get the contents of directory bstDir/defaults/anatomy 26 % - bst_get('MniAtlasDefaults') : Get the contents of directory bstDir/defaults/mniatlas 27 % - bst_get('EegDefaults') : Get the contents of directory bstDir/defaults/eeg 28 % - bst_get('LastUsedDirs') : Structure with all the last used directories (last used) 29 % - bst_get('OsType', isMatlab=1) : Get a string that describes the operating system (if isMatlab=1 return the Matlab/JVM platform, else return the real host system) 30 % - bst_get('FileFilters', DataType) : Get the list of import filters for a specific data type 31 % - bst_get('PluginCustomPath') : Full custom path to all plugins 32 % - bst_get('BrainSuiteDir') : Full path to a local installation of BrainSuite 33 % - bst_get('SpmTpmAtlas') : Full path to the SPM atlas TPM.nii 34 % - bst_get('PythonExe') : Path to the python executable 35 % 36 % ====== PROTOCOLS ==================================================================== 37 % - bst_get('iProtocol') : Indice of current protocol 38 % - bst_get('Protocol', ProtocolName): Return the indice of the protocol ProtocolName, or [] if it doesn't exist 39 % - bst_get('ProtocolInfo') : Definition structure for current protocol 40 % - bst_get('ProtocolSubjects') : Subjects list for current protocol 41 % - bst_get('ProtocolStudies') : Studies list for current protocol 42 % - bst_get('isProtocolLoaded') : 1 if the protocol has been loaded, 0 else 43 % - bst_get('isProtocolModified') : 1 if the protocol has been modified, 0 else 44 % 45 % ====== STUDIES ====================================================================== 46 % - bst_get('Study', StudyFileName) : Get one study in current protocol with its file name 47 % - bst_get('Study', iStudies) : Get one or more studies 48 % - bst_get('Study') : Get current study in current protocol 49 % - bst_get('StudyCount') : Get number of studies in the current protocol 50 % - bst_get('StudyWithSubject', SubjectFile) : Find studies associated with a given subject file (WITHOUT the system studies ('intra_subject', 'default_study')) 51 % - bst_get('StudyWithSubject', ..., 'intra_subject') : Find studies ... INCLUDING 'intra_subject' study 52 % - bst_get('StudyWithSubject', ..., 'default_study') : Find studies ... INCLUDING 'default_study' study 53 % - bst_get('StudyWithCondition', ConditionPath) : Find studies for a given condition path 54 % - bst_get('ChannelStudiesWithSubject', iSubjects) : Get all the studies where there should be a channel file for a list of subjects 55 % - bst_get('AnalysisIntraStudy', iSubject) : Get the default analysis study for target subject 56 % - bst_get('AnalysisInterStudy') : Get the default analysis study for inter-subject analysis 57 % - bst_get('DefaultStudy', iSubject) : Get the default study for target subject (by subject indice) 58 % - bst_get('DefaultStudy') : Get the global default study (common to all subjects) 59 % - bst_get('DefaultStudy', SubjectFile) : Get the default study for target subject (by filename) 60 % - bst_get('ChannelFile', ChannelFile) : Find a channel file in current protocol 61 % - bst_get('ChannelFileForStudy', StudyFile/DataFile) : Find a channel file in current protocol 62 % - bst_get('ChannelForStudy', iStudies) : Return current Channel struct for target study 63 % - bst_get('ChannelModalities', ChannelFile) : Return displayable modalities for a Channel file 64 % - bst_get('ChannelModalities', DataFile) : Return displayable modalities for a Data/Results/Timefreq... file 65 % - bst_get('ChannelDevice', ChannelFile) : Return acquisistion device for a channel file 66 % - bst_get('TimefreqDisplayModalities', TfFile) : Get displayable modalities for a TF file based on recordings 67 % - bst_get('HeadModelForStudy', iStudy) : Return current HeadModel struct for target study 68 % - bst_get('HeadModelFile', HeadModelFile) : Find a HeadModel file in current protocol 69 % - bst_get('HeadModelFile', HeadModelFile, iStudies): Find a HeadModel file in current protocol 70 % - bst_get('NoiseCovFile', NoiseCovFile) : Find a noise covariance file file in current protocol 71 % - bst_get('NoiseCovFile', NoiseCovFile, iStudies) : Find a noise covariance file in current protocol 72 % - bst_get('NoiseCovFile', DataCovFile) : Find a data covariance file file in current protocol 73 % - bst_get('NoiseCovFile', DataCovFile, iStudies) : Find a data covariance file file in current protocol 74 % - bst_get('DataFile', DataFile) : Find a DataFile in current protocol 75 % - bst_get('DataFile', DataFile, iStudies) : Find a DataFile in current protocol 76 % - bst_get('DataForDataList', iStudy, DataListName) : Find all the DataFiles grouped by a data list 77 % - bst_get('DataForStudy', iStudy) : Find all the Data files that are dependent on the channel/headmodel of a given study 78 % - bst_get('DataForStudies', iStudies) 79 % - bst_get('DataForChannelFile', ChannelFile) : Find all the DataFiles that use the given ChannelFile 80 % - bst_get('ResultsFile', ResultsFile) : Find a ResultsFile in current protocol 81 % - bst_get('ResultsFile', ResultsFile, iStudies) : Find a ResultsFile in input studies 82 % - bst_get('ResultsForDataFile', DataFile, iStudies): Find all results computed based on DataFile 83 % - bst_get('StatFile', StatFile) : Find a StatFile in current protocol 84 % - bst_get('StatFile', StatFile, iStudies) : Find a StatFile in input studies 85 % - bst_get('StatForDataFile', DataFile, iStudies) 86 % - bst_get('StatForDataFile', DataFile) 87 % - bst_get('TimefreqFile', TimefreqFile) 88 % - bst_get('TimefreqFile', TimefreqFile, iStudies) 89 % - bst_get('TimefreqForFile', FileName, iStudies) : Find all timefreq files computed based on target file 90 % - bst_get('TimefreqForKernel', KernelFile) 91 % - bst_get('DipolesFile', DipolesFile) 92 % - bst_get('DipolesFile', DipolesFile, iStudies) 93 % - bst_get('DipolesForFile', FileName, iStudies) : Find all dipoles files computed based on target file 94 % - bst_get('DipolesForKernel', KernelFile) 95 % - bst_get('MatrixFile', MatrixFile) 96 % - bst_get('MatrixFile', MatrixFile, iStudies) 97 % - bst_get('MatrixForMatrixList', iStudy, MatrixListName) 98 % - bst_get('AnyFile', AnyFile) 99 % - bst_get('AnyFile', AnyFile, iStudies) 100 % - bst_get('RelatedDataFile', FileName) 101 % - bst_get('RelatedDataFile', FileName, iStudies) 102 % - bst_get('GetFilenames') 103 % 104 % ====== SUBJECTS ====================================================================== 105 % - bst_get('Subject', SubjectFileName, isRaw) : Find a subject in current protocol with its file name 106 % - bst_get('Subject', SubjectName, isRaw) : Find a subject in current protocol with its name 107 % - bst_get('Subject', iSubject) : Get a subject (normal or default if iSubject==0) 108 % - bst_get('Subject') : Get current subject in current protocol 109 % - bst_get('SubjectCount') : Get number of studies in the current protocol 110 % - bst_get('NormalizedSubjectName') : Name of the subject with a normalized anatomy 111 % - bst_get('NormalizedSubject') : Get group analysis subject for the current protocol 112 % - bst_get('ConditionsForSubject', SubjectFile) : Find all conditions for a given subject 113 % - bst_get('SurfaceFile', SurfaceFile) : Find a surface in current protocol 114 % - bst_get('SurfaceFileByType', iSubject, SurfaceType) : Find surfaces with given type for subject #i (default only) 115 % - bst_get('SurfaceFileByType', SubjectFile, SurfaceType) : Find surfaces with given type for subject SubjectFile (default only) 116 % - bst_get('SurfaceFileByType', SurfaceName, SurfaceType) : Find surfaces with given type for subject that also has surface SurfaceName (default only) 117 % - bst_get('SurfaceFileByType', MriName, SurfaceType) : Find surfaces with given type for subject that also has MRI MriName (default only) 118 % - bst_get('SurfaceFileByType', ..., ..., isDefaultOnly) : If 0, return all the surfaces of the given type, instead of only the default surface 119 % - bst_get('MriFile', MriFile) : Find a MRI in current protocol 120 % 121 % ====== GUI ================================================================= 122 % - bst_get('BstControls') : Return main Brainstorm GUI structure 123 % - bst_get('BstFrame') : Return main Brainstorm JFrame 124 % - bst_get('isGUI') : Return 1 if the Brainstorm interface is displayed 125 % - bst_get('GuiLevel') : Return GUI level: -1=server, 0=nogui, 1=normal, 2=autopilot 126 % - bst_get('ScreenDef') : Get screens configuration 127 % - bst_get('DecorationSize') : Get dimensions of the windows decorations 128 % - bst_get('Layout') : Configuration of the main Brainstorm window 129 % - bst_get('Layout', prop) : Get one property in the layout properties 130 % - bst_get('PanelContainer') : Display list of registered panel containers 131 % - bst_get('PanelContainer', ContainerName) : Get a panel container handle 132 % - bst_get('Panel') : Display list of registered panels 133 % - bst_get('Panel', PanelName) : Find a panel with its name 134 % - bst_get('PanelControls', PanelName) : Get the controls of a panel 135 % - bst_get('Clipboard') : Nodes that were copied from the interface 136 % - bst_get('FigFont') : Standard font size displayed in the figures 137 % - bst_get('Font') : Create a Java font, scaled for the operating system 138 % 139 % ====== CONFIGURATION ================================================================= 140 % - bst_get('Version') : Brainstorm version 141 % - bst_get('MatlabVersion') : Matlab version (version number * 100, eg. 801) 142 % - bst_get('MatlabReleaseName') : Matlab version (release name, eg. "R2014a") 143 % - bst_get('JavaVersion') : Java version 144 % - bst_get('isJavacomponent') : Returns 1 if javacomponent is available (Matlab < 2019b), 0 otherwise 145 % - bst_get('SystemMemory') : Amount of memory available, in Mb 146 % - bst_get('ByteOrder') : {'l','b'} - Byte order used to read and save binary files 147 % - bst_get('TSDisplayMode') : {'butterfly','column'} 148 % - bst_get('ElectrodeConfig', Modality) : Structure describing the display values for SEEG/ECOG/EEG contacts 149 % - bst_get('ElecInterpDist', Modality) : Structure describing the maximum distance for interpolating SEEG/ECOG/EEG values onto a surface 150 % - bst_get('AutoUpdates') : {0,1} - If 1, check automatically for updates at startup 151 % - bst_get('ForceMatCompression') : {0,1} - If 1, always save mat-files using the v7 format instead of v6 152 % - bst_get('IgnoreMemoryWarnings') : {0,1} - If 1, do not display memory warnings at the Brainstorm startup 153 % - bst_get('ExpertMode') : {0,1} - If 1, show advanced options that regular user do not see 154 % - bst_get('DisplayGFP') : {0,1} - If 1, the GFP is displayed on all the time series figures 155 % - bst_get('DownsampleTimeSeries') : {0,1,...} - If > 0, downsample dense time series for faster display 156 % - bst_get('DisableOpenGL') : {0,1,2} - If 1, do not use OpenGL renderer; if 2, use software OpenGL 157 % - bst_get('InterfaceScaling') : {100,125,150,...} - Scales the Brainstorm GUI by a fixed factor 158 % - bst_get('GraphicsSmoothing') : {0,1} - If 1, uses the graphics smoothing (Matlab >= 2014b) 159 % - bst_get('SystemCopy') : {0,1} - If 1, uses the system calls mv/cp instead of movefile/copyfile (Linux only) 160 % - bst_get('DefaultFormats') : Default formats for importing/exporting data, channels, ... (last used) 161 % - bst_get('BFSProperties') : Conductivities and thicknesses for 3-shell spherical forward model 162 % - bst_get('ImportDataOptions') : Import options for recordings 163 % - bst_get('ImportEegRawOptions') : Importation options for RAW EEG format 164 % - bst_get('BugReportOptions') : Bug reporter options 165 % - bst_get('DefaultSurfaceDisplay') : Default display options for surfaces (smooth, data threshold, sulci map) 166 % - bst_get('MagneticExtrapOptions') : Structure with the options for magnetic field extrapolation 167 % - bst_get('DefaultFreqBands') 168 % - bst_get('TimefreqOptions_morlet') 169 % - bst_get('TimefreqOptions_fft') 170 % - bst_get('TimefreqOptions_psd') 171 % - bst_get('TimefreqOptions_hilbert') 172 % - bst_get('OpenMEEGOptions') 173 % - bst_get('DuneuroOptions') 174 % - bst_get('GridOptions_headmodel') 175 % - bst_get('GridOptions_dipfit') 176 % - bst_get('UniformizeTimeSeriesScales') : {0,1} - If 1, the Y-axis of all the time series figures have the scale 177 % - bst_get('FlipYAxis') : {0,1} - If 1, the recordings are displayed with the negative values UP 178 % - bst_get('AutoScaleY') : {0,1} - If 1, the axis limits are updated when the figure is updated 179 % - bst_get('ShowXGrid') : {0,1} - If 1, show the XGrid in the time series figures 180 % - bst_get('ShowYGrid') : {0,1} - If 1, show the YGrid in the time series figures 181 % - bst_get('ShowZeroLines') : {0,1} - If 1, show the Y=0 lines in the columns view 182 % - bst_get('ShowEventsMode') : {'dot','line','none'} 183 % - bst_get('Resolution') : [resX,resY] fixed resolutions for X and Y axes 184 % - bst_get('FixedScaleY', Modality) : Struct with the scales to impose on the recordings for the selected modality 185 % - bst_get('XScale', XScale) : {'log', 'linear'} 186 % - bst_get('YScale', YScale) : {'log', 'linear'} 187 % - bst_get('UseSigProcToolbox') : Use Matlab's Signal Processing Toolbox when available 188 % - bst_get('RawViewerOptions', sFile) : Display options for RAW recordings, adapt for specific file 189 % - bst_get('RawViewerOptions') : Display options for RAW recordings 190 % - bst_get('TopoLayoutOptions') : Display options for 2DLayout display 191 % - bst_get('StatThreshOptions') : Options for online statistical thresholding 192 % - bst_get('ContactSheetOptions') : Display options for contact sheets 193 % - bst_get('ProcessOptions') : Options related with the data processing 194 % - bst_get('CustomColormaps') : Gets the list of user defined colormaps 195 % - bst_get('MriOptions') : Configuration for MRI display 196 % - bst_get('DigitizeOptions') : Digitizer options 197 % - bst_get('PcaOptions') : Options for PCA dimension reduction (xyz flattening or scout function) 198 % - bst_get('ReadOnly') : Read only interface 199 % - bst_get('NodelistOptions') : Structure with the options for file selection in the Process1 and Process2 panels 200 % - bst_get('ResizeFunction') : Get the appropriate resize function 201 % - bst_get('groot') : Get the root graphic object 202 % - bst_get('JFrame', hFig) : Get the underlying java frame for a Matlab figure 203 % - bst_get('LastPsdDisplayFunction') : Display option of measure for spectrum (log, power, magnitude, etc.) 204 % - bst_get('PlotlyCredentials') : Get the credentials and URL to connect to plot.ly server 205 % - bst_get('ExportBidsOptions') : Additional metadata for BIDS export 206 % - bst_get('Pipelines') : Saved Pipelines stored 207 % 208 % SEE ALSO bst_set 209 210 % @============================================================================= 211 % This function is part of the Brainstorm software: 212 % https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm 213 % 214 % Copyright (c) University of Southern California & McGill University 215 % This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 216 % as published by the Free Software Foundation. Further details on the GPLv3 217 % license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. 218 % 219 % FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND THE 220 % UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND ITS COLLABORATORS DO NOT MAKE ANY 221 % WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF 222 % MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NOR DO THEY ASSUME ANY 223 % LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. 224 % 225 % For more information type "brainstorm license" at command prompt. 226 % =============================================================================@ 227 % 228 % Authors: Francois Tadel, 2008-2023 229 % Martin Cousineau, 2017 230 % Raymundo Cassani, 2021-2023 231 232 %% ==== PARSE INPUTS ==== 233 global GlobalData; 234 if ((nargin >= 1) && ischar(varargin{1})) 235 contextName = varargin{1}; 236 else 237 return 238 end 239 % Initialize returned variable 240 argout1 = []; 241 argout2 = []; 242 argout3 = []; 243 argout4 = []; 244 argout5 = []; 245 246 % Get required context structure 247 switch contextName 248 %% ==== SUBFUNCTIONS ===== 249 case 'findFileInStudies' 250 [argout1, argout2, argout3] = findFileInStudies(varargin{2:end}); 251 252 %% ==== BRAINSTORM CONFIGURATION ==== 253 case 'Version' 254 argout1 = GlobalData.Program.Version; 255 256 case 'MatlabVersion' 257 if ~exist('version','builtin') 258 Version = 601; 259 else 260 % Get version number 261 str_vers = version(); 262 vers = sscanf(str_vers, '%d.%d%*s'); 263 if isempty(vers) || any(~isnumeric(vers)) || any(isnan(vers)) 264 vers = 0; 265 end 266 Version = 100 * vers(1) + vers(2); 267 % Get release name 268 ipar = [find(str_vers == '('), find(str_vers == ')')]; 269 end 270 argout1 = Version; 271 272 case 'MatlabReleaseName' 273 if ~exist('version','builtin') 274 Release = 'Matlab6'; 275 else 276 % Get version number 277 str_vers = version(); 278 % Get release name 279 ipar = [find(str_vers == '('), find(str_vers == ')')]; 280 Release = str_vers(ipar(1)+1:ipar(2)-1); 281 end 282 argout1 = Release; 283 284 case 'JavaVersion' 285 strver = char(java.lang.System.getProperty('java.version')); 286 iDot = find(strver == '.'); 287 if (length(iDot) < 2) 288 argout1 = str2num(strver); 289 else 290 argout1 = str2num(strver(1:iDot(2)-1)); 291 end 292 293 case 'isJavacomponent' 294 % After Matlab 2019b, javacomponent() and JavaFrame property have been deprecated 295 argout1 = (bst_get('MatlabVersion') <= 906); 296 297 case 'SystemMemory' 298 maxvar = []; 299 totalmem = []; 300 if ispc && (bst_get('MatlabVersion') >= 706) 301 try 302 % Get memory info 303 usermem = memory(); 304 maxvar = round(usermem.MaxPossibleArrayBytes / 1024 / 1024); 305 totalmem = round(usermem.MemAvailableAllArrays / 1024 / 1024); 306 catch 307 % Whatever... 308 end 309 end 310 argout1 = maxvar; 311 argout2 = totalmem; 312 313 case 'BrainstormHomeDir' 314 argout1 = GlobalData.Program.BrainstormHomeDir; 315 case 'BrainstormDbDir' 316 argout1 = GlobalData.DataBase.BrainstormDbDir; 317 case 'UserDir' 318 try 319 if ispc 320 userDir = getenv('USERPROFILE'); 321 else 322 userDir = char(java.lang.System.getProperty('user.home')); 323 end 324 catch 325 userDir = ''; 326 end 327 if isempty(userDir) 328 userDir = bst_get('BrainstormHomeDir'); 329 end 330 argout1 = userDir; 331 332 case 'BrainstormUserDir' 333 bstUserDir = bst_fullfile(bst_get('UserDir'), '.brainstorm'); 334 if ~isdir(bstUserDir) 335 res = mkdir(bstUserDir); 336 if ~res 337 error(['Cannot create Brainstorm user directory: "' bstUserDir '".']); 338 end 339 end 340 argout1 = bstUserDir; 341 342 case 'BrainstormTmpDir' 343 tmpDir = ''; 344 isForcedDefault = ((nargin >= 2) && ~isempty(varargin{2}) && varargin{2}); 345 % Subdirectory 346 if (nargin >= 3) && ~isempty(varargin{3}) 347 SubDir = varargin{3}; 348 349 % % Add PID of MATLAB process to the temporary folder 350 % try 351 % pid = feature('getpid'); 352 % catch 353 % pid = []; 354 % end 355 % if ~isempty(pid) 356 % SubDir = sprintf('%s_%d', SubDir, feature('getpid')); 357 % end 358 359 % Add date+time of MATLAB process to the temporary folder 360 c = clock; 361 SubDir = sprintf('%s_%02.0f%02.0f%02.0f_%02.0f%02.0f%02.0f', SubDir, c(1)-2000, c(2:6)); 362 else 363 SubDir = []; 364 end 365 % Default folder: userdir/tmp 366 defDir = bst_fullfile(bst_get('BrainstormUserDir'), 'tmp'); 367 % If temporary directory is set in the preferences 368 if ~isForcedDefault && isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'BrainstormTmpDir') 369 tmpDir = GlobalData.Preferences.BrainstormTmpDir; 370 end 371 % Else: use directory userdir/tmp 372 if isempty(tmpDir) 373 tmpDir = defDir; 374 end 375 % Create directory if it does not exist yet 376 if ~isdir(tmpDir) 377 res = mkdir(tmpDir); 378 if ~res && ~strcmp(tmpDir, defDir) 379 disp(['BST> Cannot create Brainstorm temporary directory: "' tmpDir '".']); 380 disp(['BST> Using default directory instead: "' defDir '".']); 381 % Create temporary folder 382 tmpDir = defDir; 383 if ~isdir(tmpDir) 384 res = mkdir(tmpDir); 385 else 386 res = 1; 387 end 388 end 389 % Error: cannot create any temporary folder 390 if ~res 391 error(['Cannot create Brainstorm temporary directory: "' tmpDir '".']); 392 end 393 end 394 % Add sub-directory 395 if ~isempty(SubDir) 396 tmpDir = bst_fullfile(tmpDir, SubDir); 397 % Create directory if it does not exist yet 398 if ~isdir(tmpDir) 399 res = mkdir(tmpDir); 400 if ~res 401 error(['Cannot create Brainstorm temporary directory: "' tmpDir '".']); 402 end 403 end 404 end 405 argout1 = tmpDir; 406 407 case 'BrainstormDocDir' 408 docDir = bst_fullfile(GlobalData.Program.BrainstormHomeDir, 'doc'); 409 if ~exist(docDir, 'file') 410 % Matlab compiler >= 2018b stores 'doc' under 'bst_javabuil' 411 docDir = bst_fullfile(GlobalData.Program.BrainstormHomeDir, 'bst_javabuil', 'doc'); 412 if ~exist(docDir, 'file') 413 docDir = ''; 414 disp('BST> Could not find "doc" folder.'); 415 disp(['BST> BrainstormHomeDir = ' GlobalData.Program.BrainstormHomeDir]); 416 end 417 end 418 argout1 = docDir; 419 420 case 'BrainstormDefaultsDir' 421 defaultsDir = bst_fullfile(GlobalData.Program.BrainstormHomeDir, 'defaults'); 422 if ~exist(defaultsDir, 'file') 423 % Matlab compiler >= 2018b stores 'defaults' under 'bst_javabuil' 424 defaultsDir = bst_fullfile(GlobalData.Program.BrainstormHomeDir, 'bst_javabuil', 'defaults'); 425 if ~exist(defaultsDir, 'file') 426 defaultsDir = ''; 427 disp('BST> Could not find "defaults" folder.'); 428 disp(['BST> BrainstormHomeDir = ' GlobalData.Program.BrainstormHomeDir]); 429 end 430 end 431 argout1 = defaultsDir; 432 433 case 'UserReportsDir' 434 reportDir = bst_fullfile(bst_get('BrainstormUserDir'), 'reports'); 435 if ~isdir(reportDir) 436 res = mkdir(reportDir); 437 if ~res 438 error(['Cannot create user reports directory: "' reportDir '".']); 439 end 440 end 441 argout1 = reportDir; 442 443 case 'UserMexDir' 444 mexDir = bst_fullfile(bst_get('BrainstormUserDir'), 'mex'); 445 if ~isdir(mexDir) 446 res = mkdir(mexDir); 447 if ~res 448 error(['Cannot create Brainstorm mex-files directory: "' mexDir '".']); 449 end 450 end 451 argout1 = mexDir; 452 453 case 'UserProcessDir' 454 processDir = bst_fullfile(bst_get('BrainstormUserDir'), 'process'); 455 if ~isdir(processDir) 456 res = mkdir(processDir); 457 if ~res 458 error(['Cannot create Brainstorm custom processes directory: "' processDir '".']); 459 end 460 end 461 argout1 = processDir; 462 463 case 'UserDefaultsDir' 464 defDir = bst_fullfile(bst_get('BrainstormUserDir'), 'defaults'); 465 defDirAnat = bst_fullfile(defDir, 'anatomy'); 466 defDirEeg = bst_fullfile(defDir, 'eeg'); 467 if ~isdir(defDir) 468 res = mkdir(defDir); 469 if ~res 470 error(['Cannot create user templates directory: "' defDir '".']); 471 end 472 end 473 if ~isdir(defDirAnat) 474 res = mkdir(defDirAnat); 475 if ~res 476 error(['Cannot create user templates directory: "' defDirAnat '".']); 477 end 478 end 479 if ~isdir(defDirEeg) 480 res = mkdir(defDirEeg); 481 if ~res 482 error(['Cannot create user templates directory: "' defDirEeg '".']); 483 end 484 end 485 argout1 = defDir; 486 487 case 'UserPluginsDir' 488 % If brainstorm/plugins exists, use it (case of an environment exported and reused) 489 pluginsDir = bst_fullfile(GlobalData.Program.BrainstormHomeDir, 'plugins'); 490 % Otherwise (standard case): <home>/.brainstorm/plugins/ 491 if ~exist(pluginsDir, 'file') 492 pluginsDir = bst_fullfile(bst_get('BrainstormUserDir'), 'plugins'); 493 if ~isdir(pluginsDir) 494 res = mkdir(pluginsDir); 495 if ~res 496 error(['Cannot create plugins directory: "' pluginsDir '".']); 497 end 498 end 499 end 500 argout1 = pluginsDir; 501 502 case 'BrainstormDbFile' 503 argout1 = bst_fullfile(bst_get('BrainstormUserDir'), 'brainstorm.mat'); 504 505 case 'Pipelines' 506 argout1 = GlobalData.Processes.Pipelines; 507 508 %% ==== PROTOCOL ==== 509 case 'iProtocol' 510 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) 511 argout1 = 0; 512 else 513 argout1 = GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol; 514 end 515 516 case 'Protocol' 517 if ~isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo) 518 argout1 = find(strcmpi({GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo.Comment}, varargin{2})); 519 else 520 argout1 = []; 521 end 522 523 case {'ProtocolInfo', 'ProtocolSubjects', 'ProtocolStudies', 'isProtocolLoaded', 'isProtocolModified'} 524 argout2 = GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol; 525 % No protocol: return empty matrix 526 if isempty(argout2) || ~isnumeric(argout2) || argout2 == 0 527 return; 528 end 529 % Check index integrity 530 if ((argout2 <= 0) || (argout2 > length(GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo))), warning('Brainstorm:InvalidIndex', 'Invalid index'), return, end 531 % Get requested protocol structure 532 argout1 = GlobalData.DataBase.(contextName)(argout2); 533 534 535 %% ==== STUDY ==== 536 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy] = bst_get('Study', StudyFileName) 537 % [sStudy, iStudy] = bst_get('Study') 538 % [sStudy, iStudy] = bst_get('Study', iStudies) 539 case 'Study' 540 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 541 return; 542 end 543 % Get list of current protocols 544 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 545 ProtocolStudies = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolStudies(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 546 % Get list of current protocol studies 547 if isempty(ProtocolStudies) || isempty(ProtocolInfo) 548 return; 549 end 550 % ===== PARSE INPUTS ===== 551 if (nargin < 2) 552 % Call: bst_get('Study'); 553 iStudies = ProtocolInfo.iStudy; 554 StudyFileName = []; 555 elseif (isnumeric(varargin{2})) 556 iStudies = varargin{2}; 557 StudyFileName = []; 558 elseif (ischar(varargin{2})) 559 iStudies = []; 560 StudyFileName = strrep(varargin{2}, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 561 end 562 % Indices 563 iAnalysisStudy = -2; % CANNOT USE -1 => DISABLES SEARCH FUNCTIONS 564 iDefaultStudy = -3; 565 % Indices > 0: normal studies indiced in ProtocolStudies.Study array 566 567 % ===== GET STUDY BY INDEX ===== 568 % Call: bst_get('Study', iStudies); 569 if ~isempty(iStudies) 570 argout1 = repmat(ProtocolStudies.DefaultStudy, 0); 571 % Get analysis study 572 iTargetAnalysis = find(iStudies == iAnalysisStudy); 573 if ~isempty(iTargetAnalysis) 574 argout1(iTargetAnalysis) = repmat(ProtocolStudies.AnalysisStudy, size(iTargetAnalysis)); 575 argout2(iTargetAnalysis) = repmat(iAnalysisStudy, size(iTargetAnalysis)); 576 end 577 % Get default study 578 iTargetDefault = find(iStudies == iDefaultStudy); 579 if ~isempty(iTargetDefault) 580 argout1(iTargetDefault) = repmat(ProtocolStudies.DefaultStudy, size(iTargetDefault)); 581 argout2(iTargetDefault) = repmat(iDefaultStudy, size(iTargetDefault)); 582 end 583 % Get normal studies 584 iTargetNormal = find((iStudies >= 1) & (iStudies <= length(ProtocolStudies.Study))); 585 if ~isempty(iTargetNormal) 586 argout1(iTargetNormal) = ProtocolStudies.Study(iStudies(iTargetNormal)); 587 argout2(iTargetNormal) = iStudies(iTargetNormal); 588 end 589 % Error 590 if isempty(argout1) 591 GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol).iStudy = []; 592 end 593 594 % ===== GET STUDY BY FILENAME ===== 595 % Call: bst_get('Study', StudyFileName); 596 elseif ~isempty(StudyFileName) 597 % NORMAL STUDY 598 iStudy = find(file_compare({ProtocolStudies.Study.FileName}, StudyFileName), 1); 599 % If a study is found : return it 600 if ~isempty(iStudy) 601 argout1 = ProtocolStudies.Study(iStudy); 602 argout2 = iStudy; 603 % DEFAULT STUDY 604 elseif ~isempty(ProtocolStudies.DefaultStudy) && file_compare({ProtocolStudies.DefaultStudy.FileName}, StudyFileName) 605 argout1 = ProtocolStudies.DefaultStudy; 606 argout2 = iDefaultStudy; 607 % ANALYSIS STUDY 608 elseif ~isempty(ProtocolStudies.AnalysisStudy) && file_compare({ProtocolStudies.AnalysisStudy.FileName}, StudyFileName) 609 argout1 = ProtocolStudies.AnalysisStudy; 610 argout2 = iAnalysisStudy; 611 end 612 else 613 return 614 end 615 616 617 %% ==== STUDY WITH SUBJECT FILE ==== 618 % Usage : [sStudies, iStudies] = bst_get('StudyWithSubject', SubjectFile) : WITHOUT the system studies ('intra_subject', 'default_study') 619 % [sStudies, iStudies] = bst_get(..., 'intra_subject', 'default_study') : WITH the system studies: 'intra_subject' | 'default_study' 620 case 'StudyWithSubject' 621 % Parse inputs 622 if (nargin < 2) || ~ischar(varargin{2}) 623 error('Invalid call to bst_get()'); 624 end 625 if (nargin > 2) 626 IntraStudies = any(strcmpi(varargin(3:end), 'intra_subject')); 627 DefaultStudies = any(strcmpi(varargin(3:end), 'default_study')); 628 else 629 IntraStudies = 0; 630 DefaultStudies = 0; 631 end 632 SubjectFile = {varargin{2}}; 633 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 634 return; 635 end 636 % Get list of current protocol description 637 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 638 ProtocolStudies = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolStudies(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 639 if isempty(ProtocolStudies) || isempty(ProtocolInfo) 640 return; 641 end 642 643 % Get default subject 644 sDefaultSubject = bst_get('Subject', 0); 645 % If SubjectFile is the default subject filename 646 if ~isempty(sDefaultSubject) && ~isempty(sDefaultSubject.FileName) && file_compare( SubjectFile{1}, sDefaultSubject.FileName) 647 % Get all the subjects files that use default anatomy 648 ProtocolSubjects = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolSubjects(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 649 iSubjectUseDefaultAnat = find([ProtocolSubjects.Subject.UseDefaultAnat]); 650 if isempty(iSubjectUseDefaultAnat) 651 return 652 end 653 SubjectFile = {ProtocolSubjects.Subject(iSubjectUseDefaultAnat).FileName}; 654 % Also updates inter-subject node 655 isInterSubject = 1; 656 else 657 isInterSubject = 0; 658 end 659 % Search all the current protocol's studies 660 iStudies = []; 661 for i=1:length(SubjectFile) 662 iStudies = [iStudies, find(file_compare({ProtocolStudies.Study.BrainStormSubject}, SubjectFile{i}))]; 663 end 664 % Return results 665 if ~isempty(iStudies) 666 % Remove "analysis_intra" and "default_study" studies from list 667 if ~IntraStudies 668 iStudies(strcmpi({ProtocolStudies.Study(iStudies).Name}, bst_get('DirAnalysisIntra'))) = []; 669 end 670 if ~DefaultStudies 671 iStudies(strcmpi({ProtocolStudies.Study(iStudies).Name}, bst_get('DirDefaultStudy'))) = []; 672 end 673 % Return studies 674 argout1 = ProtocolStudies.Study(iStudies); 675 argout2 = iStudies; 676 else 677 argout1 = repmat(db_template('Study'), 0); 678 argout2 = []; 679 end 680 % Add inter-subject node, if needed 681 if isInterSubject 682 [sInterStudy, iInterStudy] = bst_get('AnalysisInterStudy'); 683 argout1 = [argout1, sInterStudy]; 684 argout2 = [argout2, iInterStudy]; 685 end 686 687 688 %% ==== STUDY WITH CONDITION PATH ==== 689 % USAGE: [sStudies, iStudies] = bst_get('StudyWithCondition', ConditionPath) 690 % 691 % INPUT: ConditionPath 692 % - 'SubjectName/conditionName' : Target condition for the specified subject 693 % - 'SubjectName/@intra' : Intra-subject condition for the subject 694 % - 'SubjectName/@default_study' : Default condition for the subject (where the subject's shared files are stored) 695 % - '*/conditionName' : Target condition for all the subjects 696 % - '@inter' : Inter-subject condition 697 % - '@default_study' : Protocol's default condition (where the protocol's shared files are stored) 698 699 case 'StudyWithCondition' 700 % Parse inputs 701 if (nargin ~= 2) || ~ischar(varargin{2}) 702 error('Invalid call to bst_get()'); 703 end 704 ConditionPath = varargin{2}; 705 % Get list of current protocol description 706 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 707 ProtocolStudies = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolStudies(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 708 if isempty(ProtocolStudies) || isempty(ProtocolInfo) 709 return; 710 end 711 712 % ConditionPath = @inter 713 if strcmpi(ConditionPath, '@inter') 714 iStudy = -2; 715 argout2 = iStudy; 716 argout1 = bst_get('Study', iStudy); 717 % ConditionPath = @default_study 718 elseif strcmpi(ConditionPath, '@default_study') 719 iStudy = -3; 720 argout2 = iStudy; 721 argout1 = bst_get('Study', iStudy); 722 % ConditionPath = SubjectName/ConditionName 723 else 724 % Get subject and condition names 725 condSplit = str_split(ConditionPath); 726 if (length(condSplit) ~= 2) 727 error('Invalid condition path.'); 728 end 729 SubjectName = condSplit{1}; 730 ConditionName = condSplit{2}; 731 732 % If first element is '*', search for condition in all the studies 733 if (SubjectName(1) == '*') 734 iStudies = 1:length(ProtocolStudies.Study); 735 % Else : search for condition only in studies that are linked to the subject specified in the ConditionPath 736 else 737 % Get subject 738 sSubject = bst_get('Subject', SubjectName, 1); 739 if isempty(sSubject) 740 return; 741 end 742 iStudies = find(file_compare({ProtocolStudies.Study.BrainStormSubject}, sSubject.FileName)); 743 end 744 % Nothing to search 745 if isempty(iStudies) 746 return 747 end 748 749 % Search all the current protocol's studies 750 iStudies = iStudies(cellfun(@(c)isequal(ConditionName, c), [ProtocolStudies.Study(iStudies).Condition])); 751 % Return results 752 if ~isempty(iStudies) 753 % Remove "analysis_intra" and "default_study" studies from list 754 if ~strcmpi(ConditionName, '@intra') 755 iStudies(strcmpi({ProtocolStudies.Study(iStudies).Condition}, bst_get('DirAnalysisIntra'))) = []; 756 end 757 if ~strcmpi(ConditionName, '@default_study') 758 iStudies(strcmpi({ProtocolStudies.Study(iStudies).Condition}, bst_get('DirDefaultStudy'))) = []; 759 end 760 % Sort by subject 761 if (length(iStudies) > 1) 762 SubjNameList = cell(1,length(iStudies)); 763 % For each study, get subject name 764 for i = 1:length(iStudies) 765 sSubject = bst_get('Subject', ProtocolStudies.Study(iStudies(i)).BrainStormSubject); 766 SubjNameList{i} = sSubject.Name; 767 end 768 % Sort subjects names 769 [sortSubjList, iSort] = sort(SubjNameList); 770 % Apply same sorting to studies 771 iStudies = iStudies(iSort); 772 end 773 % Return studies 774 argout1 = ProtocolStudies.Study(iStudies); 775 argout2 = iStudies; 776 else 777 argout1 = repmat(db_template('Study'), 0); 778 argout2 = []; 779 end 780 end 781 782 %% ==== CHANNEL STUDIES WITH SUBJECT ==== 783 % Usage: iStudies = bst_get('ChannelStudiesWithSubject', iSubjects, 'NoIntra') 784 case 'ChannelStudiesWithSubject' 785 % Parse inputs 786 if (nargin >= 2) && isnumeric(varargin{2}) 787 iSubjects = varargin{2}; 788 else 789 error('Invalid call to bst_get()'); 790 end 791 if (nargin == 3) && strcmpi(varargin{3}, 'NoIntra') 792 NoIntra = 1; 793 else 794 NoIntra = 0; 795 end 796 % Process all subjects 797 iStudies = []; 798 for i=1:length(iSubjects) 799 iSubject = iSubjects(i); 800 sSubject = bst_get('Subject', iSubject, 1); 801 % No subject: error 802 if isempty(sSubject) 803 continue 804 % If subject uses default channel file 805 elseif (sSubject.UseDefaultChannel ~= 0) 806 % Get default study for this subject 807 [tmp___, iStudiesNew] = bst_get('DefaultStudy', iSubject); 808 iStudies = [iStudies, iStudiesNew]; 809 % Else: get all the studies belonging to this subject 810 else 811 if NoIntra 812 [tmp___, iStudiesNew] = bst_get('StudyWithSubject', sSubject.FileName); 813 else 814 [tmp___, iStudiesNew] = bst_get('StudyWithSubject', sSubject.FileName, 'intra_subject'); 815 end 816 iStudies = [iStudies, iStudiesNew]; 817 end 818 end 819 argout1 = iStudies; 820 821 822 %% ==== STUDIES COUNT ==== 823 % Usage: [nbStudies] = bst_get('StudyCount') 824 case 'StudyCount' 825 % Nothing 826 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 827 argout1 = 0; 828 return; 829 end 830 % Get list of current protocol studies 831 ProtocolStudies = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolStudies(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 832 argout1 = length(ProtocolStudies.Study); 833 834 %% ==== SUBJECTS COUNT ==== 835 % Usage: [nbSubjects] = bst_get('SubjectCount') 836 case 'SubjectCount' 837 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 838 argout1 = 0; 839 return; 840 end 841 % Get list of current protocol studies 842 ProtocolSubjects = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolSubjects(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 843 argout1 = length(ProtocolSubjects.Subject); 844 845 %% ==== NORMALIZED SUBJECT ==== 846 case 'NormalizedSubject' 847 % Get normalized subject name 848 normSubjName = 'Group_analysis'; 849 % Try to get normalized subject 850 [sNormSubj, iNormSubj] = bst_get('Subject', normSubjName, 0); 851 % If normalized subject does not exist: create it 852 if isempty(sNormSubj) 853 % Always use default anatomy 854 UseDefaultAnat = 1; 855 % If all the subjects use a global channel file: Use global default as well 856 if ~isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolSubjects(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol).Subject) && ... 857 all([GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolSubjects(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol).Subject.UseDefaultChannel] == 2) 858 UseDefaultChannel = 2; 859 else 860 UseDefaultChannel = 1; 861 end 862 % Create subject 863 [sNormSubj, iNormSubj] = db_add_subject(normSubjName, [], UseDefaultAnat, UseDefaultChannel); 864 % Get full subject structure 865 [sNormSubj, iNormSubj] = bst_get('Subject', normSubjName, 0); 866 end 867 argout1 = sNormSubj; 868 argout2 = iNormSubj; 869 870 871 %% ==== ANALYSIS STUDY (INTRA) ==== 872 % Usage: [sAnalStudy, iAnalStudy] = bst_get('AnalysisIntraStudy', iSubject) 873 case 'AnalysisIntraStudy' 874 % Parse inputs 875 if (nargin == 2) && isnumeric(varargin{2}) 876 iSubject = varargin{2}; 877 else 878 error('Invalid call to bst_get()'); 879 end 880 % Get subject 881 sSubject = bst_get('Subject', iSubject, 1); 882 % Get studies related to subject 883 [sSubjStudies, iSubjStudies] = bst_get('StudyWithSubject', sSubject.FileName, 'intra_subject'); 884 % Look for the 'AnalysisIntra' study 885 iFound = find(cellfun(@(c)ismember(bst_get('DirAnalysisIntra'), c), {sSubjStudies.Condition})); 886 iAnalStudy = iSubjStudies(iFound); 887 sAnalStudy = sSubjStudies(iFound); 888 % Return found structure 889 argout1 = sAnalStudy; 890 argout2 = iAnalStudy; 891 892 893 %% ==== ANALYSIS STUDY (INTER) ==== 894 % Usage: [sAnalStudyInter, iAnalStudyInter] = bst_get('AnalysisInterStudy') 895 case 'AnalysisInterStudy' 896 iAnalStudyInter = -2; 897 [argout1, argout2] = bst_get('Study', iAnalStudyInter); 898 899 900 %% ==== DEFAULT STUDY ==== 901 % Usage: [sDefaulStudy, iDefaultStudy] = bst_get('DefaultStudy', iSubject) 902 % [sDefaulStudy, iDefaultStudy] = bst_get('DefaultStudy') : iSubject=0 903 % [sDefaulStudy, iDefaultStudy] = bst_get('DefaultStudy', SubjectFile) 904 case 'DefaultStudy' 905 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 906 return; 907 end 908 % Parse inputs 909 if (nargin == 1) 910 iSubject = 0; 911 elseif (nargin == 2) && isnumeric(varargin{2}) 912 iSubject = varargin{2}; 913 elseif (nargin == 2) && ischar(varargin{2}) 914 SubjectFile = varargin{2}; 915 % Get subject attached to study 916 [sSubject, iSubject] = bst_get('Subject', SubjectFile, 1); 917 if isempty(sSubject) || ~sSubject.UseDefaultChannel 918 return; 919 end 920 else 921 error('Invalid call to bst_get()'); 922 end 923 % === DEFAULT SUBJECT === 924 % => Return global default study 925 if (iSubject == 0) 926 % Get protocol's studies 927 ProtocolStudies = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolStudies(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 928 % Return Global default study 929 argout1 = ProtocolStudies.DefaultStudy; 930 argout2 = -3; 931 % === NORMAL SUBJECT === 932 else 933 % Get subject 934 sSubject = bst_get('Subject', iSubject, 1); 935 % === GLOBAL DEFAULT STUDY === 936 if sSubject.UseDefaultChannel == 2 937 % Get protocol's studies 938 ProtocolStudies = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolStudies(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 939 % Return Global default study 940 argout1 = ProtocolStudies.DefaultStudy; 941 argout2 = -3; 942 % === SUBJECT'S DEFAULT STUDY === 943 elseif sSubject.UseDefaultChannel == 1 944 % Get studies related to subject 945 [sSubjStudies, iSubjStudies] = bst_get('StudyWithSubject', sSubject.FileName, 'default_study'); 946 % Look for the 'DefaultStudy' study 947 iFound = find(cellfun(@(c)ismember(bst_get('DirDefaultStudy'), c), {sSubjStudies.Condition})); 948 iDefaultStudy = iSubjStudies(iFound); 949 sDefaultStudy = sSubjStudies(iFound); 950 % Return found structure 951 argout1 = sDefaultStudy; 952 argout2 = iDefaultStudy; 953 end 954 end 955 956 957 958 %% ==== SUBJECT ==== 959 % Usage : [sSubject, iSubject] = bst_get('Subject', iSubject, isRaw) 960 % [sSubject, iSubject] = bst_get('Subject', SubjectFileName, isRaw); 961 % [sSubject, iSubject] = bst_get('Subject', SubjectName, isRaw); 962 % [sSubject, iSubject] = bst_get('Subject'); 963 % If isRaw is set: force to return the real brainstormsubject description 964 % (ignoring wether it uses protocol's default anatomy or not) 965 case 'Subject' 966 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 967 return; 968 end 969 % Get list of current protocol subjects 970 ProtocolSubjects = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolSubjects(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 971 sSubject = []; 972 SubjectName = []; 973 SubjectFileName = []; 974 % ISRAW parameter 975 if (nargin < 3) 976 isRaw = 0; 977 else 978 isRaw = varargin{3}; 979 end 980 % Call: bst_get('subject', iSubject, isRaw); 981 if (nargin >= 2) && isnumeric(varargin{2}) 982 iSubject = varargin{2}; 983 if (iSubject > length(ProtocolSubjects.Subject)) 984 error('Invalid subject indice.'); 985 end 986 % If required subject is default subject (iSubject = 0) 987 if (iSubject == 0) 988 % Default subject available 989 if ~isempty(ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject) 990 sSubject = ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject; 991 % Default subject not available 992 else 993 return 994 end 995 % Normal subject 996 else 997 sSubject = ProtocolSubjects.Subject(iSubject); 998 end 999 1000 % Call: bst_get('subject', SubjectFileName, isRaw); 1001 % Call: bst_get('subject', SubjectName, isRaw); 1002 elseif (nargin >= 2) && isempty(varargin{2}) 1003 % If study name is empty: use DefaultSubject 1004 SubjectFileName = ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject.FileName; 1005 elseif (nargin >= 2) && (ischar(varargin{2})) 1006 [fName, fBase, fExt] = bst_fileparts(varargin{2}); 1007 % Argument is a Matlab .mat filename 1008 if strcmpi(fExt, '.mat') 1009 SubjectFileName = varargin{2}; 1010 % Else : assume argument is a directory 1011 else 1012 SubjectName = file_standardize(varargin{2}); 1013 end 1014 1015 % Call: bst_get('subject'); => looking for current subject 1016 elseif (nargin < 2) 1017 % Get current subject filename in current study 1018 sStudy = bst_get('Study'); 1019 if isempty(sStudy) 1020 return 1021 end 1022 SubjectFileName = sStudy.BrainStormSubject; 1023 % If study's subject is not defined, get DefaultSubject 1024 if isempty(SubjectFileName) && ~isempty(ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject) 1025 SubjectFileName = ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject.FileName; 1026 end 1027 else 1028 error('Invalid call to bst_get()'); 1029 end 1030 1031 % If Subject is defined by its filename/name 1032 if isempty(sSubject) 1033 % Look in Default Subject 1034 if ~isempty(ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject) && (file_compare(ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject.FileName, SubjectFileName) ... 1035 || strcmpi(ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject.Name, SubjectName)) 1036 sSubject = ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject; 1037 iSubject = 0; 1038 % If not found : find target subject file name in normal subjects 1039 elseif ~isempty(SubjectFileName) 1040 iSubject = find(file_compare({ProtocolSubjects.Subject.FileName}, SubjectFileName), 1); 1041 sSubject = ProtocolSubjects.Subject(iSubject); 1042 elseif ~isempty(SubjectName) 1043 iSubject = find(file_compare({ProtocolSubjects.Subject.Name}, SubjectName), 1); 1044 sSubject = ProtocolSubjects.Subject(iSubject); 1045 else 1046 error('Subject name not specified.'); 1047 end 1048 end 1049 1050 % Return found subject 1051 if ~isempty(iSubject) && ~isempty(sSubject) 1052 % If subject uses default subject 1053 if sSubject.UseDefaultAnat && ~isRaw && ~isempty(ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject) && ~isempty(ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject.FileName) 1054 % Return default subject (WITH REAL SUBJECT'S NAME) 1055 argout1 = ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject; 1056 argout1.Name = sSubject.Name; 1057 argout1.UseDefaultAnat = sSubject.UseDefaultAnat; 1058 argout1.UseDefaultChannel = sSubject.UseDefaultChannel; 1059 argout2 = iSubject; 1060 % Else, return found subject 1061 else 1062 argout1 = sSubject; 1063 argout2 = iSubject; 1064 end 1065 end 1066 1067 1068 %% ==== SURFACE FILE ==== 1069 % Usage : [sSubject, iSubject, iSurface] = bst_get('SurfaceFile', SurfaceFile) 1070 case 'SurfaceFile' 1071 % No protocol in database 1072 if isempty(GlobalData) || isempty(GlobalData.DataBase) || isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1073 return; 1074 end 1075 % Get list of current protocol subjects 1076 ProtocolSubjects = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolSubjects(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1077 if isempty(ProtocolSubjects) 1078 return 1079 end; 1080 1081 % Parse inputs 1082 if (nargin == 2) 1083 SurfaceFile = varargin{2}; 1084 else 1085 error('Invalid call to bst_get().'); 1086 end 1087 1088 % Remove SUBJECTS path from SurfaceFile 1089 SurfaceFile = file_short(SurfaceFile); 1090 % Look for surface file in DefaultSubject 1091 if ~isempty(ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject) 1092 % Find the first surface that matches the SurfaceFile 1093 iSurface = find(file_compare(SurfaceFile, {ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject.Surface.FileName}), 1); 1094 % If a surface was found in default subject : return it 1095 if ~isempty(iSurface) 1096 argout1 = ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject; 1097 argout2 = 0; 1098 argout3 = iSurface; 1099 return 1100 end 1101 end 1102 % Look for surface file in all the surfaces of all subjects 1103 for iSubj = 1:length(ProtocolSubjects.Subject) 1104 % Find the first surface that matches the SurfaceFile 1105 iSurface = find(file_compare(SurfaceFile, {ProtocolSubjects.Subject(iSubj).Surface.FileName}), 1); 1106 % If a surface was found in current subject : return it 1107 if ~isempty(iSurface) 1108 argout1 = ProtocolSubjects.Subject(iSubj); 1109 argout2 = iSubj; 1110 argout3 = iSurface; 1111 return 1112 end 1113 end 1114 1115 1116 %% ==== SURFACE FILE BY TYPE ==== 1117 % Usage : [sSurface, iSurface] = bst_get('SurfaceFileByType', iSubject, SurfaceType) 1118 % [sSurface, iSurface] = bst_get('SurfaceFileByType', SubjectFile, SurfaceType) 1119 % [sSurface, iSurface] = bst_get('SurfaceFileByType', SurfaceFile, SurfaceType) 1120 % [sSurface, iSurface] = bst_get('SurfaceFileByType', MriFile, SurfaceType) 1121 % [sSurface, iSurface] = bst_get('SurfaceFileByType', ..., SurfaceType, isDefaultOnly) 1122 case 'SurfaceFileByType' 1123 % By default: return only the default surfaces of the category 1124 if (nargin < 4) 1125 isDefaultOnly = 1; 1126 else 1127 isDefaultOnly = varargin{4}; 1128 end 1129 % Get subject 1130 if isempty(varargin{2}) 1131 % Get default subject 1132 sSubject = bst_get('Subject', 0); 1133 elseif ischar(varargin{2}) 1134 FileName = varargin{2}; 1135 sSubject = bst_get('AnyFile', FileName); 1136 else 1137 iSubject = varargin{2}; 1138 sSubject = bst_get('Subject', iSubject); 1139 end 1140 % Error handling 1141 if isempty(sSubject) 1142 disp('BST> Warning: Subject not found.'); 1143 return; 1144 elseif isempty(sSubject.Surface) 1145 return; 1146 end 1147 SurfaceType = varargin{3}; 1148 1149 % === RETURN ONLY DEFAULTS === 1150 if isDefaultOnly 1151 % Look for required surface type 1152 field = ['i' SurfaceType]; 1153 if ~isfield(sSubject, field) || isempty(sSubject.(field)) 1154 return 1155 end 1156 argout1 = sSubject.Surface(sSubject.(field)); 1157 argout2 = sSubject.(field); 1158 % === RETURN ALL THE SURFACES === 1159 else 1160 % Build the list of tagged surfaces 1161 fileTag = ['_' lower(SurfaceType)]; 1162 iTargetList = find(cellfun(@(c)~isempty(strfind(c, fileTag)), {sSubject.Surface.FileName})); 1163 % Put the default cortex on top of the list 1164 iDefaults = intersect([sSubject.iCortex, sSubject.iScalp, sSubject.iInnerSkull, sSubject.iOuterSkull, sSubject.iFibers, sSubject.iFEM], iTargetList); 1165 if ~isempty(iDefaults) 1166 iTargetList = [iDefaults, setdiff(iTargetList, iDefaults)]; 1167 end 1168 % Return all cortex surfaces 1169 argout1 = sSubject.Surface(iTargetList); 1170 argout2 = iTargetList; 1171 end 1172 1173 1174 %% ==== MRI FILE ==== 1175 % Usage : [sSubject, iSubject, iMri] = bst_get('MriFile', MriFile) 1176 case 'MriFile' 1177 % No protocol in database 1178 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1179 return; 1180 end 1181 % Get list of current protocol subjects 1182 ProtocolSubjects = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolSubjects(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1183 if isempty(ProtocolSubjects) 1184 return 1185 end 1186 1187 % Parse inputs 1188 if (nargin == 2) 1189 MriFile = varargin{2}; 1190 else 1191 error('Invalid call to bst_get().'); 1192 end 1193 1194 % Remove SUBJECTS path from MriFile 1195 MriFile = file_short(MriFile); 1196 % Look for MRI file in DefaultSubject 1197 if ~isempty(ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject) 1198 % Find the first MRI that matches the MriFile 1199 iMri = find(file_compare(MriFile, {ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject.Anatomy.FileName}), 1); 1200 % If a MRI was found in default subject : return it 1201 if ~isempty(iMri) 1202 argout1 = ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject; 1203 argout2 = 0; 1204 argout3 = iMri; 1205 return 1206 end 1207 end 1208 % Look for MRI file in all the MRIs of all subjects 1209 for iSubj = 1:length(ProtocolSubjects.Subject) 1210 % Find the first MRI that matches the MriFile 1211 iMri = find(file_compare(MriFile, {ProtocolSubjects.Subject(iSubj).Anatomy.FileName}), 1); 1212 % If a MRI was found in current subject : return it 1213 if ~isempty(iMri) 1214 argout1 = ProtocolSubjects.Subject(iSubj); 1215 argout2 = iSubj; 1216 argout3 = iMri; 1217 return 1218 end 1219 end 1220 1221 1222 %% ==== CHANNEL FILE ==== 1223 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iChannel] = bst_get('ChannelFile', ChannelFile) 1224 case 'ChannelFile' 1225 % No protocol in database 1226 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1227 return; 1228 end 1229 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1230 % Parse inputs 1231 if (nargin == 2) 1232 ChannelFile = varargin{2}; 1233 ChannelFile = strrep(ChannelFile, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 1234 else 1235 error('Invalid call to bst_get().'); 1236 end 1237 % Look for Channel file in all the surfaces of all subjects 1238 [argout1, argout2, argout3] = findFileInStudies('Channel', 'FileName', ChannelFile); 1239 1240 1241 %% ==== CHANNEL FILE FOR STUDY ==== 1242 % Usage: [ChannelFile, sStudy, iStudy] = bst_get('ChannelFileForStudy', StudyFile/DataFile) 1243 case 'ChannelFileForStudy' 1244 % Parse inputs 1245 if (nargin == 2) 1246 StudyFile = varargin{2}; 1247 else 1248 error('Invalid call to bst_get().'); 1249 end 1250 % Get study in database 1251 [sStudy, iStudy] = bst_get('Study', StudyFile); 1252 % If data file instead of Study file 1253 if isempty(sStudy) 1254 [sStudy, iStudy] = bst_get('AnyFile', StudyFile); 1255 end 1256 sChannel = bst_get('ChannelForStudy', iStudy); 1257 if ~isempty(sChannel) 1258 argout1 = sChannel.FileName; 1259 argout2 = sStudy; 1260 argout3 = iStudy; 1261 else 1262 argout1 = []; 1263 end 1264 1265 1266 %% ==== CHANNEL STRUCT FOR STUDY ==== 1267 % Usage: [sChannel, iChanStudy] = bst_get('ChannelForStudy', iStudies) 1268 case 'ChannelForStudy' 1269 % Parse inputs 1270 if (nargin == 2) 1271 iStudies = varargin{2}; 1272 else 1273 error('Invalid call to bst_get().'); 1274 end 1275 iChanStudies = []; 1276 sListChannel = []; 1277 for i = 1:length(iStudies) 1278 % Get study 1279 iStudy = iStudies(i); 1280 sStudy = bst_get('Study', iStudy); 1281 if isempty(sStudy) 1282 continue; 1283 end 1284 iChanStudy = iStudy; 1285 % === Analysis-Inter node === 1286 iAnalysisInter = -2; 1287 iGlobalDefaultStudy = -3; 1288 if (iStudy == iAnalysisInter) 1289 % If no channel file is defined in 'Analysis-intra' node: look in 1290 if isempty(sStudy.Channel) 1291 % Get global default study 1292 sStudy = bst_get('Study', iGlobalDefaultStudy); 1293 iChanStudy = iGlobalDefaultStudy; 1294 end 1295 % === All other nodes === 1296 else 1297 % Get subject attached to study 1298 [sSubject, iSubject] = bst_get('Subject', sStudy.BrainStormSubject, 1); 1299 if isempty(sSubject) 1300 return; 1301 end 1302 % Subject uses default channel/headmodel 1303 if (sSubject.UseDefaultChannel ~= 0) 1304 [sStudy, iChanStudy] = bst_get('DefaultStudy', iSubject); 1305 if isempty(sStudy) 1306 return 1307 end 1308 end 1309 end 1310 iChanStudies = [iChanStudies, iChanStudy]; 1311 sListChannel = [sListChannel, sStudy.Channel]; 1312 end 1313 % Return Channel structure 1314 argout1 = sListChannel; 1315 argout2 = iChanStudies; 1316 1317 %% ==== CHANNEL MODALITIES ===== 1318 % Usage: [Modalities, DispMod, DefMod] = bst_get('ChannelModalities', ChannelFile) 1319 % [Modalities, DispMod, DefMod] = bst_get('ChannelModalities', DataFile/ResultsFile/TimefreqFile...) 1320 case 'ChannelModalities' 1321 % Get input file 1322 [sStudy, iStudy, iItem, DataType, sItem] = bst_get('AnyFile', varargin{2}); 1323 % If channel file 1324 if strcmpi(DataType, 'channel') 1325 sChannel = sItem; 1326 else 1327 sChannel = bst_get('ChannelForStudy', iStudy); 1328 end 1329 % Return modalities 1330 if ~isempty(sChannel) 1331 % Get all modalities 1332 if ~isempty(sChannel.DisplayableSensorTypes) 1333 % Return the displayable sensors on top of the list 1334 argout1 = cat(2, sChannel.DisplayableSensorTypes, setdiff(sChannel.Modalities, sChannel.DisplayableSensorTypes)); 1335 else 1336 argout1 = sChannel.Modalities; 1337 end 1338 % Get only sensors that have spatial representation 1339 argout2 = sChannel.DisplayableSensorTypes; 1340 % Default candidates 1341 if ~isempty(argout2) 1342 defList = argout2; 1343 else 1344 defList = argout1; 1345 end 1346 if isempty(defList) 1347 return; 1348 end 1349 % Remove EDF and BDF from the default list 1350 defList = setdiff(defList, {'EDF','BDF','KDF'}); 1351 % Get default modality 1352 if ismember('SEEG', defList) 1353 argout3 = 'SEEG'; 1354 elseif ismember('ECOG', defList) 1355 argout3 = 'ECOG'; 1356 elseif any(ismember({'MEG','MEG GRAD','MEG MAG'}, defList)) 1357 argout3 = 'MEG'; 1358 elseif ismember('EEG', defList) 1359 argout3 = 'EEG'; 1360 elseif ismember('NIRS', defList) 1361 argout3 = 'NIRS'; 1362 else 1363 argout3 = defList{1}; 1364 end 1365 % Place the default on top of the lists 1366 if ismember(argout3, argout1) 1367 argout1(strcmpi(argout1, argout3)) = []; 1368 argout1 = cat(2, argout3, argout1); 1369 end 1370 if ismember(argout3, argout2) 1371 argout2(strcmpi(argout2, argout3)) = []; 1372 argout2 = cat(2, argout3, argout2); 1373 end 1374 else 1375 argout1 = []; 1376 end 1377 1378 1379 %% ==== TIMEFREQ DISPLAY MODALITIES ==== 1380 % Usage: DisplayMod = bst_get('TimefreqDisplayModalities', TimefreqFile) 1381 case 'TimefreqDisplayModalities' 1382 TimefreqFile = varargin{2}; 1383 % Load sensor names from file 1384 TimefreqMat = in_bst_timefreq(TimefreqFile, 0, 'RowNames'); 1385 % Get channel file 1386 ChannelFile = bst_get('ChannelFileForStudy', TimefreqFile); 1387 if isempty(ChannelFile) 1388 return; 1389 end 1390 % Load channel file 1391 ChannelMat = load(file_fullpath(ChannelFile), 'Channel'); 1392 % Get channels that are present in the file 1393 [tmp__,I,J] = intersect({ChannelMat.Channel.Name}, TimefreqMat.RowNames); 1394 FileMod = unique({ChannelMat.Channel(I).Type}); 1395 % Check if only one type of gradiometer is selected 1396 if isequal(FileMod, {'MEG GRAD'}) && all(cellfun(@(c)(c(end)=='2'), {ChannelMat.Channel(I).Name})) 1397 argout1 = {'MEG GRAD2'}; 1398 elseif isequal(FileMod, {'MEG GRAD'}) && all(cellfun(@(c)(c(end)=='3'), {ChannelMat.Channel(I).Name})) 1399 argout1 = {'MEG GRAD3'}; 1400 % Keep only the modalities that can be displayed (as topography) 1401 else 1402 argout1 = intersect(FileMod, {'MEG','MEG GRAD','MEG MAG','EEG','ECOG','SEEG','NIRS'}); 1403 end 1404 1405 1406 %% ==== CHANNEL DEVICE ==== 1407 % Usage: Device = bst_get('ChannelDevice', ChannelFile) 1408 case 'ChannelDevice' 1409 ChannelFile = varargin{2}; 1410 if ~isempty(strfind(ChannelFile, 'vectorview306')) 1411 Device = 'Vectorview306'; 1412 elseif ~isempty(strfind(ChannelFile, 'ctf_acc1')) 1413 Device = 'CTF'; 1414 elseif ~isempty(strfind(ChannelFile, '4d_acc1')) 1415 Device = '4D'; 1416 elseif ~isempty(strfind(ChannelFile, 'babysquid')) 1417 Device = 'BabySQUID'; 1418 elseif ~isempty(strfind(ChannelFile, 'babymeg')) 1419 Device = 'BabyMEG'; 1420 elseif ~isempty(strfind(ChannelFile, 'kit')) 1421 Device = 'KIT'; 1422 elseif ~isempty(strfind(ChannelFile, 'ricoh')) 1423 Device = 'RICOH'; 1424 elseif ~isempty(strfind(ChannelFile, 'kriss')) 1425 Device = 'KRISS'; 1426 elseif ~isempty(strfind(ChannelFile, 'nirsbrs')) 1427 Device = 'NIRS-BRS'; 1428 else 1429 Device = ''; 1430 end 1431 argout1 = Device; 1432 1433 1434 %% ==== HEADMODEL STRUCT FOR STUDY ==== 1435 % Usage: [sHeadModel] = bst_get('HeadModelForStudy', iStudy) 1436 case 'HeadModelForStudy' 1437 % Parse inputs 1438 if (nargin == 2) 1439 iStudy = varargin{2}; 1440 else 1441 error('Invalid call to bst_get().'); 1442 end 1443 % Get study 1444 sStudy = bst_get('Study', iStudy); 1445 % === Analysis-Inter node === 1446 iAnalysisInter = -2; 1447 iGlobalDefaultStudy = -3; 1448 if (iStudy == iAnalysisInter) 1449 % If no channel file is defined in 'Analysis-intra' node: look in 1450 if isempty(sStudy.iHeadModel) 1451 % Get global default study 1452 sStudy = bst_get('Study', iGlobalDefaultStudy); 1453 end 1454 % === All other nodes === 1455 else 1456 % Get subject attached to study 1457 [sSubject, iSubject] = bst_get('Subject', sStudy.BrainStormSubject, 1); 1458 if isempty(sSubject) 1459 return; 1460 end 1461 % Subject uses default channel/headmodel 1462 if (sSubject.UseDefaultChannel ~= 0) 1463 sStudy = bst_get('DefaultStudy', iSubject); 1464 if isempty(sStudy) 1465 return 1466 end 1467 end 1468 end 1469 % Return HeadModel structure 1470 if ~isempty(sStudy.iHeadModel) 1471 argout1 = sStudy.HeadModel(sStudy.iHeadModel(1)); 1472 else 1473 argout1 = []; 1474 end 1475 1476 1477 %% ==== HEADMODEL FILE ==== 1478 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iHeadModel] = bst_get('HeadModelFile', HeadModelFile, iStudies) 1479 % [sStudy, iStudy, iHeadModel] = bst_get('HeadModelFile', HeadModelFile) 1480 case 'HeadModelFile' 1481 % No protocol in database 1482 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1483 return; 1484 end 1485 % Input #2: HeadModelFile 1486 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1487 HeadModelFile = varargin{2}; 1488 HeadModelFile = strrep(HeadModelFile, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 1489 % Input #3: iStudies 1490 if (nargin < 3) 1491 iStudies = []; 1492 else 1493 iStudies = varargin{3}; 1494 end 1495 % Look for surface file in all the surfaces of all subjects 1496 [argout1, argout2, argout3] = findFileInStudies('HeadModel', 'FileName', HeadModelFile, iStudies); 1497 1498 %% ==== NOISECOV FILE ==== 1499 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iNoiseCov] = bst_get('NoiseCovFile', NoiseCovFile, iStudies) 1500 % [sStudy, iStudy, iNoiseCov] = bst_get('NoiseCovFile', NoiseCovFile) 1501 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iNoiseCov] = bst_get('DataCovFile', NoiseCovFile, iStudies) 1502 % [sStudy, iStudy, iNoiseCov] = bst_get('DataCovFile', NoiseCovFile) 1503 case {'NoiseCovFile', 'DataCovFile'} 1504 % No protocol in database 1505 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1506 return; 1507 end 1508 % Input #2: NoiseCovFile 1509 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1510 NoiseCovFile = varargin{2}; 1511 NoiseCovFile = strrep(NoiseCovFile, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 1512 % Input #3: iStudies 1513 if (nargin < 3) 1514 iStudies = []; 1515 else 1516 iStudies = varargin{3}; 1517 end 1518 % Look for surface file in all the surfaces of all subjects 1519 [argout1, argout2, argout3] = findFileInStudies('NoiseCov', 'FileName', NoiseCovFile, iStudies); 1520 1521 1522 %% ==== DATA FILE ==== 1523 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iData] = bst_get('DataFile', DataFile, iStudies) 1524 % [sStudy, iStudy, iData] = bst_get('DataFile', DataFile) 1525 case 'DataFile' 1526 % No protocol in database 1527 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1528 return; 1529 end 1530 % Input #2: DataFile 1531 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1532 DataFile = varargin{2}; 1533 DataFile = strrep(DataFile, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 1534 % Input #3: iStudies 1535 if (nargin < 3) 1536 iStudies = []; 1537 else 1538 iStudies = varargin{3}; 1539 end 1540 % Look for file in all the studies 1541 [argout1, argout2, argout3] = findFileInStudies('Data', 'FileName', DataFile, iStudies); 1542 1543 1544 %% ==== DATA FOR DATA LIST ==== 1545 % Usage: [iFoundData] = bst_get('DataForDataList', iStudy, DataListName) 1546 case 'DataForDataList' 1547 iStudy = varargin{2}; 1548 DataListName = varargin{3}; 1549 % Get study structure 1550 sStudy = bst_get('Study', iStudy); 1551 % Get all the data files held by this datalist 1552 listComments = cellfun(@(c)deblank(str_remove_parenth(c)), {sStudy.Data.Comment}, 'UniformOutput', 0); 1553 iFoundData = find(strcmp(listComments, DataListName)); 1554 % Return found data files 1555 argout1 = iFoundData; 1556 1557 %% ==== MATRIX FOR MATRIX LIST ==== 1558 % Usage: [iFoundMatrix] = bst_get('MatrixForMatrixList', iStudy, MatrixListName) 1559 case 'MatrixForMatrixList' 1560 iStudy = varargin{2}; 1561 MatrixListName = varargin{3}; 1562 % Get study structure 1563 sStudy = bst_get('Study', iStudy); 1564 % Get all the matrix files held by this datalist 1565 listComments = cellfun(@(c)deblank(str_remove_parenth(c)), {sStudy.Matrix.Comment}, 'UniformOutput', 0); 1566 iFoundMatrix = find(strcmp(listComments, MatrixListName)); 1567 % Return found matrix files 1568 argout1 = iFoundMatrix; 1569 1570 1571 %% ==== DATA FOR STUDY (INCLUDING SHARED STUDIES) ==== 1572 % Usage: [iStudies, iDatas] = bst_get('DataForStudy', iStudy) 1573 case 'DataForStudy' 1574 % Get target study 1575 iStudy = varargin{2}; 1576 sStudy = bst_get('Study', iStudy); 1577 isDefaultStudy = strcmpi(sStudy.Name, bst_get('DirDefaultStudy')); 1578 isGlobalDefault = (iStudy == -3); 1579 1580 % If study is the global default study 1581 sStudies = []; 1582 iStudies = []; 1583 if isGlobalDefault 1584 % Get all the subjects of the protocol 1585 nbSubjects = bst_get('SubjectCount'); 1586 for iSubject = 1:nbSubjects 1587 sSubject = bst_get('Subject', iSubject, 1); 1588 if sSubject.UseDefaultChannel 1589 [tmp_sStudies, tmp_iStudies] = bst_get('StudyWithSubject', sSubject.FileName); 1590 sStudies = [sStudies, tmp_sStudies]; 1591 iStudies = [iStudies, tmp_iStudies]; 1592 end 1593 end 1594 % Else, if study is a subject's default study (ie. channel file is shared by all studies of one subject) 1595 elseif isDefaultStudy 1596 % Get all the subject's studies 1597 [sStudies, iStudies] = bst_get('StudyWithSubject', sStudy.BrainStormSubject, 'intra_subject', 'default_study'); 1598 else 1599 % Normal: one channel per condition 1600 sStudies = sStudy; 1601 iStudies = iStudy; 1602 end 1603 % Get all the DataFiles for all these studies 1604 for i = 1:length(sStudies) 1605 nData = length(sStudies(i).Data); 1606 argout1 = [argout1, repmat(iStudies(i), [1,nData])]; 1607 argout2 = [argout2, 1:nData]; 1608 end 1609 1610 1611 %% ==== DATA FOR STUDIES (INCLUDING SHARED STUDIES) ==== 1612 % Usage: [iStudies, iDatas] = bst_get('DataForStudies', iStudies) 1613 case 'DataForStudies' 1614 iStudies = varargin{2}; 1615 for i = 1:length(iStudies) 1616 [tmp_iStudies, tmp_iDatas] = bst_get('DataForStudy', iStudies(i)); 1617 argout1 = [argout1, tmp_iStudies]; 1618 argout2 = [argout2, tmp_iDatas]; 1619 end 1620 1621 %% ==== DATA FILE FOR CHANNEL FILE ==== 1622 % Usage: DataFiles = bst_get('DataForChannelFile', ChannelFile) 1623 case 'DataForChannelFile' 1624 ChannelFile = varargin{2}; 1625 DataFiles = {}; 1626 % Get study for the given channel file 1627 [sStudy, iStudy] = bst_get('ChannelFile', ChannelFile); 1628 if isempty(sStudy) 1629 return; 1630 end 1631 % Get dependent data files 1632 [iStudies, iDatas] = bst_get('DataForStudy', iStudy); 1633 % Get all the Data filenames 1634 for i = 1:length(iStudies) 1635 sStudy = bst_get('Study', iStudies(i)); 1636 DataFiles = cat(2, DataFiles, {sStudy.Data(iDatas(i)).FileName}); 1637 end 1638 argout1 = DataFiles; 1639 1640 1641 %% ==== RESULTS FILE ==== 1642 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iResult] = bst_get('ResultsFile', ResultsFile, iStudies) 1643 % [sStudy, iStudy, iResult] = bst_get('ResultsFile', ResultsFile) 1644 case 'ResultsFile' 1645 % No protocol in database 1646 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1647 return; 1648 end 1649 % Input #2: ResultsFile 1650 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1651 ResultsFile = varargin{2}; 1652 ResultsFile = strrep(ResultsFile, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 1653 % Input #3: iStudies 1654 if (nargin < 3) 1655 iStudies = []; 1656 else 1657 iStudies = varargin{3}; 1658 end 1659 % Look for surface file in all the surfaces of all subjects 1660 [argout1, argout2, argout3] = findFileInStudies('Result', 'FileName', ResultsFile, iStudies); 1661 1662 1663 %% ==== RESULTS FOR DATA FILE ==== 1664 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iResults] = bst_get('ResultsForDataFile', DataFile) : search the whole protocol 1665 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iResults] = bst_get('ResultsForDataFile', DataFile, iStudies) : search only the specified studies 1666 case 'ResultsForDataFile' 1667 % No protocol in database 1668 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1669 return; 1670 end 1671 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1672 % Input #2: DataFile 1673 DataFile = varargin{2}; 1674 DataFile = strrep(DataFile, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 1675 % Determine in which studies to search for ResultsFile 1676 if (nargin >= 3) 1677 % Studies specified in argument 1678 iStudy = varargin{3}; 1679 else 1680 % Get study in which DataFile is located 1681 [sStudy, iStudy] = bst_get('DataFile', DataFile); 1682 if isempty(iStudy) 1683 return; 1684 end 1685 end 1686 % Search selected studies 1687 [argout1, argout2, argout3] = findFileInStudies('Result', 'DataFile', DataFile, iStudy); 1688 1689 1690 %% ==== STAT FILE ==== 1691 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iData] = bst_get('StatFile', StatFile, iStudies) 1692 % [sStudy, iStudy, iData] = bst_get('StatFile', StatFile) 1693 case 'StatFile' 1694 % No protocol in database 1695 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1696 return; 1697 end 1698 % Input #2: SataFile 1699 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1700 StatFile = varargin{2}; 1701 StatFile = strrep(StatFile, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 1702 % Input #3: iStudies 1703 if (nargin < 3) 1704 iStudies = []; 1705 else 1706 iStudies = varargin{3}; 1707 end 1708 % Look for surface file in all the surfaces of all subjects 1709 [argout1, argout2, argout3] = findFileInStudies('Stat', 'FileName', StatFile, iStudies); 1710 1711 1712 %% ==== STAT FOR DATA FILE ==== 1713 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iResults] = bst_get('StatForDataFile', DataFile) : search the whole protocol 1714 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iResults] = bst_get('StatForDataFile', DataFile, iStudies) : search only the specified studies 1715 case 'StatForDataFile' 1716 % No protocol in database 1717 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1718 return; 1719 end 1720 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1721 % Parse inputs 1722 if (nargin >= 2) 1723 DataFile = varargin{2}; 1724 DataFile = strrep(DataFile, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 1725 else 1726 error('Invalid call to bst_get().'); 1727 end 1728 % Determine in which studies to search for ResultsFile 1729 if (nargin >= 3) 1730 % Studies specified in argument 1731 iStudies = varargin{3}; 1732 else 1733 % Get study in which DataFile is located 1734 [sStudies, iStudies] = bst_get('DataFile', DataFile); 1735 if isempty(iStudies) 1736 return; 1737 end 1738 end 1739 % Search selected studies 1740 [argout1, argout2, argout3] = findFileInStudies('Stat', 'DataFile', DataFile, iStudies); 1741 1742 %% ==== TIMEFREQ FILE ==== 1743 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iTimefreq] = bst_get('TimefreqFile', TimefreqFile, iStudies) 1744 % [sStudy, iStudy, iTimefreq] = bst_get('TimefreqFile', TimefreqFile) 1745 case 'TimefreqFile' 1746 % No protocol in database 1747 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1748 return; 1749 end 1750 % Input #2: TimefreqFile 1751 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1752 TimefreqFile = varargin{2}; 1753 TimefreqFile = strrep(TimefreqFile, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 1754 % Remove optional RefRowName 1755 iPipe = find(TimefreqFile == '|', 1); 1756 if ~isempty(iPipe) 1757 TimefreqFile = TimefreqFile(1:iPipe-1); 1758 end 1759 % Input #3: iStudies 1760 if (nargin < 3) 1761 iStudies = []; 1762 else 1763 iStudies = varargin{3}; 1764 end 1765 % Look for surface file in all the surfaces of all subjects 1766 [argout1, argout2, argout3] = findFileInStudies('Timefreq', 'FileName', TimefreqFile, iStudies); 1767 1768 %% ==== TIMEFREQ FOR FILE ==== 1769 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iTimefreq] = bst_get('TimefreqForFile', FileName, iStudies) : search only the specified studies 1770 % [sStudy, iStudy, iTimefreq] = bst_get('TimefreqForFile', FileName) : search the whole protocol 1771 case 'TimefreqForFile' 1772 % No protocol in database 1773 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1774 return; 1775 end 1776 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1777 % Parse inputs 1778 if (nargin >= 2) 1779 FileName = varargin{2}; 1780 FileName = strrep(FileName, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 1781 else 1782 error('Invalid call to bst_get().'); 1783 end 1784 % Get study in which file is located 1785 if (nargin >= 3) 1786 iStudies = varargin{3}; 1787 [sStudy, iStudy, iFile, DataType] = bst_get('AnyFile', FileName, iStudies); 1788 else 1789 [sStudy, iStudy, iFile, DataType] = bst_get('AnyFile', FileName); 1790 end 1791 % If file was not found 1792 if isempty(iStudy) 1793 return; 1794 end 1795 % Search direct dependent files 1796 [tmp, tmp, iTf] = findFileInStudies('Timefreq', 'DataFile', FileName, iStudy); 1797 % Data files: get all the depending results, and then all the timefreq for those results 1798 if strcmpi(DataType, 'data') 1799 [tmp, tmp, iResults] = bst_get('ResultsForDataFile', FileName, iStudy); 1800 for i = 1:length(iResults); 1801 % Search selected studies 1802 [tmp, tmp, iTfRes] = findFileInStudies('Timefreq', 'DataFile', sStudy.Result(iResults(i)).FileName, iStudy); 1803 if ~isempty(iTfRes) 1804 iTf = [iTf iTfRes]; 1805 end 1806 end 1807 end 1808 % Return results 1809 if ~isempty(iTf) 1810 argout1 = sStudy; 1811 argout2 = iStudy; 1812 argout3 = iTf; 1813 end 1814 1815 1816 %% ==== DIPOLES FOR FILE ==== 1817 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iDipoles] = bst_get('DipolesForFile', FileName, iStudies) : search only the specified studies 1818 % [sStudy, iStudy, iDipoles] = bst_get('DipolesForFile', FileName) : search the whole protocol 1819 case 'DipolesForFile' 1820 % No protocol in database 1821 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1822 return; 1823 end 1824 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1825 % Parse inputs 1826 if (nargin >= 2) 1827 FileName = varargin{2}; 1828 FileName = strrep(FileName, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 1829 else 1830 error('Invalid call to bst_get().'); 1831 end 1832 % Get study in which file is located 1833 if (nargin >= 3) 1834 iStudies = varargin{3}; 1835 [sStudy, iStudy, iFile, DataType] = bst_get('AnyFile', FileName, iStudies); 1836 else 1837 [sStudy, iStudy, iFile, DataType] = bst_get('AnyFile', FileName); 1838 end 1839 % If file was not found 1840 if isempty(iStudy) 1841 return; 1842 end 1843 % Search direct dependent files 1844 [tmp, tmp, iDip] = findFileInStudies('Dipoles', 'DataFile', FileName, iStudy); 1845 % Data files: get all the depending results, and then all the timefreq for those results 1846 if strcmpi(DataType, 'data') 1847 [tmp, tmp, iResults] = bst_get('ResultsForDataFile', FileName, iStudy); 1848 for i = 1:length(iResults); 1849 % Search selected studies 1850 [tmp, tmp, iDipRes] = findFileInStudies('Dipoles', 'DataFile', sStudy.Result(iResults(i)).FileName, iStudy); 1851 if ~isempty(iDipRes) 1852 iDip = [iDip, iDipRes]; 1853 end 1854 end 1855 end 1856 % Return results 1857 if ~isempty(iDip) 1858 argout1 = sStudy; 1859 argout2 = iStudy; 1860 argout3 = iDip; 1861 end 1862 1863 1864 %% ==== TIMEFREQ FOR KERNEL ==== 1865 % Find all the timefreq files dependent from links due to a given kernel 1866 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iTimefreq] = bst_get('TimefreqForKernel', KernelFile) 1867 case 'TimefreqForKernel' 1868 sFoundStudy = []; 1869 iFoundStudy = []; 1870 iFoundTimefreq = []; 1871 % No protocol in database 1872 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1873 return; 1874 end 1875 % Get study in which file is located 1876 KernelFile = varargin{2}; 1877 [sStudy, iStudy, iFile, DataType] = bst_get('ResultsFile', KernelFile); 1878 if isempty(iStudy) 1879 return; 1880 end 1881 % Get all the data files relative with this kernel 1882 [iDepStudies, iDepDatas] = bst_get('DataForStudy', iStudy); 1883 % Keep only once each study 1884 iDepStudies = unique(iDepStudies); 1885 % Process all the dependent studies 1886 for iSt = 1:length(iDepStudies) 1887 % Get the study structure 1888 sDepStudy = bst_get('Study', iDepStudies(iSt)); 1889 % Process each timefreq file separately 1890 for iTf = 1:length(sDepStudy.Timefreq) 1891 DataFile = sDepStudy.Timefreq(iTf).DataFile; 1892 % Keep only the files that are linked to LINKS 1893 if isempty(DataFile) || (length(DataFile) < 5) || ~isequal(DataFile(1:5), 'link|') 1894 continue; 1895 end 1896 % Split link 1897 splitFile = str_split(DataFile, '|'); 1898 % If the kernel is found: add it to the found list 1899 if file_compare(splitFile{2}, KernelFile) 1900 sFoundStudy = [sFoundStudy sDepStudy]; 1901 iFoundStudy = [iFoundStudy, iDepStudies(iSt)]; 1902 iFoundTimefreq = [iFoundTimefreq, iTf]; 1903 end 1904 end 1905 end 1906 % Return findings 1907 argout1 = sFoundStudy; 1908 argout2 = iFoundStudy; 1909 argout3 = iFoundTimefreq; 1910 1911 1912 %% ==== DIPOLES FOR KERNEL ==== 1913 % Find all the dipoles files dependent from links due to a given kernel 1914 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iDipoles] = bst_get('TimefreqForKernel', KernelFile) 1915 case 'DipolesForKernel' 1916 sFoundStudy = []; 1917 iFoundStudy = []; 1918 iFoundDipoles = []; 1919 % No protocol in database 1920 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1921 return; 1922 end 1923 % Get study in which file is located 1924 KernelFile = varargin{2}; 1925 [sStudy, iStudy, iFile, DataType] = bst_get('ResultsFile', KernelFile); 1926 if isempty(iStudy) 1927 return; 1928 end 1929 % Get all the data files relative with this kernel 1930 [iDepStudies, iDepDatas] = bst_get('DataForStudy', iStudy); 1931 % Keep only once each study 1932 iDepStudies = unique(iDepStudies); 1933 % Process all the dependent studies 1934 for iSt = 1:length(iDepStudies) 1935 % Get the study structure 1936 sDepStudy = bst_get('Study', iDepStudies(iSt)); 1937 % Process each timefreq file separately 1938 for iDip = 1:length(sDepStudy.Dipoles) 1939 DataFile = sDepStudy.Dipoles(iDip).DataFile; 1940 % Keep only the files that are linked to LINKS 1941 if isempty(DataFile) || (length(DataFile) < 5) || ~isequal(DataFile(1:5), 'link|') 1942 continue; 1943 end 1944 % Split link 1945 splitFile = str_split(DataFile, '|'); 1946 % If the kernel is found: add it to the found list 1947 if file_compare(splitFile{2}, KernelFile) 1948 sFoundStudy = [sFoundStudy sDepStudy]; 1949 iFoundStudy = [iFoundStudy, iDepStudies(iSt)]; 1950 iFoundDipoles = [iFoundDipoles, iDip]; 1951 end 1952 end 1953 end 1954 % Return findings 1955 argout1 = sFoundStudy; 1956 argout2 = iFoundStudy; 1957 argout3 = iFoundDipoles; 1958 1959 1960 %% ==== DIPOLES FILE ==== 1961 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iDipole] = bst_get('DipolesFile', DipolesFile, iStudies) 1962 % [sStudy, iStudy, iDipole] = bst_get('DipolesFile', DipolesFile) 1963 case 'DipolesFile' 1964 % No protocol in database 1965 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1966 return; 1967 end 1968 % Input #2: DipolesFile 1969 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1970 DipolesFile = varargin{2}; 1971 DipolesFile = strrep(DipolesFile, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 1972 % Input #3: iStudies 1973 if (nargin < 3) 1974 iStudies = []; 1975 else 1976 iStudies = varargin{3}; 1977 end 1978 % Look for surface file in all the surfaces of all subjects 1979 [argout1, argout2, argout3] = findFileInStudies('Dipoles', 'FileName', DipolesFile, iStudies); 1980 1981 1982 %% ==== MATRIX FILE ==== 1983 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iDipole] = bst_get('MatrixFile', MatrixFile, iStudies) 1984 % [sStudy, iStudy, iDipole] = bst_get('MatrixFile', MatrixFile) 1985 case 'MatrixFile' 1986 % No protocol in database 1987 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 1988 return; 1989 end 1990 % Input #2: MatrixFile 1991 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 1992 MatrixFile = varargin{2}; 1993 MatrixFile = strrep(MatrixFile, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 1994 % Input #3: iStudies 1995 if (nargin < 3) 1996 iStudies = []; 1997 else 1998 iStudies = varargin{3}; 1999 end 2000 % Look for surface file in all the surfaces of all subjects 2001 [argout1, argout2, argout3] = findFileInStudies('Matrix', 'FileName', MatrixFile, iStudies); 2002 2003 %% ==== IMAGE FILE ==== 2004 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iDipole] = bst_get('ImageFile', ImageFile, iStudies) 2005 % [sStudy, iStudy, iDipole] = bst_get('ImageFile', ImageFile) 2006 case 'ImageFile' 2007 % No protocol in database 2008 if isempty(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) || (GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol == 0) 2009 return; 2010 end 2011 % Input #2: ImageFile 2012 ProtocolInfo = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolInfo(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 2013 ImageFile = varargin{2}; 2014 ImageFile = strrep(ImageFile, ProtocolInfo.STUDIES, ''); 2015 % Input #3: iStudies 2016 if (nargin < 3) 2017 iStudies = []; 2018 else 2019 iStudies = varargin{3}; 2020 end 2021 % Look for surface file in all the surfaces of all subjects 2022 [argout1, argout2, argout3] = findFileInStudies('Image', 'FileName', ImageFile, iStudies); 2023 2024 2025 %% ==== ANY FILE ==== 2026 % Usage: [sStudy, iStudy, iFile, DataType, sItem] = bst_get('AnyFile', FileName, iStudies) 2027 % [sStudy, iStudy, iFile, DataType, sItem] = bst_get('AnyFile', FileName) 2028 case 'AnyFile' 2029 % Input #2: FileName 2030 FileName = varargin{2}; 2031 if isempty(FileName) 2032 return 2033 end 2034 % Input #3: iStudies 2035 if (nargin < 3) 2036 iStudies = []; 2037 else 2038 iStudies = varargin{3}; 2039 end 2040 % Get data format 2041 fileType = file_gettype(FileName); 2042 if isempty(fileType) 2043 error('File type is not recognized.'); 2044 end 2045 sItem = []; 2046 % Get information related with this file 2047 switch (fileType) 2048 % ===== FUNCTIONAL ===== 2049 case 'channel' 2050 [sStudy, iStudy] = bst_get('ChannelFile', FileName); 2051 iItem = 1; 2052 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2053 sItem = sStudy.Channel; 2054 end 2055 case 'headmodel' 2056 [sStudy, iStudy, iItem] = bst_get('HeadModelFile', FileName); 2057 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2058 sItem = sStudy.HeadModel(iItem); 2059 end 2060 case 'noisecov' 2061 [sStudy, iStudy, iItem] = bst_get('NoiseCovFile', FileName); 2062 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2063 sItem = sStudy.NoiseCov(iItem); 2064 end 2065 case 'ndatacov' 2066 [sStudy, iStudy, iItem] = bst_get('DataCovFile', FileName); 2067 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2068 sItem = sStudy.NoiseCov(iItem); 2069 end 2070 case {'data', 'spike'} 2071 [sStudy, iStudy, iItem] = bst_get('DataFile', FileName, iStudies); 2072 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2073 sItem = sStudy.Data(iItem); 2074 end 2075 case {'results', 'link'} 2076 [sStudy, iStudy, iItem] = bst_get('ResultsFile', FileName, iStudies); 2077 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2078 sItem = sStudy.Result(iItem); 2079 end 2080 case {'presults', 'pdata','ptimefreq','pmatrix'} 2081 [sStudy, iStudy, iItem] = bst_get('StatFile', FileName, iStudies); 2082 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2083 sItem = sStudy.Stat(iItem); 2084 end 2085 case 'dipoles' 2086 [sStudy, iStudy, iItem] = bst_get('DipolesFile', FileName, iStudies); 2087 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2088 sItem = sStudy.Dipoles(iItem); 2089 end 2090 case 'timefreq' 2091 % Remove optional RefRowName 2092 iPipe = find(FileName == '|', 1); 2093 if ~isempty(iPipe) 2094 FileName = FileName(1:iPipe-1); 2095 end 2096 [sStudy, iStudy, iItem] = bst_get('TimefreqFile', FileName, iStudies); 2097 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2098 sItem = sStudy.Timefreq(iItem); 2099 end 2100 case 'matrix' 2101 [sStudy, iStudy, iItem] = bst_get('MatrixFile', FileName, iStudies); 2102 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2103 sItem = sStudy.Matrix(iItem); 2104 end 2105 case 'brainstormstudy' 2106 [sStudy, iStudy] = bst_get('Study', FileName); 2107 iItem = 0; 2108 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2109 sItem = sStudy; 2110 end 2111 case {'image', 'video', 'videolink'} 2112 [sStudy, iStudy, iItem] = bst_get('ImageFile', FileName, iStudies); 2113 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2114 sItem = sStudy.Image(iItem); 2115 end 2116 % ===== ANATOMY ===== 2117 case {'cortex','scalp','innerskull','outerskull','tess','fibers','fem'} 2118 [sStudy, iStudy, iItem] = bst_get('SurfaceFile', FileName); 2119 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2120 sItem = sStudy.Surface(iItem); 2121 end 2122 case 'subjectimage' 2123 [sStudy, iStudy, iItem] = bst_get('MriFile', FileName); 2124 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2125 sItem = sStudy.Anatomy(iItem); 2126 end 2127 case 'brainstormsubject' 2128 [sStudy, iStudy] = bst_get('Subject', FileName); 2129 iItem = 0; 2130 if (nargout >= 5) && ~isempty(sStudy) 2131 sItem = sStudy; 2132 end 2133 otherwise 2134 error('File type is not recognized.'); 2135 end 2136 argout1 = sStudy; 2137 argout2 = iStudy; 2138 argout3 = iItem; 2139 argout4 = fileType; 2140 if (nargout >= 5) 2141 argout5 = sItem; 2142 end 2143 2144 2145 %% ==== GET RELATED DATA FILE ==== 2146 % Usage: DataFile = bst_get('RelatedDataFile', FileName, iStudies) 2147 % DataFile = bst_get('RelatedDataFile', FileName) 2148 case 'RelatedDataFile' 2149 % Input #2: FileName 2150 FileName = varargin{2}; 2151 % Input #3: iStudies 2152 if (nargin < 3) 2153 iStudies = []; 2154 else 2155 iStudies = varargin{3}; 2156 end 2157 % Get file in database 2158 [sStudy, iStudy, iFile, fileType] = bst_get('AnyFile', FileName, iStudies); 2159 % If this data file does not belong to any study 2160 if isempty(sStudy) 2161 return; 2162 end 2163 % Get associated data file 2164 switch (fileType) 2165 case 'data' 2166 RelatedDataFile = sStudy.Data(iFile).FileName; 2167 case {'pdata','presults','ptimefreq','pmatrix'} 2168 RelatedDataFile = sStudy.Stat(iFile).DataFile; 2169 case {'results', 'link'} 2170 RelatedDataFile = sStudy.Result(iFile).DataFile; 2171 case 'dipoles' 2172 RelatedDataFile = sStudy.Dipoles(iFile).DataFile; 2173 case 'timefreq' 2174 RelatedDataFile = sStudy.Timefreq(iFile).DataFile; 2175 otherwise 2176 RelatedDataFile = ''; 2177 end 2178 % If related file is results: get related data file 2179 if ~isempty(RelatedDataFile) 2180 relFileType = file_gettype(RelatedDataFile); 2181 if ismember(relFileType, {'link','results'}) 2182 RelatedDataFile = bst_get('RelatedDataFile', RelatedDataFile, iStudy); 2183 end 2184 end 2185 % Return file 2186 argout1 = RelatedDataFile; 2187 2188 %% ==== ALL CONDITIONS FOR ONE SUBJECT ==== 2189 % Usage: [Conditions] = bst_get('ConditionsForSubject', SubjectFile) 2190 case 'ConditionsForSubject' 2191 % Parse inputs 2192 if (nargin == 2) 2193 SubjectFile = varargin{2}; 2194 else 2195 error('Invalid call to bst_get().'); 2196 end 2197 % Get list of studies associated with subject 2198 sStudies = bst_get('StudyWithSubject', SubjectFile); 2199 % Get Conditions for each study 2200 Conditions = {}; 2201 for i = 1:length(sStudies) 2202 % Test if the condition of this study was not added previously 2203 isNewCondition = 1; 2204 for iCond = 1:length(Conditions) 2205 % If new condition is found 2206 % (and excludes DirAnalysisIntra and DirDefaultSubject from list) 2207 if isempty(sStudies(i).Condition) || ... 2208 isequal(sStudies(i).Condition, Conditions(iCond)) || ... 2209 strcmpi(sStudies(i).Condition{1}, bst_get('DirAnalysisIntra')) || ... 2210 strcmpi(sStudies(i).Condition{1}, bst_get('DirDefaultSubject')) 2211 isNewCondition = 0; 2212 break; 2213 end 2214 end 2215 % If Condition is not added yet : add it to the list 2216 if isNewCondition && ~isempty(sStudies(i).Condition) 2217 Conditions{end+1} = sStudies(i).Condition{1}; 2218 end 2219 end 2220 % Return conditions list 2221 argout1 = Conditions; 2222 2223 2224 %% ==== ANATOMY DEFAULTS ==== 2225 % Returns the list of all the anatomy defaults (distributed with the software + user defined) 2226 case 'AnatomyDefaults' 2227 % Parse inputs 2228 if (nargin == 2) 2229 AnatName = varargin{2}; 2230 else 2231 AnatName = []; 2232 end 2233 % Get templates from the brainstorm3 folder 2234 progDir = bst_fullfile(bst_get('BrainstormDefaultsDir'), 'anatomy'); 2235 progFiles = dir(progDir); 2236 % Get templates from the user folder 2237 userDir = bst_fullfile(bst_get('UserDefaultsDir'), 'anatomy'); 2238 userFiles = dir(userDir); 2239 % Combine the two lists 2240 AllProgNames = cat(2, {progFiles.name}, cellfun(@(c)cat(2,c,'.zip'), {progFiles.name}, 'UniformOutput', 0)); 2241 AllFiles = cat(2, cellfun(@(c)bst_fullfile(progDir,c), setdiff({progFiles.name}, {'.','..'}), 'UniformOutput', 0), ... 2242 cellfun(@(c)bst_fullfile(userDir,c), setdiff({userFiles.name}, AllProgNames), 'UniformOutput', 0)); 2243 % Initialize list of defaults 2244 sTemplates = repmat(struct('FilePath',[],'Name',[]), 0); 2245 % Find all the valid defaults (.zip files or subdirectory with a brainstormsubject.mat in it) 2246 for i = 1:length(AllFiles) 2247 % Decompose file name 2248 [fPath, fBase, fExt] = bst_fileparts(AllFiles{i}); 2249 % Entry is a directory W/ a name that does not start with a '.' 2250 if isempty(fBase) || strcmpi(fBase(1),'.') || (~isempty(fExt) && ~strcmpi(fExt, '.zip')) 2251 continue; 2252 end 2253 % If it's a folder: check for a brainstormsubject file 2254 if isdir(AllFiles{i}) 2255 bstFiles = dir(bst_fullfile(AllFiles{i}, 'brainstormsubject*.mat')); 2256 if (length(bstFiles) == 1) 2257 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = AllFiles{i}; 2258 sTemplates(end).Name = fBase; 2259 end 2260 % If it's a zip file 2261 elseif isequal(fExt, '.zip') 2262 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = AllFiles{i}; 2263 sTemplates(end).Name = fBase; 2264 end 2265 end 2266 % Get defaults from internet 2267 if ~ismember('icbm152', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2268 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=ICBM152_2023b'; 2269 sTemplates(end).Name = 'ICBM152'; 2270 end 2271 if ~ismember('icbm152_2022', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2272 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=ICBM152_2022'; 2273 sTemplates(end).Name = 'ICBM152_2022'; 2274 end 2275 if ~ismember('icbm152_2023b', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2276 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=ICBM152_2023b'; 2277 sTemplates(end).Name = 'ICBM152_2023b'; 2278 end 2279 if ~ismember('icbm152_2019', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2280 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=ICBM152_2019'; 2281 sTemplates(end).Name = 'ICBM152_2019'; 2282 end 2283 if ~ismember('icbm152_brainsuite_2016', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2284 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=ICBM152_BrainSuite_2016'; 2285 sTemplates(end).Name = 'ICBM152_BrainSuite_2016'; 2286 end 2287 if ~ismember('colin27_2016', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2288 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Colin27_2016'; 2289 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Colin27_2016'; 2290 end 2291 if ~ismember('colin27_brainsuite_2016', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2292 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Colin27_BrainSuite_2016'; 2293 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Colin27_BrainSuite_2016'; 2294 end 2295 if ~ismember('bci-dni_brainsuite_2020', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2296 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=BCI-DNI_BrainSuite_2020'; 2297 sTemplates(end).Name = 'BCI-DNI_BrainSuite_2020'; 2298 end 2299 if ~ismember('uscbrain_brainsuite_2020', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2300 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=USCBrain_BrainSuite_2020'; 2301 sTemplates(end).Name = 'USCBrain_BrainSuite_2020'; 2302 end 2303 if ~ismember('fsaverage_2020', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2304 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=FSAverage_2020'; 2305 sTemplates(end).Name = 'FsAverage_2020'; 2306 end 2307 if ~ismember('kabdebon_7w', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2308 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Kabdebon_7w'; 2309 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Kabdebon_7w'; 2310 end 2311 if ~ismember('oreilly_0.5m_2021', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2312 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Oreilly_0.5m_2021'; 2313 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Oreilly_0.5m_2021'; 2314 end 2315 if ~ismember('oreilly_1m_2021', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2316 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Oreilly_1m_2021'; 2317 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Oreilly_1m_2021'; 2318 end 2319 if ~ismember('oreilly_2m_2021', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2320 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Oreilly_2m_2021'; 2321 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Oreilly_2m_2021'; 2322 end 2323 if ~ismember(lower({sTemplates.Name}), 'oreilly_3m_2021') 2324 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Oreilly_3m_2021'; 2325 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Oreilly_3m_2021'; 2326 end 2327 if ~ismember('oreilly_4.5m_2021', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2328 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Oreilly_4.5m_2021'; 2329 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Oreilly_4.5m_2021'; 2330 end 2331 if ~ismember('oreilly_6m_2021', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2332 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Oreilly_6m_2021'; 2333 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Oreilly_6m_2021'; 2334 end 2335 if ~ismember('oreilly_7.5m_2021', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2336 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Oreilly_7.5m_2021'; 2337 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Oreilly_7.5m_2021'; 2338 end 2339 if ~ismember('oreilly_9m_2021', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2340 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Oreilly_9m_2021'; 2341 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Oreilly_9m_2021'; 2342 end 2343 if ~ismember('oreilly_10.5m_2021', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2344 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Oreilly_10.5m_2021'; 2345 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Oreilly_10.5m_2021'; 2346 end 2347 if ~ismember('oreilly_12m_2021', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2348 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Oreilly_12m_2021'; 2349 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Oreilly_12m_2021'; 2350 end 2351 if ~ismember('oreilly_15m_2021', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2352 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Oreilly_15m_2021'; 2353 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Oreilly_15m_2021'; 2354 end 2355 if ~ismember('oreilly_18m_2021', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2356 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Oreilly_18m_2021'; 2357 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Oreilly_18m_2021'; 2358 end 2359 if ~ismember('oreilly_24m_2021', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2360 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=Oreilly_24m_2021'; 2361 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Oreilly_24m_2021'; 2362 end 2363 % If a specific template was requested 2364 if ~isempty(AnatName) 2365 iAnat = find(strcmpi({sTemplates.Name}, AnatName)); 2366 sTemplates = sTemplates(iAnat); 2367 end 2368 % Sort in alphabetical order 2369 if ~isempty(sTemplates) 2370 [tmp__, I] = sort_nat({sTemplates(2:end).Name}); 2371 sTemplates = sTemplates([1, I+1]); 2372 end 2373 % Return defaults list 2374 argout1 = sTemplates; 2375 2376 2377 %% ==== MNI ATLASES ==== 2378 % Returns the list of all the available MNI atlases 2379 case 'MniAtlasDefaults' 2380 % Get templates from the brainstorm3 folder 2381 mniDir = bst_fullfile(bst_get('UserDefaultsDir'), 'mniatlas'); 2382 mniFiles = dir(bst_fullfile(mniDir, '*.nii.gz')); 2383 mniFiles = cellfun(@(c)bst_fullfile(mniDir,c), {mniFiles.name}, 'UniformOutput', 0); 2384 % Initialize list of defaults 2385 sTemplates = repmat(struct('FilePath',[],'Name',[],'Info',[]), 0); 2386 % Find all the valid defaults (.zip files or subdirectory with a brainstormsubject.mat in it) 2387 for i = 1:length(mniFiles) 2388 % Decompose file name 2389 [fPath, fBase, fExt] = bst_fileparts(mniFiles{i}); 2390 % Keep only files with .nii and .nii.gz extensions 2391 if ~isempty(fBase) && (fBase(1) ~= '.') && ~isempty(fExt) && strcmpi(fExt, '.gz') 2392 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = mniFiles{i}; 2393 sTemplates(end).Name = strrep(fBase, '.nii', ''); 2394 sTemplates(end).Info = ''; 2395 end 2396 end 2397 % Sort in alphabetical order 2398 if ~isempty(sTemplates) 2399 [tmp__, I] = sort_nat(lower({sTemplates.Name})); 2400 sTemplates = sTemplates(I); 2401 end 2402 2403 % Get defaults from internet 2404 if ~ismember('aal1', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2405 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=mni_AAL1'; 2406 sTemplates(end).Name = 'AAL1'; 2407 sTemplates(end).Info = 'https://www.gin.cnrs.fr/en/tools/aal/'; 2408 end 2409 if ~ismember('aal2', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2410 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=mni_AAL2'; 2411 sTemplates(end).Name = 'AAL2'; 2412 sTemplates(end).Info = 'https://www.gin.cnrs.fr/en/tools/aal/'; 2413 end 2414 if ~ismember('aal3', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2415 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=mni_AAL3'; 2416 sTemplates(end).Name = 'AAL3'; 2417 sTemplates(end).Info = 'https://www.gin.cnrs.fr/en/tools/aal/'; 2418 end 2419 if ~ismember('aicha', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2420 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=mni_AICHA'; 2421 sTemplates(end).Name = 'AICHA'; 2422 sTemplates(end).Info = 'https://www.gin.cnrs.fr/en/tools/aicha'; 2423 end 2424 if ~ismember('brainnetome', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2425 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=mni_Brainnetome'; 2426 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Brainnetome'; 2427 sTemplates(end).Info = 'http://atlas.brainnetome.org/'; 2428 end 2429 if ~ismember('brainnetome_leaddbs', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2430 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=mni_Brainnetome_leaddbs'; 2431 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Brainnetome_leaddbs'; 2432 sTemplates(end).Info = 'http://atlas.brainnetome.org/'; 2433 end 2434 if ~ismember('brodmann', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2435 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=mni_Brodmann'; 2436 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Brodmann'; 2437 sTemplates(end).Info = 'https://people.cas.sc.edu/rorden/mricro/lesion.html#brod'; 2438 end 2439 if ~ismember('hammers83', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2440 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=mni_Hammers'; 2441 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Hammers'; 2442 sTemplates(end).Info = 'http://brain-development.org/brain-atlases/adult-brain-atlases/'; 2443 end 2444 if ~ismember('neuromorphometrics', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2445 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=mni_Neuromorphometrics'; 2446 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Neuromorphometrics'; 2447 sTemplates(end).Info = 'https://search.kg.ebrains.eu/instances/Dataset/ef48c5e9-6b3c-4d5a-a9a9-e678fe10bdf6'; 2448 end 2449 if ~ismember('julich-brain-v25', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2450 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=mni_Julich-Brain-v25'; 2451 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Julich-Brain-v25'; 2452 sTemplates(end).Info = 'https://search.kg.ebrains.eu/instances/Dataset/ef48c5e9-6b3c-4d5a-a9a9-e678fe10bdf6'; 2453 end 2454 if ~ismember('schaefer2018_100_7net', lower({sTemplates.Name})) 2455 sTemplates(end+1).FilePath = 'http://neuroimage.usc.edu/bst/getupdate.php?t=mni_Schaefer2018'; 2456 sTemplates(end).Name = 'Schaefer2018'; 2457 sTemplates(end).Info = 'https://github.com/ThomasYeoLab/CBIG/tree/master/stable_projects/brain_parcellation/Schaefer2018_LocalGlobal'; 2458 end 2459 % Return defaults list 2460 argout1 = sTemplates; 2461 2462 2463 %% ==== EEG DEFAULTS ==== 2464 % Returns an array of struct(fullpath, name) of all the Brainstorm eeg nets defaults 2465 % Usage: EegDefaults = bst_get('EegDefaults') 2466 % EegDefaults = bst_get('EegDefaults', TemplateName=[], SetupName=[]) 2467 case 'EegDefaults' 2468 % Parse inputs 2469 if (nargin >= 3) 2470 SetupName = varargin{3}; 2471 else 2472 SetupName = []; 2473 end 2474 if (nargin >= 2) 2475 TemplateName = varargin{2}; 2476 else 2477 TemplateName = []; 2478 end 2479 % Get templates from the brainstorm3 folder 2480 progDir = bst_fullfile(bst_get('BrainstormDefaultsDir'), 'eeg'); 2481 progFiles = dir(bst_fullfile(progDir, '*')); 2482 % Get templates from the user folder 2483 userDir = bst_fullfile(bst_get('UserDefaultsDir'), 'eeg'); 2484 userFiles = dir(bst_fullfile(userDir, '*')); 2485 % Combine the two lists 2486 dirList = cat(2, cellfun(@(c)bst_fullfile(progDir,c), {progFiles.name}, 'UniformOutput', 0), ... 2487 cellfun(@(c)bst_fullfile(userDir,c), setdiff({userFiles.name}, {progFiles.name}), 'UniformOutput', 0)); 2488 % Initialize list of folders 2489 fullDefaultsList = repmat(struct('contents','', 'name',''), 0); 2490 % For each template directory 2491 for iDir = 1:length(dirList) 2492 % Decompose file name 2493 [fPath, fBase, fExt] = bst_fileparts(dirList{iDir}); 2494 % Entry is a not a folder, or starts with a "." 2495 if ~isdir(dirList{iDir}) || isempty(fBase) || strcmpi(fBase(1),'.') 2496 continue; 2497 end 2498 % Skip if it is not the requested template 2499 if ~isempty(TemplateName) && ~strcmpi(fBase, TemplateName) 2500 continue; 2501 end 2502 % Get files list 2503 fileList = dir(bst_fullfile(dirList{iDir}, 'channel*.mat')); 2504 defaultsList = repmat(struct('fullpath','', 'name',''), 0); 2505 % Find all the valid defaults (channel files) 2506 for iFile = 1:length(fileList) 2507 [tmp__, baseName] = bst_fileparts(fileList(iFile).name); 2508 baseName = strrep(baseName, 'channel_', ''); 2509 baseName = strrep(baseName, '_channel', ''); 2510 baseName = strrep(baseName, '_', ' '); 2511 % Skip if it is not the requested template 2512 if ~isempty(SetupName) && ~strcmpi(baseName, SetupName) 2513 continue; 2514 end 2515 % Add to list of templates 2516 iNewDefault = length(defaultsList) + 1; 2517 defaultsList(iNewDefault).fullpath = bst_fullfile(dirList{iDir}, fileList(iFile).name); 2518 defaultsList(iNewDefault).name = baseName; 2519 end 2520 % Add files list to defaults list 2521 if ~isempty(defaultsList) 2522 fullDefaultsList(end + 1) = struct('contents', defaultsList, ... 2523 'name', fBase); 2524 end 2525 end 2526 % Return defaults list 2527 argout1 = fullDefaultsList; 2528 2529 2530 %% ==== GET FILENAMES ==== 2531 case 'GetFilenames' 2532 iStudies = varargin{2}; 2533 iItems = varargin{3}; 2534 DataType = varargin{4}; 2535 FileNames = cell(1, length(iStudies)); 2536 argout1 = {}; 2537 for i = 1:length(iStudies) 2538 % Get study definition 2539 sStudy = bst_get('Study', iStudies(i)); 2540 if isempty(sStudy) 2541 continue; 2542 end 2543 % Recordings or sources 2544 switch (DataType) 2545 case 'data' 2546 if (iItems(i) > length(sStudy.Data)) 2547 return; 2548 end 2549 FileNames{i} = sStudy.Data(iItems(i)).FileName; 2550 case 'results' 2551 if (iItems(i) > length(sStudy.Result)) 2552 return; 2553 end 2554 FileNames{i} = sStudy.Result(iItems(i)).FileName; 2555 case 'timefreq' 2556 if (iItems(i) > length(sStudy.Timefreq)) 2557 return; 2558 end 2559 FileNames{i} = sStudy.Timefreq(iItems(i)).FileName; 2560 case 'matrix' 2561 if (iItems(i) > length(sStudy.Matrix)) 2562 return; 2563 end 2564 FileNames{i} = sStudy.Matrix(iItems(i)).FileName; 2565 case {'pdata','presults','ptimfreq'} 2566 if (iItems(i) > length(sStudy.Stat)) 2567 return; 2568 end 2569 FileNames{i} = sStudy.Stat(iItems(i)).FileName; 2570 end 2571 end 2572 argout1 = FileNames; 2573 2574 2575 %% ==== GUI ==== 2576 case 'BstFrame' 2577 if isempty(GlobalData) || isempty(GlobalData.Program.GUI) || isempty(GlobalData.Program.GUI.mainWindow) 2578 argout1 = []; 2579 else 2580 argout1 = GlobalData.Program.GUI.mainWindow.jBstFrame; 2581 end 2582 case 'BstControls' 2583 if isempty(GlobalData) || isempty(GlobalData.Program) || isempty(GlobalData.Program.GUI) || isempty(GlobalData.Program.GUI.mainWindow) 2584 argout1 = []; 2585 else 2586 argout1 = GlobalData.Program.GUI.mainWindow; 2587 end 2588 case 'isGUI' 2589 if isempty(GlobalData) || isempty(GlobalData.Program) || ~isfield(GlobalData.Program, 'GuiLevel') 2590 argout1 = []; 2591 else 2592 argout1 = (GlobalData.Program.GuiLevel >= 1); 2593 end 2594 case 'GuiLevel' 2595 if isempty(GlobalData) || isempty(GlobalData.Program) || ~isfield(GlobalData.Program, 'GuiLevel') 2596 argout1 = []; 2597 else 2598 argout1 = GlobalData.Program.GuiLevel; 2599 end 2600 case 'ScreenDef' 2601 if isempty(GlobalData) || isempty(GlobalData.Program) || ~isfield(GlobalData.Program, 'ScreenDef') 2602 argout1 = []; 2603 else 2604 argout1 = GlobalData.Program.ScreenDef; 2605 end 2606 case 'DecorationSize' 2607 if isempty(GlobalData) || isempty(GlobalData.Program) || ~isfield(GlobalData.Program, 'DecorationSize') 2608 argout1 = []; 2609 else 2610 argout1 = GlobalData.Program.DecorationSize; 2611 end 2612 case 'Layout' 2613 % Default or current layout structure 2614 if ~isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') || ~isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'Layout') || ~((nargin == 1) || isfield(GlobalData.Preferences.Layout, varargin{2})) || ~isfield(GlobalData.Preferences.Layout, 'MainWindowPos') 2615 GlobalData.Preferences.Layout = db_template('Layout'); 2616 end 2617 % Structure or property call 2618 if (nargin == 2) && ischar(varargin{2}) && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences.Layout, varargin{2}) 2619 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.Layout.(varargin{2}); 2620 elseif (nargin == 1) 2621 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.Layout; 2622 else 2623 error('Invalid call to bst_get.'); 2624 end 2625 2626 case 'ByteOrder' 2627 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'ByteOrder') 2628 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.ByteOrder; 2629 else 2630 argout1 = 'l'; 2631 end 2632 2633 case 'UniformizeTimeSeriesScales' 2634 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'UniformizeTimeSeriesScales') 2635 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.UniformizeTimeSeriesScales; 2636 else 2637 argout1 = 1; 2638 end 2639 2640 case 'FlipYAxis' 2641 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'FlipYAxis') 2642 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.FlipYAxis; 2643 else 2644 argout1 = 0; 2645 end 2646 2647 case 'AutoScaleY' 2648 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'AutoScaleY') 2649 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.AutoScaleY; 2650 else 2651 argout1 = 1; 2652 end 2653 2654 case 'ShowXGrid' 2655 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'ShowXGrid') 2656 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.ShowXGrid; 2657 else 2658 argout1 = 0; 2659 end 2660 2661 case 'ShowYGrid' 2662 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'ShowYGrid') 2663 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.ShowYGrid; 2664 else 2665 argout1 = 0; 2666 end 2667 2668 case 'ShowZeroLines' 2669 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'ShowZeroLines') 2670 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.ShowZeroLines; 2671 else 2672 argout1 = 1; 2673 end 2674 2675 case 'Resolution' 2676 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'Resolution') 2677 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.Resolution; 2678 else 2679 argout1 = [0 0]; 2680 end 2681 2682 case 'FixedScaleY' 2683 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'FixedScaleY') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences.FixedScaleY, varargin{2}) && ~isempty(GlobalData.Preferences.FixedScaleY.(varargin{2})) 2684 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.FixedScaleY.(varargin{2}); 2685 else 2686 argout1 = []; 2687 end 2688 2689 case 'XScale' 2690 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'XScale') 2691 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.XScale; 2692 else 2693 argout1 = 'linear'; 2694 end 2695 2696 case 'YScale' 2697 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'YScale') 2698 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.YScale; 2699 else 2700 argout1 = 'linear'; 2701 end 2702 2703 case 'ShowEventsMode' 2704 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'ShowEventsMode') 2705 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.ShowEventsMode; 2706 else 2707 argout1 = 'dot'; 2708 end 2709 2710 case 'AutoUpdates' 2711 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'AutoUpdates') 2712 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.AutoUpdates; 2713 else 2714 argout1 = 1; 2715 end 2716 2717 case 'ForceMatCompression' 2718 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'ForceMatCompression') 2719 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.ForceMatCompression; 2720 else 2721 argout1 = 0; 2722 end 2723 2724 case 'IgnoreMemoryWarnings' 2725 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'IgnoreMemoryWarnings') 2726 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.IgnoreMemoryWarnings; 2727 else 2728 argout1 = 0; 2729 end 2730 2731 case 'SystemCopy' 2732 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'SystemCopy') 2733 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.SystemCopy; 2734 else 2735 argout1 = 0; 2736 end 2737 2738 case 'ExpertMode' 2739 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'ExpertMode') 2740 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.ExpertMode; 2741 else 2742 argout1 = 0; 2743 end 2744 2745 case 'DisplayGFP' 2746 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'DisplayGFP') 2747 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.DisplayGFP; 2748 else 2749 argout1 = 1; 2750 end 2751 2752 case 'DownsampleTimeSeries' 2753 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'DownsampleTimeSeries') 2754 if (GlobalData.Preferences.DownsampleTimeSeries == 1) 2755 GlobalData.Preferences.DownsampleTimeSeries = 5; 2756 end 2757 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.DownsampleTimeSeries; 2758 else 2759 argout1 = 5; 2760 end 2761 2762 case 'GraphicsSmoothing' 2763 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'GraphicsSmoothing') 2764 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.GraphicsSmoothing; 2765 else 2766 argout1 = 5; 2767 end 2768 2769 case 'DisableOpenGL' 2770 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'DisableOpenGL') 2771 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.DisableOpenGL; 2772 else 2773 argout1 = 0; 2774 end 2775 2776 case 'InterfaceScaling' 2777 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'InterfaceScaling') 2778 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.InterfaceScaling; 2779 else 2780 % Get screen resolution 2781 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Program') && isfield(GlobalData.Program, 'ScreenDef') && isfield(GlobalData.Program.ScreenDef, 'javaPos') && ~isempty(GlobalData.Program.ScreenDef(1).javaPos) 2782 AvailableRes = [100 125 150 200 250 300 400]; 2783 iRes = bst_closest(GlobalData.Program.ScreenDef(1).javaPos.width * 100 / 1920, AvailableRes); 2784 argout1 = AvailableRes(iRes); 2785 else 2786 argout1 = 100; 2787 end 2788 end 2789 2790 case 'TSDisplayMode' 2791 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'TSDisplayMode') 2792 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.TSDisplayMode; 2793 else 2794 argout1 = 'butterfly'; 2795 end 2796 2797 case 'PluginCustomPath' 2798 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'PluginCustomPath') && ~isempty(GlobalData.Preferences.PluginCustomPath) 2799 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.PluginCustomPath; 2800 else 2801 argout1 = []; 2802 end 2803 2804 case 'BrainSuiteDir' 2805 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'BrainSuiteDir') && ~isempty(GlobalData.Preferences.BrainSuiteDir) 2806 if isdir(GlobalData.Preferences.BrainSuiteDir) && file_exist(bst_fullfile(GlobalData.Preferences.BrainSuiteDir, 'bdp')) 2807 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.BrainSuiteDir; 2808 else 2809 argout1 = []; 2810 end 2811 else 2812 argout1 = []; 2813 end 2814 2815 case 'SpmTpmAtlas' 2816 preferSpm = 0; 2817 % CALL: bst_get('SpmTpmAtlas', 'SPM') 2818 if (nargin >= 2) && strcmpi(varargin{2}, 'SPM') 2819 preferSpm = 1; 2820 end 2821 2822 % Get template file 2823 tpmUser = bst_fullfile(bst_get('BrainstormUserDir'), 'defaults', 'spm', 'TPM.nii'); 2824 if file_exist(tpmUser) && ~preferSpm 2825 argout1 = tpmUser; 2826 disp(['BST> SPM12 template found: ' tpmUser]); 2827 return; 2828 end 2829 % If it does not exist: check in brainstorm3 folder 2830 tpmDistrib = bst_fullfile(bst_get('BrainstormHomeDir'), 'defaults', 'spm', 'TPM.nii'); 2831 if file_exist(tpmDistrib) && ~preferSpm 2832 argout1 = tpmDistrib; 2833 disp(['BST> SPM12 template found: ' tpmDistrib]); 2834 return; 2835 end 2836 % If it does not exist: check in spm12 folder 2837 PlugSpm = bst_plugin('GetInstalled', 'spm12'); 2838 if ~isempty(PlugSpm) 2839 tpmSpm = bst_fullfile(PlugSpm.Path, PlugSpm.SubFolder, 'tpm', 'TPM.nii'); 2840 if file_exist(tpmSpm) 2841 argout1 = tpmSpm; 2842 disp(['BST> SPM12 template found: ' tpmSpm]); 2843 return; 2844 elseif preferSpm 2845 argout1 = bst_get('SpmTpmAtlas'); 2846 return 2847 end 2848 else 2849 tpmSpm = ''; 2850 end 2851 % Not found... 2852 disp('SPM12 template not found in any of the following folders:'); 2853 disp([' - ' tpmUser]); 2854 disp([' - ' tpmDistrib]); 2855 if ~isempty(tpmSpm) 2856 disp([' - ' tpmSpm]); 2857 end 2858 argout1 = []; 2859 2860 case 'PythonExe' 2861 % Get saved value 2862 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'PythonExe') && ~isempty(GlobalData.Preferences.PythonExe) 2863 if file_exist(GlobalData.Preferences.PythonExe) 2864 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.PythonExe; 2865 else 2866 disp(['BST> Error: Python executable not found: ' GlobalData.Preferences.PythonExe]); 2867 argout1 = []; 2868 end 2869 else 2870 argout1 = []; 2871 end 2872 % If not defined in Brainstorm, but set in Matlab 2873 if isempty(argout1) 2874 [pyVer, PythonExe] = bst_python_ver(); 2875 if ~isempty(PythonExe) && file_exist(PythonExe) 2876 disp(['BST> Found Python executable: ' PythonExe]); 2877 argout1 = PythonExe; 2878 bst_set('PythonExe', PythonExe); 2879 end 2880 end 2881 2882 case 'ElectrodeConfig' 2883 % Get modality 2884 Modality = varargin{2}; 2885 if isequal(Modality, 'ECOG+SEEG') 2886 Modality = 'ECOG_SEEG'; 2887 elseif isempty(Modality) || ~ismember(Modality, {'EEG','ECOG','SEEG'}) 2888 error(['Invalid modality: ' Modality]); 2889 end 2890 % Value was saved previously 2891 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'ElectrodeConfig') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences.ElectrodeConfig, Modality) && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences.ElectrodeConfig.(Modality), 'ContactDiameter') 2892 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.ElectrodeConfig.(Modality); 2893 % Get default value 2894 else 2895 switch (Modality) 2896 case 'EEG' 2897 ElectrodeConfig.Type = 'eeg'; 2898 ElectrodeConfig.ContactDiameter = 0.010; 2899 ElectrodeConfig.ContactLength = 0.002; 2900 ElectrodeConfig.ElecDiameter = []; 2901 ElectrodeConfig.ElecLength = []; 2902 case 'ECOG' 2903 ElectrodeConfig.Type = 'ecog'; 2904 ElectrodeConfig.ContactDiameter = 0.004; 2905 ElectrodeConfig.ContactLength = 0.001; 2906 ElectrodeConfig.ElecDiameter = 0.0005; 2907 ElectrodeConfig.ElecLength = []; 2908 case {'SEEG','ECOG_SEEG'} 2909 ElectrodeConfig.Type = 'seeg'; 2910 ElectrodeConfig.ContactDiameter = 0.0008; 2911 ElectrodeConfig.ContactLength = 0.002; 2912 ElectrodeConfig.ElecDiameter = 0.0007; 2913 ElectrodeConfig.ElecLength = 0.070; 2914 end 2915 argout1 = ElectrodeConfig; 2916 end 2917 2918 case 'ElecInterpDist' 2919 % Get modality 2920 Modality = varargin{2}; 2921 if isequal(Modality, 'ECOG+SEEG') 2922 Modality = 'ECOG_SEEG'; 2923 elseif isempty(Modality) || ~ismember(Modality, {'EEG','ECOG','SEEG','MEG'}) 2924 error(['Invalid modality: ' Modality]); 2925 end 2926 % Value was saved previously 2927 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'ElecInterpDist') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences.ElecInterpDist, Modality) 2928 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.ElecInterpDist.(Modality); 2929 % Get default value 2930 else 2931 switch (Modality) 2932 case 'EEG', argout1 = .3; 2933 case 'ECOG', argout1 = .015; 2934 case 'SEEG', argout1 = .015; 2935 case 'ECOG_SEEG', argout1 = .015; 2936 case 'MEG', argout1 = .5; 2937 end 2938 end 2939 2940 case 'UseSigProcToolbox' 2941 % In a parfor loop: GlobalData is empty => Check only if the toolbox is installed (ignore user preferences) 2942 if isempty(GlobalData) || ~isfield(GlobalData, 'Program') || ~isfield(GlobalData.Program, 'HasSigProcToolbox') 2943 argout1 = exist('kaiserord', 'file'); 2944 else 2945 % Save the result of the check for the SigProc tb 2946 if isempty(GlobalData.Program.HasSigProcToolbox) 2947 % Check if Signal Processing Toolbox is installed 2948 GlobalData.Program.HasSigProcToolbox = (exist('kaiserord', 'file') == 2); 2949 end 2950 % Return user preferences 2951 if ~GlobalData.Program.HasSigProcToolbox 2952 argout1 = 0; 2953 elseif isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'UseSigProcToolbox') 2954 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.UseSigProcToolbox; 2955 else 2956 argout1 = 1; 2957 end 2958 end 2959 2960 case 'CustomColormaps' 2961 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'CustomColormaps') && ~isempty(GlobalData.Preferences.CustomColormaps) 2962 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.CustomColormaps; 2963 else 2964 argout1 = repmat(struct('Name', '', 'CMap', []), 0); 2965 end 2966 2967 case 'BFSProperties' 2968 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'BFSProperties') && ~isempty(GlobalData.Preferences.BFSProperties) 2969 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.BFSProperties; 2970 else 2971 argout1 = [.33 .0042 .33 .88 .93]; 2972 end 2973 2974 case 'LastUsedDirs' 2975 defPref = struct(... 2976 'ImportData', '', ... 2977 'ImportChannel', '', ... 2978 'ImportAnat', '', ... 2979 'ImportMontage', '', ... 2980 'ExportChannel', '', ... 2981 'ExportData', '', ... 2982 'ExportAnat', '', ... 2983 'ExportProtocol', '', ... 2984 'ExportImage', '', ... 2985 'ExportScript', '', ... 2986 'ExportMontage', ''); 2987 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 2988 % Check that all folders are valid 2989 fields = fieldnames(argout1); 2990 for i = 1:length(fields) 2991 if ~ischar(argout1.(fields{i})) || ~file_exist(argout1.(fields{i})) 2992 argout1.(fields{i}) = ''; 2993 end 2994 end 2995 2996 case 'DefaultFormats' 2997 defPref = struct(... 2998 'AnatIn', 'FreeSurfer', ... 2999 'ChannelIn', '', ... 3000 'ChannelOut', '', ... 3001 'DataIn', 'CTF', ... 3002 'DataOut', '', ... 3003 'DipolesIn', '', ... 3004 'DipolesOut', '', ... 3005 'ImageOut', '', ... 3006 'EventsIn', '', ... 3007 'EventsOut', '', ... 3008 'MriIn', '', ... 3009 'MriOut', 'Nifti1', ... 3010 'NoiseCovIn', '', ... 3011 'NoiseCovOut', '', ... 3012 'ResultsIn', '', ... 3013 'ResultsOut', '', ... 3014 'SpmOut', '', ... 3015 'SspIn', '', ... 3016 'SspOut', '', ... 3017 'SurfaceIn', '', ... 3018 'SurfaceOut', '', ... 3019 'LabelIn', '', ... 3020 'LabelOut', '', ... 3021 'TimefreqIn', '', ... 3022 'TimefreqOut', '', ... 3023 'MatrixIn', '', ... 3024 'MatrixOut', '', ... 3025 'MontageIn', '', ... 3026 'MontageOut', '', ... 3027 'FibersIn', ''); 3028 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3029 3030 case 'OsType' 3031 switch (mexext) 3032 case 'mexglx', argout1 = 'linux32'; 3033 case 'mexa64', argout1 = 'linux64'; 3034 case 'mexmaci', argout1 = 'mac32'; 3035 case 'mexmaci64', argout1 = 'mac64'; 3036 case 'mexmaca64', argout1 = 'mac64arm'; 3037 case 'mexs64', argout1 = 'sol64'; 3038 case 'mexw32', argout1 = 'win32'; 3039 case 'mexw64', argout1 = 'win64'; 3040 otherwise, error('Unsupported extension.'); 3041 end 3042 % CALL: bst_get('OsType', isMatlab=0) 3043 if (nargin >= 2) && isequal(varargin{2}, 0) 3044 if strcmpi(argout1, 'win32') && (~isempty(strfind(java.lang.System.getProperty('java.home'), '(x86)')) || ~isempty(strfind(java.lang.System.getenv('ProgramFiles(x86)'), '(x86)'))) 3045 argout1 = 'win64'; 3046 end 3047 end 3048 3049 case 'ImportDataOptions' 3050 defPref = db_template('ImportOptions'); 3051 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3052 3053 case 'RawViewerOptions' 3054 defPref = struct(... 3055 'PageDuration', 3, ... 3056 'RemoveBaseline', 'all', ... 3057 'UseCtfComp', 1, ... 3058 'Shortcuts', []); 3059 defPref.Shortcuts = {... 3060 '1', 'event1', 'simple', []; ... % Key, event name, event type (simple,extended,page), epoch time 3061 '2', 'event2', 'simple', []; ... 3062 '3', 'event3', 'simple', []; ... 3063 '4', 'event4', 'simple', []; ... 3064 '5', 'event5', 'simple', []; ... 3065 '6', 'event6', 'simple', []; ... 3066 '7', 'event7', 'simple', []; ... 3067 '8', 'event8', 'simple', []; ... 3068 '9', 'event9', 'simple', []}; 3069 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3070 % If invalid PageDuration: reset to default 3071 if (argout1.PageDuration <= 0.1) 3072 argout1.PageDuration = defPref.PageDuration; 3073 end 3074 % If old shortcuts: reset to defaults 3075 if any(size(argout1.Shortcuts) ~= size(defPref.Shortcuts)) 3076 disp('BST> Warning: Reset keyboard shortcuts to include new options.'); 3077 argout1.Shortcuts = defPref.Shortcuts; 3078 bst_set('RawViewerOptions', argout1); 3079 end 3080 3081 case 'MontageOptions' 3082 defPref = struct('Shortcuts', []); 3083 defPref.Shortcuts = { 3084 %'a', []; ... Note: A is reserved for All channels 3085 'b', []; ... 3086 'c', []; ... 3087 'd', []; ... 3088 'e', []; ... 3089 'f', []; ... 3090 'g', []; ... 3091 'h', []; ... 3092 'i', []; ... 3093 'j', []; ... 3094 'k', []; ... 3095 'l', []; ... 3096 'm', []; ... 3097 'n', []; ... 3098 'o', []; ... 3099 'p', []; ... 3100 'q', []; ... 3101 'r', []; ... 3102 's', []; ... 3103 't', []; ... 3104 'u', []; ... 3105 'v', []; ... 3106 'w', []; ... 3107 'x', []; ... 3108 'y', []; ... 3109 'z', []; ... 3110 }; 3111 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3112 3113 case 'TopoLayoutOptions' 3114 defPref = struct(... 3115 'TimeWindow', [], ... 3116 'FreqWindow', [], ... 3117 'WhiteBackground', 0, ... 3118 'ShowRefLines', 1, ... 3119 'ShowLegend', 1, ... 3120 'FlipYAxis', 0, ... 3121 'ContourLines', 10); 3122 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3123 3124 case 'StatThreshOptions' 3125 defPref = struct(... 3126 'pThreshold', .05, ... 3127 'durThreshold', 0, ... 3128 'Correction', 'fdr', ... 3129 'Control', [1 2 3]); 3130 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3131 % Make sure that Control is not a string (previous brainstorm version) 3132 if ischar(argout1.Control) 3133 argout1.Control = defPref.Control; 3134 end 3135 % Make sure that 'no' is used instead of 'none' (previous brainstorm version) 3136 if strcmpi(argout1.Correction, 'none') 3137 argout1.Correction = 'no'; 3138 end 3139 3140 case 'ContactSheetOptions' 3141 defPref = struct(... 3142 'nImages', 20, ... 3143 'TimeRange', [], ... 3144 'SkipVolume', 0.2); 3145 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3146 3147 case 'ProcessOptions' 3148 defPref = struct(... 3149 'SavedParam', struct(), ... 3150 'MaxBlockSize', 100 * 1024 * 1024 / 8, ... % 100MiB == 13,107,200 doubles 3151 'LastMaxBlockSize', 100 * 1024 * 1024 / 8); % 100MiB == 13,107,200 doubles 3152 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3153 3154 case 'ImportEegRawOptions' 3155 defPref = struct(... 3156 'isCanceled', 0, ... 3157 'BaselineDuration', 0, ... 3158 'SamplingRate', 1000, ... 3159 'MatrixOrientation', 'channelXtime', ... % {'channelXtime', 'timeXchannel'} 3160 'VoltageUnits', 'V', ... % {'\muV', 'mV', 'V'} 3161 'SkipLines', 0, ... 3162 'nAvg', 1, ... 3163 'isChannelName', 0); % 1 if the first entry contains the channel name 3164 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3165 3166 case 'BugReportOptions' 3167 defPref = struct(... 3168 'isEnabled', 0, ... 3169 'SmtpServer', 'mailhost.chups.jussieu.fr', ... 3170 'UserEmail', ''); 3171 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3172 3173 case 'DefaultSurfaceDisplay' 3174 defPref = struct(... 3175 'SurfShowSulci', 1, ... 3176 'SurfSmoothValue', 0, ... 3177 'DataThreshold', 0.5, ... 3178 'SizeThreshold', 1, ... 3179 'DataAlpha', 0); 3180 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3181 3182 case 'MagneticExtrapOptions' 3183 defPref = struct(... 3184 'ForceWhitening', 0, ... 3185 'EpsilonValue', 0.0001); 3186 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3187 3188 case 'DefaultFreqBands' 3189 argout1 = {... 3190 'delta', '2, 4', 'mean'; ... 3191 'theta', '5, 7', 'mean'; ... 3192 'alpha', '8, 12', 'mean'; ... 3193 'beta', '15, 29', 'mean'; ... 3194 'gamma1', '30, 59', 'mean'; ... 3195 'gamma2', '60, 90', 'mean'}; 3196 3197 case 'TimefreqOptions_morlet' 3198 defPref.isTimeBands = 0; 3199 defPref.isFreqBands = 0; 3200 defPref.isFreqLog = 0; 3201 defPref.TimeBands = {}; 3202 defPref.Freqs = '1:1:60'; 3203 defPref.FreqsLog = '1:40:150'; 3204 defPref.FreqBands = bst_get('DefaultFreqBands'); 3205 defPref.Measure = 'power'; 3206 defPref.SaveKernel = 0; 3207 defPref.Output = 'all'; 3208 defPref.RemoveEvoked = 0; 3209 defPref.ClusterFuncTime = 'after'; 3210 defPref.MorletFc = 1; 3211 defPref.MorletFwhmTc = 3; 3212 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3213 if isempty(argout1.Freqs) 3214 argout1.Freqs = defPref.Freqs; 3215 end 3216 if ~isempty(argout1.FreqBands) && ((size(argout1.FreqBands,2) ~= 3) || ~all(cellfun(@ischar, argout1.FreqBands(:))) || any(cellfun(@(c)isempty(strtrim(c)), argout1.FreqBands(:)))) 3217 argout1.FreqBands = defPref.FreqBands; 3218 end 3219 3220 case 'TimefreqOptions_hilbert' 3221 defPref.isTimeBands = 0; 3222 defPref.isFreqBands = 1; 3223 defPref.isFreqLog = 0; 3224 defPref.TimeBands = {}; 3225 defPref.Freqs = []; 3226 defPref.FreqsLog = []; 3227 defPref.FreqBands = bst_get('DefaultFreqBands'); 3228 defPref.Measure = 'power'; 3229 defPref.SaveKernel = 0; 3230 defPref.Output = 'all'; 3231 defPref.RemoveEvoked = 0; 3232 defPref.ClusterFuncTime = 'after'; 3233 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3234 if isempty(argout1.Freqs) 3235 argout1.Freqs = defPref.Freqs; 3236 end 3237 if ~isempty(argout1.FreqBands) && (size(argout1.FreqBands,2) == 3) && ~ischar(argout1.FreqBands{1,2}) 3238 argout1.FreqBands = defPref.FreqBands; 3239 end 3240 3241 case 'TimefreqOptions_plv' % not used 3242 defPref.isTimeBands = 0; 3243 defPref.isFreqBands = 1; 3244 defPref.isFreqLog = 0; 3245 defPref.TimeBands = {}; 3246 defPref.Freqs = []; 3247 defPref.FreqsLog = []; 3248 defPref.FreqBands = bst_get('DefaultFreqBands'); 3249 defPref.Measure = 'other'; 3250 defPref.SaveKernel = 0; 3251 defPref.Output = 'all'; 3252 defPref.ClusterFuncTime = 'after'; 3253 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3254 if isempty(argout1.Freqs) 3255 argout1.Freqs = defPref.Freqs; 3256 end 3257 if ~isempty(argout1.FreqBands) && ~ischar(argout1.FreqBands{1,2}) 3258 argout1.FreqBands = defPref.FreqBands; 3259 end 3260 3261 case 'TimefreqOptions_fft' 3262 defPref.isTimeBands = 0; 3263 defPref.isFreqBands = 0; 3264 defPref.isFreqLog = 0; 3265 defPref.TimeBands = {}; 3266 defPref.Freqs = []; 3267 defPref.FreqsLog = []; 3268 defPref.FreqBands = bst_get('DefaultFreqBands'); 3269 defPref.Measure = 'power'; 3270 defPref.Output = 'all'; 3271 defPref.ClusterFuncTime = 'after'; 3272 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3273 if isempty(argout1.Freqs) 3274 argout1.Freqs = defPref.Freqs; 3275 end 3276 if ~isempty(argout1.FreqBands) && ~ischar(argout1.FreqBands{1,2}) 3277 argout1.FreqBands = defPref.FreqBands; 3278 end 3279 3280 case 'TimefreqOptions_psd' 3281 defPref.isTimeBands = 0; 3282 defPref.isFreqBands = 0; 3283 defPref.isFreqLog = 0; 3284 defPref.TimeBands = {}; 3285 defPref.Freqs = []; 3286 defPref.FreqsLog = []; 3287 defPref.FreqBands = bst_get('DefaultFreqBands'); 3288 defPref.Measure = 'power'; 3289 defPref.Output = 'all'; 3290 defPref.ClusterFuncTime = 'after'; 3291 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3292 if isempty(argout1.Freqs) 3293 argout1.Freqs = defPref.Freqs; 3294 end 3295 if ~isempty(argout1.FreqBands) && ~ischar(argout1.FreqBands{1,2}) 3296 argout1.FreqBands = defPref.FreqBands; 3297 end 3298 3299 case 'TimefreqOptions_stft' 3300 defPref.isTimeBands = 0; 3301 defPref.isFreqBands = 0; 3302 defPref.isFreqLog = 0; 3303 defPref.TimeBands = {}; 3304 defPref.Freqs = []; 3305 defPref.FreqsLog = []; 3306 defPref.FreqBands = bst_get('DefaultFreqBands'); 3307 defPref.Measure = 'power'; 3308 defPref.Output = 'all'; 3309 defPref.ClusterFuncTime = 'after'; 3310 defPref.StftWinLen = 1; 3311 defPref.StftWinOvr = 0; 3312 defPref.StftFrqMax = 0; 3313 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3314 if isempty(argout1.Freqs) 3315 argout1.Freqs = defPref.Freqs; 3316 end 3317 if ~isempty(argout1.FreqBands) && ~ischar(argout1.FreqBands{1,2}) 3318 argout1.FreqBands = defPref.FreqBands; 3319 end 3320 3321 case 'ExportBidsOptions' 3322 defPref.ProjName = []; 3323 defPref.ProjID = []; 3324 defPref.ProjDesc = []; 3325 defPref.Categories = []; 3326 defPref.JsonDataset = ['{' 10 ' "License": "PD"' 10 '}']; 3327 defPref.JsonMeg = ['{' 10 ' "TaskDescription": "My task"' 10 '}']; 3328 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3329 3330 case 'OpenMEEGOptions' 3331 defPref.BemFiles = {}; 3332 defPref.BemNames = {'Scalp', 'Skull', 'Brain'}; 3333 defPref.BemCond = [1, 0.0125, 1]; 3334 defPref.BemSelect = [1 1 1]; 3335 defPref.isAdjoint = 0; 3336 defPref.isAdaptative = 1; 3337 defPref.isSplit = 0; 3338 defPref.SplitLength = 4000; 3339 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3340 3341 case 'DuneuroOptions' 3342 defPref = duneuro_defaults(); 3343 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3344 3345 case 'GridOptions_dipfit' 3346 defPref = struct(... 3347 'Method', 'isotropic', ... 3348 'nLayers', 17, ... 3349 'Reduction', 3, ... 3350 'nVerticesInit', 4000, ... 3351 'Resolution', 0.020, ... 3352 'FileName', ''); 3353 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3354 3355 case 'GridOptions_headmodel' 3356 defPref = struct(... 3357 'Method', 'isotropic', ... 3358 'nLayers', 17, ... 3359 'Reduction', 3, ... 3360 'nVerticesInit', 4000, ... 3361 'Resolution', 0.005, ... 3362 'FileName', ''); 3363 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3364 3365 case 'MriOptions' 3366 defPref = struct(... 3367 'isRadioOrient', 0, ... 3368 'isMipAnatomy', 0, ... 3369 'isMipFunctional', 0, ... 3370 'OverlaySmooth', 0, ... 3371 'InterpDownsample', 3, ... 3372 'DistanceThresh', 6, ... 3373 'UpsampleImage', 0, ... 3374 'DefaultAtlas', []); 3375 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3376 3377 case 'DigitizeOptions' 3378 defPref = struct(... 3379 'ComPort', 'COM1', ... 3380 'ComRate', 9600, ... 3381 'ComByteCount', 94, ... % 47 bytes * 2 receivers 3382 'UnitType', 'fastrak', ... 3383 'PatientId', 'S001', ... 3384 'nFidSets', 2, ... 3385 'isBeep', 1, ... 3386 'isMEG', 1, ... 3387 'isSimulate', 0, ... 3388 'Montages', [... 3389 struct('Name', 'No EEG', ... 3390 'Labels', []), ... 3391 struct('Name', 'Default', ... 3392 'Labels', [])], ... 3393 'iMontage', 1); 3394 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3395 3396 case 'PcaOptions' 3397 defPref.Method = 'pca'; % deprecated legacy per-file with sign inconsistencies, but kept as default for reproducibility 3398 defPref.Baseline = [-.1, 0]; % not used for 'pca': full window instead 3399 defPref.DataTimeWindow = [0, 1]; % not used for 'pca': full window instead 3400 defPref.RemoveDcOffset = 'file'; 3401 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3402 3403 case 'ConnectGraphOptions' 3404 % Get interface scaling factor 3405 InterfaceScaling = bst_get('InterfaceScaling'); 3406 % Get default values 3407 defPref = struct(... 3408 'LobeFullLabel', 1, ... 3409 'TextDisplayMode', [1 2], ... 3410 'LabelSize', 7 .* InterfaceScaling ./ 100, ... 3411 'NodeSize', 5 .* InterfaceScaling ./ 100, ... 3412 'LinkSize', 1.5 .* InterfaceScaling ./ 100, ... 3413 'BgColor', [0 0 0], ... 3414 'HierarchyNodeIsVisible', 1); 3415 % If we have an additional argument, get the default values 3416 if nargin > 1 3417 argout1 = defPref; 3418 % Otherwise, get the saved values 3419 else 3420 savedValues = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3421 3422 % if any of the fields are [], replace by default value 3423 % do it here to avoid touching the common FillMissingFields 3424 % function, as other tools may actually want to set [] as desired property 3425 fields = fieldnames(savedValues); 3426 for i=1:numel(fields) 3427 if(isempty(savedValues.(fields{i}))) 3428 savedValues.(fields{i}) = defPref.(fields{i}); 3429 end 3430 end 3431 argout1 = savedValues; 3432 end 3433 3434 case 'NodelistOptions' 3435 defPref = struct(... 3436 'String', '', ... % What to search for 3437 'Target', 'Comment', ... % What field to search for: {'FileName', 'Comment'} 3438 'Action', 'Select'); % What to do with the filtered files: {'Select', 'Exclude'} 3439 argout1 = FillMissingFields(contextName, defPref); 3440 3441 case 'ReadOnly' 3442 if isfield(GlobalData.DataBase, 'isReadOnly') 3443 argout1 = GlobalData.DataBase.isReadOnly; 3444 else 3445 argout1 = 0; 3446 end 3447 3448 case 'LastPsdDisplayFunction' 3449 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'LastPsdDisplayFunction') 3450 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.LastPsdDisplayFunction; 3451 else 3452 argout1 = []; 3453 end 3454 3455 case 'PlotlyCredentials' 3456 % Get saved username and API key 3457 try 3458 creds = loadplotlycredentials(); 3459 argout1 = creds.username; 3460 argout2 = creds.api_key; 3461 catch 3462 argout1 = ''; 3463 argout2 = ''; 3464 end 3465 % Get saved domain 3466 try 3467 config = loadplotlyconfig(); 3468 argout3 = config.plotly_domain; 3469 catch 3470 argout3 = ''; 3471 end 3472 3473 case 'KlustersExecutable' 3474 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'KlustersExecutable') 3475 argout1 = GlobalData.Preferences.KlustersExecutable; 3476 else 3477 argout1 = []; 3478 end 3479 3480 3481 %% ===== FILE FILTERS ===== 3482 case 'FileFilters' 3483 switch lower(varargin{2}) 3484 case 'mri' 3485 argout1 = {... 3486 {'.img'}, 'MRI: Analyze (*.img/*.hdr)', 'Analyze'; ... 3487 {'.ima'}, 'MRI: BrainVISA GIS (*.ima/*.dim)', 'GIS'; ... 3488 {'.ima'}, 'MRI: BrainVISA GIS (*.ima/*.dim)', 'GIS'; ... 3489 {'.mri'}, 'MRI: CTF (*.mri)', 'CTF'; ... 3490 {'.mat'}, 'MRI: FieldTrip (*.mat)', 'FT-MRI'; ... 3491 {'.mgh','.mgz'}, 'MRI: MGH (*.mgh,*.mgz)', 'MGH'; ... 3492 {'.mnc', '.mni'}, 'MRI: MNI (*.mnc,*.mni)', 'MINC'; ... 3493 {'.nii','.gz'}, 'MRI: NIfTI-1 (*.nii;*.nii.gz)', 'Nifti1'; ... 3494 {'_subjectimage'}, 'MRI: Brainstorm (*subjectimage*.mat)', 'BST'; ... 3495 {'*'}, 'MRI: DICOM (SPM converter)', 'DICOM-SPM'; ... 3496 {'.mri', '.fif', '.img', '.ima', '.nii', '.mgh', '.mgz', '.mnc', '.mni', '.gz', '_subjectimage'}, 'All MRI files (subject space)', 'ALL'; ... 3497 {'.mri', '.fif', '.img', '.ima', '.nii', '.mgh', '.mgz', '.mnc', '.mni', '.gz', '_subjectimage'}, 'All MRI files (MNI space)', 'ALL-MNI'; ... 3498 {'.mri', '.fif', '.img', '.ima', '.nii', '.mgh', '.mgz', '.mnc', '.mni', '.gz', '_subjectimage'}, 'Volume atlas (subject space)', 'ALL-ATLAS'; ... 3499 {'.mri', '.fif', '.img', '.ima', '.nii', '.mgh', '.mgz', '.mnc', '.mni', '.gz', '_subjectimage'}, 'Volume atlas (MNI space)', 'ALL-MNI-ATLAS'; ... 3500 }; 3501 case 'mriout' 3502 argout1 = {... 3503 {'.img'}, 'MRI: Analyze (*.img/*.hdr)', 'Analyze'; ... 3504 {'.ima'}, 'MRI: BrainVISA GIS (*.ima/*.dim)', 'GIS'; ... 3505 {'.mri'}, 'MRI: CTF (*.mri)', 'CTF'; ... 3506 {'.mat'}, 'MRI: FieldTrip (*.mat)', 'FT-MRI'; ... 3507 {'.nii'}, 'MRI: NIfTI-1 (*.nii)', 'Nifti1'... 3508 }; 3509 case 'anatin' 3510 argout1 = {... 3511 {'.folder'}, 'FreeSurfer', 'FreeSurfer-fast'; ... 3512 {'.folder'}, 'FreeSurfer + Volume atlases', 'FreeSurfer'; ... 3513 {'.folder'}, 'FreeSurfer + Volume atlases + Thickness', 'FreeSurfer+Thick'; ... 3514 {'.folder'}, 'BrainSuite', 'BrainSuite-fast'; ... 3515 {'.folder'}, 'BrainSuite + Volume atlases', 'BrainSuite'; ... 3516 {'.folder'}, 'BrainVISA', 'BrainVISA'; ... 3517 {'.folder'}, 'CAT12', 'CAT12'; ... 3518 {'.folder'}, 'CAT12 + Thickness', 'CAT12+Thick'; ... 3519 {'.folder'}, 'CIVET', 'CIVET'; ... 3520 {'.folder'}, 'CIVET + Thickness', 'CIVET+Thick'; ... 3521 {'.folder'}, 'HCP MEG/anatomy (pipeline v3)', 'HCPv3'; ... 3522 {'.folder'}, 'SimNIBS', 'SimNIBS'; ... 3523 }; 3524 case 'source4d' 3525 argout1 = {... 3526 {'.folder'}, 'NIfTI-1 (*.nii)', 'Nifti1';... 3527 {'.folder'}, 'Analyze (*.img/*.hdr)', 'Analyze'; ... 3528 {'.folder'}, 'Matlab 4D matrix (*voltime*.mat)', 'BST'; ... 3529 }; 3530 3531 case 'surface' 3532 argout1 = {... 3533 {'.mesh'}, 'BrainVISA (*.mesh)', 'MESH'; ... 3534 {'_tess', '_head', '_scalp', '_brain', '_cortex', '_innerskull', '_outerskull'}, 'Brainstorm (*.mat)', 'BST'; ... 3535 {'.dfs'}, 'BrainSuite (*.dfs)', 'DFS'; ... 3536 {'.dsgl'}, 'BrainSuite old (*.dsgl)', 'DSGL'; ... 3537 {'.bd0','.bd1','.bd2','.bd3','.bd4','.bd5','.bd6','.bd7','.bd8','.bd9', ... 3538 '.s00','.s01','.s02','.s03','.s04','.s05','.s06','.s07','.s08','.s09'}, ... 3539 'Curry BEM (*.db*;*.s0*)', 'CURRY-BEM'; 3540 {'.vtk'}, 'FSL: VTK (*.vtk)', 'VTK'; ... 3541 {'*'}, 'FreeSurfer (*.*)', 'FS'; 3542 {'.off'}, 'Geomview OFF (*.off)', 'OFF'; ... 3543 {'.gii'}, 'GIfTI / MRI coordinates (*.gii)', 'GII'; ... 3544 {'.gii'}, 'GIfTI / MNI coordinates (*.gii)', 'GII-MNI'; ... 3545 {'.gii'}, 'GIfTI / World coordinates (*.gii)', 'GII-WORLD'; ... 3546 {'.fif'}, 'MNE (*.fif)', 'FIF'; ... 3547 {'.obj'}, 'MNI OBJ (*.obj)', 'MNIOBJ'; ... 3548 {'.msh'}, 'SimNIBS3/headreco Gmsh4 (*.msh)', 'SIMNIBS3'; ... 3549 {'.msh'}, 'SimNIBS4/charm Gmsh4 (*.msh)', 'SIMNIBS4'; ... 3550 {'.tri'}, 'TRI (*.tri)', 'TRI'; ... 3551 {'.mri', '.fif', '.img', '.ima', '.nii', '.mgh', '.mgz', '.mnc', '.mni', '.gz', '_subjectimage'}, 'Volume mask or atlas (subject space)', 'MRI-MASK'; ... 3552 {'.mri', '.fif', '.img', '.ima', '.nii', '.mgh', '.mgz', '.mnc', '.mni', '.gz'}, 'Volume mask or atlas (MNI space)', 'MRI-MASK-MNI'; ... 3553 {'.nwbaux'}, 'Neurodata Without Borders (*.nwbaux)', 'NWB'; ... 3554 {'*'}, 'All surface files (*.*)', 'ALL'; ... 3555 }; 3556 3557 case 'surfaceout' 3558 argout1 = {... 3559 {'.mesh'}, 'BrainVISA (*.mesh)', 'MESH'; ... 3560 {'.dfs'}, 'BrainSuite (*.dfs)', 'DFS'; ... 3561 {'.fs'}, 'FreeSurfer (*.fs)', 'FS'; ... 3562 {'.obj'}, 'Wavefront OBJ (*.obj)', 'OBJ'; ... 3563 {'.off'}, 'Geomview OFF (*.off)', 'OFF'; ... 3564 {'.gii'}, 'GIfTI (*.gii)', 'GII'; ... 3565 {'.tri'}, 'TRI (*.tri)', 'TRI'; ... 3566 }; 3567 3568 case 'data' 3569 argout1 = {... 3570 {'.*'}, 'MEG/EEG: 4D-Neuroimaging/BTi (*.*)', '4D'; ... 3571 {'.meg4','.res4'}, 'MEG/EEG: CTF (*.ds;*.meg4;*.res4)', 'CTF'; ... 3572 {'.fif'}, 'MEG/EEG: Elekta-Neuromag (*.fif)', 'FIF'; ... 3573 {'.mat'}, 'MEG/EEG: FieldTrip (*.mat)', 'FT-TIMELOCK'; ... 3574 {'.raw'}, 'MEG/EEG: ITAB (*.raw)', 'ITAB'; ... 3575 {'.kdf'}, 'MEG/EEG: KRISS MEG (*.kdf)', 'KDF'; ... 3576 {'.mrk','.sqd','.con','.raw','.ave'}, 'MEG/EEG: Ricoh (*.sqd;*.con;*.raw;*.ave;*.mrk)', 'RICOH'; ... 3577 {'.mat'}, 'MEG/EEG: SPM (*.mat/.dat)', 'SPM-DAT'; ... 3578 {'.mrk','.sqd','.con','.raw','.ave'}, 'MEG/EEG: Yokogawa/KIT (*.sqd;*.con;*.raw;*.ave;*.mrk)', 'KIT'; ... 3579 {'.meghdf5'}, 'MEG/EEG: York Instruments MEGSCAN (.meghdf5)', 'MEGSCAN-HDF5'; ... 3580 {'.bst'}, 'MEG/EEG: Brainstorm binary (*.bst)', 'BST-BIN'; ... 3581 {'.adicht'}, 'EEG: ADInstruments LabChart (*.adicht)', 'EEG-ADICHT'; ... 3582 {'.msr'}, 'EEG: ANT ASA (*.msr)', 'EEG-ANT-MSR'; ... 3583 {'.cnt','.avr'}, 'EEG: ANT EEProbe (*.cnt;*.avr)', 'EEG-ANT-CNT'; ... 3584 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII text (*.*)', 'EEG-ASCII'; ... 3585 {'.raw'}, 'EEG: Axion AxIS (*.raw)', 'EEG-AXION'; ... 3586 {'.dat'}, 'EEG: BCI2000 (*.dat)', 'EEG-BCI2000'; ... 3587 {'.bdf'}, 'EEG: BDF (*.bdf)', 'EEG-BDF'; ... 3588 {'.avr','.mux','.mul'}, 'EEG: BESA exports (*.avr;*.mul;*.mux)', 'EEG-BESA'; ... 3589 {'.acq'}, 'EEG: BIOPAC AcqKnowledge (*.acq)', 'EEG-BIOPAC'; ... 3590 {'.ns1','.ns2','.ns3','.ns4','.ns5','.ns6'}, 'EEG: Blackrock NeuroPort (*.nsX/*.nev)', 'EEG-BLACKROCK'; 3591 {'.eeg','.dat'}, 'EEG: BrainVision BrainAmp (*.eeg;*.dat)', 'EEG-BRAINAMP'; ... 3592 {'.txt'}, 'EEG: BrainVision Analyzer (*.txt)', 'EEG-BRAINVISION'; ... 3593 {'.sef','.ep','.eph'}, 'EEG: Cartool (*.sef;*.ep;*.eph)', 'EEG-CARTOOL'; ... 3594 {'.dat','.cdt'}, 'EEG: Curry (*.dat;*.cdt)', 'EEG-CURRY'; ... 3595 {'.smr','.son'}, 'EEG: CED Spike2 old 32bit (*.smr;*.son)', 'EEG-SMR'; ... 3596 {'.smr','.smrx'}, 'EEG: CED Spike2 new 64bit (*.smr;*.smrx)', 'EEG-SMRX'; ... 3597 {'.rda'}, 'EEG: Compumedics ProFusion Sleep (*.rda)', 'EEG-COMPUMEDICS-PFS'; ... 3598 {'.bin'}, 'EEG: Deltamed Coherence-Neurofile (*.bin)', 'EEG-DELTAMED'; ... 3599 {'.edf','.rec'}, 'EEG: EDF / EDF+ (*.rec;*.edf)', 'EEG-EDF'; ... 3600 {'.set'}, 'EEG: EEGLAB (*.set)', 'EEG-EEGLAB'; ... 3601 {'.raw'}, 'EEG: EGI Netstation RAW (*.raw)', 'EEG-EGI-RAW'; ... 3602 {'.mff','.bin'}, 'EEG: EGI-Philips (*.mff)', 'EEG-EGI-MFF'; ... 3603 {'.edf'}, 'EEG: EmotivPRO (*.edf)', 'EEG-EMOTIV'; ... 3604 {'.erp','.hdr'}, 'EEG: ERPCenter (*.hdr;*.erp)', 'EEG-ERPCENTER'; ... 3605 {'.erp'}, 'EEG: ERPLab (*.erp)', 'EEG-ERPLAB'; ... 3606 {'.mat','.hdf5'}, 'EEG: g.tec Matlab (*.mat,*.hdf5)', 'EEG-GTEC'; ... 3607 {'.rhd','.rhs'}, 'EEG: Intan (*.rhd,*.rhs)', 'EEG-INTAN'; ... 3608 {'.mb2'}, 'EEG: MANSCAN (*.mb2)', 'EEG-MANSCAN'; ... 3609 {'.trc'}, 'EEG: Micromed (*.trc)', 'EEG-MICROMED'; ... 3610 {'.mat'}, 'EEG: Matlab matrix (*.mat)', 'EEG-MAT'; ... 3611 {'.csv'}, 'EEG: Muse (*.csv)', 'EEG-MUSE-CSV'; ... 3612 {'.ncs'}, 'EEG: Neuralynx (*.ncs)', 'EEG-NEURALYNX'; ... 3613 {'.nwb'}, 'EEG: Neurodata Without Borders (*.nwb)','NWB'; ... 3614 {'.nedf','.easy'}, 'EEG: Neuroelectrics (*.nedf;*.easy)', 'EEG-NEUROELECTRICS'; ... 3615 {'.bin'}, 'EEG: NeurOne session folder', 'EEG-NEURONE'; ... 3616 {'.cnt','.avg','.eeg','.dat'}, 'EEG: Neuroscan (*.cnt;*.eeg;*.avg;*.dat)', 'EEG-NEUROSCAN'; ... 3617 {'.eeg','.dat'}, 'EEG: NeuroScope (*.eeg;*.dat)', 'EEG-NEUROSCOPE'; ... 3618 {'.e'}, 'EEG: Nicolet (*.e)', 'EEG-NICOLET'; ... 3619 {'.eeg'}, 'EEG: Nihon Kohden (*.eeg)', 'EEG-NK'; ... 3620 {'.dat'}, 'EEG: Open Ephys flat binary (*.dat)', 'EEG-OEBIN'; ... 3621 {'.plx','.pl2'}, 'EEG: Plexon (*.plx;*.pl2)', 'EEG-PLEXON'; ... 3622 {'.ns1','.ns2','.ns3','.ns4','.ns5','.ns6'}, 'EEG: Ripple Trellis (*.nsX/*.nev)', 'EEG-RIPPLE'; ... 3623 {'.h5'}, 'EEG: The Virtual Brain (*_TimeSeriesEEG.h5)', 'EEG-TVB'; ... 3624 {'.csv'}, 'EEG: Wearable Sensing (*.csv)', 'EEG-WS-CSV'; ... 3625 {'.xdf'}, 'EEG: XDF (*.xdf)', 'EEG-XDF'; ... 3626 {'.nirs'}, 'NIRS: Brainsight (*.nirs)', 'NIRS-BRS'; ... 3627 {'.bnirs','.jnirs','.snirf'}, 'NIRS: SNIRF (*.snirf)', 'NIRS-SNIRF'; ... 3628 {'.edf'}, 'Eye tracker: EyeLink (*.edf)', 'EYELINK'; ... 3629 {'.tsv'}, 'Eye tracker: Tobii glasses (*.tsv)', 'EYE-TOBII-TSV'; ... 3630 }; 3631 case 'raw' 3632 argout1 = {... 3633 {'.*'}, 'MEG/EEG: 4D-Neuroimaging/BTi (*.*)', '4D'; ... 3634 {'.meg4','.res4'}, 'MEG/EEG: CTF (*.ds;*.meg4;*.res4)', 'CTF'; ... 3635 {'.fif'}, 'MEG/EEG: Elekta-Neuromag (*.fif)', 'FIF'; ... 3636 {'.mat'}, 'MEG/EEG: FieldTrip (*.mat)', 'FT-TIMELOCK'; ... 3637 {'.raw'}, 'MEG/EEG: ITAB (*.raw)', 'ITAB'; ... 3638 {'.kdf'}, 'MEG/EEG: KRISS MEG (*.kdf)', 'KDF'; ... 3639 {'.mrk','.sqd','.con','.raw','.ave'}, 'MEG/EEG: Ricoh (*.sqd;*.con;*.raw;*.ave;*.mrk)', 'RICOH'; ... 3640 {'.mat'}, 'MEG/EEG: SPM (*.mat/.dat)', 'SPM-DAT'; ... 3641 {'.mrk','.sqd','.con','.raw','.ave'}, 'MEG/EEG: Yokogawa/KIT (*.sqd;*.con;*.raw;*.ave;*.mrk)', 'KIT'; ... 3642 {'.meghdf5'}, 'MEG/EEG: York Instruments MEGSCAN (.meghdf5)', 'MEGSCAN-HDF5'; ... 3643 {'.bst'}, 'MEG/EEG: Brainstorm binary (*.bst)', 'BST-BIN'; ... 3644 {'.adicht'}, 'EEG: ADInstruments LabChart (*.adicht)', 'EEG-ADICHT'; ... 3645 {'.msr'}, 'EEG: ANT ASA (*.msr)', 'EEG-ANT-MSR'; ... 3646 {'.cnt','.avr'}, 'EEG: ANT EEProbe (*.cnt;*.avr)', 'EEG-ANT-CNT'; ... 3647 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII text (*.*)', 'EEG-ASCII'; ... 3648 {'.raw'}, 'EEG: Axion AxIS (*.raw)', 'EEG-AXION'; ... 3649 {'.dat'}, 'EEG: BCI2000 (*.dat)', 'EEG-BCI2000'; ... 3650 {'.bdf'}, 'EEG: BDF (*.bdf)', 'EEG-BDF'; ... 3651 {'.avr','.mux','.mul'}, 'EEG: BESA exports (*.avr;*.mul;*.mux)', 'EEG-BESA'; ... 3652 {'.acq'}, 'EEG: BIOPAC AcqKnowledge (*.acq)', 'EEG-BIOPAC'; ... 3653 {'.ns1','.ns2','.ns3','.ns4','.ns5','.ns6'}, 'EEG: Blackrock NeuroPort (*.nsX/*.nev)', 'EEG-BLACKROCK'; 3654 {'.eeg','.dat'}, 'EEG: BrainVision BrainAmp (*.eeg;*.dat)', 'EEG-BRAINAMP'; ... 3655 {'.txt'}, 'EEG: BrainVision Analyzer (*.txt)', 'EEG-BRAINVISION'; ... 3656 {'.sef','.ep','.eph'}, 'EEG: Cartool (*.sef;*.ep;*.eph)', 'EEG-CARTOOL'; ... 3657 {'.smr','.son'}, 'EEG: CED Spike2 old 32bit (*.smr;*.son)', 'EEG-SMR'; ... 3658 {'.smr','.smrx'}, 'EEG: CED Spike2 new 64bit (*.smr;*.smrx)', 'EEG-SMRX'; ... 3659 {'.rda'}, 'EEG: Compumedics ProFusion Sleep (*.rda)', 'EEG-COMPUMEDICS-PFS'; ... 3660 {'.dat','.cdt'}, 'EEG: Curry (*.dat;*.cdt)', 'EEG-CURRY'; ... 3661 {'.bin'}, 'EEG: Deltamed Coherence-Neurofile (*.bin)', 'EEG-DELTAMED'; ... 3662 {'.edf','.rec'}, 'EEG: EDF / EDF+ (*.rec;*.edf)', 'EEG-EDF'; ... 3663 {'.set'}, 'EEG: EEGLAB (*.set)', 'EEG-EEGLAB'; ... 3664 {'.raw'}, 'EEG: EGI Netstation RAW (*.raw)', 'EEG-EGI-RAW'; ... 3665 {'.mff','.bin'}, 'EEG: EGI-Philips (*.mff)', 'EEG-EGI-MFF'; ... 3666 {'.edf'}, 'EEG: EmotivPRO (*.edf)', 'EEG-EMOTIV'; ... 3667 {'.mat','.hdf5'}, 'EEG: g.tec Matlab (*.mat,*.hdf5)', 'EEG-GTEC'; ... 3668 {'.rhd','.rhs'}, 'EEG: Intan (*.rhd,*.rhs)', 'EEG-INTAN'; ... 3669 {'.mb2'}, 'EEG: MANSCAN (*.mb2)', 'EEG-MANSCAN'; ... 3670 {'.mat'}, 'EEG: Matlab matrix (*.mat)', 'EEG-MAT'; ... 3671 {'.csv'}, 'EEG: Muse (*.csv)', 'EEG-MUSE-CSV'; ... 3672 {'.trc'}, 'EEG: Micromed (*.trc)', 'EEG-MICROMED'; ... 3673 {'.ncs'}, 'EEG: Neuralynx (*.ncs)', 'EEG-NEURALYNX'; ... 3674 {'.nwb'}, 'EEG: Neurodata Without Borders (*.nwb)','NWB'; ... 3675 {'.nedf','.easy'}, 'EEG: Neuroelectrics (*.nedf;*.easy)', 'EEG-NEUROELECTRICS'; ... 3676 {'.bin'}, 'EEG: NeurOne session folder', 'EEG-NEURONE'; ... 3677 {'.cnt','.avg','.eeg','.dat'}, 'EEG: Neuroscan (*.cnt;*.eeg;*.avg;*.dat)', 'EEG-NEUROSCAN'; ... 3678 {'.eeg','.dat'}, 'EEG: NeuroScope (*.eeg;*.dat)', 'EEG-NEUROSCOPE'; ... 3679 {'.e'}, 'EEG: Nicolet (*.e)', 'EEG-NICOLET'; ... 3680 {'.eeg'}, 'EEG: Nihon Kohden (*.eeg)', 'EEG-NK'; ... 3681 {'.dat'}, 'EEG: Open Ephys flat binary (*.dat)', 'EEG-OEBIN'; ... 3682 {'.plx','.pl2'}, 'EEG: Plexon (*.plx;.pl2)' 'EEG-PLEXON'; ... 3683 {'.ns1','.ns2','.ns3','.ns4','.ns5','.ns6'}, 'EEG: Ripple Trellis (*.nsX/*.nev)', 'EEG-RIPPLE'; ... 3684 {'.h5'}, 'EEG: The Virtual Brain (*_TimeSeriesEEG.h5)', 'EEG-TVB'; ... 3685 {'.tbk'}, 'EEG: Tucker Davis Technologies (*.tbk)', 'EEG-TDT'; ... 3686 {'.csv'}, 'EEG: Wearable Sensing (*.csv)', 'EEG-WS-CSV'; ... 3687 {'.xdf'}, 'EEG: XDF (*.xdf)', 'EEG-XDF'; ... 3688 {'.trc','.eeg','.e','.bin','.rda','.edf','.bdf'}, 'SEEG: Deltamed/Micromed/NK/Nicolet/BrainVision/EDF', 'SEEG-ALL'; ... 3689 {'.trc','.eeg','.e','.bin','.rda','.edf','.bdf'}, 'ECOG: Deltamed/Micromed/NK/Nicolet/BrainVision/EDF', 'ECOG-ALL'; ... 3690 {'.nirs'}, 'NIRS: Brainsight (*.nirs)', 'NIRS-BRS'; ... 3691 {'.bnirs','.jnirs','.snirf'}, 'NIRS: SNIRF (*.snirf)', 'NIRS-SNIRF'; ... 3692 {'.edf'}, 'Eye tracker: EyeLink (*.edf)', 'EYELINK'; ... 3693 {'.tsv'}, 'Eye tracker: Tobii glasses (*.tsv)', 'EYE-TOBII-TSV'; ... 3694 }; 3695 3696 case 'dataout' 3697 argout1 = {... 3698 {'.bst'}, 'MEG/EEG: Brainstorm binary (*.bst)', 'BST-BIN'; ... 3699 {'.mat'}, 'MEG/EEG: FieldTrip timelock (*.mat)', 'FT-TIMELOCK'; ... 3700 {'.mat'}, 'MEG/EEG: SPM (*.mat/.dat)', 'SPM-DAT'; ... 3701 {'.eeg'}, 'EEG: BrainVision BrainAmp (*.eeg)', 'EEG-BRAINAMP'; ... 3702 {'.eph'}, 'EEG: Cartool EPH (*.eph)', 'EEG-CARTOOL-EPH'; ... 3703 {'.edf'}, 'EEG: EDF+ (*.edf)', 'EEG-EDF'; ... 3704 {'.raw'}, 'EEG: EGI NetStation RAW (*.raw)', 'EEG-EGI-RAW'; ... 3705 {'.snirf'}, 'NIRS: SNIRF (*.snirf)', 'NIRS-SNIRF'; ... 3706 {'.txt'}, 'ASCII: Space-separated, fixed column size (*.txt)', 'ASCII-SPC'; ... 3707 {'.txt'}, 'ASCII: Space-separated with header, fixed column size (*.txt)', 'ASCII-SPC-HDR'; ... 3708 {'.tsv'}, 'ASCII: Tab-separated (*.tsv)', 'ASCII-TSV'; ... 3709 {'.tsv'}, 'ASCII: Tab-separated with header (*.tsv)', 'ASCII-TSV-HDR'; ... 3710 {'.tsv'}, 'ASCII: Tab-separated with header transposed (*.tsv)', 'ASCII-TSV-HDR-TR'; ... 3711 {'.csv'}, 'ASCII: Comma-separated (*.csv)', 'ASCII-CSV'; ... 3712 {'.csv'}, 'ASCII: Comma-separated with header (*.csv)', 'ASCII-CSV-HDR'; ... 3713 {'.csv'}, 'ASCII: Comma-separated with header transposed (*.csv)', 'ASCII-CSV-HDR-TR'; ... 3714 {'.xlsx'}, 'Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx)', 'EXCEL'; ... 3715 {'.xlsx'}, 'Microsoft Excel transposed (*.xlsx)', 'EXCEL-TR'; ... 3716 {'_timeseries'}, 'Brainstorm matrix (*timeseries*.mat)', 'BST'; ... 3717 }; 3718 case 'rawout' 3719 argout1 = {... 3720 {'.bst'}, 'MEG/EEG: Brainstorm binary (*.bst)', 'BST-BIN'; ... 3721 {'.mat'}, 'MEG/EEG: SPM (*.mat/.dat)', 'SPM-DAT'; ... 3722 {'.eeg'}, 'EEG: BrainVision BrainAmp (*.eeg)', 'EEG-BRAINAMP'; ... 3723 {'.edf'}, 'EEG: EDF+ (*.edf)', 'EEG-EDF'; ... 3724 {'.raw'}, 'EEG: EGI NetStation RAW (*.raw)', 'EEG-EGI-RAW'; ... 3725 {'.snirf'}, 'NIRS: SNIRF (*.snirf)', 'NIRS-SNIRF'; ... 3726 }; 3727 case 'events' 3728 argout1 = {... 3729 {'.trg'}, 'ANT EEProbe (*.trg)', 'ANT'; ... 3730 {'.mrk'}, 'AnyWave (*.mrk)', 'ANYWAVE'; ... 3731 {'.evt'}, 'BESA (*.evt)', 'BESA'; ... 3732 {'.tsv'}, 'BIDS events: onset, duration, trial_type, channel (*.tsv)', 'BIDS'; ... 3733 {'.vmrk'}, 'BrainVision BrainAmp (*.vmrk)', 'BRAINAMP'; ... 3734 {'_events'}, 'Brainstorm (events*.mat)', 'BST'; ... 3735 {'.mrk'}, 'Cartool (*.mrk)', 'CARTOOL'; ... 3736 {'.mrk'}, 'CTF MarkerFile (*.mrk)', 'CTF'; ... 3737 {'.cef'}, 'Curry (*.cef)', 'CURRY'; ... 3738 {'.eve','.fif'}, 'Elekta-Neuromag MNE (*.eve;*.fif)', 'FIF'; ... 3739 {'.evl','.txt'}, 'Elekta-Neuromag Graph (*.evl;*.txt)', 'GRAPH'; ... 3740 {'.txt','.mat'}, 'FieldTrip trial definition (*.txt;*.mat)', 'TRL'; ... 3741 {'.trg'}, 'KRISS MEG (*.trg)', 'KDF'; ... 3742 {'.evt'}, 'Micromed (*.evt)', 'MICROMED'; ... 3743 {'.ev2'}, 'Neuroscan (*.ev2)', 'NEUROSCAN'; ... 3744 {'.txt'}, 'Nicolet export (*.txt)', 'NICOLET'; ... 3745 {'timestamps.npy'},'Open Ephys (timestamps.npy)', 'OEBIN'; ... 3746 {'.log'}, 'Presentation (*.log)', 'PRESENTATION'; ... 3747 {'.mrk','.sqd','.con','.raw','.ave'}, 'Ricoh (*.mrk;*.sqd;*.con;*.raw;*.ave)', 'RICOH'; ... 3748 {'.txt'}, 'XLTEK export (*.txt)', 'XLTEK'; ... 3749 {'.mrk','.sqd','.con','.raw','.ave'}, 'Yokogawa/KIT (*.mrk;*.sqd;*.con;*.raw;*.ave)', 'KIT'; ... 3750 {'.*'}, 'Array of times (*.mat;*.*)', 'ARRAY-TIMES'; ... 3751 {'.*'}, 'Array of samples (*.mat;*.*)', 'ARRAY-SAMPLES'; ... 3752 {'.txt','.csv'}, 'CSV text file: label, time, duration (*.txt;*.csv)', 'CSV-TIME'; ... 3753 {'.*'}, 'CTF Video Times (.txt)', 'CTFVIDEO'; ... 3754 }; 3755 case 'eventsout' 3756 argout1 = {... 3757 {'.mrk'}, 'AnyWave (*.mrk)', 'ANYWAVE'; ... 3758 {'_events'}, 'Brainstorm (events*.mat)', 'BST'; ... 3759 {'.vmrk'}, 'BrainVision BrainAmp (*.vmrk)', 'BRAINAMP'; ... 3760 {'.mrk'}, 'CTF MarkerFile (*.mrk)', 'CTF'; ... 3761 {'.eve','.fif'}, 'Elekta-Neuromag/MNE (*.eve)', 'FIF'; ... 3762 {'.evl'}, 'Elekta-Neuromag Graph (Alternative Style) (*.evl)', 'GRAPH_ALT'; ... 3763 {'.txt'}, 'Array of times (*.txt)', 'ARRAY-TIMES'; ... 3764 {'.txt'}, 'Array of samples (*.txt)', 'ARRAY-SAMPLES'; ... 3765 {'.txt','.csv'}, 'CSV text file: label, time, duration (*.txt;*.csv)', 'CSV-TIME'; ... 3766 {'.txt'}, 'CTF Video Times (*.txt)', 'CTFVIDEO'; ... 3767 {'.tsv'}, 'BIDS events: onset, duration, trial_type (*.tsv)', 'BIDS'; ... 3768 }; 3769 case 'channel' 3770 argout1 = {... 3771 {'.*'}, 'MEG/EEG: 4D-Neuroimaging/BTi (*.*)', '4D'; ... 3772 {'.meg4','.res4'}, 'MEG/EEG: CTF (*.ds;*.meg4;*.res4)', 'CTF' ; ... 3773 {'.fif'}, 'MEG/EEG: Elekta-Neuromag (*.fif)', 'FIF'; ... 3774 {'.kdf'}, 'MEG/EEG: KRISS MEG (*.kdf)', 'KDF'; ... 3775 {'.raw'}, 'MEG/EEG: ITAB (*.raw)', 'ITAB'; ... 3776 {'.mrk','.sqd','.con','.raw','.ave'}, 'MEG/EEG: Ricoh (*.sqd;*.con;*.raw;*.ave;*.mrk)', 'RICOH'; ... 3777 {'.mrk','.sqd','.con','.raw','.ave'}, 'MEG/EEG: Yokogawa/KIT (*.sqd;*.con;*.raw;*.ave;*.mrk)', 'KIT'; ... 3778 {'.meghdf5'}, 'MEG/EEG: York Instruments MEGSCAN (.meghdf5)', 'MEGSCAN-HDF5'; ... 3779 {'.bst'}, 'MEG/EEG: Brainstorm binary (*.bst)', 'BST-BIN'; ... 3780 {'_channel'}, 'MEG/EEG: Brainstorm (channel*.mat)', 'BST'; ... 3781 {'.elc'}, 'EEG: ANT ASA/Xensor (*.elc)', 'XENSOR'; ... 3782 {'.sfp','.elp','.ela','.eps'}, 'EEG: BESA (*.sfp;*.elp;*.eps/*.ela)', 'BESA'; ... 3783 {'.bvef','.bvct','.txt'}, 'EEG: BrainVision electrode file (*.bvef,*.bvct,*.txt)', 'BRAINVISION'; ... 3784 {'.tsv'}, 'EEG: BIDS electrodes.tsv, subject space mm (*.tsv)', 'BIDS-SCANRAS-MM'; ... 3785 {'.tsv'}, 'EEG: BIDS electrodes.tsv, MNI space mm (*.tsv)', 'BIDS-MNI-MM'; ... 3786 {'.tsv'}, 'EEG: BIDS electrodes.tsv, ACPC space mm (*.tsv)', 'BIDS-ACPC-MM'; ... 3787 {'.tsv'}, 'EEG: BIDS electrodes.tsv, ALS/SCS/CTF space mm (*.tsv)','BIDS-ALS-MM'; ... 3788 {'.tsv'}, 'EEG: BIDS electrodes.tsv, CapTrak space mm (*.tsv)', 'BIDS-CAPTRAK-MM'; ... 3789 {'.els','.xyz'}, 'EEG: Cartool (*.els;*.xyz)', 'CARTOOL'; ... 3790 {'.eeg'}, 'EEG: MegDraw (*.eeg)', 'MEGDRAW'; ... 3791 {'.res','.rs3','.pom'}, 'EEG: Curry, LPS (*.res;*.rs3;*.pom)', 'CURRY'; ... 3792 {'.ced','.xyz','.set'}, 'EEG: EEGLAB (*.ced;*.xyz;*.set)', 'EEGLAB'; ... 3793 {'.elc'}, 'EEG: EETrak (*.elc)', 'EETRAK'; ... 3794 {'.sfp'}, 'EEG: EGI (*.sfp)', 'EGI'; ... 3795 {'coordinates.xml'}, 'EEG: EGI-Philips (coordinates.xml)', 'MFF'; ... 3796 {'.elp'}, 'EEG: EMSE (*.elp)', 'EMSE'; ... 3797 {'.pts','.csv'}, 'EEG: IntrAnat, subject space (*.pts;*.csv)', 'INTRANAT'; ... 3798 {'.pts','.csv'}, 'EEG: IntrAnat, MNI space (*.pts;*.csv)', 'INTRANAT_MNI'; ... 3799 {'.csv'}, 'EEG: Localite (*.csv)', 'LOCALITE'; ... 3800 {'.dat','.tri','.txt','.asc'}, 'EEG: Neuroscan (*.dat;*.tri;*.txt;*.asc)', 'NEUROSCAN'; ... 3801 {'.pos','.pol','.elp','.txt'}, 'EEG: Polhemus (*.pos;*.pol;*.elp;*.txt)', 'POLHEMUS'; ... 3802 {'.csv'}, 'EEG: SimNIBS (*.csv)', 'SIMNIBS'; ... 3803 {'.h5'}, 'EEG: The Virtual Brain (*_SensorsEEG.h5)', 'TVB'; ... 3804 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII: Name,XYZ (*.*)', 'ASCII_NXYZ'; ... 3805 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII: Name,XYZ_MNI (*.*)', 'ASCII_NXYZ_MNI'; ... 3806 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII: Name,XYZ_World (*.*)', 'ASCII_NXYZ_WORLD'; ... 3807 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII: Name,XY (*.*)', 'ASCII_NXY'; ... 3808 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII: XYZ (*.*)', 'ASCII_XYZ'; ... 3809 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII: XYZ_MNI (*.*)', 'ASCII_XYZ_MNI'; ... 3810 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII: XYZ_World (*.*)', 'ASCII_XYZ_WORLD'; ... 3811 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII: XY (*.*)', 'ASCII_XY'; ... 3812 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII: XYZ,Name (*.*)', 'ASCII_XYZN'; ... 3813 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII: XYZ_MNI,Name (*.*)', 'ASCII_XYZN_MNI'; ... 3814 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII: XYZ_World,Name (*.*)', 'ASCII_XYZN_WORLD'; ... 3815 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII: Name,Theta,Phi (*.*)', 'ASCII_NTP'; ... 3816 {'*'}, 'EEG: ASCII: Theta,Phi (*.*)', 'ASCII_TP'; ... 3817 }; 3818 case 'channelout' 3819 argout1 = {... 3820 {'.pos'}, 'EEG+Headshape: Polhemus (*.pos)', 'POLHEMUS'; ... 3821 {'.eeg'}, 'Headshape: MegDraw (*.eeg)', 'MEGDRAW'; ... 3822 {'.pos'}, 'Headshape: Polhemus (*.pos)', 'POLHEMUS-HS'; ... 3823 {'.txt'}, 'Headshape: ASCII: XYZ (*.txt)', 'ASCII_XYZ-HS'; ... 3824 {'.txt'}, 'Headshape: ASCII: XYZ_World (*.txt)', 'ASCII_XYZ_WORLD-HS'; ... 3825 {'.txt'}, 'Headshape: ASCII: Name,XYZ (*.txt)', 'ASCII_NXYZ-HS'; ... 3826 {'.txt'}, 'Headshape: ASCII: Name,XYZ_World (*.txt)', 'ASCII_NXYZ_WORLD-HS'; ... 3827 {'.txt'}, 'Headshape: ASCII: XYZ,Name (*.txt)', 'ASCII_XYZN-HS'; ... 3828 {'.txt'}, 'Headshape: ASCII: XYZ_World,Name (*.txt)', 'ASCII_XYZN_WORLD-HS'; ... 3829 {'.sfp'}, 'EEG: BESA (*.sfp)', 'BESA-SFP'; ... 3830 {'.elp'}, 'EEG: BESA (*.elp)', 'BESA-ELP'; ... 3831 {'.tsv'}, 'EEG: BIDS electrodes.tsv, subject space mm (*.tsv)', 'BIDS-SCANRAS-MM'; ... 3832 {'.tsv'}, 'EEG: BIDS electrodes.tsv, MNI space mm (*.tsv)', 'BIDS-MNI-MM'; ... 3833 {'.tsv'}, 'EEG: BIDS electrodes.tsv, ALS/SCS/CTF space mm (*.tsv)', 'BIDS-ALS-MM'; ... 3834 {'.xyz'}, 'EEG: Cartool (*.xyz)', 'CARTOOL-XYZ'; ... 3835 {'.res'}, 'EEG: Curry (*.res)', 'CURRY-RES'; ... 3836 {'.xyz'}, 'EEG: EEGLAB (*.xyz)', 'EEGLAB-XYZ'; ... 3837 {'.sfp'}, 'EEG: EGI (*.sfp)', 'EGI'; ... 3838 {'.txt'}, 'EEG/NIRS: ASCII: XYZ (*.txt)', 'ASCII_XYZ-EEG'; ... 3839 {'.txt'}, 'EEG/NIRS: ASCII: XYZ_MNI (*.txt)', 'ASCII_XYZ_MNI-EEG'; ... 3840 {'.txt'}, 'EEG/NIRS: ASCII: XYZ_World (*.txt)', 'ASCII_XYZ_WORLD-EEG'; ... 3841 {'.txt'}, 'EEG/NIRS: ASCII: Name,XYZ (*.txt)', 'ASCII_NXYZ-EEG'; ... 3842 {'.txt'}, 'EEG/NIRS: ASCII: Name,XYZ_MNI (*.txt)', 'ASCII_NXYZ_MNI-EEG'; ... 3843 {'.txt'}, 'EEG/NIRS: ASCII: Name,XYZ_World (*.txt)', 'ASCII_NXYZ_WORLD-EEG'; ... 3844 {'.txt'}, 'EEG/NIRS: ASCII: XYZ,Name (*.txt)', 'ASCII_XYZN-EEG'; ... 3845 {'.txt'}, 'EEG/NIRS: ASCII: XYZ_MNI,Name (*.txt)', 'ASCII_XYZN_MNI-EEG'; ... 3846 {'.txt'}, 'EEG/NIRS: ASCII: XYZ_World,Name (*.txt)', 'ASCII_XYZN_WORLD-EEG'; ... 3847 {'.txt'}, 'EEG/NIRS: Brainsight (*.txt)', 'BRAINSIGHT-TXT'; ... 3848 {'.tsv'}, 'NIRS: BIDS optrodes.tsv, subject space mm (*.tsv)', 'BIDS-NIRS-SCANRAS-MM'; ... 3849 {'.tsv'}, 'NIRS: BIDS optrodes.tsv, MNI space mm (*.tsv)', 'BIDS-NIRS-MNI-MM'; ... 3850 {'.tsv'}, 'NIRS: BIDS optrodes.tsv, ALS/SCS/CTF space mm (*.tsv)', 'BIDS-NIRS-ALS-MM'; ... 3851 }; 3852 case 'labelin' 3853 argout1 = {... 3854 {'.dfs'}, 'BrainSuite atlas (*.dfs)', 'DFS'; ... 3855 {'.annot'}, 'FreeSurfer atlas (*.annot)', 'FS-ANNOT'; ... 3856 {'.label'}, 'FreeSurfer ROI, single scout (*.label)', 'FS-LABEL-SINGLE'; ... 3857 {'.label'}, 'FreeSurfer ROI, probability map (*.label)', 'FS-LABEL'; ... 3858 {'.gii'}, 'GIfTI texture (*.gii)', 'GII-TEX'; ... 3859 {'.dset'}, 'SUMA atlas (*.dset)', 'DSET'; ... 3860 {'_scout'}, 'Brainstorm scouts (*scout*.mat)', 'BST'; ... 3861 {'.mri', '.fif', '.img', '.ima', '.nii', '.mgh', '.mgz', '.mnc', '.mni', '.gz', '_subjectimage'}, 'Volume mask or atlas (dilated, subject space)', 'MRI-MASK'; ... 3862 {'.mri', '.fif', '.img', '.ima', '.nii', '.mgh', '.mgz', '.mnc', '.mni', '.gz'}, 'Volume mask or atlas (dilated, MNI space)', 'MRI-MASK-MNI'; ... 3863 {'.mri', '.fif', '.img', '.ima', '.nii', '.mgh', '.mgz', '.mnc', '.mni', '.gz', '_subjectimage'}, 'Volume mask or atlas (no overlap, subject space)', 'MRI-MASK-NOOVERLAP'; ... 3864 {'.mri', '.fif', '.img', '.ima', '.nii', '.mgh', '.mgz', '.mnc', '.mni', '.gz'}, 'Volume mask or atlas (no overlap, MNI space)', 'MRI-MASK-NOOVERLAP-MNI'; ... 3865 }; 3866 case 'resultsout' 3867 argout1 = {... 3868 {'_sources'}, 'Brainstorm sources (*sources*.mat)', 'BST'; ... 3869 {'.mat'}, 'FieldTrip sources (*.mat)', 'FT-SOURCES'; ... 3870 {'.txt'}, 'ASCII: Space-separated, fixed columns size (*.txt)', 'ASCII-SPC'; ... 3871 {'.txt'}, 'ASCII: Space-separated with header, fixed column size (*.txt)', 'ASCII-SPC-HDR'; ... 3872 {'.tsv'}, 'ASCII: Tab-separated (*.tsv)', 'ASCII-TSV'; ... 3873 {'.tsv'}, 'ASCII: Tab-separated with header (*.tsv)', 'ASCII-TSV-HDR'; ... 3874 {'.tsv'}, 'ASCII: Tab-separated with header transposed (*.tsv)', 'ASCII-TSV-HDR-TR'; ... 3875 {'.csv'}, 'ASCII: Comma-separated (*.csv)', 'ASCII-CSV'; ... 3876 {'.csv'}, 'ASCII: Comma-separated with header (*.csv)', 'ASCII-CSV-HDR'; ... 3877 {'.csv'}, 'ASCII: Comma-separated with header transposed (*.csv)', 'ASCII-CSV-HDR-TR'; ... 3878 {'.xlsx'}, 'Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx)', 'EXCEL'; ... 3879 {'.xlsx'}, 'Microsoft Excel transposed (*.xlsx)', 'EXCEL-TR'; ... 3880 }; 3881 case 'timefreqout' 3882 argout1 = {... 3883 {'_timefreq'}, 'Brainstorm structure (*timefreq*.mat)', 'BST'; ... 3884 {'.mat'}, 'FieldTrip freq (*.mat)', 'FT-FREQ'; ... 3885 {'.txt'}, 'ASCII: Space-separated, fixed columns size (*.txt)', 'ASCII-SPC'; ... 3886 {'.txt'}, 'ASCII: Space-separated with header, fixed column size (*.txt)', 'ASCII-SPC-HDR'; ... 3887 {'.tsv'}, 'ASCII: Tab-separated (*.tsv)', 'ASCII-TSV'; ... 3888 {'.tsv'}, 'ASCII: Tab-separated with header (*.tsv)', 'ASCII-TSV-HDR'; ... 3889 {'.tsv'}, 'ASCII: Tab-separated with header transposed (*.tsv)', 'ASCII-TSV-HDR-TR'; ... 3890 {'.csv'}, 'ASCII: Comma-separated (*.csv)', 'ASCII-CSV'; ... 3891 {'.csv'}, 'ASCII: Comma-separated with header (*.csv)', 'ASCII-CSV-HDR'; ... 3892 {'.csv'}, 'ASCII: Comma-separated with header transposed (*.csv)', 'ASCII-CSV-HDR-TR'; ... 3893 {'.xlsx'}, 'Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx)', 'EXCEL'; ... 3894 {'.xlsx'}, 'Microsoft Excel transposed (*.xlsx)', 'EXCEL-TR'; ... 3895 }; 3896 case 'matrixout' 3897 argout1 = {... 3898 {'_matrix'}, 'Brainstorm structure (*matrix*.mat)', 'BST'; ... 3899 {'.bst'}, 'MEG/EEG: Brainstorm binary (*.bst)', 'BST-BIN'; ... 3900 {'.mat'}, 'FieldTrip timelock (*.mat)', 'FT-TIMELOCK'; ... 3901 {'.edf'}, 'EEG: EDF+ (*.edf)', 'EEG-EDF'; ... 3902 {'.txt'}, 'ASCII: Space-separated, fixed columns size (*.txt)', 'ASCII-SPC'; ... 3903 {'.txt'}, 'ASCII: Space-separated with header, fixed column size (*.txt)', 'ASCII-SPC-HDR'; ... 3904 {'.tsv'}, 'ASCII: Tab-separated (*.tsv)', 'ASCII-TSV'; ... 3905 {'.tsv'}, 'ASCII: Tab-separated with header (*.tsv)', 'ASCII-TSV-HDR'; ... 3906 {'.tsv'}, 'ASCII: Tab-separated with header transposed (*.tsv)', 'ASCII-TSV-HDR-TR'; ... 3907 {'.csv'}, 'ASCII: Comma-separated (*.csv)', 'ASCII-CSV'; ... 3908 {'.csv'}, 'ASCII: Comma-separated with header (*.csv)', 'ASCII-CSV-HDR'; ... 3909 {'.csv'}, 'ASCII: Comma-separated with header transposed (*.csv)', 'ASCII-CSV-HDR-TR'; ... 3910 {'.xlsx'}, 'Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx)', 'EXCEL'; ... 3911 {'.xlsx'}, 'Microsoft Excel transposed (*.xlsx)', 'EXCEL-TR'; ... 3912 }; 3913 case 'montagein' 3914 argout1 = {... 3915 {'.sel'}, 'MNE selection files (*.sel)', 'MNE'; ... 3916 {'.mon'}, 'Text montage files (*.mon)', 'MON'; ... 3917 {'_montage'}, 'Brainstorm montage files (montage_*.mat)', 'BST'; 3918 {'.csv'}, 'Comma-separated montage files (*.csv)', 'CSV'}; 3919 case 'montageout' 3920 argout1 = {... 3921 {'.sel'}, 'MNE selection files (*.sel)', 'MNE'; ... 3922 {'.mon'}, 'Text montage files (*.mon)', 'MON'; ... 3923 {'_montage'}, 'Brainstorm montage files (montage_*.mat)', 'BST'}; 3924 case 'clusterin' 3925 argout1 = {... 3926 {'_cluster'}, 'Brainstorm clusters file (*cluster*.mat)', 'BST'; ... 3927 {'.sel'}, 'MNE selection files (*.sel)', 'MNE'}; 3928 case 'fibers' 3929 argout1 = {... 3930 {'.trk'}, 'TrackVis (*.trk)', 'TRK'; ... 3931 {'_fibers'}, 'Brainstorm fibers files (fibers_*.mat)', 'BST'}; 3932 end 3933 3934 3935 %% ===== FONTS ===== 3936 case 'FigFont' 3937 if ispc 3938 argout1 = 8; 3939 else 3940 argout1 = 9; 3941 end 3942 InterfaceScaling = bst_get('InterfaceScaling'); 3943 if (InterfaceScaling ~= 100) 3944 argout1 = argout1 * InterfaceScaling / 100; 3945 end 3946 3947 case 'Font' 3948 % Default font size 3949 if (nargin < 2) 3950 if strncmp(computer,'MAC',3) 3951 fontSize = 12; 3952 else 3953 fontSize = 11; 3954 end 3955 % Font size in input 3956 else 3957 fontSize = varargin{2}; 3958 end 3959 % Adjust for interface scaling 3960 fontSize = fontSize * bst_get('InterfaceScaling') / 100; 3961 3962 % Font types 3963 fontTypes = {}; 3964 if (nargin >= 3) 3965 if ischar(varargin{3}) 3966 fontTypes = varargin(3); 3967 else 3968 fontTypes = varargin{3}; 3969 end 3970 else 3971 fontTypes{end + 1} = 'Arial'; % Default font 3972 fontTypes{end + 1} = 'Liberation Sans'; % Free Arial substitute 3973 end 3974 % Check for cached font 3975 foundFont = 0; 3976 for iFont = 1 : length(fontTypes) 3977 strCache = strrep(sprintf('%s%d', fontTypes{iFont}, round(fontSize*100)), ' ', '_'); 3978 if ~isempty(GlobalData) && isfield(GlobalData, 'Program') && isfield(GlobalData.Program, 'FontCache') && isfield(GlobalData.Program.FontCache, strCache) 3979 argout1 = GlobalData.Program.FontCache.(strCache); 3980 foundFont = 1; 3981 break; 3982 end 3983 end 3984 3985 % If font not cached, find first supported font 3986 if ~foundFont 3987 ge = java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); 3988 allFonts = cell(ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames()); 3989 3990 for iFont = 1 : length(fontTypes) 3991 if any(strcmp(fontTypes{iFont}, allFonts)) 3992 fontType = fontTypes{iFont}; 3993 foundFont = 1; 3994 break; 3995 end 3996 end 3997 3998 if ~foundFont 3999 fontType = 'SansSerif'; % If nothing else works. 4000 end 4001 4002 strCache = strrep(sprintf('%s%d', fontType, round(fontSize*100)), ' ', '_'); 4003 argout1 = java.awt.Font(fontType, java.awt.Font.PLAIN, fontSize); 4004 GlobalData.Program.FontCache.(strCache) = argout1; 4005 end 4006 4007 %% ==== PANEL CONTAINERS ==== 4008 case 'PanelContainer' 4009 % Get Brainstorm GUI context structure 4010 bst_GUI = GlobalData.Program.GUI; 4011 if (isempty(bst_GUI) || ~isfield(bst_GUI, 'panelContainers')) 4012 error('Brainstorm GUI is not yet initialized'); 4013 end 4014 4015 % Get ContainerName in argument 4016 if ((nargin >= 2) && (ischar(varargin{2}))) 4017 ContainerName = varargin{2}; 4018 % If no container name in argument : just display all the container names 4019 else 4020 disp('Registered panel containers :'); 4021 for iContainer = 1:length(bst_GUI.panelContainers) 4022 disp([' - ' bst_GUI.panelContainers(iContainer).name]); 4023 end 4024 return 4025 end 4026 4027 % Look for containerName in all the registered panel containers 4028 iContainer = 1; 4029 found = 0; 4030 while (~found (iContainer <= length(bst_GUI.panelContainers))) 4031 if (strcmpi(ContainerName, bst_GUI.panelContainers(iContainer).name)) 4032 found = 1; 4033 else 4034 iContainer = iContainer + 1; 4035 end 4036 end 4037 % If container is found : return it 4038 if (found) 4039 argout1 = bst_GUI.panelContainers(iContainer).jHandle; 4040 else 4041 % warning('Brainstorm:InvalidContainer', 'Container ''%s'' could not be found.', ContainerName); 4042 end 4043 4044 4045 %% ==== PANELS ==== 4046 case 'Panel' 4047 % Get Brainstorm GUI context structure 4048 if (isempty(GlobalData) || isempty(GlobalData.Program.GUI) || ~isfield(GlobalData.Program.GUI, 'panels')) 4049 return 4050 end 4051 listPanels = GlobalData.Program.GUI.panels; 4052 % Get Panel in argument 4053 if ((nargin >= 2) && (ischar(varargin{2}))) 4054 PanelName = varargin{2}; 4055 % If no panel name in argument : just display all the panels names 4056 else 4057 disp('Registered panels :'); 4058 for iContainer = 1:length(listPanels) 4059 disp([' - ' get(listPanels(iContainer), 'name')]); 4060 end 4061 return 4062 end 4063 % Look for panelName in all the registered panels 4064 iPanel = find(strcmpi(PanelName, get(listPanels, 'name')), 1); 4065 if ~isempty(iPanel) 4066 argout1 = listPanels(iPanel); 4067 argout2 = iPanel; 4068 end 4069 4070 4071 %% ==== PANEL CONTROLS ==== 4072 % Calls : bst_get('PanelControls', PanelName) 4073 case 'PanelControls' 4074 % Get Panel name in argument 4075 if ((nargin >= 2) && (ischar(varargin{2}))) 4076 PanelName = varargin{2}; 4077 else 4078 error('Invalid call to bst_get()'); 4079 end 4080 % Find BstPanel with this name 4081 bstPanel = bst_get('Panel', PanelName); 4082 % If panel was found : return its controls 4083 if ~isempty(bstPanel) 4084 argout1 = get(bstPanel, 'sControls'); 4085 end 4086 4087 %% ===== NODES COPY ===== 4088 % Calls : bst_get('Clipboard') 4089 case 'Clipboard' 4090 argout1 = GlobalData.Program.Clipboard.Nodes; 4091 argout2 = GlobalData.Program.Clipboard.isCut; 4092 4093 %% ==== DIRECTORIES ==== 4094 case 'DirDefaultSubject' 4095 argout1 = '@default_subject'; 4096 case 'DirDefaultStudy' 4097 argout1 = '@default_study'; 4098 case 'DirAnalysisIntra' 4099 argout1 = '@intra'; 4100 case 'DirAnalysisInter' 4101 argout1 = '@inter'; 4102 case 'NormalizedSubjectName' 4103 argout1 = 'Group_analysis'; 4104 4105 %% ==== OTHER ==== 4106 case 'ResizeFunction' 4107 if (bst_get('MatlabVersion') <= 803) 4108 argout1 = 'ResizeFcn'; 4109 else 4110 argout1 = 'SizeChangedFcn'; 4111 end 4112 case 'groot' 4113 if (bst_get('MatlabVersion') <= 803) 4114 argout1 = 0; 4115 else 4116 argout1 = groot; 4117 end 4118 case 'JFrame' 4119 hFig = varargin{2}; 4120 MatlabVersion = bst_get('MatlabVersion'); 4121 jFrame = []; 4122 try 4123 if (MatlabVersion <= 705) 4124 jf = get(hFig, 'javaframe'); 4125 jFrame = jf.fFigureClient.getWindow(); 4126 elseif (MatlabVersion <= 712) 4127 jf = get(handle(hFig), 'javaframe'); 4128 jFrame = jf.fFigureClient.getWindow(); 4129 elseif (MatlabVersion <= 803) 4130 jf = get(handle(hFig), 'javaframe'); 4131 jFrame = jf.fHG1Client.getWindow(); 4132 elseif (MatlabVersion < 907) % Matlab >= 2019b deprecated the JavaFrame property 4133 warning('off', 'MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame'); 4134 jf = get(hFig, 'javaframe'); 4135 warning('on', 'MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame'); 4136 jFrame = jf.fHG2Client.getWindow(); 4137 else 4138 disp('BST> Error: Matlab 2019b deprecated the JavaFrame property.'); 4139 end 4140 catch 4141 disp('BST> Warning: Cannot get the JavaFrame property for the selected figure.'); 4142 end 4143 argout1 = jFrame; 4144 4145 %% ==== ERROR ==== 4146 otherwise 4147 error(sprintf('Invalid context : "%s"', contextName)); 4148 end 4149 end 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 %% ==== HELPERS ==== 4155 % Return all the protocol studies that have a given file in its structures 4156 % Possible field names: Result.DataFile, Result.FileName, Data.FileName, Channel.FileName 4157 % 4158 % USAGE: [sFoundStudy, iFoundStudy, iItem] = findFileInStudies(fieldGroup, fieldName, fieldFile, iStudiesList) 4159 % [sFoundStudy, iFoundStudy, iItem] = findFileInStudies(fieldGroup, fieldName, fieldFile) 4160 function [sFoundStudy, iFoundStudy, iItem] = findFileInStudies(fieldGroup, fieldName, fieldFile, iStudiesList) 4161 global GlobalData; 4162 sFoundStudy = []; 4163 iFoundStudy = []; 4164 iItem = []; 4165 % If no file provided, return 4166 if isempty(fieldFile) 4167 return; 4168 end 4169 % Extract folder(s) of the file(s) we're looking for 4170 fieldParts = strfind(fieldFile, '|'); 4171 if ~isempty(fieldParts) 4172 fieldParts(end+1) = length(fieldFile); 4173 fieldFolders = {}; 4174 iLast = 1; 4175 for iPart = 1:length(fieldParts) 4176 folder = fileparts(fieldFile(iLast:fieldParts(iPart)-1)); 4177 if ~isempty(folder) 4178 fieldFolders{end + 1} = folder; 4179 end 4180 iLast = fieldParts(iPart) + 1; 4181 end 4182 else 4183 fieldFolders = {fileparts(fieldFile)}; 4184 end 4185 % Get protocol information 4186 ProtocolStudies = GlobalData.DataBase.ProtocolStudies(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol); 4187 % List studies to process 4188 if (nargin < 4) || isempty(iStudiesList) 4189 iStudiesList = [-2, -3, 1:length(ProtocolStudies.Study)]; 4190 end 4191 4192 % NORMAL STUDIES: Look for surface file in all the surfaces of all subjects 4193 for iStudy = iStudiesList 4194 % Get study 4195 switch (iStudy) 4196 case -2, sStudy = ProtocolStudies.AnalysisStudy; 4197 case -3, sStudy = ProtocolStudies.DefaultStudy; 4198 otherwise, sStudy = ProtocolStudies.Study(iStudy); 4199 end 4200 % Check if field is available for the study 4201 if isempty(sStudy.(fieldGroup)) 4202 continue; 4203 end 4204 % Check we are in the correct folder 4205 if ~any(file_compare(fieldFolders, fileparts(sStudy.FileName))) 4206 continue; 4207 end 4208 % Get list of files from study 4209 filesList = {sStudy.(fieldGroup).(fieldName)}; 4210 if isempty(filesList) 4211 continue; 4212 end 4213 % Replace empty cells with empty strings 4214 iValidFiles = find(cellfun(@ischar, filesList)); 4215 if isempty(iValidFiles) 4216 continue; 4217 end 4218 % Find target in this list 4219 iItem = find(file_compare(filesList(iValidFiles), fieldFile)); 4220 if ~isempty(iItem) 4221 sFoundStudy = sStudy; 4222 iFoundStudy = iStudy; 4223 iItem = iValidFiles(iItem); 4224 return 4225 end 4226 end 4227 end 4228 4229 4230 %% ===== FILL MISSING FIELDS ===== 4231 function bstPref = FillMissingFields(PrefName, defPref) 4232 global GlobalData; 4233 if isfield(GlobalData, 'Preferences') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, PrefName) && isstruct(GlobalData.Preferences.(PrefName)) 4234 bstPref = GlobalData.Preferences.(PrefName); 4235 bstPref = struct_copy_fields(bstPref, defPref, 0); 4236 else 4237 bstPref = defPref; 4238 end 4239 end 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246

To change parameters or database structures: bst_set.m.

1 function bst_set( varargin ) 2 % BST_SET: Set a Brainstorm structure. 3 % 4 % DESCRIPTION: This function is used to abstract the way that these structures are stored. 5 % 6 % USAGE: 7 % ====== DIRECTORIES ================================================================== 8 % - bst_set('BrainstormHomeDir', BrainstormHomeDir) 9 % - bst_set('BrainstormTmpDir', BrainstormTmpDir) 10 % - bst_set('BrainstormDbDir', BrainstormDbDir) 11 % - bst_set('LastUsedDirs', sDirectories) 12 % - bst_set('BrainSuiteDir', BrainSuiteDir) 13 % - bst_set('PythonExe', PythonExe) 14 % - bst_set('PluginCustomPath', PluginCustomPath) 15 % 16 % ====== PROTOCOLS ==================================================================== 17 % - bst_set('iProtocol', iProtocol) 18 % - bst_set('ProtocolInfo', sProtocolInfo) 19 % - bst_set('ProtocolSubjects', ProtocolSubjects) 20 % - bst_set('isProtocolLoaded', isProtocolLoaded) 21 % - bst_set('isProtocolModified',isProtocolModified) 22 % - bst_set('ProtocolStudies', ProtocolStudies) 23 % - bst_set('Study', iStudy, sStudy) : Set a study in current protocol 24 % - bst_set('Subject', iSubject, sSubject) : Set a subject in current protocol 25 % 26 % ====== GUI ================================================================= 27 % - bst_set('Layout', sLayout) 28 % - bst_set('Layout', PropName, PropValue) 29 % - bst_set('Clipboard', Nodes, isCut) : Copy operation from the tree 30 % 31 % ====== CONFIGURATION ================================================================= 32 % - bst_set('Version', Version) 33 % - bst_set('ByteOrder', value) : 'b' for big endian, 'l' for little endian 34 % - bst_set('AutoUpdates', isAutoUpdates) 35 % - bst_set('ExpertMode', isExpertMode) 36 % - bst_set('DisplayGFP', isDisplayGFP) 37 % - bst_set('DownsampleTimeSeries', isDownsampleTimeSeries) 38 % - bst_set('GraphicsSmoothing', isGraphicsSmoothing) 39 % - bst_set('ForceMatCompression', isForceCompression) 40 % - bst_set('IgnoreMemoryWarnings', isIgnoreMemoryWarnings) 41 % - bst_set('SystemCopy', isSystemCopy) 42 % - bst_set('DisableOpenGL', isDisableOpenGL) 43 % - bst_set('InterfaceScaling', InterfaceScaling) 44 % - bst_set('TSDisplayMode', TSDisplayMode) : {'butterfly','column'} 45 % - bst_set('ElectrodeConfig', ElectrodeConfig, Modality) 46 % - bst_set('ElecInterpDist', ElecInterpDist, Modality) 47 % - bst_set('DefaultFormats' defaultFormats) 48 % - bst_set('BFSProperties', [scalpCond,skullCond,brainCond,scalpThick,skullThick]) 49 % - bst_set('ImportEegRawOptions', ImportEegRawOptions) 50 % - bst_set('BugReportOptions', BugReportOptions) 51 % - bst_set('DefaultSurfaceDisplay', displayStruct) 52 % - bst_set('MagneticExtrapOptions', extrapStruct) 53 % - bst_set('TimefreqOptions_morlet', Options) 54 % - bst_set('TimefreqOptions_fft', Options) 55 % - bst_set('TimefreqOptions_psd', Options) 56 % - bst_set('TimefreqOptions_hilbert', Options) 57 % - bst_set('TimefreqOptions_plv', Options) 58 % - bst_set('OpenMEEGOptions', Options) 59 % - bst_set('DuneuroOptions', Options) 60 % - bst_set('GridOptions_headmodel', Options) 61 % - bst_set('GridOptions_dipfit', Options) 62 % - bst_set('UniformizeTimeSeriesScales', isUniform) 63 % - bst_set('FlipYAxis', isFlipY) 64 % - bst_set('AutoScaleY', isAutoScaleY) 65 % - bst_set('FixedScaleY', Modality, Value) 66 % - bst_set('XScale', XScale) 67 % - bst_set('YScale', YScale) 68 % - bst_set('ShowXGrid', isShowXGrid) 69 % - bst_set('ShowYGrid', isShowYGrid) 70 % - bst_set('ShowZeroLines', isShowZeroLines) 71 % - bst_set('ShowEventsMode', ShowEventsMode) 72 % - bst_set('Resolution', [resX,resY]) 73 % - bst_set('UseSigProcToolbox', UseSigProcToolbox) 74 % - bst_set('RawViewerOptions', RawViewerOptions) 75 % - bst_set('TopoLayoutOptions', TopoLayoutOptions) 76 % - bst_set('StatThreshOptions', StatThreshOptions) 77 % - bst_set('ContactSheetOptions', ContactSheetOptions) 78 % - bst_set('ProcessOptions', ProcessOptions) 79 % - bst_set('MriOptions', MriOptions) 80 % - bst_set('CustomColormaps', CustomColormaps) 81 % - bst_set('DigitizeOptions', DigitizeOptions) 82 % - bst_set('PcaOptions', PcaOptions) 83 % - bst_set('ReadOnly', ReadOnly) 84 % - bst_set('LastPsdDisplayFunction', LastPsdDisplayFunction) 85 % - bst_set('PlotlyCredentials', Username, ApiKey, Domain) 86 % - bst_set('KlustersExecutable', ExecutablePath) 87 % - bst_set('ExportBidsOptions'), ExportBidsOptions) 88 % - bst_set('Pipelines') Saved Pipelines stored 89 % 90 % SEE ALSO bst_get 91 92 % @============================================================================= 93 % This function is part of the Brainstorm software: 94 % https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm 95 % 96 % Copyright (c) University of Southern California & McGill University 97 % This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 98 % as published by the Free Software Foundation. Further details on the GPLv3 99 % license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. 100 % 101 % FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND THE 102 % UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND ITS COLLABORATORS DO NOT MAKE ANY 103 % WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF 104 % MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NOR DO THEY ASSUME ANY 105 % LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. 106 % 107 % For more information type "brainstorm license" at command prompt. 108 % =============================================================================@ 109 % 110 % Authors: Francois Tadel, 2008-2021 111 % Martin Cousineau, 2017 112 113 global GlobalData; 114 115 %% ==== PARSE INPUTS ==== 116 if ((nargin >= 1) && ischar(varargin{1})) 117 contextName = varargin{1}; 118 if (nargin >= 2) 119 contextValue = varargin{2}; 120 else 121 contextValue = []; 122 end 123 else 124 error('Usage : bst_set(contextName, contextValue)'); 125 end 126 127 % Get required context structure 128 switch contextName 129 %% ==== BRAINSTORM CONFIGURATION ==== 130 case 'Version' 131 GlobalData.Program.Version = contextValue; 132 case 'BrainstormHomeDir' 133 GlobalData.Program.BrainstormHomeDir = contextValue; 134 case 'BrainstormDbDir' 135 GlobalData.DataBase.BrainstormDbDir = contextValue; 136 case 'BrainstormTmpDir' 137 GlobalData.Preferences.BrainstormTmpDir = contextValue; 138 case 'Pipelines' 139 GlobalData.Processes.Pipelines = contextValue; 140 141 %% ==== PROTOCOL ==== 142 case 'iProtocol' 143 if isnumeric(contextValue) 144 GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol = contextValue; 145 else 146 error('iProtocol should be a number.'); 147 end 148 case {'ProtocolSubjects', 'ProtocolStudies'} 149 for structField = fieldnames(contextValue)' 150 GlobalData.DataBase.(contextName)(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol).(structField{1}) = contextValue.(structField{1}); 151 end 152 GlobalData.DataBase.isProtocolModified(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) = 1; 153 case 'ProtocolInfo' 154 for structField = fieldnames(contextValue)' 155 GlobalData.DataBase.(contextName)(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol).(structField{1}) = contextValue.(structField{1}); 156 end 157 case 'isProtocolLoaded' 158 GlobalData.DataBase.isProtocolLoaded(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) = contextValue; 159 case 'isProtocolModified' 160 GlobalData.DataBase.isProtocolModified(GlobalData.DataBase.iProtocol) = contextValue; 161 162 %% ==== SUBJECT ==== 163 case 'Subject' 164 % Get subjects list 165 ProtocolSubjects = bst_get('ProtocolSubjects'); 166 iSubject = varargin{2}; 167 sSubject = varargin{3}; 168 % If default subject 169 if (iSubject == 0) 170 ProtocolSubjects.DefaultSubject = sSubject; 171 else 172 ProtocolSubjects.Subject(iSubject) = sSubject; 173 end 174 % Update DataBase 175 bst_set('ProtocolSubjects', ProtocolSubjects); 176 177 178 %% ==== STUDY ==== 179 case 'Study' 180 % Get studies list 181 ProtocolStudies = bst_get('ProtocolStudies'); 182 iStudies = varargin{2}; 183 sStudies = varargin{3}; 184 iAnalysisStudy = -2; 185 iDefaultStudy = -3; 186 for i = 1:length(iStudies) 187 % Normal study 188 if (iStudies(i) > 0) 189 ProtocolStudies.Study(iStudies(i)) = sStudies(i); 190 % Inter-subject analysis study 191 elseif (iStudies(i) == iAnalysisStudy) 192 ProtocolStudies.AnalysisStudy = sStudies(i); 193 % Default study 194 elseif (iStudies(i) == iDefaultStudy) 195 ProtocolStudies.DefaultStudy = sStudies(i); 196 end 197 end 198 % Update DataBase 199 bst_set('ProtocolStudies', ProtocolStudies); 200 201 202 %% ==== GUI ==== 203 % USAGE: bst_set('Layout', sLayout) 204 % bst_set('Layout', PropName, PropValue) 205 case 'Layout' 206 if (nargin == 2) && isstruct(contextValue) 207 GlobalData.Preferences.Layout = contextValue; 208 isUpdateScreens = 0; 209 elseif (nargin == 3) && ischar(contextValue) && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences, 'Layout') && isfield(GlobalData.Preferences.Layout, contextValue) 210 GlobalData.Preferences.Layout.(contextValue) = varargin{3}; 211 isUpdateScreens = strcmpi(contextValue, 'DoubleScreen'); 212 else 213 error('Invalid call to bst_set.'); 214 end 215 % Update screen configuration 216 GlobalData.Program.ScreenDef = gui_layout('GetScreenClientArea'); 217 % Update layout right now 218 gui_layout('Update'); 219 % If the number of screen was changed: update the maximum size of the Brainstorm window 220 if isUpdateScreens 221 gui_layout('UpdateMaxBstSize'); 222 end 223 224 % USAGE: bst_set('FixedScaleY', []) 225 % bst_set('FixedScaleY', Modality, Value) 226 case 'FixedScaleY' 227 if (nargin == 3) && ~isempty(contextValue) && ~isempty(varargin{3}) 228 GlobalData.Preferences.FixedScaleY.(contextValue) = varargin{3}; 229 elseif (nargin == 2) && isempty(contextValue) 230 GlobalData.Preferences.FixedScaleY = struct(); 231 end 232 233 case 'ByteOrder' 234 switch(contextValue) 235 case {'b','ieee-le','n'} 236 GlobalData.Preferences.ByteOrder = 'b'; 237 case {'l','ieee-be'} 238 GlobalData.Preferences.ByteOrder = 'l'; 239 otherwise 240 error('Invalid byte order.'); 241 end 242 243 case 'Clipboard' 244 if (length(varargin) >= 3) 245 isCut = varargin{3}; 246 else 247 isCut = 0; 248 end 249 GlobalData.Program.Clipboard.Nodes = contextValue; 250 GlobalData.Program.Clipboard.isCut = isCut; 251 252 case 'ElectrodeConfig' 253 Modality = varargin{2}; 254 ElectrodeConf = varargin{3}; 255 if isequal(Modality, 'ECOG+SEEG') 256 Modality = 'ECOG_SEEG'; 257 elseif ~ismember(Modality, {'EEG','SEEG','ECOG','MEG'}) 258 error(['Invalid modality: ' Modality]); 259 end 260 GlobalData.Preferences.(contextName).(Modality) = ElectrodeConf; 261 262 case 'ElecInterpDist' 263 Modality = varargin{2}; 264 ElecInterpDist = varargin{3}; 265 if isequal(Modality, 'ECOG+SEEG') 266 Modality = 'ECOG_SEEG'; 267 elseif ~ismember(Modality, {'EEG','SEEG','ECOG','MEG'}) 268 error(['Invalid modality: ' Modality]); 269 end 270 GlobalData.Preferences.(contextName).(Modality) = ElecInterpDist; 271 272 case {'UniformizeTimeSeriesScales', 'XScale', 'YScale', 'FlipYAxis', 'AutoScaleY', 'ShowXGrid', 'ShowYGrid', 'ShowZeroLines', 'ShowEventsMode', ... 273 'Resolution', 'AutoUpdates', 'ExpertMode', 'DisplayGFP', 'ForceMatCompression', 'GraphicsSmoothing', 'DownsampleTimeSeries', ... 274 'DisableOpenGL', 'InterfaceScaling', 'TSDisplayMode', 'UseSigProcToolbox', 'LastUsedDirs', 'DefaultFormats', ... 275 'BFSProperties', 'ImportDataOptions', 'ImportEegRawOptions', 'RawViewerOptions', 'MontageOptions', 'TopoLayoutOptions', ... 276 'StatThreshOptions', 'ContactSheetOptions', 'ProcessOptions', 'BugReportOptions', 'DefaultSurfaceDisplay', ... 277 'MagneticExtrapOptions', 'MriOptions', 'ConnectGraphOptions', 'NodelistOptions', 'IgnoreMemoryWarnings', 'SystemCopy', ... 278 'TimefreqOptions_morlet', 'TimefreqOptions_hilbert', 'TimefreqOptions_fft', 'TimefreqOptions_psd', 'TimefreqOptions_stft', 'TimefreqOptions_plv', ... 279 'OpenMEEGOptions', 'DuneuroOptions', 'DigitizeOptions', 'PcaOptions', 'CustomColormaps', 'PluginCustomPath', 'BrainSuiteDir', 'PythonExe', ... 280 'GridOptions_headmodel', 'GridOptions_dipfit', 'LastPsdDisplayFunction', 'KlustersExecutable', 'ExportBidsOptions'} 281 GlobalData.Preferences.(contextName) = contextValue; 282 283 case 'ReadOnly' 284 GlobalData.DataBase.isReadOnly = contextValue; 285 286 case 'PlotlyCredentials' 287 if length(varargin) ~= 4 288 error('Invalid call to bst_set.'); 289 end 290 [username, apiKey, domain] = varargin{2:4}; 291 % Default domain: plot.ly 292 if isempty(domain) 293 domain = 'https://plot.ly'; 294 end 295 % Plotly needs a URL with HTTP and no trailing slash. 296 if strfind(domain, 'https://') 297 domain = strrep(domain, 'https://', 'http://'); 298 elseif isempty(strfind(domain, 'http://')) 299 domain = ['http://', domain]; 300 end 301 if domain(end) == '/' 302 domain = domain(1:end-1); 303 end 304 % Save credentials 305 saveplotlycredentials(username, apiKey); 306 saveplotlyconfig(domain); 307 308 %% ==== ERROR ==== 309 otherwise 310 error('Invalid context : ''%s''', contextName); 311 312 313 end 314 315 316 317

File structures

The structures of the different types of files were described in the sections "On the hard drive" of the introduction tutorials. Here is a summary of all these sections:

Custom processing

In many situations, you will find useful to read the files available in the database, and maybe modify them. The easiest approaches do not require any scripting, we will start by reviewing them quickly.

Process: Run Matlab command

If you want to modify the values saved in a file (eg. the field "F" from a "data" file), the easiest way is probably to use the process1 File > Run Matlab command. It is also available from Process2 in the category "Other".

It loads the files in input and run them through a piece of Matlab code that you can edit freely. It can extend a lot the flexibility of the Brainstorm pipeline manager, providing an easy access to any Matlab function or script.

The corresponding script looks like this:

sFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_matlab_eval', sFiles, [], ...
    'matlab',      'Data = Data.^2;', ...
    'sensortypes', 'MEG', ...
    'overwrite',   0);

Export/Import with the database explorer


Right-click on the Deviant average in the database explorer > File > Export to Matlab > "DataMat".

Data exported as "DataMat"
>> DataMat
DataMat =
     ChannelFlag: [340x1 double]
    ColormapType: []
         Comment: 'Avg: deviant (39 files)'
        DataType: 'recordings'
          Device: 'CTF'
    DisplayUnits: []
               F: [340x361 double]
         History: {45x3 cell}
             Std: []
            Time: [1x361 double]
            nAvg: 39
          Events: [1x1 struct]

DataMat is the exact content of the corresponding .mat file, as loaded with Matlab's load() function. Edit some of the fields of this structure from the Matlab command window:

>> DataMat.Comment = 'Test square';
>> DataMat.F = DataMat.F .^ 2;

Now right-click on the folder containing the original file > File > Import from Matlab > DataMat:


If instead, you right-click on the original file and select the menu File > Import from Matlab, it overwrites the selected file instead of creating a new one with the selected structure.


In addtion to export to Matlab, files in the database explorer can be exported as files. Right-click on the Deviant average in the database explorer > File > Export to File. Indicate the filename of the file format for the destination folder. The available file formats depend on the type of file to export.

Also, 'data' (raw and imported/trial recordings), 'results' (sources), 'timefreq' (time-frequency, spectrum and connectivity), or 'matrix' (any time series extracted from other files) files can be also exported to files using the process: File > Export to file .

Reference: File manipulation

Useful functions for manipulating file names and paths (read the code of the functions for help):

Reading files from a script (all the functions take relative paths in input):

Saving files:

Registering new files in the database:

Reload folders (if you saved or deleted files without registering correctly the modification in the database):

Other useful database functions:

Export a file from the database to other file formats (read the comments in the functions for help):

Convert Brainstorm structures to FieldTrip structures:

Reference: Display functions

Create new visualization figures:

Configure time-series figures:

Configure 3D figures:

Configure time-frequency figures:

Configure colormaps:

Configure statistical thresholding:

Export the contents of a figure to a file:

Example: Creating a new file

This section illustrates how to add new files to the database. We will create a sinusoidal signal and save it in a "matrix" file, in a new folder of the subject "Test".

% Time: 1 second with a sampling frequency of 1000Hz
t = 0:0.001:1;
% Generate two sinsuoidal signals (20Hz,30Hz)
F = [sin(20*2*pi*t); 0.5*sin(30*2*pi*t)];

% Initialize an empty "matrix" structure
sMat = db_template('matrixmat');
% Fill the required fields of the structure
sMat.Value       = F;
sMat.Comment     = 'Test sinusoids';
sMat.Description = {'Signal #1: 20Hz'; 'Signal #2: 30Hz'};
sMat.Time        = t;

% Create a new folder "Script" in subject "Test"
iStudy = db_add_condition('Test', 'Script');
% Get the corresponding study structure
sStudy = bst_get('Study', iStudy);

There are many options to add a new file to the database, with various levels of requirements. You can call the db_add function (reloads the destination folder, therefore slow if you save many files), save the file in the corresponding folder and reload the protocol (slow as well), or register the file in the database manually (more complicated but faster).

Option #1: db_add

OutputFile = db_add(iStudy, sMat);

Option #2: bst_save / db_reload_studies

% Get the full path to the new folder
% (same folder as the brainstormstudy.mat file for this study)
OutputFolder = bst_fileparts(file_fullpath(sStudy.FileName));
% Get a new unique filename (including a timestamp)
MatrixFile = bst_process('GetNewFilename', OutputFolder, 'matrix_test');
% Save file
bst_save(MatrixFile, sMat, 'v6');
% Reload the folder in which the new file was saved

Option #3: bst_save / db_add_data

% Another way to generate a unique filename (without a timestamp)
MatrixFile = file_unique(bst_fullfile(OutputFolder, 'matrix_test.mat'));
% Save file
bst_save(MatrixFile, sMat, 'v6');
% Reference saved file in the database
db_add_data(iStudy, MatrixFile, sMat);
% Update the database explorer display
panel_protocols('UpdateNode', 'Study', iStudy);

Example: Editing events

A step that commonly requires manual changes is the definition of the event markers. For example, we have to combine external triggers or behavioral information with the existing events. This example illustrates how to load the events, modify them and save them back.

For the continuous recordings, the events are saved in the .mat file corresponding to the "Link to raw file". These structures contain only meta-data and information created with Brainstorm, the EEG/MEG recordings are available in a separate binary file. First, we need to load this link.

% Right-click on a "Link to raw file" in the database explorer
%  > File > Copy file path to clipboard
RawFile = '/.../@rawS01.../data_0raw_S01_..._01_600Hz_notch.mat'

% Load the "sFile" structure, contained in the .F structure
% of the link file (data_0raw...mat)
sRaw = in_bst_data(RawFile, 'F');

>> sRaw.F.events
ans =
1x7 struct array with fields:

For example, let's say we want to add 30ms to all the events in the category "button" in order to compensate for some hardware delay, and create a new event category with the modified timing. We need first to identify what is the index of the category "button", in this array of 7 event structures.

% Find the index of the event category "button"
iEvtButton = find(strcmpi({sRaw.F.events.label}, 'button'));

>> iEvtButton
iEvtButton =

In the code above, note this special Matlab syntax that allows the concatenation of the values of one field across multiple structures, in an array of structures:

>> {sRaw.F.events.label}
ans =
    'standard'    'deviant'    'button'    'cardiac'
    'blink'    'bad_1-7Hz'    'bad_40-240Hz'

If you want to search instead all the events containing a specific tag, for example "bad", you can use the cellfun function (applies the same function sequentially to all the elements in a cell array and concatenates the results) in combination with the strfind function (search for a substring). The final call to the find function returns at which indices the list of tags found in the event label is not empty.

>> iEvtBad = find( ~cellfun( @(c)isempty(strfind(c,'bad')), ...
iEvtBad =
     6     7

The code below copies the existing event category "button", renames it and add a 30ms offset. If you add or remove events, you must adjust the size of the other fields: epochs (always 1 for most file formats), channels and notes (cell array of empty matrices in most cases).

% Copy the event category "button" to a new category
iEvtNew = length(sRaw.F.events) + 1;
sRaw.F.events(iEvtNew) = sRaw.F.events(iEvtButton);
% Rename the new event to "button_offset"
sRaw.F.events(iEvtNew).label = 'button_offset';

% How many samples in 30ms (0.030s * 600Hz = 18 samples)
offsetSample = round(0.030 .* sRaw.F.prop.sfreq);
% Apply offset to the events in the "button_offset" category
sRaw.F.events(iEvtNew).times = sRaw.F.events(iEvtNew).times + 0.03
% Round new time values to the nearest sample
sRaw.F.events(iEvtNew).times = ...
    round(sRaw.F.events(iEvtNew).times .* sRaw.F.prop.sfreq) ./ sRaw.F.prop.sfreq;
% Re-generate an epochs field with only ones, and empty notes and channels fields
% (optional here, as we didn't change the number of evt)
nTimes = size(sRaw.F.events(iEvtNew).times, 2);
sRaw.F.events(iEvtNew).epochs = ones(1, nTimes);
sRaw.F.events(iEvtNew).channels = cell(1, nTimes);
sRaw.F.events(iEvtNew).notes = cell(1, nTimes);
% Change the event color to yellow (red=1, green=1, blue=0)
sRaw.F.events(iEvtNew).color = [1 1 0];

>> sRaw.F.events(iEvtNew)
ans =
         label: 'button_offset'
         color: [1 1 0]
        epochs: [1x40 double]
         times: [1x40 double]
    reactTimes: []
        select: 1
      channels: {1x40 cell}
         notes: {1x40 cell}

The last step is to save the modifications back to the "Link to raw file". Here the call to file_fullpath is optional because the variable RawFile already contains the absolute path to the file.

% Update the sRaw structure to the RawFile file (the last parameter appends to the existing struct)
bst_save(file_fullpath(RawFile), sRaw, 'v6', 1);

Open the recordings to make sure your transformation worked the way you expected.

Find examples in the code

The easier way to understand how to use a function is to search the code with the "Find files" interface in Matlab. Go to the brainstorm3 folder, click on "Find files" (or Ctrl+Shift+F), enter the name of a function in "Find files containing text", Include subfolders, Match case. It will return all the lines that include the string you entered across all the files in the Brainstorm distribution. Just double-click on a line to jump to the code in the Matlab editor.


You can use the same interface to find what function is called when you click on a button or menu in the interface. Search for the label or the tooltip of the interface element in the same way. The example below shows how to track what happens when you click on the headmodel popup menu "Check spheres".


If you have trouble understanding how to set some input parameters, you can use the Matlab's debugger to explore a real use case. Place a breakpoint at the begging of your function of interest (watch this tutorial if you don't know how to do this), for example in view_timeseries.m. Then click on the corresponding menus in the Brainstorm interface (eg. double-click on a data file). When the execution reaches the line you selected, it stops and gives you back the commands. You can explore the values in all the variables, modify them, and execute the code step by step (many options available in the Editor tab of Matlab).


Find interface callback functions

If you are looking for the function called by a menu or a button in the interface:

Additional quality control

You can add in the reports all the information that may help you control the quality of the analysis, or figures you want to include in publications or clinical reports. The process "File > Save snapshot" lets you save some predefined views, but you can also custom screen captures. The example below shows how to add a "raster plot" for all the deviant trials from Run#01 in the report.

% Get all the deviant trials in Run#01  (the list includes the deviant average)
sDeviant = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', [], [], ...
    'subjectname',   'Subject01', ...
    'condition',     'S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz_notch', ...
    'tag',           'deviant');

% Open raster plot
hFig = view_erpimage({sDeviant.FileName}, 'erpimage', 'MEG');
% Select the channel MRT34
sOptions = panel_display('GetDisplayOptions');
sOptions.RowName = 'MRT34';
panel_display('SetDisplayOptions', sOptions);

% Screen capture of this figure
% bst_report('Snapshot', hFig, FileName, Comment, WindowPosition);
bst_report('Snapshot', hFig, [], 'ERP image: MRT34', [300 100 600 400]);
% Close figure

You can also add messages in the reports (information, warning or errors).

% Function call: bst_report(MsgType, sProcess, sInputs, Message)
bst_report('Info',    [], sDeviant, 'This is an information message.');
bst_report('Warning', [], sDeviant, 'This is a warning.');
bst_report('Error',   [], sDeviant, 'This is an error.');

% Open the report viewer to show the current report (not saved yet)
bst_report('Open', 'Current');

Report generated with the code above:

Loop over subjects

Creating loops is not supported yet by the script generator, but relatively easy to do from a script without knowing too much about Matlab programming. The example below shows how to create a loop over subjects to import their anatomy. The dataset used here is from the tutorial MEG visual: single subject.

With the Process1 box empty, select the process "Import > Import anatomy > Import anatomy folder" and generate a script. Simplify if using the guidelines presented in the previous sections:

% Input files
SubjectNames = {'sub001'};
RawFiles = {...

% Process: Import anatomy folder
bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_anatomy', [], [], ...
    'subjectname', SubjectNames{1}, ...
    'mrifile',     {RawFiles{1}, 'FreeSurfer'}, ...
    'nvertices',   15000);

Add the other subject names and corresponding FreeSurfer folders in the script header:

SubjectNames = {'sub001', 'sub002', 'sub003', 'sub004'};
RawFiles = {...
    '/.../Tutorials/sample_group/freesurfer/sub001', ...
    '/.../Tutorials/sample_group/freesurfer/sub002', ...
    '/.../Tutorials/sample_group/freesurfer/sub003', ...

Add a for loop around all the steps to repeat on each subject ("for" before, and "end" after the code), and replace the indices "1" with the loop variable:

% Loop on subjects
for iSubject = 1:length(SubjectNames)
    % Process: Import anatomy folder
    bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_anatomy', [], [], ...
        'subjectname', SubjectNames{iSubject}, ...
        'mrifile',     {RawFiles{iSubject}, 'FreeSurfer'}, ...
        'nvertices',   15000);

Loop over acquisition runs

If you have multiple subjects for which the anatomy is already imported, and multiple runs to process for each subject, you can add two nested for loops to link all the runs to the database in the same script. The dataset used here is from the tutorial MEG visual: single subject.

With the Process1 box empty, select the process "Import > Import recordings > Create link to raw file" and generate a script. Simplify if using the guidelines presented in the previous sections:

% Input files
SubjectNames = {'sub001'};
RawFiles = {...

% Process: Create link to raw file
sFileRaw = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_data_raw', [], [], ...
    'subjectname',    SubjectNames{1}, ...
    'datafile',       {RawFiles{1}, 'FIF'}, ...
    'channelreplace', 0, ...
    'channelalign',   0, ...
    'evtmode',        'value');

Add the other subject names and all the runs for all the subjects (array of cell arrays) in the script header:

SubjectNames = {'sub001', 'sub002'};
RawFiles = {...
    {'/.../sample_group/ds117/sub001/MEG/run_01_sss.fif', ...
     '/.../sample_group/ds117/sub001/MEG/run_02_sss.fif', ...
     '/.../sample_group/ds117/sub001/MEG/run_03_sss.fif'}, ...
    {'/.../sample_group/ds117/sub002/MEG/run_01_sss.fif', ...
     '/.../sample_group/ds117/sub002/MEG/run_02_sss.fif', ...

Add two for loops around the code to repeat on all the runs:

% Loop on subjects
for iSubject = 1:length(SubjectNames)
  % Loop on runs for each subject
  for iRun = 1:length(RawFiles{iSubject})
    % Process: Create link to raw file
    sFileRaw = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_data_raw', [], [], ...
        'subjectname',    SubjectNames{iSubject}, ...
        'datafile',       {RawFiles{iSubjects}{iRun}, 'FIF'}, ...
        'channelreplace', 0, ...
        'channelalign',   0, ...
        'evtmode',        'value');

How to process an entire study

This section proposes a standard workflow for processing a full group study with Brainstorm. It contains the same steps of analysis as the introduction tutorials, but separating what can be done automatically from what should be done manually. This workflow can be adapted to most ERP studies (stimulus-based).

Final scripts

The following script from the Brainstorm distribution reproduces the introduction tutorials ("Get started"): brainstorm3/toolbox/script/tutorial_introduction.m - Report: report_TutorialIntroduction.html

1 function tutorial_introduction(tutorial_dir, reports_dir) 2 % TUTORIAL_INTRODUCTION: Script that runs all the Brainstorm introduction tutorials. 3 % 4 % INPUTS: 5 % - tutorial_dir : Directory where the sample_introduction.zip file has been unzipped 6 % - reports_dir : Directory where to save the execution report (instead of displaying it) 7 8 % @============================================================================= 9 % This function is part of the Brainstorm software: 10 % https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm 11 % 12 % Copyright (c) University of Southern California & McGill University 13 % This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 14 % as published by the Free Software Foundation. Further details on the GPLv3 15 % license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. 16 % 17 % FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND THE 18 % UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND ITS COLLABORATORS DO NOT MAKE ANY 19 % WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF 20 % MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NOR DO THEY ASSUME ANY 21 % LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. 22 % 23 % For more information type "brainstorm license" at command prompt. 24 % =============================================================================@ 25 % 26 % Author: Francois Tadel, 2016-2017 27 28 29 % ===== FILES TO IMPORT ===== 30 % Output folder for reports 31 if (nargin < 2) || isempty(reports_dir) || ~isdir(reports_dir) 32 reports_dir = []; 33 end 34 % You have to specify the folder in which the tutorial dataset is unzipped 35 if (nargin == 0) || isempty(tutorial_dir) || ~file_exist(tutorial_dir) 36 error('The first argument must be the full path to the dataset folder.'); 37 end 38 % Subject name 39 SubjectName = 'Subject01'; 40 % Build the path of the files to import 41 AnatDir = fullfile(tutorial_dir, 'sample_introduction', 'anatomy'); 42 Run1File = fullfile(tutorial_dir, 'sample_introduction', 'data', 'S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz.ds'); 43 Run2File = fullfile(tutorial_dir, 'sample_introduction', 'data', 'S01_AEF_20131218_02_600Hz.ds'); 44 NoiseFile = fullfile(tutorial_dir, 'sample_introduction', 'data', 'S01_Noise_20131218_02_600Hz.ds'); 45 % Check if the folder contains the required files 46 if ~file_exist(Run1File) 47 error(['The folder ' tutorial_dir ' does not contain the folder from the file sample_introduction.zip.']); 48 end 49 % Re-inialize random number generator 50 if (bst_get('MatlabVersion') >= 712) 51 rng('default'); 52 end 53 54 55 %% ===== TUTORIAL #1: CREATE PROTOCOL ================================================ 56 % =================================================================================== 57 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #1: Create protocol' 10]); 58 % The protocol name has to be a valid folder name (no spaces, no weird characters...) 59 ProtocolName = 'TutorialIntroduction'; 60 % Start brainstorm without the GUI 61 if ~brainstorm('status') 62 brainstorm nogui 63 end 64 % Delete existing protocol 65 gui_brainstorm('DeleteProtocol', ProtocolName); 66 % Create new protocol 67 gui_brainstorm('CreateProtocol', ProtocolName, 0, 0); 68 % Start a new report 69 bst_report('Start'); 70 % Reset colormaps 71 bst_colormaps('RestoreDefaults', 'meg'); 72 % Set the current display mode to 'butterfly' 73 bst_set('TSDisplayMode', 'butterfly'); 74 75 76 %% ===== TUTORIAL #2: IMPORT ANATOMY ================================================= 77 % =================================================================================== 78 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #2: Import anatomy' 10]); 79 % Process: Import FreeSurfer folder 80 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_anatomy', [], [], ... 81 'subjectname', SubjectName, ... 82 'mrifile', {AnatDir, 'FreeSurfer'}, ... 83 'nvertices', 15000, ... 84 'nas', [127, 213, 139], ... 85 'lpa', [ 52, 113, 96], ... 86 'rpa', [202, 113, 91]); 87 % This automatically calls the SPM registration procedure because the AC/PC/IH points are not defined 88 89 90 91 %% ===== TUTORIAL #3: EXPLORE ANATOMY ================================================ 92 % =================================================================================== 93 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #3: Explore anatomy' 10]); 94 % Get subject definition 95 sSubject = bst_get('Subject', SubjectName); 96 % Get MRI file and surface files 97 MriFile = sSubject.Anatomy(sSubject.iAnatomy).FileName; 98 CortexFile = sSubject.Surface(sSubject.iCortex).FileName; 99 HeadFile = sSubject.Surface(sSubject.iScalp).FileName; 100 % Display MRI 101 hFigMri1 = view_mri(MriFile); 102 hFigMri3 = view_mri_3d(MriFile, [], [], 'NewFigure'); 103 hFigMri2 = view_mri_slices(MriFile, 'x', 20); 104 pause(0.5); 105 % Close figures 106 close([hFigMri1 hFigMri2 hFigMri3]); 107 % Display scalp and cortex 108 hFigSurf = view_surface(HeadFile); 109 hFigSurf = view_surface(CortexFile, [], [], hFigSurf); 110 hFigMriSurf = view_mri(MriFile, CortexFile); 111 % Figure configuration 112 iTess = 2; 113 panel_surface('SetShowSulci', hFigSurf, iTess, 1); 114 panel_surface('SetSurfaceColor', hFigSurf, iTess, [1 0 0]); 115 panel_surface('SetSurfaceSmooth', hFigSurf, iTess, 0.5, 0); 116 panel_surface('SetSurfaceTransparency', hFigSurf, iTess, 0.8); 117 figure_3d('SetStandardView', hFigSurf, 'left'); 118 pause(0.5); 119 % Close figures 120 close([hFigSurf hFigMriSurf]); 121 122 123 124 %% ===== TUTORIAL #4: CHANNEL FILE =================================================== 125 % =================================================================================== 126 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #4: Channel file' 10]); 127 % Process: Create link to raw files 128 sFilesRun1 = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_data_raw', [], [], ... 129 'subjectname', SubjectName, ... 130 'datafile', {Run1File, 'CTF'}, ... 131 'channelalign', 1); 132 sFilesRun2 = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_data_raw', [], [], ... 133 'subjectname', SubjectName, ... 134 'datafile', {Run2File, 'CTF'}, ... 135 'channelalign', 1); 136 sFilesNoise = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_data_raw', [], [], ... 137 'subjectname', SubjectName, ... 138 'datafile', {NoiseFile, 'CTF'}, ... 139 'channelalign', 0); 140 sFilesRaw = [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2, sFilesNoise]; 141 % Process: Snapshot: Sensors/MRI registration 142 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 143 'target', 1, ... % Sensors/MRI registration 144 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 145 'orient', 1, ... % left 146 'Comment', 'MEG/MRI Registration'); 147 148 % View sensors 149 hFig = view_surface(HeadFile); 150 hFig = view_channels(sFilesRun1.ChannelFile, 'MEG', 1, 1, hFig); 151 % Hide sensors 152 pause(0.5); 153 hFig = view_channels(sFilesRun1.ChannelFile, 'MEG', 0, 0, hFig); 154 % View coils 155 hFig = view_channels(sFilesRun1.ChannelFile, 'CTF', 1, 1, hFig); 156 % View helmet 157 pause(0.5); 158 hFig = view_helmet(sFilesRun1.ChannelFile, hFig); 159 pause(0.5); 160 close(hFig); 161 % Edit good/bad channel for current file 162 gui_edit_channel(sFilesRun1.ChannelFile); 163 pause(0.5); 164 % Unload everything 165 bst_memory('UnloadAll', 'Forced'); 166 167 168 169 %% ===== TUTORIAL #5: REVIEW RAW ===================================================== 170 % =================================================================================== 171 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #5: Review raw' 10]); 172 % Process: Convert to continuous (CTF): Continuous 173 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_ctf_convert', sFilesRaw, [], ... 174 'rectype', 2); % Continuous 175 176 % View recordings 177 hFigMeg = view_timeseries(sFilesRun1.FileName, 'MEG'); 178 hFigEeg = view_timeseries(sFilesRun1.FileName, 'Misc'); 179 hFigSel = view_timeseries(sFilesRun1.FileName, 'MEG', {'MLT11','MLT12','MLT13'}); 180 % Figure configuration 181 pause(0.5); 182 panel_record('SetTimeLength', 3); 183 panel_record('SetStartTime', 100); 184 panel_record('SetDisplayMode', hFigMeg, 'column'); 185 panel_montage('SetCurrentMontage', hFigMeg, 'CTF LT'); 186 % Set filters: panel_filter('SetFilters', LowPassEnabled, LowPassValue, HighPassEnabled, HighPassValue, SinRemovalEnabled, SinRemovalValue, MirrorEnabled, FullSourcesEnabled) 187 panel_filter('SetFilters', 1, 100, 1, 1, 0, [], 0, 0); 188 pause(0.5); 189 panel_record('SetDisplayMode', hFigMeg, 'butterfly'); 190 panel_montage('SetCurrentMontage', hFigMeg, ''); 191 % Close figures 192 close([hFigMeg hFigEeg hFigSel]); 193 194 195 196 %% ===== TUTORIAL #8: STIM DELAYS ==================================================== 197 % =================================================================================== 198 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #8: Stim delays' 10]); 199 % Process: Detect: standard_fix 200 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_detect_analog', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 201 'eventname', 'standard_fix', ... 202 'channelname', 'UADC001', ... 203 'timewindow', [], ... 204 'threshold', 1.2, ... 205 'blanking', 0.2, ... 206 'highpass', 0, ... 207 'lowpass', 0, ... 208 'refevent', 'standard', ... 209 'isfalling', 0, ... 210 'ispullup', 0, ... 211 'isclassify', 0); 212 % Process: Detect: deviant_fix 213 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_detect_analog', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 214 'eventname', 'deviant_fix', ... 215 'channelname', 'UADC001', ... 216 'timewindow', [], ... 217 'threshold', 1.2, ... 218 'blanking', 0.2, ... 219 'highpass', 0, ... 220 'lowpass', 0, ... 221 'refevent', 'deviant', ... 222 'isfalling', 0, ... 223 'ispullup', 0, ... 224 'isclassify', 0); 225 % Process: Read from channel 226 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_read', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 227 'stimchan', 'UDIO001', ... 228 'trackmode', 1, ... % Value: detect the changes of channel value 229 'zero', 0); 230 231 % Process: Delete events 232 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_delete', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 233 'eventname', 'standard, deviant, button'); 234 % Process: Rename event (standard_fix>standard) 235 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_rename', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 236 'src', 'standard_fix', ... 237 'dest', 'standard'); 238 % Process: Rename event (deviant_fix>deviant) 239 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_rename', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 240 'src', 'deviant_fix', ... 241 'dest', 'deviant'); 242 % Process: Rename event (64>button) 243 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_rename', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 244 'src', '64', ... 245 'dest', 'button'); 246 247 248 249 %% ===== TUTORIAL #10: FREQUENCY FILTERS ============================================= 250 % =================================================================================== 251 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #10: Frequency filters' 10]); 252 % Process: Sinusoid removal: 60Hz 120Hz 180Hz 300Hz 253 sFilesNotch = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_notch', sFilesRaw, [], ... 254 'freqlist', [60, 120, 180], ... 255 'sensortypes', 'MEG', ... 256 'read_all', 0); 257 % Process: Power spectrum density (Welch) 258 sFilesPsd = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_psd', [sFilesRaw, sFilesNotch], [], ... 259 'timewindow', [], ... 260 'win_length', 4, ... 261 'win_overlap', 50, ... 262 'clusters', {}, ... 263 'sensortypes', 'MEG', ... 264 'edit', struct(... 265 'Comment', 'Power', ... 266 'TimeBands', [], ... 267 'Freqs', [], ... 268 'ClusterFuncTime', 'none', ... 269 'Measure', 'power', ... 270 'Output', 'all', ... 271 'SaveKernel', 0)); 272 % Process: Snapshot: Frequency spectrum 273 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesPsd, [], ... 274 'target', 10, ... % Frequency spectrum 275 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 276 'Comment', 'Power spectrum density'); 277 % Process: Delete folders 278 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_delete', sFilesRaw, [], ... 279 'target', 2); % Delete folders 280 % Separate the three outputs 281 sFilesRun1 = {sFilesNotch(1).FileName}; 282 sFilesRun2 = {sFilesNotch(2).FileName}; 283 sFilesNoise = {sFilesNotch(3).FileName}; 284 285 286 287 %% ===== TUTORIAL #11: BAD CHANNELS ================================================== 288 % =================================================================================== 289 % % Process: Set bad channels 290 % sFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_channel_setbad', sFilesRun2, [], ... 291 % 'sensortypes', 'MRT51, MLO52, MLO42, MLO43'); 292 293 294 295 %% ===== TUTORIAL #12: ARTIFACTS DETECTION =========================================== 296 % =================================================================================== 297 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #12: Artifacts detection' 10]); 298 % Process: Detect heartbeats 299 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_detect_ecg', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 300 'channelname', 'ECG', ... 301 'timewindow', [], ... 302 'eventname', 'cardiac'); 303 % Process: Detect eye blinks 304 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_detect_eog', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 305 'channelname', 'VEOG', ... 306 'timewindow', [], ... 307 'eventname', 'blink'); 308 % Process: Remove simultaneous 309 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_remove_simult', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 310 'remove', 'cardiac', ... 311 'target', 'blink', ... 312 'dt', 0.25, ... 313 'rename', 0); 314 315 316 317 %% ===== TUTORIAL #13: SSP =========================================================== 318 % =================================================================================== 319 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #13: SSP' 10]); 320 % Process: SSP ECG: cardiac 321 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_ssp_ecg', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 322 'eventname', 'cardiac', ... 323 'sensortypes', 'MEG', ... 324 'usessp', 0, ... 325 'select', 1); 326 % Process: SSP EOG: blink 327 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_ssp_eog', sFilesRun1, [], ... 328 'eventname', 'blink', ... 329 'sensortypes', 'MEG', ... 330 'usessp', 0, ... 331 'select', [1 2]); 332 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_ssp_eog', sFilesRun2, [], ... 333 'eventname', 'blink', ... 334 'sensortypes', 'MEG', ... 335 'usessp', 0, ... 336 'select', 1); 337 338 339 %% ===== TUTORIAL #14: BAD SEGMENTS ================================================== 340 % =================================================================================== 341 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #14: Bad segments' 10]); 342 % Process: Detect other artifacts 343 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_detect_badsegment', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 344 'timewindow', [], ... 345 'sensortypes', 'MEG', ... 346 'threshold', 3, ... % 3 347 'isLowFreq', 1, ... 348 'isHighFreq', 1); 349 350 % Process: Rename event (1-7Hz > saccade) (Run02 only) 351 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_rename', sFilesRun2, [], ... 352 'src', '1-7Hz', ... 353 'dest', 'saccade'); 354 355 % Manual selection of saccades (cannot be done from the pipeline editor: manual edition of the structures) 356 sMatRun2 = in_bst_data(sFilesRun2{1}, 'F'); 357 iEvtSaccade = find(strcmpi({sMatRun2.F.events.label}, 'saccade')); 358 sMatRun2.F.events(iEvtSaccade).times = [30, 81.5, 104, 142.5, 167, 187.5, 246.5, 319; 31, 83, 105, 144, 168, 188.5, 248, 320]; 359 sMatRun2.F.events(iEvtSaccade).epochs = ones(1, size(sMatRun2.F.events(iEvtSaccade).times, 2)); 360 sMatRun2.F.events(iEvtSaccade).channels = []; 361 sMatRun2.F.events(iEvtSaccade).notes = []; 362 bst_save(file_fullpath(sFilesRun2{1}), sMatRun2, 'v6', 1); 363 364 % Process: SSP: saccade (Run02 only) 365 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_ssp', sFilesRun2, [], ... 366 'timewindow', [], ... 367 'eventname', 'saccade', ... 368 'eventtime', [-0.2, 0.2], ... 369 'bandpass', [1.5, 7], ... 370 'sensortypes', 'MEG', ... 371 'usessp', 1, ... 372 'saveerp', 0, ... 373 'method', 1, ... 374 'select', 1); 375 % Process: Detect other artifacts (Run02 only) 376 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_detect_badsegment', sFilesRun2, [], ... 377 'timewindow', [], ... 378 'sensortypes', 'MEG', ... 379 'threshold', 3, ... % 3 380 'isLowFreq', 1, ... 381 'isHighFreq', 1); 382 383 % Process: Rename event (1-7Hz > bad_1-7Hz) 384 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_rename', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 385 'src', '1-7Hz', ... 386 'dest', 'bad_1-7Hz'); 387 % Process: Rename event (40-240Hz > bad_40-240Hz) 388 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_rename', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 389 'src', '40-240Hz', ... 390 'dest', 'bad_40-240Hz'); 391 % Process: Snapshot: SSP projectors 392 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', [sFilesRun1, sFilesRun2], [], ... 393 'target', 2, ... % SSP projectors 394 'Comment', 'SSP projectors'); 395 396 397 398 %% ===== TUTORIAL #15: IMPORT EVENTS ================================================= 399 % =================================================================================== 400 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #15: Import events' 10]); 401 % Process: Import MEG/EEG: Events (Run01) 402 sFilesEpochs1 = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_data_event', sFilesRun1, [], ... 403 'subjectname', SubjectName, ... 404 'condition', '', ... 405 'eventname', 'standard, deviant', ... 406 'timewindow', [], ... 407 'epochtime', [-0.100, 0.500], ... 408 'createcond', 0, ... 409 'ignoreshort', 1, ... 410 'usectfcomp', 1, ... 411 'usessp', 1, ... 412 'freq', [], ... 413 'baseline', [-0.1, -0.0017]); 414 % Process: Import MEG/EEG: Events (Run02) 415 sFilesEpochs2 = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_data_event', sFilesRun2, [], ... 416 'subjectname', SubjectName, ... 417 'condition', '', ... 418 'eventname', 'standard, deviant', ... 419 'timewindow', [], ... 420 'epochtime', [-0.100, 0.500], ... 421 'createcond', 0, ... 422 'ignoreshort', 1, ... 423 'usectfcomp', 1, ... 424 'usessp', 1, ... 425 'freq', [], ... 426 'baseline', [-0.1, -0.0017]); 427 % Display raster plot 428 hFigRaster = view_erpimage({sFilesEpochs1.FileName}, 'erpimage', 'MEG'); 429 panel_display(); 430 bst_report('Snapshot', hFigRaster, sFilesEpochs1(1).FileName, 'ERP image'); 431 close(hFigRaster); 432 433 434 %% ===== TUTORIAL #16: AVERAGE ======================================================= 435 % =================================================================================== 436 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #16: Average' 10]); 437 % Process: Average: By trial group (folder average) 438 sFilesAvg = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_average', [sFilesEpochs1, sFilesEpochs2], [], ... 439 'avgtype', 5, ... % By trial groups (folder average) 440 'avg_func', 1, ... % Arithmetic average: mean(x) 441 'weighted', 0, ... 442 'keepevents', 1); 443 % Process: Delete events 'cardiac' 444 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_delete', sFilesAvg, [], ... 445 'eventname', 'cardiac'); 446 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings time series 447 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesAvg, [], ... 448 'target', 5, ... % Recordings time series 449 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 450 'Comment', 'Evoked response'); 451 % Set colormap: global color scale 452 bst_colormaps('SetMaxMode', 'meg', 'global'); 453 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings topography (contact sheet) 454 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesAvg, [], ... 455 'target', 7, ... % Recordings topography (contact sheet) 456 'modality', 1, ... % MEG 457 'contact_time', [0, 0.350], ... 458 'contact_nimage', 15, ... 459 'Comment', 'Evoked response'); 460 461 % Process: Average+Stderr: By trial group (subject average) 462 sFilesAvgAll = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_average', [sFilesEpochs1, sFilesEpochs2], [], ... 463 'avgtype', 6, ... % By trial group (subject average) 464 'avg_func', 7, ... % Arithmetic average + Standard error 465 'weighted', 0, ... 466 'keepevents', 1); 467 % Process: Delete events 'cardiac' 468 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_delete', sFilesAvgAll, [], ... 469 'eventname', 'cardiac'); 470 % Process: Delete events 'saccade' 471 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_delete', sFilesAvgAll, [], ... 472 'eventname', 'saccade'); 473 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings time series 474 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesAvgAll, [], ... 475 'target', 5, ... % Recordings time series 476 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 477 'Comment', 'Evoked response'); 478 479 480 %% ===== TUTORIAL #17: EXPLORATION =================================================== 481 % =================================================================================== 482 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #17: Bad segments' 10]); 483 % View averages 484 hFigMeg1 = view_timeseries(sFilesAvg(1).FileName, 'MEG'); 485 hFigMeg2 = view_timeseries(sFilesAvg(2).FileName, 'MEG'); 486 hFigEeg1 = view_timeseries(sFilesAvg(1).FileName, 'Misc'); 487 hFigEeg2 = view_timeseries(sFilesAvg(2).FileName, 'Misc'); 488 hFigTopo1 = view_topography(sFilesAvg(1).FileName, 'MEG', '2DSensorCap'); 489 hFigTopo2 = view_topography(sFilesAvg(2).FileName, 'MEG', '2DSensorCap'); 490 hFigTp2 = view_topography(sFilesAvg(3).FileName, 'MEG', '3DSensorCap'); 491 hFigTp3 = view_topography(sFilesAvg(3).FileName, 'MEG', '2DDisc'); 492 hFigTp4 = view_topography(sFilesAvg(3).FileName, 'MEG', '2DLayout'); 493 % Set time: 90ms 494 panel_time('SetCurrentTime', 0.090); 495 % Set filters: 40Hz low-pass, no high-pass 496 panel_filter('SetFilters', 1, 40, 0, [], 0, [], 0, 0); 497 % View selected sensors 498 SelectedChannels = {'MLC31', 'MLC32'}; 499 bst_figures('SetSelectedRows', SelectedChannels); 500 view_timeseries(sFilesAvg(4).FileName, [], SelectedChannels); 501 % Select time window 502 figure_timeseries('SetTimeSelectionManual', hFigMeg1, [0.070, 0.130]); 503 % Show sensors on 2DSensorCap topography 504 isMarkers = 1; 505 isLabels = 0; 506 figure_3d('ViewSensors', hFigTopo1, isMarkers, isLabels); 507 % Display time contact sheet for a figure 508 pause(0.5); 509 hContactFig = view_contactsheet( hFigTopo2, 'time', 'fig', [], 12, [0 0.120] ); 510 pause(0.5); 511 close(hContactFig); 512 513 514 515 %% ===== TUTORIAL #18: COLORMAPS ===================================================== 516 % =================================================================================== 517 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #18: Colormaps' 10]); 518 % Set 'Meg' colormap to 'jet' 519 bst_colormaps('SetColormapName', 'meg', 'jet'); 520 pause(0.5); 521 % Set 'Meg' colormap to 'rwb' 522 bst_colormaps('SetColormapName', 'meg', 'cmap_rbw'); 523 % Set colormap to display absolute values 524 bst_colormaps('SetColormapAbsolute', 'meg', 1); 525 % Normalize colormap for each time frame 526 bst_colormaps('SetMaxMode', 'meg', 'local'); 527 % Hide colorbar 528 bst_colormaps('SetDisplayColorbar', 'meg', 0); 529 pause(0.5); 530 % Restore colormap to default values 531 bst_colormaps('RestoreDefaults', 'meg'); 532 % Edit good/bad channel for current file 533 gui_edit_channelflag(sFilesAvg(1).FileName); 534 % Close figures 535 pause(0.5); 536 bst_memory('UnloadAll', 'Forced'); 537 538 539 540 %% ===== TUTORIAL #20: HEAD MODEL ==================================================== 541 % =================================================================================== 542 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #20: Head model' 10]); 543 % Process: Compute head model 544 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_headmodel', sFilesAvg, [], ... 545 'comment', '', ... 546 'sourcespace', 1, ... 547 'meg', 3); % Overlapping spheres 548 % Get study structure 549 sStudy = bst_get('Study', sFilesAvg(1).iStudy); 550 % Show spheres 551 hFig = view_spheres(sStudy.HeadModel(sStudy.iHeadModel).FileName, sStudy.Channel.FileName, sSubject); 552 pause(0.5); 553 close(hFig); 554 555 556 557 %% ===== TUTORIAL #21: NOISE COVARIANCE ============================================== 558 % =================================================================================== 559 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #21: Noise covariance' 10]); 560 % Process: Compute covariance (noise or data) 561 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_noisecov', sFilesNoise, [], ... 562 'baseline', [], ... 563 'sensortypes', 'MEG, EEG, SEEG, ECOG', ... 564 'target', 1, ... % Noise covariance (covariance over baseline time window) 565 'dcoffset', 1, ... % Block by block, to avoid effects of slow shifts in data 566 'identity', 0, ... 567 'copycond', 1, ... 568 'copysubj', 0, ... 569 'replacefile', 1); % Replace 570 % Process: Snapshot: Noise covariance 571 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesNoise, [], ... 572 'target', 3, ... % Noise covariance 573 'Comment', 'Noise covariance'); 574 575 % Process: Compute covariance (noise or data) [Run01] 576 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_noisecov', sFilesEpochs1, [], ... 577 'baseline', [-0.1, -0.0017], ... 578 'datatimewindow', [0, 0.5], ... 579 'sensortypes', 'MEG, EEG, SEEG, ECOG', ... 580 'target', 2, ... % Data covariance (covariance over data time window) 581 'dcoffset', 1, ... % Block by block, to avoid effects of slow shifts in data 582 'identity', 0, ... 583 'copycond', 0, ... 584 'copysubj', 0, ... 585 'replacefile', 1); % Replace 586 % Process: Compute covariance (noise or data) [Run02] 587 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_noisecov', sFilesEpochs2, [], ... 588 'baseline', [-0.1, -0.0017], ... 589 'datatimewindow', [0, 0.5], ... 590 'sensortypes', 'MEG, EEG, SEEG, ECOG', ... 591 'target', 2, ... % Data covariance (covariance over data time window) 592 'dcoffset', 1, ... % Block by block, to avoid effects of slow shifts in data 593 'identity', 0, ... 594 'copycond', 0, ... 595 'copysubj', 0, ... 596 'replacefile', 1); % Replace 597 % Process: Snapshot: Data covariance 598 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', [sFilesEpochs1(1), sFilesEpochs2(1)], [], ... 599 'target', 12, ... % Data covariance 600 'Comment', 'Data covariance'); 601 602 603 604 %% ===== TUTORIAL #22: SOURCE ESTIMATION ============================================= 605 % =================================================================================== 606 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #22: Source estimation' 10]); 607 % === GET DEVIANT AVERAGE RUN01 === 608 % Process: Select recordings in: Subject01/S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz_notch 609 sFiles01 = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', [], [], ... 610 'subjectname', SubjectName, ... 611 'condition', 'S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz_notch', ... 612 'includebad', 0); 613 % Process: Select file comments with tag: deviant 614 sFilesAvgDeviant01 = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_tag', sFiles01, [], ... 615 'tag', 'Avg: deviant', ... 616 'search', 2, ... % Search the file comments 617 'select', 1); % Select only the files with the tag 618 619 % === CONSTRAINED EXAMPLE === 620 % Minimum norm options 621 InverseOptions = struct(... 622 'Comment', 'MN: MEG', ... 623 'InverseMethod', 'minnorm', ... 624 'InverseMeasure', 'amplitude', ... 625 'SourceOrient', {{'fixed'}}, ... 626 'Loose', 0.2, ... 627 'UseDepth', 1, ... 628 'WeightExp', 0.5, ... 629 'WeightLimit', 10, ... 630 'NoiseMethod', 'reg', ... 631 'NoiseReg', 0.1, ... 632 'SnrMethod', 'fixed', ... 633 'SnrRms', 0.001, ... 634 'SnrFixed', 3, ... 635 'ComputeKernel', 1, ... 636 'DataTypes', {{'MEG'}}); 637 % Process: Compute sources [2018] 638 sFilesSrcDeviant01 = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_inverse_2018', sFilesAvgDeviant01, [], ... 639 'output', 2, ... % Kernel only: one per file 640 'inverse', InverseOptions); 641 642 % === DISPLAY SOURCES MANUALLY === 643 % View time series 644 hFigSrc1 = view_timeseries(sFilesAvgDeviant01(1).FileName, 'MEG'); 645 % View on the cortex surface 646 hFigSrc2 = script_view_sources(sFilesSrcDeviant01.FileName, 'cortex'); 647 % Set current time to 90ms 648 panel_time('SetCurrentTime', 0.090); 649 % Set orientation 650 figure_3d('SetStandardView', hFigSrc2, 'left'); 651 % Set surface threshold 652 iSurf = 1; 653 thresh = .30; 654 panel_surface('SetDataThreshold', hFigSrc2, iSurf, thresh); 655 % Set surface smoothing 656 panel_surface('SetSurfaceSmooth', hFigSrc2, iSurf, .6, 0); 657 % Show sulci 658 panel_surface('SetShowSulci', hFigSrc2, iSurf, 1); 659 660 % View sources on MRI (3D orthogonal slices) 661 hFigSrc3 = script_view_sources(sFilesSrcDeviant01.FileName, 'mri3d'); 662 panel_surface('SetDataThreshold', hFigSrc3, iSurf, thresh); 663 % Set the position of the cuts in the 3D figure 664 cutsPosVox = [74 93 159]; 665 panel_surface('PlotMri', hFigSrc3, cutsPosVox); 666 667 % View sources with MRI Viewer 668 hFigSrc4 = script_view_sources(sFilesSrcDeviant01.FileName, 'mriviewer'); 669 panel_surface('SetDataThreshold', hFigSrc4, iSurf, thresh); 670 % Set the position of the cuts in the MRI Viewer (values in millimeters) 671 figure_mri('SetLocation', 'voxel', hFigSrc4, [], cutsPosVox); 672 % Close figures 673 close([hFigSrc1 hFigSrc2 hFigSrc3 hFigSrc4]); 674 675 % === UNCONSTRAINED EXAMPLE === 676 % Unconstrained minnorm 677 InverseOptions.Comment = 'MN: MEG'; 678 InverseOptions.InverseMeasure = 'amplitude'; 679 InverseOptions.SourceOrient = {'free'}; 680 % Process: Compute sources [2018] 681 sFilesSrcUnconst = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_inverse_2018', sFilesAvgDeviant01, [], ... 682 'output', 2, ... % Kernel only: one per file 683 'inverse', InverseOptions); 684 685 686 % === NORMALIZED SOURCES === 687 % dSPM 688 InverseOptions.Comment = 'dSPM: MEG'; 689 InverseOptions.InverseMeasure = 'dspm2018'; 690 InverseOptions.SourceOrient = {'fixed'}; 691 sFilesSrcDspm = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_inverse_2018', sFilesAvgDeviant01, [], ... 692 'output', 2, ... % Kernel only: one per file 693 'inverse', InverseOptions); 694 % sLORETA (old function) 695 sFilesSrcSloreta = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_inverse', sFilesAvgDeviant01, [], ... 696 'comment', '', ... 697 'method', 3, ... % sLORETA 698 'wmne', struct(... 699 'SourceOrient', {{'fixed'}}, ... 700 'loose', 0.2, ... 701 'SNR', 3, ... 702 'pca', 1, ... 703 'diagnoise', 0, ... 704 'regnoise', 1, ... 705 'magreg', 0.1, ... 706 'gradreg', 0.1, ... 707 'depth', 1, ... 708 'weightexp', 0.5, ... 709 'weightlimit', 10), ... 710 'sensortypes', 'MEG, MEG MAG, MEG GRAD, EEG', ... 711 'output', 2); % Kernel only: one per file 712 % Process: Z-score normalization: [-100ms,-2ms] 713 sFilesSrcZscore = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_baseline_norm', sFilesSrcDeviant01, [], ... 714 'baseline', [-0.100, -0.002], ... 715 'source_abs', 0, ... 716 'method', 'zscore'); % Z-score transformation: x_std = (x - μ) / σ 717 718 % Process: Snapshot: Sources (one time) 719 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesSrcDeviant01, [], ... 720 'target', 8, ... % Sources (one time) 721 'orient', 1, ... % left 722 'time', 0.09, ... 723 'threshold', 30, ... 724 'Comment', 'Current density map (Constrained)'); 725 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesSrcDspm, [], ... 726 'target', 8, ... % Sources (one time) 727 'orient', 1, ... % left 728 'time', 0.09, ... 729 'threshold', 60, ... 730 'Comment', 'dSPM'); 731 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesSrcSloreta, [], ... 732 'target', 8, ... % Sources (one time) 733 'orient', 1, ... % left 734 'time', 0.09, ... 735 'threshold', 60, ... 736 'Comment', 'sLORETA'); 737 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesSrcZscore, [], ... 738 'target', 8, ... % Sources (one time) 739 'orient', 1, ... % left 740 'time', 0.09, ... 741 'threshold', 60, ... 742 'Comment', 'Z-score'); 743 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesSrcUnconst, [], ... 744 'target', 8, ... % Sources (one time) 745 'orient', 1, ... % left 746 'time', 0.0917, ... 747 'threshold', 0, ... 748 'Comment', 'Current density map (Unconstrained)'); 749 750 % === DELETE EXPERIMENTS === 751 % Process: Delete constrained example 752 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_delete', [sFilesSrcDeviant01, sFilesSrcDspm, sFilesSrcSloreta, sFilesSrcZscore, sFilesSrcUnconst], [], ... 753 'target', 1); % Delete selected files 754 755 756 % === SHARED KERNEL === 757 % Constrained minnorm 758 InverseOptions.Comment = 'MN: MEG'; 759 InverseOptions.InverseMeasure = 'amplitude'; 760 InverseOptions.SourceOrient = {'fixed'}; 761 % Process: Compute sources [2018] 762 sFilesAvgSrc = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_inverse_2018', sFilesAvg, [], ... 763 'output', 1, ... % Kernel only: shared 764 'inverse', InverseOptions); 765 766 767 % === AVERAGE SOURCES ACROSS RUNS === 768 % Process: Average: By trial group (subject average) 769 sFilesIntraSrc = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_average', sFilesAvgSrc, [], ... 770 'avgtype', 6, ... % By trial group (subject average) 771 'avg_func', 1, ... % Arithmetic average: mean(x) 772 'weighted', 1, ... 773 'scalenormalized', 0); 774 % Process: Low-pass:40Hz 775 sFilesIntraSrcLow = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_bandpass', sFilesIntraSrc, [], ... 776 'highpass', 0, ... 777 'lowpass', 40, ... 778 'attenuation', 'strict', ... % 60dB 779 'mirror', 0, ... 780 'overwrite', 0); 781 % Process: Z-score normalization: [-100ms,-2ms] 782 sFilesIntraZscore = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_baseline_norm', sFilesIntraSrcLow, [], ... 783 'baseline', [-0.100, -0.0017], ... 784 'source_abs', 0, ... 785 'method', 'zscore'); % Z-score transformation: x_std = (x - μ) / σ 786 787 % Process: Delete intermediate results 788 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_delete', sFilesIntraSrcLow, [], ... 789 'target', 1); % Delete selected files 790 % Screen captures 791 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesIntraZscore, [], ... 792 'target', 8, ... % Sources (one time) 793 'orient', 1, ... % left 794 'time', 0.09, ... 795 'threshold', 40, ... 796 'Comment', 'Average across runs (left)'); 797 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesIntraZscore, [], ... 798 'target', 8, ... % Sources (one time) 799 'orient', 2, ... % right 800 'time', 0.09, ... 801 'threshold', 40, ... 802 'Comment', 'Average across runs (right)'); 803 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesIntraZscore(1), [], ... 804 'target', 9, ... % Sources (contact sheet) 805 'orient', 1, ... % left 806 'contact_time', [0, 0.35], ... 807 'contact_nimage', 15, ... 808 'threshold', 20, ... 809 'Comment', 'Average across runs'); 810 811 812 %% ===== TUTORIAL #23: SCOUTS ======================================================== 813 % =================================================================================== 814 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #23: Scouts' 10]); 815 % Load surface file 816 sCortex = in_tess_bst(CortexFile); 817 % Add new scouts in first atlas 818 sCortex.iAtlas = find(strcmpi({sCortex.Atlas.Name}, 'Destrieux')); 819 % Save file 820 bst_save(file_fullpath(CortexFile), sCortex, 'v7'); 821 % Unload everything 822 bst_memory('UnloadAll', 'Forced'); 823 % Find scouts indices to display: {'A1L', 'A1R', 'IFGL', 'M1L'} 824 [tmp,iScouts,tmp] = intersect({sCortex.Atlas(sCortex.iAtlas).Scouts.Label}, {'G_temp_sup-G_T_transv L', 'G_temp_sup-G_T_transv R', 'G_front_inf-Opercular L', 'G_precentral L'}); 825 826 % View cortex 827 hFigSurf1 = view_surface(CortexFile, [], [], 'NewFigure'); 828 hFigSurf2 = view_surface(CortexFile, [], [], 'NewFigure'); 829 figure_3d('SetStandardView', hFigSurf1, 'left'); 830 figure_3d('SetStandardView', hFigSurf2, 'right'); 831 panel_surface('SetSurfaceSmooth', hFigSurf1, 1, .6, 0); 832 panel_surface('SetSurfaceSmooth', hFigSurf2, 1, .6, 0); 833 panel_surface('SetShowSulci', hFigSurf1, 1, 1); 834 panel_surface('SetShowSulci', hFigSurf2, 1, 1); 835 % Configure scouts display 836 panel_scout('SetScoutsOptions', 0, 1, 1, 'all', 0.7, 1, 1, 0); 837 % View scouts 838 hFigScouts = view_scouts({sFilesIntraZscore.FileName}, iScouts); 839 hLegend = findobj(hFigScouts, 'Type', 'legend'); 840 if ~isempty(hLegend) && ishandle(hLegend(1)) 841 set(hLegend(1), 'Units', 'pixels'); 842 pos = get(hLegend(1), 'Position'); 843 set(hLegend(1), 'Position', [1, 1, pos(3), pos(4)]); 844 end 845 % Save figures 846 bst_report('Snapshot', hFigScouts, sFilesIntraZscore(1).FileName, 'Scouts', [100 100 670 250]); 847 % Close all 848 pause(1); 849 bst_memory('UnloadAll', 'Forced'); 850 851 852 853 %% ===== TUTORIAL #24: TIME-FREQUENCY ================================================ 854 % =================================================================================== 855 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #24: Time-frequency' 10]); 856 % Process: Simulate generic signals 857 sSim = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_simulate_matrix', [], [], ... 858 'subjectname', 'Test', ... 859 'condition', 'Simulation', ... 860 'samples', 6000, ... 861 'srate', 1000, ... 862 'matlab', ['f1 = 2; f2 = 20; f3 = 50;' 10 'i =2000:6000;' 10 'Data(1,i) = sin(f1*2*pi*t(i)) + 0.4 * cos(f2*2*pi*t(i));' 10 'Data = Data + 0.2 * sin(f3*2*pi*t) + 0.4 * rand(1,6000);']); 863 864 % Time-frequency options 865 TfOptions = struct(... 866 'Comment', 'Power,1-60Hz', ... 867 'TimeBands', [], ... 868 'Freqs', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60], ... 869 'MorletFc', 1, ... 870 'MorletFwhmTc', 3, ... 871 'ClusterFuncTime', 'none', ... 872 'Measure', 'power', ... 873 'Output', 'average', ... 874 'SaveKernel', 0); 875 % Process: Time-frequency (Morlet wavelets) 876 sSimTf1 = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_timefreq', sSim, [], ... 877 'edit', TfOptions, ... 878 'normalize', 'multiply'); % 1/f compensation: Multiply output values by frequency 879 880 % === NORMALIZATION === 881 % Process: Time-frequency (Morlet wavelets) 882 sSimTf2 = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_timefreq', sSim, [], ... 883 'edit', TfOptions, ... 884 'normalize', 'none'); % None: Save non-standardized time-frequency maps 885 % Process: Spectral flattening 886 sSimTf2Multi = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_tf_norm', sSimTf2, [], ... 887 'normalize', 'multiply', ... % 1/f compensation (multiple by frequency) 888 'overwrite', 0); 889 % Process: Event-related perturbation (ERS/ERD): [750ms,1250ms] 890 sSimTf2Ersd = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_baseline_norm', sSimTf2, [], ... 891 'baseline', [0.75, 1.25], ... 892 'method', 'ersd', ... % Event-related perturbation (ERS/ERD): x_std = (x - μ) / μ * 100 893 'overwrite', 0); 894 895 % Process: Snapshot: Time-frequency maps 896 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sSimTf2, [], ... 897 'target', 14, ... % Time-frequency maps 898 'Comment', 'Not normalized'); 899 % Process: Snapshot: Time-frequency maps 900 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sSimTf2Multi, [], ... 901 'target', 14, ... % Time-frequency maps 902 'Comment', 'Spectral flattening: 1/f compensation'); 903 % Process: Snapshot: Time-frequency maps 904 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sSimTf2Ersd, [], ... 905 'target', 14, ... % Time-frequency maps 906 'Comment', 'ERS/ERD'); 907 % Spectrum/Time series 908 hFigTf1 = view_spectrum(sSimTf2.FileName, 'Spectrum'); 909 hFigTf2 = view_spectrum(sSimTf2.FileName, 'TimeSeries'); 910 panel_time('SetCurrentTime', 0.5); 911 panel_freq('SetCurrentFreq', 2, 0); 912 bst_report('Snapshot', [hFigTf1 hFigTf2], sSimTf2.FileName, 'Not normalized: 2s/20Hz', [200, 200, 400, 250]); 913 panel_time('SetCurrentTime', 2.02); 914 panel_freq('SetCurrentFreq', 20, 0); 915 bst_report('Snapshot', [hFigTf1 hFigTf2], sSimTf2.FileName, 'Not normalized: 2s/20Hz', [200, 200, 400, 250]); 916 bst_memory('UnloadAll', 'Forced'); 917 918 919 % === HILBERT TRANSFORM === 920 % Process: Hilbert transform 921 sSimHilbert = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_hilbert', sSim, [], ... 922 'edit', struct(... 923 'Comment', 'Power', ... 924 'TimeBands', [], ... 925 'Freqs', {{'delta', '2, 4', 'mean'; 'theta', '5, 7', 'mean'; 'alpha', '8, 12', 'mean'; 'beta', '15, 29', 'mean'; 'gamma1', '30, 59', 'mean'; 'gamma2', '60, 90', 'mean'}}, ... 926 'ClusterFuncTime', 'none', ... 927 'Measure', 'power', ... 928 'Output', 'all', ... 929 'SaveKernel', 0), ... 930 'normalize', 'none', ... % None: Save non-standardized time-frequency maps 931 'mirror', 0); 932 % Process: Spectral flattening 933 sSimHilbertMulti = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_tf_norm', sSimHilbert, [], ... 934 'normalize', 'multiply', ... % 1/f compensation (multiple by frequency) 935 'overwrite', 0); 936 % Process: Event-related perturbation (ERS/ERD): [750ms,1250ms] 937 sSimHilbertErsd = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_baseline_norm', sSimHilbert, [], ... 938 'baseline', [0.75, 1.25], ... 939 'method', 'ersd', ... % Event-related perturbation (ERS/ERD): x_std = (x - μ) / μ * 100 940 'overwrite', 0); 941 942 % Process: Snapshot: Time-frequency maps 943 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sSimHilbert, [], ... 944 'target', 14, ... % Time-frequency maps 945 'Comment', 'Not normalized'); 946 % Process: Snapshot: Time-frequency maps 947 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sSimHilbertMulti, [], ... 948 'target', 14, ... % Time-frequency maps 949 'Comment', 'Spectral flattening: 1/f compensation'); 950 % Process: Snapshot: Time-frequency maps 951 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sSimHilbertErsd, [], ... 952 'target', 14, ... % Time-frequency maps 953 'Comment', 'ERS/ERD'); 954 955 % === SINGLE TRIALS === 956 TfOptions.Comment = 'Avg,Power,1-150Hz'; 957 TfOptions.Freqs = [1, 2, 3.1, 4.2, 5.4, 6.7, 8, 9.5, 11, 12.6, 14.3, 16.1, 18.1, 20.1, 22.3, 24.6, 27, 29.6, 32.4, 35.3, 38.4, 41.6, 45.1, 48.8, 52.7, 56.9, 61.3, 66, 70.9, 76.2, 81.8, 87.7, 94, 100.6, 107.7, 115.2, 123.1, 131.6, 140.5, 150]; 958 % Process: Time-frequency (Morlet wavelets) 959 sEpochsAvgTf = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_timefreq', sFilesEpochs1, [], ... 960 'sensortypes', 'MEG, EEG', ... 961 'edit', TfOptions, ... 962 'normalize', 'none'); % None: Save non-standardized time-frequency maps 963 % Process: Event-related perturbation (ERS/ERD): [-75ms,0ms] 964 sEpochsAvgTfErsd = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_baseline_norm', sEpochsAvgTf, [], ... 965 'baseline', [-0.075, 0], ... 966 'method', 'ersd', ... % Event-related perturbation (ERS/ERD): x_std = (x - μ) / μ * 100 967 'overwrite', 0); 968 969 % === DISPLAY === 970 % View time-frequency file 971 hFigTf1 = view_timefreq(sEpochsAvgTfErsd.FileName, 'SingleSensor'); 972 % Configure display 973 sOptions = panel_display('GetDisplayOptions'); 974 sOptions.HideEdgeEffects = 1; 975 sOptions.HighResolution = 1; 976 panel_display('SetDisplayOptions', sOptions); 977 % Other display modes 978 hFigTf2 = view_timefreq(sEpochsAvgTfErsd.FileName, 'AllSensors'); 979 hFigTf3 = view_timefreq(sEpochsAvgTfErsd.FileName, '2DLayout'); 980 hFigTf4 = view_timefreq(sEpochsAvgTfErsd.FileName, '2DLayoutOpt'); 981 bst_colormaps('SetColormapName', 'stat2', 'jet'); 982 bst_colormaps('SetColormapAbsolute', 'stat2', 1); 983 bst_report('Snapshot', hFigTf1, sEpochsAvgTfErsd.FileName, 'Time-frequency', [200, 200, 400, 250]); 984 bst_report('Snapshot', [hFigTf2 hFigTf3 hFigTf4], sEpochsAvgTfErsd.FileName, 'Time-frequency', [200, 200, 750, 400]); 985 close([hFigTf1 hFigTf2 hFigTf3 hFigTf4]); 986 % Image [channel x time] 987 hFigTf5 = view_erpimage(sEpochsAvgTfErsd.FileName, 'trialimage'); 988 % Topographies 989 hFigTf6 = view_topography(sEpochsAvgTfErsd.FileName, 'MEG', '3DSensorCap'); 990 hFigTf7 = view_topography(sEpochsAvgTfErsd.FileName, 'MEG', '2DDisc'); 991 hFigTf8 = view_topography(sEpochsAvgTfErsd.FileName, 'MEG', '2DSensorCap'); 992 hFigTf9 = view_topography(sEpochsAvgTfErsd.FileName, 'MEG', '2DLayout'); 993 panel_time('SetCurrentTime', 0.175); 994 panel_freq('SetCurrentFreq', 8, 0); 995 bst_report('Snapshot', [hFigTf5 hFigTf6 hFigTf7 hFigTf8 hFigTf9], sEpochsAvgTfErsd.FileName, 'Time-frequency: 8Hz', [200, 200, 400, 250]); 996 close([hFigTf5 hFigTf6 hFigTf7 hFigTf8 hFigTf9]); 997 998 999 % === AVERAGE FOR SCOUTS === 1000 % Select all sources for the single deviant epochs 1001 sFilesEpochDeviantSrc = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_results', [], [], ... 1002 'subjectname', SubjectName, ... 1003 'condition', '', ... 1004 'includebad', 0); 1005 sFilesEpochDeviantSrc = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_tag', sFilesEpochDeviantSrc, [], ... 1006 'tag', 'deviant', ... 1007 'search', 1, ... % Search the file names 1008 'select', 1); % Select only the files with the tag 1009 sFilesEpochDeviantSrc = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_tag', sFilesEpochDeviantSrc, [], ... 1010 'tag', 'average', ... 1011 'search', 1, ... % Search the file names 1012 'select', 2); % Exclude the files with the tag 1013 1014 % Process: Time-frequency (Morlet wavelets) 1015 sFilesTfScout = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_timefreq', sFilesEpochDeviantSrc, [], ... 1016 'clusters', {'Destrieux', {'G_temp_sup-G_T_transv L', 'G_temp_sup-G_T_transv R', 'G_front_inf-Opercular L', 'G_precentral L'}}, ... 1017 'scoutfunc', 1, ... % Mean 1018 'edit', struct(... 1019 'Comment', 'Deviant: Scouts,Avg,Power,1-150Hz', ... 1020 'TimeBands', [], ... 1021 'Freqs', [1, 2, 3.1, 4.2, 5.4, 6.7, 8, 9.5, 11, 12.6, 14.3, 16.1, 18.1, 20.1, 22.3, 24.6, 27, 29.6, 32.4, 35.3, 38.4, 41.6, 45.1, 48.8, 52.7, 56.9, 61.3, 66, 70.9, 76.2, 81.8, 87.7, 94, 100.6, 107.7, 115.2, 123.1, 131.6, 140.5, 150], ... 1022 'MorletFc', 1, ... 1023 'MorletFwhmTc', 3, ... 1024 'ClusterFuncTime', 'after', ... 1025 'Measure', 'power', ... 1026 'Output', 'average', ... 1027 'SaveKernel', 0), ... 1028 'normalize', 'none'); % None: Save non-standardized time-frequency maps) 1029 % Process: Event-related perturbation (ERS/ERD): [-75ms,0ms] 1030 sFilesTfScoutErsd = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_baseline_norm', sFilesTfScout, [], ... 1031 'baseline', [-0.075, 0], ... 1032 'method', 'ersd', ... % Event-related perturbation (ERS/ERD): x_std = (x - μ) / μ * 100 1033 'overwrite', 0); 1034 % Process: Snapshot: Time-frequency maps 1035 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesTfScoutErsd, [], ... 1036 'target', 14, ... % Time-frequency maps 1037 'Comment', 'ERS/ERD'); 1038 1039 1040 % === FULL CORTEX / HILBERT === 1041 % Process: Hilbert transform 1042 sFilesHilbertCortex = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_hilbert', sFilesEpochDeviantSrc, [], ... 1043 'clusters', {}, ... 1044 'scoutfunc', 1, ... % Mean 1045 'edit', struct(... 1046 'Comment', 'Deviant: Avg,Magnitude', ... 1047 'TimeBands', [], ... 1048 'Freqs', {{'delta', '2, 4', 'mean'; 'theta', '5, 7', 'mean'; 'alpha', '8, 12', 'mean'; 'beta', '15, 29', 'mean'; 'gamma1', '30, 59', 'mean'; 'gamma2', '60, 90', 'mean'}}, ... 1049 'ClusterFuncTime', 'none', ... 1050 'Measure', 'power', ... 1051 'Output', 'average', ... 1052 'RemoveEvoked', 0, ... 1053 'SaveKernel', 0), ... 1054 'normalize', 'none', ... % None: Save non-standardized time-frequency maps 1055 'mirror', 0); 1056 % Process: Event-related perturbation (ERS/ERD): [-75ms,0ms] 1057 sFilesHilbertCortexErsd = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_baseline_norm', sFilesHilbertCortex, [], ... 1058 'baseline', [-0.075, 0], ... 1059 'method', 'ersd', ... % Event-related perturbation (ERS/ERD): x_std = (x - μ) / μ * 100 1060 'overwrite', 0); 1061 1062 % View results 1063 hFigTf1 = view_surface_data([], sFilesHilbertCortexErsd.FileName); 1064 hFigTf2 = view_timefreq(sFilesHilbertCortexErsd.FileName, 'SingleSensor', 362); 1065 figure_3d('SetStandardView', hFigTf1, 'left'); 1066 panel_surface('SetDataThreshold', hFigTf1, 1, 0.5); 1067 panel_time('SetCurrentTime', 0.175); 1068 panel_freq('SetCurrentFreq', 3); 1069 bst_colormaps('RestoreDefaults', 'stat2'); 1070 bst_report('Snapshot', [hFigTf1 hFigTf2], sFilesHilbertCortexErsd.FileName, 'Hilbert transform: Alpha band', [200, 200, 400, 250]); 1071 bst_memory('UnloadAll', 'Forced'); 1072 1073 1074 %% ===== TUTORIAL #25: DIFFRERENCE =================================================== 1075 % =================================================================================== 1076 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #25: Difference' 10]); 1077 1078 % ===== SELECT TRIALS (DATA) ===== 1079 % Process: Select recordings in: Subject01/* 1080 sFilesAll = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', [], [], ... 1081 'subjectname', SubjectName, ... 1082 'condition', '', ... 1083 'includebad', 0); 1084 % Process: Select file names with tag: deviant_trial 1085 sEpochDeviant = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_tag', sFilesAll, [], ... 1086 'tag', 'deviant_trial', ... 1087 'search', 1, ... % Search the file names 1088 'select', 1); % Select only the files with the tag 1089 % Process: Select file names with tag: standard_trial 1090 sEpochStandard = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_tag', sFilesAll, [], ... 1091 'tag', 'standard_trial', ... 1092 'search', 1, ... % Search the file names 1093 'select', 1); % Select only the files with the tag 1094 1095 % ===== SELECT TRIALS (SOURCE) ===== 1096 % Process: Select recordings in: Subject01/* 1097 sFilesAllSrc = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_results', [], [], ... 1098 'subjectname', SubjectName, ... 1099 'condition', '', ... 1100 'includebad', 0); 1101 % Process: Select file names with tag: deviant_trial 1102 sEpochDeviantSrc = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_tag', sFilesAllSrc, [], ... 1103 'tag', 'deviant_trial', ... 1104 'search', 1, ... % Search the file names 1105 'select', 1); % Select only the files with the tag 1106 % Process: Select file names with tag: standard_trial 1107 sEpochStandardSrc = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_tag', sFilesAllSrc, [], ... 1108 'tag', 'standard_trial', ... 1109 'search', 1, ... % Search the file names 1110 'select', 1); % Select only the files with the tag 1111 1112 % ===== ABSOLUTE DIFFERENCE ====== 1113 % Process: Difference: A-B, abs 1114 sDiffSrc = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_diff_ab', sFilesIntraSrc(1).FileName, sFilesIntraSrc(2).FileName, ... 1115 'source_abs', 1); 1116 % Process: Set comment: deviant|abs - standard|abs 1117 sDiffSrc = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_set_comment', sDiffSrc, [], ... 1118 'tag', 'deviant|abs - standard|abs', ... 1119 'isindex', 1); 1120 % Process: Low-pass:40Hz 1121 sDiffSrcZscore = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_bandpass', sDiffSrc, [], ... 1122 'highpass', 0, ... 1123 'lowpass', 40, ... 1124 'attenuation', 'strict', ... % 60dB 1125 'mirror', 0, ... 1126 'overwrite', 1); 1127 % Process: Z-score transformation: [-100ms,-2ms] 1128 sDiffSrcZscore = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_baseline_norm', sDiffSrcZscore, [], ... 1129 'baseline', [-0.1, -0.002], ... 1130 'source_abs', 0, ... 1131 'method', 'zscore', ... % Z-score transformation: x_std = (x - μ) / σ 1132 'overwrite', 0); 1133 % Process: Snapshot: Sources (contact sheet) 1134 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sDiffSrcZscore, [], ... 1135 'target', 9, ... % Sources (contact sheet) 1136 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 1137 'orient', 1, ... % left 1138 'contact_time', [0, 0.35], ... 1139 'contact_nimage', 15, ... 1140 'threshold', 30, ... 1141 'Comment', 'Difference deviant - standard (absolute)'); 1142 1143 % ===== RELATIVE DIFFERENCE ===== 1144 % Process: Difference: A-B 1145 sDiffSrcRel = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_diff_ab', sFilesIntraSrc(1).FileName, sFilesIntraSrc(2).FileName, ... 1146 'source_abs', 0); 1147 % Process: Set comment: deviant - standard 1148 sDiffSrcRel = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_set_comment', sDiffSrcRel, [], ... 1149 'tag', 'deviant - standard', ... 1150 'isindex', 1); 1151 % Process: Low-pass:40Hz 1152 sDiffSrcRelZscore = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_bandpass', sDiffSrcRel, [], ... 1153 'highpass', 0, ... 1154 'lowpass', 40, ... 1155 'attenuation', 'strict', ... % 60dB 1156 'mirror', 0, ... 1157 'overwrite', 1); 1158 % Process: Z-score transformation: [-100ms,-2ms] 1159 sDiffSrcRelZscore = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_baseline_norm', sDiffSrcRelZscore, [], ... 1160 'baseline', [-0.1, -0.002], ... 1161 'source_abs', 0, ... 1162 'method', 'zscore', ... % Z-score transformation: x_std = (x - μ) / σ 1163 'overwrite', 0); 1164 % Configure colormap: hot/absolute 1165 bst_colormaps('SetColormapName', 'stat2', 'hot'); 1166 bst_colormaps('SetColormapAbsolute', 'stat2', 1); 1167 % Process: Snapshot: Sources (contact sheet) 1168 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sDiffSrcRelZscore, [], ... 1169 'target', 9, ... % Sources (contact sheet) 1170 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 1171 'orient', 1, ... % left 1172 'contact_time', [0, 0.35], ... 1173 'contact_nimage', 15, ... 1174 'threshold', 30, ... 1175 'Comment', 'Difference deviant - standard (relative)'); 1176 % Restore colormap: rwb/relative 1177 bst_colormaps('SetColormapName', 'stat2', 'cmap_rbw'); 1178 bst_colormaps('SetColormapAbsolute', 'stat2', 0); 1179 1180 % ===== DIFFERENCE OF MEANS ===== 1181 % Process: Select uniform number of files [uniform] 1182 [sEpochDeviantUni, sEpochStandardUni] = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_uniform2', sEpochDeviant, sEpochStandard, ... 1183 'nfiles', 0, ... 1184 'method', 4); % Uniformly distributed 1185 % Process: Difference of means [mean] 1186 sDiffMean = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_diff_mean', sEpochDeviantUni, sEpochStandardUni, ... 1187 'avg_func', 1, ... % Arithmetic average mean(A) - mean(B) 1188 'weighted', 0); 1189 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings time series 1190 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sDiffMean, [], ... 1191 'target', 5, ... % Recordings time series 1192 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 1193 'Comment', 'Difference of means'); 1194 1195 1196 1197 %% ===== TUTORIAL #26: STATISTICS ==================================================== 1198 % =================================================================================== 1199 disp([10 'DEMO> Tutorial #26: Statistics' 10]); 1200 % ===== HISTOGRAMS ===== 1201 % Process: Extract values: [160ms] MLP57 1202 sHistoDeviant = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_extract_values', sEpochDeviant, [], ... 1203 'timewindow', [0.16, 0.16], ... 1204 'sensortypes', 'MLP57', ... 1205 'isabs', 0, ... 1206 'avgtime', 0, ... 1207 'avgrow', 0, ... 1208 'dim', 2, ... % Concatenate time (dimension 2) 1209 'Comment', ''); 1210 % Process: Extract values: [160ms] MLP57 1211 sHistoStandard = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_extract_values', sEpochStandard, [], ... 1212 'timewindow', [0.16, 0.16], ... 1213 'sensortypes', 'MLP57', ... 1214 'isabs', 0, ... 1215 'avgtime', 0, ... 1216 'avgrow', 0, ... 1217 'dim', 2, ... % Concatenate time (dimension 2) 1218 'Comment', ''); 1219 % Display histograms 1220 hFigHisto = view_histogram({sHistoDeviant.FileName, sHistoStandard.FileName}); 1221 bst_report('Snapshot', hFigHisto, sHistoDeviant.FileName, 'Histograms for MLP57/160ms'); 1222 close(hFigHisto); 1223 1224 % ===== EXEMPLE #1: PARAMETRIC/DATA ===== 1225 % Process: t-test [equal] [-100ms,500ms] H0:(A-B = 0) 1226 sTestParamData = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_test_parametric2', sEpochDeviant, sEpochStandard, ... 1227 'timewindow', [-0.1, 0.5], ... 1228 'sensortypes', '', ... 1229 'isabs', 0, ... 1230 'avgtime', 0, ... 1231 'avgrow', 0, ... 1232 'Comment', '', ... 1233 'test_type', 'ttest_equal', ... % Student's t-test (equal variance) t = (mean(A)-mean(B)) / (Sx * sqrt(1/nA + 1/nB))Sx = sqrt(((nA-1)*var(A) + (nB-1)*var(B)) / (nA+nB-2)) df = nA + nB - 2 1234 'tail', 'two'); % Two-tailed 1235 % Set display properties 1236 StatThreshOptions = bst_get('StatThreshOptions'); 1237 StatThreshOptions.pThreshold = 0.05; 1238 StatThreshOptions.Correction = 'fdr'; 1239 StatThreshOptions.Control = [1 2 3]; 1240 bst_set('StatThreshOptions', StatThreshOptions); 1241 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings time series 1242 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sTestParamData, [], ... 1243 'target', 5, ... % Recordings time series 1244 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 1245 'time', 0.16, ... 1246 'Comment', 'Parametric t-test (p<0.05, FDR)'); 1247 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings topography (one time) 1248 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sTestParamData, [], ... 1249 'target', 6, ... % Recordings topography (one time) 1250 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 1251 'time', 0.16, ... 1252 'Comment', 'Parametric t-test (p<0.05, FDR)'); 1253 1254 % ===== EXEMPLE #2: NON-PARAMETRIC/DATA ===== 1255 % Process: Perm t-test equal [-100ms,500ms MEG] H0:(A=B), H1:(A<>B) 1256 sTestPermData = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_test_permutation2', sEpochDeviant, sEpochStandard, ... 1257 'timewindow', [-0.1, 0.5], ... 1258 'sensortypes', 'MEG', ... 1259 'isabs', 0, ... 1260 'avgtime', 0, ... 1261 'avgrow', 0, ... 1262 'iszerobad', 1, ... 1263 'Comment', '', ... 1264 'test_type', 'ttest_equal', ... % Student's t-test (equal variance) t = (mean(A)-mean(B)) / (Sx * sqrt(1/nA + 1/nB))Sx = sqrt(((nA-1)*var(A) + (nB-1)*var(B)) / (nA+nB-2)) 1265 'randomizations', 1000, ... 1266 'tail', 'two'); % Two-tailed 1267 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings time series 1268 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sTestPermData, [], ... 1269 'target', 5, ... % Recordings time series 1270 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 1271 'time', 0.16, ... 1272 'Comment', 'Non-parametric t-test (p<0.05, FDR)'); 1273 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings topography (one time) 1274 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sTestPermData, [], ... 1275 'target', 6, ... % Recordings topography (one time) 1276 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 1277 'time', 0.16, ... 1278 'Comment', 'Non-parametric t-test (p<0.05, FDR)'); 1279 1280 % ===== EXEMPLE #3: CLUSTER/DATA ===== 1281 % Process: FT t-test unequal cluster [-100ms,500ms MEG] H0:(A=B), H1:(A<>B) 1282 sTestClustData = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_ft_timelockstatistics', sEpochDeviant, sEpochStandard, ... 1283 'sensortypes', 'MEG', ... 1284 'timewindow', [-0.1, 0.5], ... 1285 'isabs', 0, ... 1286 'avgtime', 0, ... 1287 'avgchan', 0, ... 1288 'randomizations', 1000, ... 1289 'statistictype', 1, ... % Independent t-test 1290 'tail', 'two', ... % Two-tailed 1291 'correctiontype', 2, ... % cluster 1292 'minnbchan', 0, ... 1293 'clusteralpha', 0.05); 1294 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings time series 1295 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sTestClustData, [], ... 1296 'target', 5, ... % Recordings time series 1297 'time', 0.16, ... 1298 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 1299 'Comment', 'Cluster-based permutation test'); 1300 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings topography (one time) 1301 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sTestClustData, [], ... 1302 'target', 6, ... % Recordings topography (one time) 1303 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 1304 'time', 0.16, ... 1305 'Comment', 'Cluster-based permutation test'); 1306 1307 % ===== EXAMPLE #4: PARAMETRIC/SOURCES ===== 1308 % Process: t-test [equal] [-100ms,500ms] H0:(A-B = 0) 1309 sTestParamSrc = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_test_parametric2', sEpochDeviantSrc, sEpochStandardSrc, ... 1310 'timewindow', [-0.1, 0.5], ... 1311 'scoutsel', {}, ... 1312 'scoutfunc', 1, ... % Mean 1313 'isnorm', 0, ... 1314 'avgtime', 0, ... 1315 'Comment', '', ... 1316 'test_type', 'ttest_equal', ... % Student's t-test (equal variance) t = (mean(A)-mean(B)) / (Sx * sqrt(1/nA + 1/nB))Sx = sqrt(((nA-1)*var(A) + (nB-1)*var(B)) / (nA+nB-2)) df = nA + nB - 2 1317 'tail', 'two'); % Two-tailed 1318 % Process: Difference of means [abs(mean)] 1319 sDiffMeanSrc = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_diff_mean', sEpochDeviantSrc, sEpochStandardSrc, ... 1320 'avg_func', 2, ... % Absolute value of average abs(mean(A)) - abs(mean(B)) 1321 'weighted', 0); 1322 % Process: Apply statistic threshold: p<0.05 (FDR:1,2,3) 1323 sDiffMeanSrcThresh = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_extract_pthresh2', sTestParamSrc, sDiffMeanSrc, ... 1324 'pthresh', 0.05, ... 1325 'correction', 3, ... % False discovery rate (FDR) 1326 'control1', 1, ... 1327 'control2', 1, ... 1328 'control3', 1); 1329 % Process: Snapshot: Sources (one time) 1330 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sTestParamSrc, [], ... 1331 'target', 8, ... % Sources (one time) 1332 'orient', 1, ... % left 1333 'time', 0.148, ... 1334 'threshold', 40, ... 1335 'Comment', 'Parametric t-test (p<0.05, FDR)'); 1336 % Process: Snapshot: Sources (one time) 1337 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sDiffMeanSrc, [], ... 1338 'target', 8, ... % Sources (one time) 1339 'orient', 1, ... % left 1340 'time', 0.148, ... 1341 'threshold', 40, ... 1342 'Comment', 'abs(average(deviant)) - abs(average(standard))'); 1343 % Process: Snapshot: Sources (one time) 1344 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sDiffMeanSrcThresh, [], ... 1345 'target', 8, ... % Sources (one time) 1346 'orient', 1, ... % left 1347 'time', 0.148, ... 1348 'threshold', 0, ... 1349 'Comment', 'Different of mean thresholded with t-test results'); 1350 1351 % ===== EXAMPLE #5: PARAMETRIC/SCOUTS ===== 1352 % Process: t-test equal [-100ms,500ms] H0:(A=B), H1:(A<>B) 1353 sTestParamScout = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_test_parametric2', sEpochDeviantSrc, sEpochStandardSrc, ... 1354 'timewindow', [-0.1, 0.5], ... 1355 'scoutsel', {'Destrieux', {'G_front_inf-Opercular L', 'G_precentral L', 'G_temp_sup-G_T_transv L'}}, ... 1356 'scoutfunc', 1, ... % Mean 1357 'isnorm', 0, ... 1358 'avgtime', 0, ... 1359 'Comment', '', ... 1360 'test_type', 'ttest_equal', ... % Student's t-test (equal variance) t = (mean(A)-mean(B)) / (Sx * sqrt(1/nA + 1/nB))Sx = sqrt(((nA-1)*var(A) + (nB-1)*var(B)) / (nA+nB-2)) df = nA + nB - 2 1361 'tail', 'two'); % Two-tailed 1362 % Process: Apply statistic threshold: p<0.05 (FDR:1,2,3) 1363 sTestParamScoutThresh = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_extract_pthresh', sTestParamScout, [], ... 1364 'pthresh', 0.05, ... 1365 'correction', 3, ... % False discovery rate (FDR) 1366 'control1', 1, ... 1367 'control2', 1, ... 1368 'control3', 1); 1369 % Process: Compute head model 1370 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_headmodel', sTestParamScoutThresh, [], ... 1371 'sourcespace', 1, ... % Cortex surface 1372 'meg', 3); % Overlapping spheres 1373 % Process: Simulate recordings from scouts 1374 sSimulData = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_simulate_recordings', sTestParamScoutThresh, [], ... 1375 'scouts', {'Destrieux', {'G_front_inf-Opercular L', 'G_precentral L', 'G_temp_sup-G_T_transv L'}}, ... 1376 'savesources', 1); 1377 1378 % Get corresponding source file 1379 [sStudy,iStudy,iRes] = bst_get('ResultsForDataFile', sSimulData.FileName); 1380 sSimulSrc = sStudy.Result(iRes).FileName; 1381 % Reset visualization filters 1382 panel_filter('SetFilters', 0, [], 0, [], 0, [], 0, 0); 1383 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings time series 1384 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sTestParamScout, [], ... 1385 'target', 5, ... % Recordings time series 1386 'time', 0.148, ... 1387 'Comment', 'Parametric t-test (p<0.05, FDR)'); 1388 % Process: Snapshot: Sources (one time) 1389 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sSimulSrc, [], ... 1390 'target', 8, ... % Sources (one time) 1391 'orient', 1, ... % left 1392 'time', 0.148, ... 1393 'threshold', 0, ... 1394 'Comment', 'Simulated sources'); 1395 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings time series 1396 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sSimulData, [], ... 1397 'target', 5, ... % Recordings time series 1398 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 1399 'time', 0.148, ... 1400 'Comment', 'Simulated MEG recordings'); 1401 1402 1403 % ===== EXAMPLE #6: NON-PARAMETRIC/TIMEFREQ ===== 1404 TfOptions.Output = 'all'; 1405 % Process: Time-frequency (Morlet wavelets) / DEVIANT 1406 sEpochDeviantTf = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_timefreq', sEpochDeviant, [], ... 1407 'sensortypes', 'MLP57', ... 1408 'edit', TfOptions, ... 1409 'normalize', 'none'); % None: Save non-standardized time-frequency maps 1410 % Process: Time-frequency (Morlet wavelets) / STANDARD 1411 sEpochStandardTf = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_timefreq', sEpochStandard, [], ... 1412 'sensortypes', 'MLP57', ... 1413 'edit', TfOptions, ... 1414 'normalize', 'none'); % None: Save non-standardized time-frequency maps 1415 % Process: Perm t-test equal [-100ms,500ms 1-150Hz] H0:(A=B), H1:(A<>B) 1416 sTestTf = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_test_permutation2', sEpochDeviantTf, sEpochStandardTf, ... 1417 'timewindow', [-0.1, 0.5], ... 1418 'freqrange', [1, 150], ... 1419 'rows', '', ... 1420 'isabs', 0, ... 1421 'avgtime', 0, ... 1422 'avgrow', 0, ... 1423 'avgfreq', 0, ... 1424 'matchrows', 0, ... 1425 'iszerobad', 1, ... 1426 'Comment', '', ... 1427 'test_type', 'ttest_equal', ... % Student's t-test (equal variance) t = (mean(A)-mean(B)) / (Sx * sqrt(1/nA + 1/nB))Sx = sqrt(((nA-1)*var(A) + (nB-1)*var(B)) / (nA+nB-2)) 1428 'randomizations', 1000, ... 1429 'tail', 'two'); % Two-tailed 1430 % Set stat threshold 1431 StatThreshOptions.pThreshold = 0.05; 1432 StatThreshOptions.Correction = 'none'; 1433 bst_set('StatThreshOptions', StatThreshOptions); 1434 % Process: Snapshot: Time-frequency maps 1435 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sTestTf, [], ... 1436 'target', 14, ... % Time-frequency maps 1437 'Comment', 'Non-parametric t-test (p<0.05, Uncorrected)'); 1438 % Process: Delete intermediate results 1439 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_delete', [sEpochDeviantTf, sEpochStandardTf], [], ... 1440 'target', 1); % Delete selected files 1441 1442 1443 1444 %% ===== SAVE REPORT ===== 1445 % Save and display report 1446 ReportFile = bst_report('Save', []); 1447 if ~isempty(reports_dir) && ~isempty(ReportFile) 1448 bst_report('Export', ReportFile, reports_dir); 1449 else 1450 bst_report('Open', ReportFile); 1451 end 1452 1453 disp([10 'DEMO> Done.' 10]);

For an example of a script illustrating how to create loops, look at the tutorial MEG visual: single subject. brainstorm3/toolbox/script/tutorial_visual_single.m - Report: report_TutorialVisual_sub001.html

1 function tutorial_visual_single(bids_dir, reports_dir) 2 % TUTORIAL_VISUAL_SINGLE: Runs the Brainstorm/SPM group analysis pipeline (single subject, BIDS version). 3 % 4 % ONLINE TUTORIALS: https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/Tutorials/VisualSingle 5 % 6 % INPUTS: 7 % - bids_dir: Path to folder ds000117 (https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds000117) 8 % |- derivatives/freesurfer/sub-XX : Segmentation folders generated with FreeSurfer 9 % |- derivatives/meg_derivatives/sub-XX/ses-meg/meg/*.fif : MEG+EEG recordings (processed with MaxFilter's SSS) 10 % |- derivatives/meg_derivatives/sub-emptyroom/ses-meg/meg/*.fif : Empty room measurements 11 % - reports_dir: If defined, exports all the reports as HTML to this folder 12 13 % @============================================================================= 14 % This function is part of the Brainstorm software: 15 % https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm 16 % 17 % Copyright (c) University of Southern California & McGill University 18 % This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 19 % as published by the Free Software Foundation. Further details on the GPLv3 20 % license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. 21 % 22 % FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND THE 23 % UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND ITS COLLABORATORS DO NOT MAKE ANY 24 % WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF 25 % MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NOR DO THEY ASSUME ANY 26 % LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. 27 % 28 % For more information type "brainstorm license" at command prompt. 29 % =============================================================================@ 30 % 31 % Author: Francois Tadel, Elizabeth Bock, 2016-2018 32 33 34 %% ===== SCRIPT VARIABLES ===== 35 % Full list of subjects to process 36 SubjectNames = {'sub-01', 'sub-02', 'sub-03', 'sub-04', 'sub-05', 'sub-06', 'sub-07', 'sub-08', ... 37 'sub-09', 'sub-10', 'sub-11', 'sub-12', 'sub-13', 'sub-14', 'sub-15', 'sub-16'}; 38 % Empty-room dates for each subject (so that we can match automatically recordings with empty-room) 39 EmptyRoomSubj = 'sub-emptyroom'; 40 AcquisitionDates = {'09-Apr-2009', '06-May-2009', '11-May-2009', '18-May-2009', '15-May-2009', '15-May-2009', '15-May-2009', '15-May-2009', ... 41 '15-May-2009', '15-May-2009', '01-Jun-2009', '01-Jun-2009', '01-Jun-2009', '26-Nov-2009', '08-Dec-2009', '08-Dec-2009'}; 42 % Bad channels {iSubj} = {Run01, Run02, Run03, Run04, Run05, Run06} 43 BadChannels{1} = {'EEG016', 'EEG070', 'EEG050',{'EEG008','EEG050'}, [], []}; 44 BadChannels{2} = {{'EEG027', 'EEG030', 'EEG038'}, 'EEG010', 'EEG010', 'EEG010', 'EEG010', 'EEG010'}; 45 BadChannels{3} = {{'EEG008','EEG017'}, {'EEG008','EEG017'}, {'EEG008','EEG017'}, {'EEG008','EEG017'}, {'EEG008','EEG017','EEG001'}, {'EEG008','EEG017','EEG020'}}; 46 BadChannels{4} = {{'EEG038'}, {'EEG038','EEG001','EEG016'}, {'EEG038','EEG001','EEG016'}, {'EEG038','EEG001'}, {'EEG038','EEG001','EEG016'}, {'EEG038','EEG001','EEG016'}}; 47 BadChannels{5} = {'EEG001', 'EEG001', [], [], [], []}; 48 BadChannels{6} = {'EEG068', [], 'EEG004', [], [], []}; 49 BadChannels{7} = {[], [], {'EEG004','EEG008'}, {'EEG004','EEG008'},{'EEG004','EEG008','EEG043','EEG045','EEG047'}, {'EEG004','EEG008'}}; 50 BadChannels{8} = {[], [], [], [], [], []}; 51 BadChannels{9} = {[], 'EEG004', 'EEG004', [], 'EEG004', 'EEG004'}; 52 BadChannels{10} = {[], [], [], [], [], []}; 53 BadChannels{11} = {{'EEG010','EEG050'}, 'EEG050', 'EEG050', 'EEG050', 'EEG050', 'EEG050'}; 54 BadChannels{12} = {{'EEG024','EEG057'}, {'EEG024','EEG057'}, {'EEG024','EEG057'}, {'EEG024','EEG057','EEG070'}, {'EEG024','EEG057'}, {'EEG024','EEG057','EEG070'}}; 55 BadChannels{13} = {'EEG009', 'EEG009', {'EEG009','EEG057','EEG69'}, 'EEG009', {'EEG009','EEG044'}, {'EEG009','EEG044'}}; 56 BadChannels{14} = {'EEG029', 'EEG029', 'EEG029', {'EEG004','EEG008','EEG016','EEG029'}, {'EEG004','EEG008','EEG016','EEG029'}, {'EEG004','EEG008','EEG016','EEG029'}}; 57 BadChannels{15} = {'EEG038', 'EEG038', 'EEG038', 'EEG038', {'EEG054','EEG038'}, 'EEG038'}; 58 BadChannels{16} = {'EEG008', 'EEG008', 'EEG008', 'EEG008', 'EEG008', 'EEG008'}; 59 % SSP components to remove {iSubj} = {sRun01, sRun02, sRun03, sRun03, sRun04, sRun05, sRun06}, sRun0X={ECG_GRAD,ECG_MAG} 60 SspSelect{1} = {{1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}}; 61 SspSelect{2} = {{1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {3,1}, {1,1}}; 62 SspSelect{3} = {{[],1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}}; 63 SspSelect{4} = {{[],1}, {[],1}, {[],1}, {[],1}, {[],1}, {[],1}}; 64 SspSelect{5} = {{2,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {[],1}, {1,1}, {1,1}}; 65 SspSelect{6} = {{2,1}, {2,1}, {1,1}, {2,1}, {1,1}, {2,1}}; 66 SspSelect{7} = {{1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}}; 67 SspSelect{8} = {{1,1}, {1,1}, {[],1}, {2,1}, {1,1}, {2,1}}; 68 SspSelect{9} = {{1,1}, {1,1}, {[],1}, {[],1}, {1,1}, {1,1}}; 69 SspSelect{10} = {{1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}}; 70 SspSelect{11} = {{[],1}, {[],1}, {[],1}, {[],1}, {[],[]}, {[],[]}}; 71 SspSelect{12} = {{[1,2],[1,2]}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}}; 72 SspSelect{13} = {{[],[]}, {[],[]}, {[],[]}, {[],[]}, {[],[]}, {[],[]}}; 73 SspSelect{14} = {{1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}}; 74 SspSelect{15} = {{1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}}; 75 SspSelect{16} = {{1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {2,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}}; 76 77 78 %% ===== CREATE PROTOCOL ===== 79 % Start brainstorm without the GUI 80 if ~brainstorm('status') 81 brainstorm nogui 82 end 83 % Output folder for reports 84 if (nargin < 2) || isempty(reports_dir) || ~isdir(reports_dir) 85 reports_dir = []; 86 end 87 % You have to specify the folder in which the tutorial dataset is unzipped 88 if (nargin < 1) || isempty(bids_dir) || ~file_exist(bids_dir) || ~file_exist(bst_fullfile(bids_dir, 'derivatives')) || ~file_exist(bst_fullfile(bids_dir, 'dataset_description.json')) 89 error('The first argument must be the full path to the tutorial folder.'); 90 end 91 % The protocol name has to be a valid folder name (no spaces, no weird characters...) 92 ProtocolName = 'TutorialVisual'; 93 % Delete existing protocol 94 gui_brainstorm('DeleteProtocol', ProtocolName); 95 % Create new protocol 96 gui_brainstorm('CreateProtocol', ProtocolName, 0, 0); 97 % Set visualization filters: 40Hz low-pass, no high-pass 98 panel_filter('SetFilters', 1, 40, 0, [], 0, [], 0, 0); 99 % Set colormap: local color scale 100 bst_colormaps('SetMaxMode', 'meg', 'local'); 101 bst_colormaps('SetMaxMode', 'eeg', 'local'); 102 103 104 %% ===== PRE-PROCESS AND IMPORT ===== 105 for iSubj = 1:16 106 % Start a new report (one report per subject) 107 bst_report('Start'); 108 disp(sprintf('\n===== IMPORT: SUBJECT #%d =====\n', iSubj)); 109 110 % If subject already exists: delete it 111 [sSubject, iSubject] = bst_get('Subject', SubjectNames{iSubj}); 112 if ~isempty(sSubject) 113 db_delete_subjects(iSubject); 114 end 115 116 % ===== FILES TO IMPORT ===== 117 % Build the path of the files to import 118 AnatDir = fullfile(bids_dir, 'derivatives', 'freesurfer', SubjectNames{iSubj}, 'ses-mri', 'anat'); 119 DataDir = fullfile(bids_dir, 'derivatives', 'meg_derivatives', SubjectNames{iSubj}, 'ses-meg', 'meg'); 120 % Check if the folder contains the required files 121 if ~file_exist(AnatDir) 122 error(['The folder "' AnatDir '" does not exist.']); 123 end 124 if ~file_exist(DataDir) 125 error(['The folder "' DataDir '" does not exist.']); 126 end 127 128 % ===== ANATOMY ===== 129 % Process: Import anatomy folder 130 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_anatomy', [], [], ... 131 'subjectname', SubjectNames{iSubj}, ... 132 'mrifile', {AnatDir, 'FreeSurfer'}, ... 133 'nvertices', 15000); 134 135 % ===== PROCESS EACH RUN ===== 136 for iRun = 1:6 137 % Files to import 138 FifFile = bst_fullfile(DataDir, sprintf('%s_ses-meg_task-facerecognition_run-%02d_proc-sss_meg.fif', SubjectNames{iSubj}, iRun)); 139 140 % ===== LINK CONTINUOUS FILE ===== 141 % Process: Create link to raw file 142 sFileRaw = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_data_raw', [], [], ... 143 'subjectname', SubjectNames{iSubj}, ... 144 'datafile', {FifFile, 'FIF'}, ... 145 'channelreplace', 1, ... 146 'channelalign', 0); 147 % Set acquisition date 148 panel_record('SetAcquisitionDate', sFileRaw.iStudy, AcquisitionDates{iSubj}); 149 150 % ===== PREPARE CHANNEL FILE ===== 151 % Process: Set channels type 152 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_channel_settype', sFileRaw, [], ... 153 'sensortypes', 'EEG061, EEG064', ... 154 'newtype', 'NOSIG'); 155 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_channel_settype', sFileRaw, [], ... 156 'sensortypes', 'EEG062', ... 157 'newtype', 'EOG'); 158 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_channel_settype', sFileRaw, [], ... 159 'sensortypes', 'EEG063', ... 160 'newtype', 'ECG'); 161 162 % Process: Remove head points 163 sFileRaw = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_headpoints_remove', sFileRaw, [], ... 164 'zlimit', 0); 165 % Process: Refine registration 166 sFileRaw = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_headpoints_refine', sFileRaw, []); 167 % Process: Project electrodes on scalp 168 sFileRaw = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_channel_project', sFileRaw, []); 169 170 % Process: Snapshot: Sensors/MRI registration 171 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFileRaw, [], ... 172 'target', 1, ... % Sensors/MRI registration 173 'modality', 1, ... % MEG (All) 174 'orient', 1, ... % left 175 'Comment', sprintf('MEG/MRI Registration: Subject #%d, Run #%d', iSubj, iRun)); 176 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFileRaw, [], ... 177 'target', 1, ... % Sensors/MRI registration 178 'modality', 4, ... % EEG 179 'orient', 1, ... % left 180 'Comment', sprintf('EEG/MRI Registration: Subject #%d, Run #%d', iSubj, iRun)); 181 182 % ===== IMPORT TRIGGERS ===== 183 % Process: Read from channel 184 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_read', sFileRaw, [], ... 185 'stimchan', 'STI101', ... 186 'trackmode', 2, ... % Bit: detect the changes for each bit independently 187 'zero', 0); 188 % Process: Group by name 189 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_groupname', sFileRaw, [], ... 190 'combine', 'Unfamiliar=3,4', ... 191 'dt', 0, ... 192 'delete', 1); 193 % Process: Rename event 194 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_rename', sFileRaw, [], ... 195 'src', '3', ... 196 'dest', 'Famous'); 197 % Process: Rename event 198 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_rename', sFileRaw, [], ... 199 'src', '5', ... 200 'dest', 'Scrambled'); 201 % Process: Add time offset 202 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_timeoffset', sFileRaw, [], ... 203 'info', [], ... 204 'eventname', 'Famous, Unfamiliar, Scrambled', ... 205 'offset', 0.0345); 206 % Process: Delete events 207 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_delete', sFileRaw, [], ... 208 'eventname', '1,2,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16'); 209 % Process: Detect cHPI activity (Elekta):STI201 210 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_detect_chpi', sFileRaw, [], ... 211 'eventname', 'chpi_bad', ... 212 'channelname', 'STI201', ... 213 'method', 'off'); % Mark as bad when the HPI coils are OFF 214 215 % ===== FREQUENCY FILTERS ===== 216 % Process: Notch filter: 50Hz 100Hz 150Hz 200Hz 217 sFileClean = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_notch', sFileRaw, [], ... 218 'freqlist', [50, 100, 150, 200], ... 219 'sensortypes', 'MEG, EEG', ... 220 'read_all', 0); 221 % Process: Power spectrum density (Welch) 222 sFilesPsd = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_psd', [sFileRaw, sFileClean], [], ... 223 'timewindow', [], ... 224 'win_length', 4, ... 225 'win_overlap', 50, ... 226 'sensortypes', 'MEG, EEG', ... 227 'edit', struct(... 228 'Comment', 'Power', ... 229 'TimeBands', [], ... 230 'Freqs', [], ... 231 'ClusterFuncTime', 'none', ... 232 'Measure', 'power', ... 233 'Output', 'all', ... 234 'SaveKernel', 0)); 235 % Process: Snapshot: Frequency spectrum 236 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesPsd, [], ... 237 'target', 10, ... % Frequency spectrum 238 'Comment', sprintf('Power spctrum: Subject #%d, Run #%d', iSubj, iRun)); 239 240 % ===== BAD CHANNELS ===== 241 if ~isempty(BadChannels{iSubj}{iRun}) 242 % Process: Set bad channels 243 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_channel_setbad', sFileClean, [], ... 244 'sensortypes', BadChannels{iSubj}{iRun}); 245 end 246 247 % ===== EEG REFERENCE ===== 248 % Process: Re-reference EEG 249 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_eegref', sFileClean, [], ... 250 'eegref', 'AVERAGE', ... 251 'sensortypes', 'EEG'); 252 253 % ===== DETECT ARTIFACTS ====== 254 % Process: Detect heartbeats 255 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_detect_ecg', sFileClean, [], ... 256 'channelname', 'EEG063', ... 257 'timewindow', [], ... 258 'eventname', 'cardiac'); 259 % Different amplitude thresholds for different subjects 260 if strcmpi(SubjectNames{iSubj}, 'sub-05') 261 thresholdMAX = 50; 262 else 263 thresholdMAX = 100; 264 end 265 % Process: Detect: blink_BAD - Detects all events where the amplitude exceeds 100uV 266 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_detect_threshold', sFileClean, [], ... 267 'eventname', 'blink_BAD', ... 268 'channelname', 'EEG062', ... 269 'timewindow', [], ... 270 'thresholdMAX', thresholdMAX, ... 271 'units', 3, ... % uV (10^-6) 272 'bandpass', [0.3, 20], ... 273 'isAbsolute', 1, ... 274 'isDCremove', 0); 275 276 % ===== SSP COMPUTATION ===== 277 % Process: SSP ECG: cardiac 278 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_ssp_ecg', sFileClean, [], ... 279 'eventname', 'cardiac', ... 280 'sensortypes', 'MEG GRAD', ... 281 'usessp', 1, ... 282 'select', SspSelect{iSubj}{iRun}{1}); 283 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_ssp_ecg', sFileClean, [], ... 284 'eventname', 'cardiac', ... 285 'sensortypes', 'MEG MAG', ... 286 'usessp', 1, ... 287 'select', SspSelect{iSubj}{iRun}{2}); 288 % Process: Snapshot: SSP projectors 289 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFileClean, [], ... 290 'target', 2, ... 291 'Comment', sprintf('Subject #%d, Run #%d', iSubj, iRun)); % SSP projectors 292 293 % ===== IMPORT BAD EVENTS ===== 294 % Get bad segments: this is typically done manually, not from a script 295 BadSegments = GetBadSegments(iSubj, iRun); 296 % Process: Import from file 297 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_evt_import', sFileClean, [], ... 298 'evtfile', {BadSegments, 'ARRAY-TIMES'}, ... 299 'evtname', 'BAD'); 300 301 % ===== IMPORT TRIALS ===== 302 % Process: Import MEG/EEG: Events 303 sFilesEpochs = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_data_event', sFileClean, [], ... 304 'subjectname', SubjectNames{iSubj}, ... 305 'condition', '', ... 306 'eventname', 'Famous, Scrambled, Unfamiliar', ... 307 'timewindow', [], ... 308 'epochtime', [-0.5, 1.2], ... 309 'createcond', 0, ... 310 'ignoreshort', 1, ... 311 'usectfcomp', 1, ... 312 'usessp', 1, ... 313 'freq', [], ... 314 'baseline', [-0.5, -0.0009]); 315 316 % ===== AVERAGE: RUN ===== 317 % Process: Average: By trial group (folder average) 318 sFilesAvg = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_average', sFilesEpochs, [], ... 319 'avgtype', 5, ... % By trial group (folder average) 320 'avg_func', 1, ... % Arithmetic average: mean(x) 321 'weighted', 0, ... 322 'keepevents', 0); 323 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings time series 324 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesAvg, [], ... 325 'target', 5, ... % Recordings time series 326 'modality', 4, ... % EEG 327 'time', 0.11, ... 328 'Comment', sprintf('Subject #%d, Run #%d', iSubj, iRun)); 329 % Process: Snapshot: Recordings topography 330 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sFilesAvg, [], ... 331 'target', 6, ... % Recordings topography (one time) 332 'modality', 4, ... % EEG 333 'time', 0.11, ... 334 'Comment', sprintf('Subject #%d, Run #%d', iSubj, iRun)); 335 336 % ===== COMPUTE NOISECOV: EEG ===== 337 % Process: Compute covariance (noise or data) 338 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_noisecov', sFilesEpochs, [], ... 339 'baseline', [-0.5, -0.0009], ... 340 'sensortypes', 'EEG', ... 341 'target', 1, ... % Noise covariance (covariance over baseline time window) 342 'dcoffset', 1, ... % Block by block, to avoid effects of slow shifts in data 343 'identity', 0, ... 344 'copycond', 0, ... 345 'copysubj', 0, ... 346 'replacefile', 1); % Replace 347 end 348 349 % Save report 350 ReportFile = bst_report('Save', []); 351 if ~isempty(reports_dir) && ~isempty(ReportFile) 352 bst_report('Export', ReportFile, bst_fullfile(reports_dir, ['report_' ProtocolName '_' SubjectNames{iSubj} '.html'])); 353 end 354 end 355 356 357 %% ===== EMPTY ROOM RECORDINGS ===== 358 disp(sprintf('\n===== IMPORT: EMPTY-ROOM =====\n')); 359 % Loop on all the noise sessions 360 NoiseFiles = {}; 361 for ses = {'20090409', '20090506', '20090511', '20090515', '20090518', '20090601', '20091126', '20091208'} 362 NoiseFiles{end+1} = fullfile(bids_dir, 'derivatives', 'meg_derivatives', EmptyRoomSubj, ['ses-' ses{1}], 'meg', ['sub-emptyroom_ses-' ses{1} '_task-noise_proc-sss_meg.fif']); 363 end 364 % Process: Create link to raw file 365 sFilesNoise = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_data_raw', [], [], ... 366 'subjectname', EmptyRoomSubj, ... 367 'datafile', {NoiseFiles, 'FIF'}, ... 368 'channelreplace', 1, ... 369 'channelalign', 0); 370 % Process: Notch filter: 50Hz 100Hz 150Hz 200Hz 371 sFileNoiseClean = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_notch', sFilesNoise, [], ... 372 'freqlist', [50, 100, 150, 200], ... 373 'sensortypes', 'MEG, EEG', ... 374 'read_all', 0); 375 % Process: Compute noise covariance 376 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_noisecov', sFileNoiseClean, [], ... 377 'baseline', [], ... 378 'sensortypes', 'MEG', ... 379 'target', 1, ... % Noise covariance (covariance over baseline time window) 380 'dcoffset', 1, ... % Block by block, to avoid effects of slow shifts in data 381 'identity', 0, ... 382 'copycond', 1, ... 383 'copysubj', 1, ... 384 'copymatch', 1, ... 385 'replacefile', 2); % Merge 386 387 388 %% ===== SOURCE ESTIMATION ===== 389 % Start a new report (one report for the source estimation of all the subjects) 390 bst_report('Start'); 391 % Loop on the subjects: This loop is separated from the previous one, because we should 392 % compute the BEM surfaces after importing all the runs, so that the registration is done 393 % using the high resolution head surface, instead of the smooth scalp BEM layer. 394 for iSubj = 1:length(SubjectNames) 395 disp(sprintf('\n===== SOURCES: SUBJECT #%d =====\n', iSubj)); 396 397 % ===== BEM SURFACES ===== 398 % Process: Generate BEM surfaces 399 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_generate_bem', [], [], ... 400 'subjectname', SubjectNames{iSubj}, ... 401 'nscalp', 1082, ... 402 'nouter', 642, ... 403 'ninner', 642, ... 404 'thickness', 4, ... 405 'method', 'brainstorm'); 406 407 % ===== SELECT ALL AVERAGES ===== 408 % Process: Select data files in: */* 409 sFilesAvg = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', [], [], ... 410 'subjectname', SubjectNames{iSubj}); 411 % Process: Select file comments with tag: Avg 412 sFilesAvg = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_tag', sFilesAvg, [], ... 413 'tag', 'Avg'); % Select only the files with the tag 414 415 % ===== COMPUTE HEAD MODELS ===== 416 % Process: Compute head model (only for the first run of the subject) 417 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_headmodel', sFilesAvg(1), [], ... 418 'sourcespace', 1, ... % Cortex surface 419 'meg', 3, ... % Overlapping spheres 420 'eeg', 3, ... % OpenMEEG BEM 421 'ecog', 1, ... % 422 'seeg', 1, ... % 423 'openmeeg', struct(... 424 'BemSelect', [1, 1, 1], ... 425 'BemCond', [1, 0.0125, 1], ... 426 'BemNames', {{'Scalp', 'Skull', 'Brain'}}, ... 427 'BemFiles', {{}}, ... 428 'isAdjoint', 0, ... 429 'isAdaptative', 1, ... 430 'isSplit', 0, ... 431 'SplitLength', 4000)); 432 % Get all the runs for this subject (ie the list of the study indices) 433 iStudyOther = setdiff(unique([sFilesAvg.iStudy]), sFilesAvg(1).iStudy); 434 % Copy the forward model file to the other runs 435 sHeadmodel = bst_get('HeadModelForStudy', sFilesAvg(1).iStudy); 436 for iStudy = iStudyOther 437 db_add(iStudy, sHeadmodel.FileName); 438 end 439 440 % ===== COMPUTE SOURCES: MEG ===== 441 % Process: Compute sources [2018] 442 sAvgSrcMeg = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_inverse_2018', sFilesAvg, [], ... 443 'output', 1, ... % Kernel only: shared 444 'inverse', struct(... 445 'Comment', 'MN: MEG ALL', ... 446 'InverseMethod', 'minnorm', ... 447 'InverseMeasure', 'amplitude', ... 448 'SourceOrient', {{'fixed'}}, ... 449 'Loose', 0.2, ... 450 'UseDepth', 1, ... 451 'WeightExp', 0.5, ... 452 'WeightLimit', 10, ... 453 'NoiseMethod', 'reg', ... 454 'NoiseReg', 0.1, ... 455 'SnrMethod', 'fixed', ... 456 'SnrRms', 1e-06, ... 457 'SnrFixed', 3, ... 458 'ComputeKernel', 1, ... 459 'DataTypes', {{'MEG GRAD', 'MEG MAG'}})); 460 % Process: Snapshot: Sources (one time) - Loop only to get a correct comment for the report 461 for i = 1:length(sAvgSrcMeg) 462 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sAvgSrcMeg(i), [], ... 463 'target', 8, ... % Sources (one time) 464 'orient', 4, ... % bottom 465 'time', 0.11, ... 466 'threshold', 20, ... 467 'Comment', ['MEG sources: ' sFilesAvg(i).FileName]); 468 end 469 470 % ===== COMPUTE SOURCES: EEG ===== 471 % Process: Compute sources [2018] 472 sAvgSrcEeg = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_inverse_2018', sFilesAvg, [], ... 473 'output', 1, ... % Kernel only: shared 474 'inverse', struct(... 475 'Comment', 'MN: EEG', ... 476 'InverseMethod', 'minnorm', ... 477 'InverseMeasure', 'amplitude', ... 478 'SourceOrient', {{'fixed'}}, ... 479 'Loose', 0.2, ... 480 'UseDepth', 1, ... 481 'WeightExp', 0.5, ... 482 'WeightLimit', 10, ... 483 'NoiseMethod', 'reg', ... 484 'NoiseReg', 0.1, ... 485 'SnrMethod', 'fixed', ... 486 'SnrRms', 1e-06, ... 487 'SnrFixed', 3, ... 488 'ComputeKernel', 1, ... 489 'DataTypes', {{'EEG'}})); 490 % Process: Snapshot: Sources (one time) - Loop only to get a correct comment for the report 491 for i = 1:length(sAvgSrcEeg) 492 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_snapshot', sAvgSrcEeg(i), [], ... 493 'target', 8, ... % Sources (one time) 494 'orient', 4, ... % bottom 495 'time', 0.11, ... 496 'threshold', 10, ... 497 'Comment', ['EEG sources: ' sFilesAvg(i).FileName]); 498 end 499 end 500 % Save report 501 ReportFile = bst_report('Save', []); 502 if ~isempty(reports_dir) && ~isempty(ReportFile) 503 bst_report('Export', ReportFile, bst_fullfile(reports_dir, ['report_' ProtocolName '_sources.html'])); 504 end 505 506 507 %% ===== TIME-FREQUENCY ===== 508 % Start a new report (one report for the time-frequency of all the subjects) 509 bst_report('Start'); 510 % List of conditions to process separately 511 AllConditions = {'Famous', 'Scrambled', 'Unfamiliar'}; 512 % Channels to display in the screen capture, by order of preference (if the first channel is bad, use the following) 513 SelChannel = {'EEG070','EEG060','EEG065','EEG050','EEG003'}; 514 % Compute one separate time-frequency average for each subject/run/condition 515 for iSubj = 1:length(SubjectNames) 516 disp(sprintf('\n===== TIME-FREQUENCY: SUBJECT #%d =====\n', iSubj)); 517 for iRun = 1:6 518 % Process: Select data files in: Subject/Run 519 sTrialsAll = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', [], [], ... 520 'subjectname', SubjectNames{iSubj}, ... 521 'condition', sprintf('sub-%02d_ses-meg_task-facerecognition_run-%02d_proc-sss_meg_notch', iSubj, iRun)); 522 % Loop on the conditions 523 for iCond = 1:length(AllConditions) 524 % Comment describing this average 525 strComment = [SubjectNames{iSubj}, ' / ', sprintf('run_%02d', iRun), ' / ', AllConditions{iCond}]; 526 disp(['BST> ' strComment]); 527 % Find the first good channel in the display list 528 if isempty(BadChannels{iSubj}{iRun}) 529 iSel = 1; 530 else 531 iSel = find(~ismember(SelChannel,BadChannels{iSubj}{iRun}), 1); 532 end 533 % Process: Select file comments with tag: Avg 534 sTrialsCond = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_tag', sTrialsAll, [], ... 535 'tag', [AllConditions{iCond}, '_trial'], ... 536 'search', 1, ... % Search the file names 537 'select', 1); % Select only the files with the tag 538 % Process: Time-frequency (Morlet wavelets), averaged across trials 539 sTimefreq = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_timefreq', sTrialsCond, [], ... 540 'sensortypes', 'MEG MAG, EEG', ... 541 'edit', struct(... 542 'Comment', ['Avg: ' AllConditions{iCond} ', Power, 6-60Hz'], ... 543 'TimeBands', [], ... 544 'Freqs', [6, 6.8, 7.6, 8.6, 9.7, 11, 12.4, 14, 15.8, 17.9, 20.2, 22.8, 25.7, 29, 32.7, 37, 41.7, 47.1, 53.2, 60], ... 545 'MorletFc', 1, ... 546 'MorletFwhmTc', 3, ... 547 'ClusterFuncTime', 'none', ... 548 'Measure', 'power', ... 549 'Output', 'average', ... 550 'RemoveEvoked', 0, ... 551 'SaveKernel', 0), ... 552 'normalize', 'none'); % None: Save non-standardized time-frequency maps 553 % Process: Extract time: [-200ms,900ms] 554 sTimefreq = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_extract_time', sTimefreq, [], ... 555 'timewindow', [-0.2, 0.9], ... 556 'overwrite', 1); 557 % Screen capture of one sensor 558 hFigTf = view_timefreq(sTimefreq.FileName, 'SingleSensor', SelChannel{iSel}); 559 bst_report('Snapshot', hFigTf, strComment, 'Time-frequency', [200, 200, 400, 250]); 560 close(hFigTf); 561 end 562 end 563 end 564 % Save report 565 ReportFile = bst_report('Save', []); 566 if ~isempty(reports_dir) && ~isempty(ReportFile) 567 bst_report('Export', ReportFile, bst_fullfile(reports_dir, ['report_' ProtocolName '_timefreq.html'])); 568 end 569 end 570 571 572 573 574 %% ===== SUPPORT FUNCTIONS ===== 575 function BadSeg = GetBadSegments(iSubj, iRun) 576 BadSegments{1} = {... 577 [247.867 248.185; 598.999 598.999; 598.999 598.999; 611.999 611.999; 612.999 612.999; 613.999 613.999; 616.999 616.999; 617.999 617.999; 623.999 623.999; 715.209 715.467], ... 578 [84.791 85.166], ... 579 [79.183 80.167], ... 580 [64.309 65.185], ... 581 [90.958 91.167; 178.005 178.355; 293.282 295.919; 312.298 316.479; 353.835 357.716], ... 582 [60.292 66.802; 69.975 71.210; 105.233 107.586; 108.822 109.506; 376.225 376.325]}; 583 BadSegments{2} = {... 584 [223.806 224.199; 279.772 279.895; 453.241 455.108; 692.423 692.593], ... 585 [65.298 66.194; 304.727 306.178; 399.165 400.732], ... 586 [203.141 205.085; 281.579 287.883; 420.395 421.128], ... 587 [387.118 388.229; 440.318 441.900; 554.825 558.744], ... 588 [71.000 80.999; 82.750 87.367; 149.528 149.667; 264.747 267.995; 368.415 371.973; 376.263 378.763; 398.334 401.551; 537.410 541.645], ... 589 [38.000 47.999; 47.825 50.046; 61.298 61.384; 249.653 253.379; 282.917 283.820; 286.135 287.616; 298.167 300.196; 328.254 329.511; 335.957 337.817; 478.277 480.707]}; 590 BadSegments{3} = {... 591 [406.312 407.207; 727.055 728.714], ... 592 [84.894 85.156; 152.028 152.946; 297.835 298.915; 418.272 421.845; 554.084 554.794], ... 593 [73.758 74.159; 378.212 378.536; 406.065 407.099; 470.541 471.698; 488.900 491.168; 529.596 530.453], ... 594 [94.874 95.152; 317.385 321.374; 325.696 327.055; 439.220 439.829; 454.473 455.175; 486.196 486.829; 518.660 522.015; 524.400 525.249; 562.417 570.325], ... 595 [96.208 97.181; 98.942 99.096; 135.005 135.754; 143.990 144.599; 250.139 250.247; 300.459 300.559; 338.265 339.322; 545.913 546.067], ... 596 [91.415 92.156; 284.843 286.525; 297.886 298.404; 317.046 317.163; 332.698 332.791; 358.946 359.402; 428.405 428.775; 478.374 478.690; 549.866 550.128]}; 597 BadSegments{4} = {... 598 [22.967 22.967; 50.036 50.098; 52.058 52.058; 156.653 156.653; 171.565 173.386; 239.544 242.105; 268.162 270.175; 268.992 268.992; 316.032 316.032; 338.283 339.000; 357.959 361.909; 370.871 370.871; 381.579 383.677; 437.731 437.731; 463.482 468.505; 476.135 479.838; 486.652 488.272; 504.860 508.999], ... 599 [309.493 311.707; 342.681 344.525; 354.019 357.321; 390.023 391.225; 393.926 395.855; 404.221 405.069; 432.522 435.932; 459.048 460.715; 471.763 478.529; 549.387 551.999; 591.087 594.143; 608.541 611.079; 624.847 626.615; 649.648 651.570], ... 600 [57.411 58.198; 88.346 88.955; 200.761 202.335; 227.016 227.688; 257.726 258.054; 356.798 359.005; 404.260 411.003], ... 601 [46.000 54.823; 61.000 70.332; 203.005 207.125; 275.875 278.121; 313.500 314.824; 337.973 338.636; 422.505 426.239], ... 602 [58.000 62.479; 78.250 85.166; 89.955 91.360; 116.322 117.888; 130.013 131.987; 149.509 150.489; 174.650 175.823; 182.030 183.334; 196.758 197.384; 204.458 204.697; 205.236 208.663; 311.028 316.383; 320.700 327.181; 332.437 335.354; 344.205 346.133; 374.208 374.865; 385.519 386.214; 441.942 444.241; 453.957 456.997; 486.039 487.004; 501.238 504.185; 512.962 514.675; 553.398 556.215], ... 603 [41.406 45.743; 58.681 59.144; 108.086 108.896; 140.633 143.750; 196.110 199.474; 210.778 210.971; 234.649 235.143; 258.081 259.632; 339.101 340.805; 390.277 390.609; 438.935 442.122; 528.221 534.031]}; 604 BadSegments{5} = {... 605 [265.539 265.778; 266.334 266.495; 268.479 268.965; 367.428 367.636; 439.655 442.779; 453.497 453.853; 504.997 505.329; 519.513 519.683; 595.674 595.982; 602.000 602.463], ... 606 [121.113 121.499; 124.971 126.213; 253.735 254.075; 272.232 272.464; 272.895 273.104; 346.368 346.645; 368.812 369.052; 406.382 406.605; 452.920 453.113; 454.903 455.112; 507.655 507.840; 508.766 509.013; 584.853 585.030; 594.831 595.656; 597.261 602.249], ... 607 [37.251 37.497; 38.825 39.056; 40.615 41.849; 43.624 44.758; 53.333 53.641; 54.698 55.076; 57.668 59.196; 79.129 79.360; 81.475 81.714; 122.658 123.375; 284.787 285.296; 288.754 288.993; 345.790 346.022; 421.212 421.459; 481.428 482.207; 503.408 503.685; 504.272 504.449; 524.451 524.714; 526.913 531.499], ... 608 [87.322 88.178; 91.085 91.325; 95.121 95.491; 114.174 114.397; 129.874 130.113; 151.220 151.544; 281.689 281.959; 532.966 533.345], ... 609 [59.176 60.218; 74.854 75.317; 308.180 309.877; 380.705 381.059], ... 610 [182.382 183.245; 196.220 196.736; 276.018 276.327; 292.490 294.086; 370.755 370.847; 435.644 436.624; 467.535 468.460; 522.838 525.847]}; 611 BadSegments{6} = {... 612 [141.690 142.424; 157.070 157.417; 355.138 356.025; 423.999 423.999; 424.999 424.999; 426.999 426.999; 427.999 427.999; 486.430 488.151; 493.999 493.999; 501.511 501.619; 501.549 501.549; 501.585 501.585; 502.999 502.999; 503.999 503.999; 540.999 540.999; 541.999 541.999; 555.999 555.999; 556.999 556.999; 561.999 561.999; 563.999 563.999; 564.999 564.999; 565.999 565.999; 567.999 567.999], ... 613 [64.898 65.161; 71.700 72.718; 226.185 226.740; 324.124 324.425; 329.062 329.301; 486.143 486.975], ... 614 [62.300 63.148; 266.254 266.639; 409.920 410.221], ... 615 [54.048 55.214; 330.893 331.255], ... 616 [185.616 186.495; 331.411 331.796; 386.843 387.028; 387.999 387.999; 389.999 389.999; 434.575 434.875; 519.802 519.995], ... 617 [44.720 45.167; 211.446 211.964; 368.955 369.172]}; 618 BadSegments{7} = {... 619 [154.966 155.144; 551.639 551.855], ... 620 [88.774 89.167; 107.999 107.999; 109.999 109.999; 110.999 110.999; 112.999 112.999; 113.999 113.999; 114.999 114.999; 119.999 119.999; 121.999 121.999; 124.223 125.465; 137.011 138.871], ... 621 [81.627 82.136; 377.953 381.046], ... 622 [241.136 242.171; 543.849 544.196; 596.639 598.553; 600.227 601.075; 603.999 603.999; 605.999 605.999; 609.999 609.999; 611.305 612.809; 614.999 614.999; 615.803 616.937; 623.694 625.877; 653.999 653.999; 655.055 655.756; 663.999 663.999], ... 623 [68.852 69.481; 74.034 75.200; 78.426 78.600; 104.497 105.963; 253.951 254.034; 256.964 257.038; 257.915 258.048; 323.254 324.156; 365.880 368.131; 369.952 370.060; 371.728 372.999; 430.931 431.965; 535.521 542.999], ... 624 [70.271 71.205; 94.441 96.445; 98.613 99.126; 112.318 112.749; 131.686 132.265; 148.935 150.615; 161.120 161.600; 205.325 208.214; 215.035 215.863; 217.403 218.818; 286.178 287.171; 399.075 404.853]}; 625 BadSegments{8} = {... 626 [238.505 238.546; 256.354 257.224; 316.116 316.167; 341.519 341.558; 356.493 356.566; 380.095 380.170; 391.906 392.048; 448.457 448.562; 469.931 470.028; 530.488 530.575; 555.180 558.136; 562.152 562.245; 588.403 588.502; 625.205 625.662; 638.019 638.438; 649.982 650.008; 650.691 651.357; 651.925 652.061; 665.445 665.472; 695.923 696.015; 706.528 706.720; 729.706 732.534], ... 627 [99.546 106.114; 113.245 114.199; 150.885 154.989; 277.486 278.075; 333.645 335.574; 339.358 340.646; 371.860 375.394; 497.459 499.156], ... 628 [49.008 50.205; 231.446 233.406; 329.590 329.659; 355.101 356.019; 360.733 360.973; 372.955 374.891; 389.283 392.068; 453.610 455.431; 464.632 465.265; 489.209 489.996; 514.777 515.295], ... 629 [178.368 179.232; 293.865 294.521; 418.252 418.314; 450.124 450.209; 480.236 480.445; 492.725 493.975; 495.170 497.624; 500.382 500.459; 504.247 504.402; 628.017 628.079; 628.827 628.905; 630.209 630.332], ... 630 [100.616 101.172; 107.691 108.539; 188.814 188.875; 193.119 193.281; 207.964 208.033; 432.254 432.385; 489.834 489.911; 517.960 518.037; 518.955 519.040; 520.938 521.062; 521.945 522.037; 523.959 524.052; 525.942 526.057; 526.945 527.015; 528.958 529.059; 531.138 531.192; 531.979 532.048; 532.951 533.028; 533.962 534.024], ... 631 [135.997 137.232; 383.565 383.657; 418.763 418.955]}; 632 BadSegments{9} = {... 633 [215.107 216.187; 262.388 262.388; 287.519 287.635; 289.895 290.135; 311.999 311.999; 350.161 351.179; 526.154 527.033; 564.999 564.999; 584.935 585.059; 587.999 587.999; 601.999 601.999; 603.999 603.999; 608.999 608.999; 612.999 612.999], ... 634 [47.667 47.775; 49.172 54.681; 67.195 70.805; 78.988 80.477; 138.701 138.948; 138.727 138.727; 138.728 138.728; 138.728 138.728; 138.734 138.734; 138.734 138.734; 138.881 138.881; 138.881 138.881; 138.907 138.907; 140.993 141.093; 141.037 141.037; 141.045 141.045; 155.795 155.864; 155.822 155.822; 155.849 155.849; 168.999 168.999; 206.999 206.999; 219.999 219.999; 225.999 225.999; 226.999 226.999; 228.999 228.999; 236.999 236.999; 242.463 242.463; 242.463 242.463; 242.487 242.487; 247.999 247.999; 251.999 251.999; 252.483 252.483; 253.315 254.163; 265.999 265.999; 267.999 267.999; 272.358 272.358; 272.410 272.410; 298.999 298.999; 300.999 300.999; 314.037 314.037; 314.047 314.047; 321.813 321.813; 321.813 321.813; 321.833 321.833; 329.117 329.117; 329.117 329.117; 329.156 329.156; 346.999 346.999; 347.999 347.999; 349.320 349.320; 349.329 349.329; 352.528 355.869; 364.040 364.040; 396.278 397.420; 404.865 404.865; 407.905 407.905; 407.905 407.905; 407.954 407.954; 418.454 418.454; 418.454 418.454; 418.486 418.486; 441.999 441.999; 444.999 444.999; 447.999 447.999; 453.550 453.650; 454.931 455.055; 457.999 457.999; 479.964 480.079; 481.999 481.999; 482.949 483.073; 488.948 489.064; 511.999 511.999; 520.999 520.999; 523.999 523.999; 526.954 527.069; 533.999 533.999; 537.999 537.999], ... 635 [82.889 83.198; 206.143 207.424; 403.873 404.096; 406.790 407.485; 413.936 414.075; 415.912 416.112; 536.621 537.532], ... 636 [182.999 182.999; 182.999 182.999; 183.999 183.999; 195.999 195.999; 208.999 208.999; 209.999 209.999; 278.601 278.955; 413.913 414.067; 415.250 417.792; 419.940 420.087; 420.999 420.999; 512.999 512.999; 514.363 516.254; 521.917 522.134; 522.999 522.999; 523.915 524.101; 533.999 533.999; 538.999 538.999; 539.892 540.062; 543.999 543.999; 548.874 549.089; 549.900 550.062; 552.755 554.075; 585.999 585.999; 587.957 588.073; 588.999 588.999; 594.999 594.999; 603.971 604.056; 604.928 605.097; 615.986 618.495; 623.999 623.999], ... 637 [53.215 54.203; 164.227 168.965; 201.433 202.775; 292.973 295.889; 303.961 304.817; 309.354 311.236; 313.123 313.639; 322.547 323.017; 331.141 334.852; 356.637 356.985; 367.855 368.079; 369.995 373.459; 377.849 378.142; 406.072 407.306; 436.164 436.665; 458.033 458.905; 516.889 518.656; 517.812 518.684], ... 638 [113.945 115.225; 198.570 198.863; 264.162 264.795; 383.705 385.641; 396.477 397.064; 399.706 406.457; 452.261 453.179; 486.338 487.102; 498.869 499.579; 507.968 508.925; 546.266 547.285; 558.825 560.128]}; 639 BadSegments{10} = {... 640 [235.104 236.184; 324.272 325.028; 330.799 331.401; 541.062 541.826; 564.747 565.072], ... 641 [100.581 101.229; 285.644 285.644; 285.644 285.644; 297.979 298.033; 298.999 298.999; 300.949 301.026; 301.999 301.999; 303.999 303.999; 304.999 304.999; 306.999 306.999; 307.999 307.999; 310.999 310.999; 311.999 311.999; 313.971 314.025; 314.999 314.999; 316.995 317.035; 317.999 317.999; 319.999 319.999; 320.923 321.046; 326.971 327.048; 327.999 327.999; 329.999 329.999; 330.999 330.999; 332.974 333.028; 333.999 333.999; 335.971 336.025; 336.999 336.999; 338.973 339.035; 339.999 339.999; 341.951 342.044; 343.999 343.999; 344.964 345.033; 346.999 346.999; 347.999 347.999; 452.015 453.411; 458.735 459.776; 467.974 468.089], ... 642 [41.266 41.675; 53.905 55.240; 159.159 159.345; 220.255 220.394], ... 643 [66.751 67.190; 201.674 201.812; 294.119 295.168; 303.188 303.528; 316.992 317.037; 317.999 317.999; 317.999 317.999; 319.999 319.999; 320.980 321.042; 322.999 322.999; 325.999 325.999; 326.955 327.048; 328.999 328.999; 333.999 333.999; 334.999 334.999; 342.999 342.999; 343.999 343.999; 351.915 352.038; 352.999 352.999; 407.979 408.056; 409.999 409.999; 411.999 411.999; 415.405 416.154; 435.999 435.999; 436.962 437.046; 468.885 469.100; 469.999 469.999; 470.999 470.999; 516.210 516.357], ... 644 [105.369 106.172; 141.468 142.178; 199.008 199.818; 201.269 201.716; 352.851 353.083; 449.865 452.041; 459.508 459.802], ... 645 [229.948 230.033; 230.999 230.999; 230.999 230.999; 259.588 259.990; 343.970 345.798; 361.999 361.999; 362.970 363.046; 364.999 364.999; 366.999 366.999; 367.962 368.031; 372.521 374.179; 405.999 405.999; 409.999 409.999; 411.999 411.999; 412.999 412.999; 434.999 434.999; 435.970 436.031; 516.999 516.999; 519.999 519.999]}; 646 BadSegments{11} = {... 647 [179.045 180.225; 323.999 323.999; 323.999 323.999; 324.999 324.999; 327.978 328.025; 328.966 329.028; 330.999 330.999; 365.999 365.999; 367.999 367.999; 370.999 370.999; 371.999 371.999; 373.999 373.999; 375.965 376.042; 377.999 377.999], ... 648 [52.107 53.156; 521.077 521.155], ... 649 [65.331 66.156], ... 650 [81.579 82.143; 108.565 108.565; 108.566 108.566; 112.176 112.176; 122.377 122.377; 122.565 122.565; 213.882 213.882; 215.305 215.305; 224.851 224.851; 224.919 224.919; 255.815 255.815; 257.893 257.893; 359.952 359.952; 361.630 361.754; 370.285 370.285; 376.853 376.853; 511.600 511.600; 513.631 513.631; 513.988 513.988; 518.215 518.215], ... 651 [63.205 64.154; 170.951 171.036; 176.841 176.841; 176.842 176.842; 177.282 177.282; 223.886 223.971; 259.963 259.963; 261.547 261.547; 341.185 341.302; 368.999 368.999; 370.999 370.999; 374.999 374.999; 382.971 383.033; 383.999 383.999; 386.999 386.999; 388.958 389.035; 390.999 390.999; 391.955 392.031; 394.955 395.040; 396.999 396.999; 398.999 398.999; 400.999 400.999; 402.999 402.999; 404.963 405.033; 406.999 406.999; 429.829 429.829; 430.346 430.346; 465.184 465.184; 470.290 470.290], ... 652 [50.195 51.145; 158.850 159.012]}; 653 BadSegments{12} = {... 654 [193.435 194.175; 500.000 501.000; 08.988 509.868; 528.999 528.999; 528.999 528.999; 529.999 529.999; 531.999 531.999; 547.999 547.999], ... 655 [133.484 134.185; 134.911 135.065; 553.999 553.999; 553.999 553.999; 554.999 554.999; 557.999 557.999; 558.999 558.999; 564.999 564.999; 565.977 566.046; 568.999 568.999; 569.951 570.028; 571.999 571.999; 579.959 580.028; 580.977 581.055; 583.971 584.033; 583.999 583.999; 585.999 585.999; 586.999 586.999; 588.980 589.026; 590.999 590.999; 591.958 592.044; 595.999 595.999], ... 656 [46.028 47.216; 129.557 130.236; 200.999 200.999; 200.999 200.999; 201.975 202.075; 203.999 203.999; 204.967 205.053; 213.627 214.515; 218.958 219.044; 222.959 228.252; 309.999 309.999; 311.897 317.537; 311.999 311.999; 351.968 353.234; 399.999 399.999; 446.508 451.454; 487.999 487.999; 512.278 512.926], ... 657 [82.535 84.062; 102.247 102.355; 134.999 134.999; 134.999 134.999; 136.999 136.999; 138.973 139.042; 147.999 147.999; 148.999 148.999; 149.999 149.999; 193.999 193.999; 194.999 194.999; 224.984 226.095; 241.954 242.077; 243.948 244.087; 280.999 280.999; 281.999 281.999; 305.000 305.451; 310.945 311.068; 328.999 328.999; 352.999 352.999; 353.999 353.999; 397.025 397.411; 415.944 418.096; 415.999 415.999; 470.999 470.999; 477.971 478.041; 483.997 484.737; 492.958 493.089; 493.999 493.999; 494.999 494.999; 522.999 522.999; 523.999 523.999; 524.955 525.039], ... 658 [175.183 176.155; 246.112 246.991; 412.005 413.340; 483.915 484.061; 485.959 486.028; 497.360 498.880; 594.457 594.944; 596.641 598.006; 615.277 618.710], ... 659 [66.900 72.232; 75.510 78.688; 543.495 545.999]}; 660 BadSegments{13} = {... 661 [307.246 308.179; 627.881 628.089; 629.941 630.049], ... 662 [171.506 172.301; 172.999 172.999; 430.999 430.999; 432.999 432.999; 434.999 434.999; 448.999 448.999; 479.999 479.999; 489.999 489.999; 490.999 490.999; 491.999 491.999], ... 663 [92.059 93.209], ... 664 [52.791 53.231; 54.999 54.999; 65.985 68.138; 91.240 91.386; 92.137 92.207; 105.346 105.493; 121.120 121.398; 146.546 146.955; 194.025 197.652; 242.985 243.571; 247.101 247.556; 269.889 270.083; 270.946 271.070; 274.408 275.866; 294.565 295.267; 319.370 319.879; 365.999 365.999; 375.913 376.044; 376.869 377.055; 377.999 377.999; 390.130 393.225; 403.965 404.035; 404.953 405.075; 419.265 419.565; 427.015 427.154; 427.879 428.118; 427.999 427.999; 428.913 429.067; 480.945 482.095; 484.285 484.571; 516.929 517.099; 517.963 518.079], ... 665 [115.921 116.060; 117.999 117.999; 120.999 120.999; 126.896 127.058; 130.955 131.039; 131.957 132.043; 132.961 133.015; 134.999 134.999; 135.950 136.043; 139.999 139.999; 143.999 143.999; 144.850 145.066; 145.999 145.999; 146.999 146.999; 160.929 161.045; 161.999 161.999; 189.086 189.310; 193.939 194.063; 195.975 196.045; 199.961 200.045; 201.952 202.059; 202.939 205.084; 210.999 210.999; 211.738 213.629; 217.954 218.061; 218.987 219.049; 219.975 220.028; 258.953 259.037; 259.952 260.045; 260.963 261.032; 261.958 262.043; 262.954 263.054; 262.999 262.999; 288.999 288.999; 295.477 295.655; 298.976 299.054; 299.979 300.018; 300.975 301.005; 336.952 337.044; 337.977 338.032; 338.988 339.027; 338.999 338.999; 339.991 340.045; 340.975 341.029; 341.978 342.016; 343.976 344.054; 361.961 362.045; 365.942 366.050; 370.999 370.999; 384.961 385.045; 409.977 410.047; 415.984 416.030; 426.944 427.059; 430.999 430.999; 436.999 436.999; 448.999 448.999; 449.500 452.131; 481.962 482.055; 482.973 483.027; 484.975 485.060; 503.999 503.999; 504.999 504.999; 507.967 508.028; 508.955 509.032; 510.999 510.999; 512.999 512.999; 518.865 520.292; 522.958 523.043; 523.999 523.999; 524.948 525.034; 525.959 526.044; 526.946 527.055; 527.942 528.027; 528.961 529.053; 529.945 530.022; 535.999 535.999; 536.957 537.058; 538.967 539.036; 539.963 540.040; 541.976 542.045; 543.999 543.999; 551.956 552.034; 552.990 553.028; 553.977 554.024; 555.968 556.022; 556.204 557.454; 557.963 558.032; 559.969 560.023; 563.973 564.035; 563.999 563.999], ... 666 [87.308 87.639; 107.039 108.189; 427.943 428.035; 437.965 438.027; 439.973 440.026; 491.275 492.571]}; 667 BadSegments{14} = {... 668 [365.982 367.194; 368.999 368.999; 368.999 368.999; 369.999 369.999; 371.999 371.999; 373.999 373.999; 375.942 376.050; 376.999 376.999; 378.999 378.999; 380.999 380.999; 382.999 382.999; 383.999 383.999; 386.999 386.999; 387.999 387.999; 418.999 418.999; 444.999 444.999; 690.178 693.218], ... 669 [101.796 102.183; 218.999 218.999; 219.999 219.999; 221.999 221.999; 222.999 222.999; 227.999 227.999; 229.999 229.999; 230.999 230.999; 232.999 232.999; 233.999 233.999; 235.999 235.999; 237.999 237.999; 238.985 239.031; 240.999 240.999; 242.999 242.999; 243.999 243.999; 246.999 246.999; 247.999 247.999; 253.999 253.999; 258.999 258.999; 259.999 259.999; 260.227 261.123; 264.999 264.999; 265.999 265.999; 268.999 268.999; 269.999 269.999; 274.999 274.999; 276.999 276.999; 277.999 277.999; 280.999 280.999; 282.966 283.021; 284.999 284.999; 285.999 285.999; 360.999 360.999; 362.973 363.026; 364.999 364.999; 365.999 365.999; 367.999 367.999; 368.985 369.024; 370.999 370.999; 371.999 371.999; 378.999 378.999; 379.999 379.999; 381.999 381.999; 383.999 383.999; 385.999 385.999; 387.999 387.999; 388.999 388.999; 398.999 398.999; 415.999 415.999; 417.999 417.999; 418.999 418.999; 421.999 421.999; 422.999 422.999], ... 670 [89.285 90.187], ... 671 [85.991 87.179; 88.999 88.999; 89.999 89.999; 92.966 93.027; 93.999 93.999; 107.999 107.999; 110.999 110.999; 111.971 112.025; 118.999 118.999; 121.999 121.999; 122.999 122.999; 166.999 166.999; 168.957 169.035; 173.999 173.999; 174.999 174.999; 175.957 176.035; 198.999 198.999; 199.999 199.999; 202.999 202.999; 203.999 203.999; 205.999 205.999; 207.999 207.999; 208.999 208.999; 210.974 211.044; 211.999 211.999; 212.999 212.999; 232.984 233.023; 234.999 234.999; 235.999 235.999; 236.999 236.999; 239.958 240.044; 240.999 240.999], ... 672 [71.132 72.227], ... 673 [98.134 98.827; 110.497 110.814; 114.000 117.272; 279.999 279.999; 279.999 279.999; 280.999 280.999; 282.999 282.999; 283.999 283.999; 284.999 284.999; 286.999 286.999; 287.999 287.999; 288.999 288.999; 289.999 289.999; 291.966 292.044; 292.999 292.999; 346.999 346.999; 437.608 437.646; 518.988 519.104; 522.969 523.015; 534.999 534.999; 536.967 537.029; 562.725 563.426]}; 674 BadSegments{15} = {... 675 [66.755 67.172; 257.988 258.042; 258.714 259.385; 260.958 261.044; 265.931 266.062; 267.968 268.022; 268.978 269.033; 270.992 271.031; 272.964 273.017; 273.968 274.030; 275.975 276.059; 276.970 277.046; 288.976 289.038; 289.984 290.015; 295.994 296.025; 296.982 297.013; 300.966 301.152; 364.730 364.800], ... 676 [46.531 46.555; 65.156 66.148; 87.535 87.642; 183.896 183.934; 294.342 294.375; 330.004 330.528; 333.785 333.815; 345.177 345.203; 399.544 399.573; 480.964 480.980], ... 677 [53.557 54.175; 148.851 149.136], ... 678 [43.681 44.214; 361.255 361.587; 409.462 411.021], ... 679 [90.868 91.130; 410.935 411.044], ... 680 [64.786 65.141; 132.385 132.786; 177.735 178.252; 278.747 278.902; 313.959 314.028; 314.970 315.031]}; 681 BadSegments{16} = {... 682 [38.958 44.335; 305.280 312.826; 324.778 326.067; 393.183 398.367; 403.410 422.854], ... 683 [49.726 50.251; 58.675 65.465; 263.918 264.088; 321.795 322.195; 522.881 523.081], ... 684 [61.245 62.325; 65.628 65.905; 315.686 317.275; 335.184 336.449; 387.870 388.117; 389.892 390.062], ... 685 [56.020 57.255; 60.711 61.096; 64.353 64.924; 73.202 73.757; 76.134 76.844; 95.625 96.859; 171.436 172.625; 178.359 178.715; 212.828 213.415; 352.425 352.617; 367.755 369.097; 488.400 489.426], ... 686 [71.665 72.513; 76.347 77.181; 127.134 128.862], ... 687 [46.190 47.209; 53.461 55.752; 194.317 194.510; 213.101 213.240; 216.356 216.442; 225.962 226.286; 245.163 245.464; 252.041 253.422; 254.648 254.856; 292.966 294.340; 340.928 341.067; 346.298 346.452]}; 688 BadSeg = BadSegments{iSubj}{iRun}'; 689 end 690

Temporary files

Some processes need to create temporary files on the hard drive. For example, when epoching MEG/EEG recordings, Brainstorm would first create a temporary folder import_yymmdd_hhmmss, store all the epochs in it, then move them to the database when the epoching process is completed. The name of the temporary folder indicates its creation time (year/month/day_hour_minutes_seconds).

The default folder where Brainstorm stores its temporary files is located in the user folder ($HOME/.brainstorm/tmp/). This can be changed as explained in the introduction tutorial Create protocol.

At the end of each process, all the temporary files should be deleted automatically. However, in some cases, the process crashes or is killed before it can delete its temporary files. When starting the Brainstorm interface, users gets offered to delete the remaining temporary files. However, when running Brainstorm only from scripts, these files may never be deleted or made explicitly visible. To avoid these leftover temporary files to pile up indefinitely, it can be useful to add an explicit call to the function below, which deletes all of them.


Warning: Do not call this function in scripts that are supposed to be executed in parallel from the same user, as it might delete the temporary files from another session of Brainstorm.

Parallel processing

At the moment, Brainstorm is not capable of safely handling multiple sessions executed on the same computer, from the same user or on the same database folder. We are working on a new version of the databasing system that will support concurrent accesses. Until this is released, you should not have multiple people working at the same time with the same database, or multiple Matlab/Brainstorm instances running in parallel.

In some specific cases, however, it is possible to start multiple long processes simultaneously without much risk. For example, starting the BrainSuite MRI segmentation for multiple subjects within the same protocol can make sense. Some recommendations to run this safely:

Note that parallel processing does not always improve global performances. Many Matlab functions are already optimized to distribute their computation load over multiple CPUs. Running these in parallel from multiple instances of Matlab could be slower and less efficient in terms of memory usage, than running them sequentially from the same instance. Before deciding on running tasks in parallel, unless they are clearly not optimized to work on multiple cores (e.g. FreeSurfer segmentation), you should always run some tests to make sure it improves the global computation time.

Running scripts on a cluster

With Matlab

Matlab, including the toolboxes you need, needs to be installed on the server and a Brainstorm version needs to be located on the server. Start Brainstorm with the command "brainstorm server".

For the database: the folder "brainstorm_db" needs to be registered at the beginning of the script. You can either upload a protocol folder from your local computer, or create an empty brainstorm_db folder and a new protocol on the distance server. At the end of this initialization phase, you need to have something like the structure below:

Your processing script could start with some of the elements below, depending on what you need:

% Start Brainstorm
cd /home/user/brainstorm3;
if ~brainstorm('status')
    brainstorm server

% Path to a Brainstorm database (= a folder that contains one or more Brainstorm protocols)
BrainstormDbDir = '/home/user/brainstorm_db';

% Load a new uploaded database (sets BrainstormDbDir and load all the protocols it contains)

% Alternative: Set the Brainstorm DB folder
% (defines where the new protocols are going to be created, but does not load anything)
bst_set('BrainstormDbDir', BrainstormDbDir);

% Get the protocol index of an existing protocol (already loaded previously in Brainstorm)
iProtocol = bst_get('Protocol', ProtocolName);

% Create a new protocol if needed
if isempty(iProtocol)
    UseDefaultAnat = 0;
    UseDefaultChannel = 0;
    gui_brainstorm('CreateProtocol', ProtocolName, UseDefaultAnat, UseDefaultChannel);

% Delete an existing protocol
gui_brainstorm('DeleteProtocol', ProtocolName);

Execution: You should check that there is a Matlab license available on the server, and that RAM and disk quotas are large enough for the data you will create while processing. The Matlab version might differ from the version installed on your local computer or toolboxes might be missing, causing some errors.

A Brainstorm script can be executed either directly (it needs to start Brainstorm itself, like in the example script above), or started using the syntax brainstorm <script.m> <parameters> (starts Brainstorm in server mode, executes the script and quit Brainstorm). See sections Starting Brainstorm and Parameters.

External Matlab call

To call a Brainstorm script directly from the command line of a terminal and avoid the graphical environment of Matlab to get started, on Linux or MacOS, you can use the syntax:

matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('/path/to/script.m');"

Without Matlab

Brainstorm scripts can also be executed from the compiled version of Brainstorm, therefore not requiring a Matlab license, only the installation of the free MATLAB Runtime (see installation instructions, section "without Matlab"). Add the full path to the script and the parameters to the command line:

In this configuration, Brainstorm is started using the command brainstorm server and then the script is executed. Therefore, your script should not start brainstorm again: remove the line "brainstorm server" from the example script in the section above.

In this configuration, the Matlab Runtime is not allowed to compile and execute .m scripts as a regular Matlab installation would. To work around this limitation, Brainstorm reads the script.m file and executes its contents with the Matlab eval function. Therefore this approach does not support the definition of functions or classes within the script.m. The compiled version of Brainstorm can only run code that can be executed from the Matlab Command Window. If you need more flexibility, you need to recompile a modified version of Brainstorm including your custom code (see below).


The syntax of the script changes depending on the input parameters it accepts from the command line.

No extra parameters

The .m file must have the structure of a simple script, with no additional function definition.

Example script.m:

disp(['SCRIPT> Script start.']);
sStudy = bst_get('Study');
disp(['SCRIPT> Current study path: ' sStudy.FileName 10]);

Execution from the command line:

>> brainstorm 'C:\Users\franc\Downloads\GetStudyPath.m'

BST> Starting Brainstorm:
BST> =================================
BST> Version: 15-Jun-2022
BST> Deleting old process reports...
BST> Loading configuration file...
BST> Reading process folder...
BST> Loading current protocol...
BST> =================================

SCRIPT> Script start.
SCRIPT> Current study path: Subject01/S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz_notch/brainstormstudy.mat

BST> Emptying temporary directory...
BST> Brainstorm stopped.

Extra command line parameters

The .m file must declare a function on its first line. The number and names of parameters are parsed by Brainstorm from this first line, matched with the parameters passed from the command line, then the first line is removed and the rest of the code is executed with eval. Avoid including the "end" statement for the function, as it would result in more work to identify and remove it from the code. No other functions, sub-functions or classes can be declared in the same .m file.

Note that parameters are received as char arrays in the code: if you are expecting to pass numerical values, then the values must be parsed from the string (eg. with str2num).

Example script.m:

function GetStudyPath(iStudy)

disp([10 'SCRIPT> Script start.']);
sStudy = bst_get('Study', str2num(iStudy));
disp(['SCRIPT> Study path: ' sStudy.FileName 10]);

Execution from the command line:

>> brainstorm 'C:\Users\franc\Downloads\GetStudyPath.m' 1

BST> Starting Brainstorm:
BST> =================================
BST> Version: 15-Jun-2022
BST> Deleting old process reports...
BST> Loading configuration file...
BST> Reading process folder...
BST> Loading current protocol...
BST> =================================

WARNING: This file is a function, trying to convert to a script...

SCRIPT> Script start.
SCRIPT> Study path: Test/@default_study/brainstormstudy.mat

BST> Emptying temporary directory...
BST> Brainstorm stopped.

Send report by email

When running some long computation on a distant server, it can be convenient to receive an email when the processing is over. Two solutions for sending yourself an email from Brainstorm: from the pipeline editor, or directly from a script.

Use the process File > Send report by email to send the current execution report:

Alternatively, use one of the following options (isFullReport can be set to 0 or 1):

% At the end of your script
ReportFile = bst_report('Save', sFiles);
bst_report('Email', ReportFile, username, to, subject, isFullReport);

% Anywhere in your script
bst_report('Email', 'current', username, to, subject, isFullReport);

How to compile Brainstorm

Brainstorm can be compiled as a JAR application using the function bst_compile.m. You would need this in order to execute without Matlab a modified version of Brainstorm.

Software requirements:

To compile Brainstorm, run from the command line:

Additional documentation

Feedback: Comments, bug reports, suggestions, questions
Email address (if you expect an answer):

Tutorials/Scripting (last edited 2024-06-17 21:59:30 by RaymundoCassani)