Helo, I am workin with NIRS in Brasil. In my experiment we made fNIRS in a group of 23 healthy babies and other group of 38 babies with a specific disease. Each baby was evaluated in 4 types of hearing stimuli (4 conditions). I would like to know if it is already possible to create a protocol with two groups (cases and controls). My subjects must be linked to their corresponding group, so I would need to create a "sub-folder" before creating the subjects with their respective conditions. I read in a previous topic (2017) that was not possible and I´m wondering if it is now. Thank you!
Helo, I am workin with NIRS in Brasil. In my experiment we made fNIRS in a group of 23 healthy babies and other group of 38 babies with a specific disease. Each baby was evaluated in 4 types of hearing stimuli (4 conditions). I would like to know if now it is possible to create a protocol with two groups (cases and controls). My subjects must be linked to their corresponding group, so I would need to create a "sub-folder" before creating the subjects with their respective conditions. It's possible? Could you help me? Thank you!
Gabriela Cintra
Dear Gabriela,
No, the current database structure does not allow any additional sub-level of classification for the subjects or the experimental conditions. There are only two possible levels of organization in a protocol: the subject folder and one level of sub-folder within each subject. This might be improved in the future, but for now you need to find a way to organize your database with this limitation.
For example, you could add a letter at the beginning of the subject name to indicate to group it belongs. All you subject from both groups would be listed at the same level, but it would be easy to select only one group of subjects, either interactively (shift+click) or from a selection process.
Dear François,
I will do that! Thank you for your answer!
Hello Francois,
There has not been an update to the possible structure of databases from this thread, correct? Our group does longitudinal studies (Pre, Post, Follow up) with multiple conditions each. We are wondering if it is possible have multiple levels of subfolders resembling Subject #-->Time point-->Condition type. Please let me know if this has been made possible since this thread was created; I do not see anything in the release notes but wanted to make sure.
I appreciate the help.
We are currently working on a new database system which will allow sub-folders.
This is still under development and will not be released before next year.
For the moment, you still need to organize your data differently.
For example: folder=timepoint, trial group=condition
Or: Folder=timepoint_condition