I'm using Brainstorm for SEEG electrode localization. I have raw T1w, CT, and SEEG data as input. However, I encountered some normalization-related errors when adding parcellation.
The localization procedure is as follows:
Import MRI and do CAT12 segmentation (it seems that normalization is automatically done during this process)
Import CT and co-register it to MRI using ct2mrireg
Locate all electrodes
Here is the result tree and the parcellation option (I choose AAL3 as an example here):
@const, as you have noticed, the issue is the type or normalization.
By using non-linear normalization: there is a transformation for each voxel in the individual brain to the MNI space, and that transformation is independent of the other voxels transformations.
The error that you get, happens as the MNI atlas (AAL3 in this case) has (MNI) voxels for which there is not a transformation subject space <--> MNI space. Thus it is not possible to find what is the subject voxel for those MNI voxels. When using a linear normalization method it is possible, as the transformation is the same for all the voxels.
@chinmay.chinara Sorry, I may not allowed to share it due to privacy reasons since it's clinic data. But I found another post that followed the official tutorial and got the same error here (Error trying to use AAL3), which might be helpful.
And here are some environment-related information:
=== Brainstorm ===
Version: 3.240808
Release: 240808
Variant: souce
Plugins: cat12 ct2mrireg fieldtrip* spm12*
SPM version: SPM12 (7771)
CAT12 version: 2577 (read from Brainstorm)
BrainSuite version: BrainSuite23a (build #4199)
ct2mrireg version: 14-Aug-2024 (read from Brainstorm)
=== Brainstorm directories ===
*** Directory paths may contain sensitive information, check before sharing ***
Brainstorm : D:\OneDrive\Documents\MATLAB\brainstorm3
DataBase : D:\OneDrive\working_data\sEEG_data\brainstorm
Bst_User : C:\Users\kun\.brainstorm
Temporary : C:\Users\kun\.brainstorm\tmp
=== Matlab ===
Matlab version: R2021b (9.11)
Java version: 1.8
=== System ===
OS name: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro (10.0.22631 N/A Build 22631)
OS type: win64
Mem total: 97942 MiB
Mem avail: 78301 MiB
@Raymundo.Cassani Thanks for your explanation. I still don't quite understand why some voxels fail to find a corresponding mapping, and whether this is a common issue.
Additionally, I would like to ask if the linear/non-linear normalization is solely influenced by the normalization operation in brainstorm? (Because this issue has never occurred with the previous ten or so subjects, where I used direct SPM register & reslice for co-registration. This is the first time I've tried using ct2mrireg for co-registration, so I'm not sure whether it's induced by my procedure or data or something else).
Finally, are there any other solutions besides switching to linear transformation?