Error with Envelop Correlation NxN using the Hilbert Transform

I was trying to calculate the Envelop Correlation using the Hilbert Transform and this error has occurred (see the screenshot); the problem is that for some subject i managed to calculate it, while for some others i can't, but I cant't see any difference between thees subjects. I also calculated the PLV and the wPLI for the same subject without any problem.
In addiction, for the subjects that doesn't allow me to calculate the Envelope Correlation, i tried to use the Morlet Wavelets instead of the Hilbert Trasform, and in this way the error didn't occurred.
I hope you can help me.


Is it the same frequency bands definition when setting the parameters for the Hilbert transform for all these subjects?

Please share a screenshot of the definition of frequency bands for a Subject in which the error is produced

Yes, is the same frequency bands definition for all these subjects;
In the screenshot are shown all the seven frequency bands

If frequency bands are the same. Is there any difference in the sampling rate between subjects?

No, the settings are the same