About the measure of TF map


I'm wondering whether the measure of TF map (especially the "coefficient") in Brainstorm has some relationship with a "coherence definition" that I found in a reference paper (the following screenshot).

Since my research has something to do with frequency information, I need to make clear how do you measure TF map in Brainstorm. Any reference paper of your works would help a lot !

In Brainstorm, for a time series x(t), its TF map is a complex representations, let's call it X(t,f), this TF representation can be aggregated over the time axis, to obtain a complex spectral representation X(f).

The coefficient of a complex TF map, X(t,f), (or of a complex spectrum X(f)) is the magnitude of it abs(X).

Now, with respect to coherence, as you can see in the connectivity tutorial, the complex coherence between signals x and y, this is to say C_xy(f) is computed from the cross-spectra S_xy(f) between those signals, and their respective power spectrum S_xx(f) and Syy(f). Finally, S_xx(f) is equal to the square of the coefficient (magnitude) of the complex spectra of X:

S_xx(f) = |X(f)|^2


A post would be very short to go through all the details on these topics, you can check these reference (one is a shameless own work) for further information.