Depth electrodes for simultaneous macro and micro contact recordings


Would it be possible to implement to the Brainstrom the electrode models designed for simultaneous macro and micro recordings?

For example, the model BF08R-SP21X-0B0 from Ad-Tech has different spacings between the contacts based on the contact position. Here the spacing between the 1st and the 2nd contacts is 3 mm, as opposed to 5.5 mm for the rest of the contact spacings across the electrode.

And also, would there be a way to explicitly mark the length between the tip of the electrode and the micro wires? For example, the wire bundle WB09R-SP00X-014 can extend up to 2 cm past the tip. An explicit micro implementation such as « Micro wire length past the tip: .. mm. » where we can set the length and visualise the distance past the tip over MRI 3D/MRI VIEWER could be useful for anatomical reference purposes.

You can see the specification sheet for the mentioned models on the attach file.


Hi @kayirici,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

This is currently in our pipeline for development.

Currently, there is no such way to handle that. But we will look into it and get back. Thank you for sharing this.