Error when running CT2MRI

Hi, I had a problem when running CT2MRI.
I loaded MRI and CT following the instruction of the tutorial.
When I did run CT2MRI function from the CT, I got the following error message.

Please give any help to solve it.


@Anand_Joshi @chinmay.chinara
Can you take a look to this?

@Jeongsik would it be possible to share the MRI and CT files so that we can look into it further ?

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The error shows that there is possibly error in the file header. The header needs to be fixed. If the error persists, you can read and save the file in brainsuite, for example, to fix header issues.

Thanks for your helps.

Our CT data is basically lower contrast distribution compared to those of tutorial data.
So, I first converted CT dicom to nifti using dcm2nii tool. Then, I adjusted the lower brightness/contrast using ImageJ. The error came from the finally modified image.

After submitted this issue, I have tested some trials (using some kinds of dcm2nii converters).
Finally, I did success to run ct2mri process.

I guess the CT2MRI process can be failed according to dcm2nii converter and image processing tools I use.