Create clusters using script

The process "Extract clusters time series" does not accept two inputs (= it is not available from the Process2 tab). I'd recommend you always generate your script calls to bst_process with the menu "Generate .m script" of the Pipeline editor window.

I also recommend you copy the clusters to all the folders you need with db_set_clusters.m and then refer to them only with their labels in your scripts. See this new features described here:

You script calls should look like this:

sFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_extract_cluster', sFiles, [], ...
    'timewindow',  [], ...
    'clusters',    {'A', 'B'}, ...
    'concatenate', 0, ...
    'save',        1);

Is there a way to run this same script instead on the subject-averaged files (10 files / 12 files) to get the mean clusters this way

Yes, you can call this process on all the subject-level averages.
To get one matrix file in output for each average (e.g. for computing statistics): you can call the process only once with sFiles including all the files from both groups and the option concatenate=0.
To get one matrix file for each condition, with all the individual subjects concatenated: you need to call the process twice, once for each group, with concatenate=1.

plus the standard deviation?

Is this really the standard deviation across electrodes, that you are interested in? Or across subjects?