Hello Dears
I made epochs from "standard" and "deviant" events and would like to make an average on specific EEG electrodes (like clustering), not all of them. I have no head model and in this stage I don't need source estimation. would you please help me to find the right way ?
Thank you so much Francois for your guidance
I'm using EGI GSN Hydrocel 256 E1 cap as default EEG cap, would you please help me to find CZ electrode number in this cap?
In order to calculate difference and t-test analysis on standard and deviant auditory stimuli, how can I access to amplitude and latency of some ERP components? because I could only visualize it as time series not as quantitative values.
EGI GSN Hydrocel 256 E1 cap as default EEG cap, would you please help me to find CZ electrode number in this cap?
If Cz is the reference, you don't have it in your recordings, pick some other electrode nearby.
This cap is well documented online, search for information with google, example:
In order to calculate difference and t-test analysis on standard and deviant auditory stimuli, how can I access to amplitude and latency of some ERP components? because I could only visualize it as time series not as quantitative values.
You can use the process "Extract > Find maximum in time" to get the peak amplitude OR latency at over a short time window.
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