Error Importing Electrode Model in the Epilepsy Tutorial

I am working on the following tutorial:
When I attempt to import the position of the electrodes I get the following error in the command window:

Error using in_fopen_4d (line 50)
Error reading 4D/Bti recordings: No config file.

If you are trying to read recordings from another acquisition system,
please select the appropriate file format in the "Open file" dialog window.

Error in in_fopen (line 77)
** [sFile, ChannelMat] = in_fopen_4d(DataFile, ImportOptions);**

Error in import_channel (line 118)
** [sFile, ChannelMat] = in_fopen(ChannelFile, FileFormat, ImportOptions);**

Error in channel_add_loc (line 57)
** [LocChannelMat, ChannelFile, FileFormat] = import_channel(iStudies, [], [], 0, 0, 0, isFixUnits, isApplyVox2ras);**

Error in tree_callbacks>@(h,ev)channel_add_loc(iAllStudies,[],1) (line 2652)
** gui_component('MenuItem', jMenu, [], 'Import from file', IconLoader.ICON_CHANNEL, [], @(h,ev)channel_add_loc(iAllStudies, [], 1));**
while the Loading window runs for a long time

I downloaded the dataset from the website and I followed the steps accurately before this step
Is this something related to the dataset?

Hi Mahmoudt,

I think your problem is related to the problem discussed and solved in the following thread:

Kind regards,

Edit: I see indeed from the error that it expects a 4D/Bti file, though you will have to tell it is a ANT ASA file in the open file dialog :slight_smile:

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Follow carefully every instruction of the tutorial, including the selection of the file formats.

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