Error on macOS: mexmaci64 file cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified

On macOS, you may get errors when trying to use mex files (e.g. when running SPM normalization). See this Fieldtrip FAQ post for a solution.

If there are other solutions, please share!

This was documented before:

I had a section about it on the Installation page, but only for starting the compiled version of Brainstorm.
I will had the links to the SPM and FieldTrip bug pages somewhere else.

@Marc.Lalancette Let me know if you think there are other basic features that could lead to this error, so I can add this section in other parts of the documentation.

On all the newer versions of MacOS, this might happen for all the MEX files.
For example, with permutation tests:

Go to the system configuration for "Security and privacy" and click Allow anyway.

Or follow the instructions from the FieldTrip or SPM websites: