Compare source between hemisphere


I'm considering comparing the source differences between left and right hemisphere within same experimental condition and same time window, using paired t-test. (for example, brain activation of left insular VS activation of right insular)

I referred to official tutorials, but that was comparing between different experimental conditions. (different with my task design; my design only has 1 condition)

And I also referred to this topic (Comparing two hemispheres) , but I don't understand the steps.

Is there anyone who can help me with the analyzing steps?

You can do that by using Scouts:

  1. Create scouts for the regions that you want to study: RegionA and RegionB

  2. On the source files for each trial, use the process Extract > Scout time series to extract the time series for the RegionA scout

  3. Repeat step 2 for RegionB

  4. At this point you should have a 2 matrix files for each trial, one with the time series for scout RegionA and one for the scout RegionB. And you can run the paired t-test as indicated in the Statistics tutorial:
