Dear all,
I would like to have some advices on the use of the connectivity tool.
After obtaining the source maps I created a few (self-made) scouts according to my significant activations. The scouts were: rDLPFC, SMA and PPC.
Then, I run the “downsample to scouts” tool and run the bivariate granger causality NxN to get how the above scouts are causally linked.
The results are nice but I wondered this could be due just to the fact that I put only the scouts of interest according to my results.
I also tried to run it on the whole Desikan-Killiany atlas but results are quite hard to interpret.
My questions are:
1)Did I follow the right procedure?
2)Is there a minimum of scouts to use in order to get good results?Do I need to (randomly?) add some additional scouts?
3)What about the Maximum Granger Order model value?May I just leave the default value?
4)How should I describe the connectivity procedure in my paper? How can I report connectivity results and figures in my paper?Is there some recent paper that used the connectivity analysis on brainstorm ?
Thank you very much