Brainstorm workshop survey: Orlando 2014
Selected comments from attendees
"THANKS - it was a great workshop"
"Well paced, questions answered clearly"
"Very good workshop, lots of info"
"A little fast for me at times, but Beth was super helpful in getting me back on track"
Survey results
Number of participants: 35
Number of returned documents: 13 (37%)
Link to the pdf document.
- Before today's class, how would you describe your use of Brainstorm:
Never used: 54%
- Some simulation work: 8%
- Some experimental work: 38%
- Experienced user: 0%
- How helpful was the class in learning Brainstorm: 1(worst) to 5(best)
- 1: 0%
- 2: 0%
- 3: 0%
4: 77%
5: 23%
- Did you try the online tutorial before coming to class:
- Yes: 62%
- No: 31%
- N/A: 8%
- Interested in using Brainstorm for:
- EEG: 77%
- MEG: 77%
- MEG+EEG: 54%
- NIRS: 0%
- sEEG/ECoG: 8%
- Scripting: 23%
- Pre-processing: 46%
- Visualization of recordings: 53%
- Source analysis: 69%
- Time-frequency: 54%
- Functional connectivity: 46%
- Statistics: 38%
- Research: 85%
- Clinical applications: 38%
- Epilepsy: 46%
- Baby / infant studies: 0%
Comments and suggestions
The number indicates the number of participants who made similar comments.
Comments about the workshop
Good pace and clarity: 6
Too fast in the afternoon: 4
Missing topics and requests
- Import own results and use Brainstorm just for display: 1
- Explain better the dataset used for the workshop: 1
- More on group analysis: 1
- More on basic ERP analysis: 1
Less on connectivity & time-frequency: 1
- Loading own ROIs: 1
Missing tools in Brainstorm
- Beamformers: 2
- Dipole fitting: 1
- Statistics: 1
- Multi-variate pattern analysis: 1
Technical issues
Out of memory while importing anatomy: 7
Windows PC with no admin rights: 3
- Function fminsearch missing in Matlab: 1
- Forgot a few times to explain how to get back to initial state before new analysis
Results analysis
Results encoding
- 1=Never used, 2=Some simulation work, 3=Some experimental work, 4=Experienced user, 0=NA
- How helpful: 1(worst) to 5(best), 0=N/A
- Online tutorials before coming: 1=No, 2=Yes, 0=N/A
Results values
- 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 3 1
- 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4
- 0 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2