Calculate alfa power after ICA analysis

I want to calculate the alfa power after the ICA analysis, but I don't know which function in Brainstorm I can use. I already performed a fitting oscillations and one-over-F (FOOF) -> frequency -> FOOF -> run (steps I did). Is it correct to calculate the alfa power or do I have to try something else to get my alfa power value? Can someone help me out?

You should first look into this tutorial which shows you how to calculate power spectral density (PSD) which can be used to calculate the power at the alpha band. The screenshots below should help you to do this too. Each screenshot is a step to get the power at specific frequency bands.

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I did this before, but i want to know what the surface is of that area. is there not a function to get the exact area. it would be useful because I would have to compare this area between different participants

I am not sure if you can calculate the area under curve (AUC) using Brainstorm but you can certainly do this after you export the data into Matlab and using " trapz" see below. You probably can't use "integral" as that requires a functional expression for the data. Thus, an approximation using trapz would be better suited.