Hi all,
I meet an error when I import my EEG data (.set from EEGlab). My data is collected via ANT waveguard 64-electrode scalp. After adding EEG positions (colin27>>ANT>>ANT waveguard 64-electrode duke), I want to check the MRI registration of these electrodes; there is an error occurring, and I cannot plot any plots of the visualization of my electrodes on the head.
Ps. My matlab is 2020a, and the brainstorm version is 21-jun-2023.
> Error using strfind
> PATTERN must be a string scalar or character vector.
> Error in contains (line 88)
> tf = ~cellfun(@isempty, strfind(s, pattern));
> Error in matlab.ui.internal.prepareFigureFor
> Error in zoom (line 242)
> matlab.ui.internal.prepareFigureFor(f, mfilename('fullpath'));
> Error in figure_3d>CreateFigure (line 113)
> z = zoom(hFig);
> Error in figure_3d (line 46)
> eval(macro_method);
> Error in bst_figures>CreateFigure (line 174)
> hFig = figure_3d('CreateFigure', FigureId);
> Error in bst_figures (line 59)
> eval(macro_method);
> Error in view_surface (line 113)
> [hFig, iFig, isNewFig] = bst_figures('CreateFigure', iDS, FigureId, 'AlwaysCreate');
> Error in channel_align_manual (line 116)
> hFig = view_surface(SurfaceFile, SurfAlpha, [], 'NewFigure');
> Error in tree_callbacks>@(h,ev)channel_align_manual(filenameRelative,DisplayModReg{iMod},0) (line 933)
> gui_component('MenuItem', jMenuAlign, [], [strType 'Check'], IconLoader.ICON_ALIGN_CHANNELS, [], @(h,ev)channel_align_manual(filenameRelative, DisplayModReg{iMod}, 0));