Error in loading volume scout

Dear Francois and all,
I am sorry to bother you. I imported MRI with anatomy folders using FreeSurfer and estimated the sources on a volume grid according to the tutorial: []. The files in the database explorer are as following:

Once I get the sources, I open the figure showing cortical activations on 3D MRI and try to load volume atlases from subject anatomy or in subject space. The operation process is shown as follows.
However, either way, the following error will be reported:
Do you know what I am doing wrong?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Liu Xinyan

Dear Francois and all,
I tried to load atlas with brainstorm version 20201122, and it works now.
Liu Xinyan

Some recent updates used the double quotes " instead of the simple quotes '.
New versions of MATLAB interpret this as a string object, but the older versions make the parser crash.
I fixed the code:

Please update Brainstorm and try again.

@Anand_Joshi FYI

Thank you, Francois. What you and your team have done is amazing. Thanks for what you has done again.