Error: unable to delete files in /tmp folder

Dear Francois and Brainstorm users,

I keep receiving the following error:
"Error: Could not delete folder /tmp/charm_230505_120810" and all its subfolders.

I have changed the temporary folder as described under this link: (.brainstorm/tmp/ Disc Quota Problem) to a folder with a lot more storage.

Additionally I have allowed permissions in the terminal with "chmod u+x" before opening brainstorm.

Do you have any idea, what could be the issue here?

Thank you in advance,
Daniela Rodriguez

Hi Daniela,

This is only to allow brainstorm to be executed

Could it be that brainstorm was ran by other user who uses the same temporary folder?

Identify the permissions and owner of the folder (and its files) that cannot be deleted, in the terminal:
ls /tmp/charm_230505_120810 -Ral

It's likely that you don't have permissions to delete them
