I am currently utilizing the DBA tutorial for calculating sources within deep cerebral structures. I am curious if there's a method to export the time series data of sub-cortical regions once the source estimation is completed. I aim to conduct source estimation of these sub-cortical regions and utilize their time series data for further analysis with a technique we're developing. Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
I have a similar question. For instance, I can see that the DKT atlas has pre-defined sub-regions. But I cannot see a way to extract the time series of these sub-regions without manually selecting the relevant scouts manually.
Is selecting the sub-regions also possible through scripting? This funuctionality would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, the same scouts in the GUI are available in the process Extract > Scout time series.
Be sure that you are working with the same Source file and that the same Atlas is selected.
In your screenshot the atlas name starts with From volume: ... which suggest that your source space is the cortical surface. Please note that create surface atlases from volume anatomical parcellations is not advised. See the exchange in this other thread:
Thank you for your helpful comments. Just to confirm, if I want to extract the scouts on the occipital region, I would have to manually define the scouts within the region as follows, and cannot extract the regions (eg. parietal, occipital etc) automatically?